Hanbange 3.0 - (C) Breadu Soft 2003

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�� They made a statue of us ��


�� And put it on a mountaintop ��


�� Now tourists come and stare at us ��


�� Blow bubbles with their gum ��


�� Take photographs offun ��


�� Have fun ��


�� They'll name a city after us ��


�� And later say it's all our fault ��


�� Then they'll give us a talking to ��


�� 'Cause they've got years of experience ��


�� Living in a den of thieves ��


�� Rummaging for answers in the pages ��


�� Living in a den of thieves ��


�� And it's contagious ��


�� And it's contagious ��




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- P.M.S.(���� �� ���ı�)?
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�� �غ�, �� �Ű澲�� ����


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�� Driving in your car ��


�� Oh, please don't drop me home ��


Smiths ����?




- ���� Smiths �����ؿ�
- �������?


���� Smiths �����Ѵٰ���


���� ������ �����׿�


- Smiths �����ؿ�?
- ��


�� To die by your side is
such a heavenly way to die ��


�ʹ� �����ؿ�


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���� �� �帱���?


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- ���� ����?
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�� She's like the wind ��


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�̰� ���� ��?


�̾��ѵ�, ����?


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��, "�ȳ��ϼ���" ��ſ�
"�ȳ�" �׷��ٰ�?


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�˾Ҿ��, �����ٰԿ�




�� Good times for a change ��


�� See, the luck I've had ��


�� Can make a good man turn bad ��


�� So, please, please, please ��


�� Let me, let me, let me ��


�� Let me get what I want ��


��·�� ������
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- ��?
- ��� ��ü�� �� ���ٰ�



�� Just like every cowboy ��


�� Sings a sad, sad song ��


�� Every rose has its thorn ��


- �ȳ�
- �ȳ��ϼ���


- �� �´ٰ� ������µ�
- ������ ����þ�����..


�뷡 ���� �� �ϳ�


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- ����? ���� ��?


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ó�� �غ��� �Ŵϱ� ��� ������




- ������
- ������




�� I got some troubles
but they won't last ��


�� I'm gonna lay right down
here in the grass ��


�� And pretty soon
all my troubles will pass ��


�� 'Cause I'm in Su-Su-Su ��


�� Su-Su-Su ��


�� Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su ��


�� Sugar Town ��


- �� ���� �׷����
- �׷� �� ���Ҿ�


- �ȳ��ϼ���
- �ȳ��ϼ���


����, ���� ���� ���� �� ���������


���� ���� �帱��, ���ǰų� ��..


- �����ƿ�
- �����ƿ�?


- ���.. ����߾��, �뷡 ������
- ��������


"Born To Run"�� �θ��� �;��µ�
�� �뷡�� ���ٰ� �ϴ������


- ��"Born To Run." �����ϴµ�
- ������


- ���� ������ ����̿���
- ������?


�ű⼭ �ڶ����
12�춧 �̻��߰���


������ �̸��� ��������ƾ�� �̸��� �����µ�
(Bruce Springsteen-������ ��� ����)


�̸��� ������?




- ��
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����ģ�� �־��?


- �����
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- �׷���?




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�۽�, ���ʵ� ����� �� ���ݾƿ�, �ƴϿ���?


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����, ���� �뷡 �θ� ��� ������?


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- �� ���� �뷡�θ� ��ŭ �� ����..
- ���ٴ�!


�� outside there's a boxcar waiting ��


�� Outside the family stew ��


�� out by the fire breathing ��


�� Outside we wait
till our face turns blue ��


�� I know the nervous walking ��


�� I know the dirty beard
ha-ha-hangs ��


�� Out by the boxcarwaiting ��


�� Take me away
to nowhere plains ��


�� There is a wait so long ��
�� So long, so long ��


�� There is a wait so long ��


�� Here comes your man ��


�� �θ��׿�!
�� Here comes your man ��


�� Here comes your man ��


- �ƴϿ���?
- �װ� �Ƴ��


- �׷� ������?
- �𸣰ڴµ�, �װ�..


- �Ͽ�ư �װ� �ƴϿ���
- �� �ȴٴϱ��


- �� �װ� ���� �ôµ�
- �׷���!


- TV ��� �߿� �ְ���ϱ��
- �˾ƿ�


���� Z ����! �ٷ� �װ���
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- ��¥ ���Ҵµ�
- �� �������� �����س����� ���Ӱڳ�




�� And I'm proud to be an American ��


�� Where at least I know I'm free ��


�� And I'd like to entertain- ��


- �� �� ���� ���̾�
- ���� �˾�


��� �� ���־�


- ���� ��¥ ��մ�
- �׷�


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���, ��� �־��, ��


- �� �׷�?
- �� ����




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- �̵� �ְ���!
- �̾��ؿ�, �� �� �����µ�..


���� ���� �Ź� ���ϳ׿�
�� �׷���..


�뷡 �θ��� �� ���� �ֳ�..


- ����̿���?
- �׷���


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�ƴ�, ������ �� ����


�ٸ� ����




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�׷���, ���� ��������




�¾ƿ�, ģ���μ�


�׳� ģ����?


��, �װ�, ����..
�� �׷��� �����ߴ��� �ƴ�����


�¾ƿ�, �ֿ�?


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ģ���� �Ǹ� ���� �� ���Ҿ��


�׷� �Ȱ���?


�׷���, ��..


�׷���, �����̶� ����..
ģ�� �ؾ���


���ƿ�, �ߵƳ׿�


�׷�.. �� �������� ���ϱ�


- �˾Ҿ��, �� ����
- �ȳ��� ������




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- �� ���� ����?
- ��, �� ������


- ���?
- �ƴϾ�


- ����, ������ �ذẸ��?
- ��, �ƴ϶�ϱ�


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�׳� �Ը��㸸 �߾�


���ϰ� ���� �� ������, ģ����
���� �� ��ģ �ƴϳ�, ��?


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- ��
- �ʴ� �� �� ���� �Ѿư��� �̰���!


������ �϶�ϱ�!


- �ȳ��ϼ���
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- �ȳ��ϼ���, ������ �ݰ�����


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Ȥ�� ���� ��� ���..


- ��?
- �ƴϾ�, ������?


�׷�, �Ѿư�����
�ƴ�, �����ϴٰ�





�츮 ��ũ�� ���峵��


�̷�, ��ũ��� ��ũ��� �� �����̳�



�� �� ã�°ž�?


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- ������ �?


�Ƴ� �ƾ�


����? ������ �Ⱦ�?


���� �ְ���


�츮 �� ���� ����, �׷���?




��, �Ƹ޸�ĭ ���̵� �ϰڴ�


TV�� ���峵����




�� ����� �װھ�


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��, ���� ������


�ڱ⵵ ��, �丮�� �������ϱ� �翬����


���� ���� �ž�


- ��Ӹ� ��������..
- �ڱⰡ �����ϴ� ����?




��ũ�밡 ���峵��


�������, �׷���


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�ڱ� �ʹ� �ȶ���


ħ�DZ��� ���� ���� ���� �����ұ�?


�� Left behind ��


�� There goes the fear again ��


�� Let it go ��


�� There goes the fear��


�ڱ����� �� ��� ���
�ؾߵ��� �𸣰ڴµ�


�߱��� ������ �츮 ��ǿ� �־�


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�׷��� ������?




� ������� �� ��� ������
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�Ƴ�, �� �Ƴ�




�׷�, ������.. �׷�����?
õõ�� ��������




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����, �����ϰ�
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�׳� ����


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�ٵ� �׷��ž�


������, �� �Ȱž�


- �ȳ�
- �ȳ�


�� what I want you've got
and it might be hard to handle ��


�� Like the flame that burns the candle ��


�� The candle feeds the flame ��


�� Yeah, yeah
what I've got full stock ��


�� of thoughts and dreams that scatter ��


�� You're pullin' them all together ��


�� And I can't explain
oh, yeah ��


�� Well, well, you ��
- �ȳ��ϼ���


�� Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ��
- �ȳ��ϼ���


�� You make my dreams come true ��


�� Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ��
- �ȳ��ϼ���


�� Ooh-ooh ��
�� well, well, well, you ��


�� Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ��
�� oh, yeah ��


�� You make my dreams come true ��
- ��������


�� ooh-ooh, you, ooh-ooh ��
�� Yeah, oh, yeah ��


�� You ��


�� on a night when bad dreams
become a screamer ��


�� when they're messin'
with the dreamer ��


�� I can laugh it in the face ��


�� Twist and shout my way out ��


�� And wrap yourself around me ��


�� 'Cause I ain't the way you found me ��


�� And I'll never be the same
oh, yeah ��


�� Well, well, you ��


�� You make my dreams come true ��


�� ooh-ooh, you, ooh-ooh ��
�� whoa, yeah ��


�� Ooh-ooh ��
�� well, well, well, you ��


�� Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ��
�� Whoo-whoo ��


�� You make my dreams come true ��


�� ooh-ooh, you, ooh-ooh ��


�� oh-oh-oh, yeah ��
�� Ooh-ooh ��


�� Now listen to this ��


�� I'm down on my daydream ��


�� oh, that sleepwalk
should be over by now ��


�� Oh, no ��


�� Yeah, you ��


�� Yeah ��




���� ���̾�, �������� �� ��ȭ��ȣ�� �ʿ���


- �˰ھ��
- ������ ����


- �˰ھ��
- �Ȱ���?


�̰� ī�� �����ΰ���?


�׷��� ���Ӹ� �ٽ� ã�´ٴ°ž� ����


��� ���̾�


- å�̶� �ѱ� ��߰ڴ�
- ��?


� �з��� �׷��ݾ�
���ڸ� �ش� �ְ��� �����


���� ��ǰ���� ��ȭ��Ű�� �Ŷ��


�۽�, �� ���ڴ� ������
������ �ξ� ���� ������


��, �̰Ŵ�, �̰ž�!


���� �ݰ�����


�� �̹��ֿ� �ð��� �ȵǰ�
�����ִ� �?


�츮�� ģ���� ���ư�
�غ� �Ǿ��ٴ� ���̸� ���ھ�




�׷�, �װ� �¾�, �װž�


�� ����ģ���� �̰� �ΰ� ����



����̶� �� �����ϰ� ����� �� ����?


- �� �����ϰ� ���ϴ°ž�
- �Ƴ�, ��㸸 ���ݾ�


- ��� �ϴ°� �ƴ϶�ϱ�?
- "octopus's Garden"


�׷� "octopus's Garden"��
��Ʋ�� �뷡 �߿��� �ְ���


�� �ƿ� "Piggies"��� ����?


���̷�, �� ���� ��Ÿ �����Ѵ� ���̾�


- ���� ��Ÿ�� �����ϴ� ����� ����
- �׷��� �����ϴ� �ž�


�ȵ�, �ȵȴٴϱ�


��, �̰� ����


�� �� �޾Ҿ�


���ݾ�, ���� ������ �غ� �� �ְڴ�


- �� ���� ���ڰ� �߾�?
- �� �����̾���


- �� ���⿡ �� ��
- ���


�ƾ�, ��, ��, �ϳ�



�Ÿ� ���� �׷��� ������� ������


�̷��� ���� �÷��ٺ���
�� Sweet ��


�� Disposition ��


�������� �ǹ��̾�


�� �ǹ� ������ ��Ŀ�� ��������
���� ���� �����ϴ� ���డ��


�� Never ��
- ������?


�� Too soon ��


- ���� ���� �����ϴ� ���̾�
- ���Ⱑ?


���� �����ϴ� ���̾�?






�۽�, �𸣰ھ�
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��. �װ�, ����


���� ���� ������? ����


1911�⿡ �������ž�


�׸��� ���� ��Ƽ����
LA�� ù ��õ�翴��


1904�⿡ �������ž�


���� ����?




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�ڱⰡ ��?


�۽�, �� �׳�.. ����鿡�� �˸��� �;�


��� �˰� �Ұǵ�?


�𸣰ھ�, �ʹ��� ������ �ִٺ���




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- ���� �׷��޶��?
- ��


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- �ƴ�


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- ���� �ִµ�!
- �׷�?


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�� �ٸ��� ����?


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�׷���, Ȯ���� ����İ�?
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ģ�����? �� �ű��ϰ�?


��, �� �ڱ� ������
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�� ȥ�ڸ� �׷��� �����ϰ� ��� �� �Ƴ�!


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- ��?
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�ƹ��� ���Ұž�


����? �̾���


�Ƴ�, �� ����






�� You loved her
You were kissing ��


�ڱ� ��µ�?
����ģ�� �־���?


- ��������
- �׷�?


- ��
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- �Ⱦ�
- ��?


�߿��� ������ �ƴ��ݾ�


�� ���� �ִµ�


�˾Ҿ�, �� ����?


- �׷�, �� �غ� �ƾ�
- ����




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���͹鿡 ��âȸ�� ���̾���?


�ƴ�, ��Ʈ �������µ�


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�׸��� �ÿ������� �� �б� �־��� ��


�丣���� ���󵨸�


"Ǫ��"��� �ҷȾ�


- Ǫ��?
- �׷�, Ǫ��, �ֳĸ� �װ�..




- �װ� �پ�?
- �װ� �������̾�


���� ���̾���? �� ������ϰ�
�� �� �ȵȰž�?


���� �׻� ����, �λ�����


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- ��Ͻ�!
- ��Ͻ�!


��ó�� �ֵ� �־�


�ֵ� ����


- ��Ͻ�!
- ��Ͻ�!


- ��վ�?
- ��


�̰� �� Ǫ���ΰ� �ϴ� �༮�̶�
�ߴ� ����?


��, �츰 �濡�� ���� �� ���Ծ�




- �̾��ؿ�, ���� ���ı��̶�, �ƽ���?
- ��Ͻ�!


- ���ʵ� �׷��ŵ��
- ��Ͻ�!!


- ��, �ٵ� ���� ���ݾ�
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- ���Ұ���?
- ������


- �� �Ѱ���?
- ��


- �ʹ� ����
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- ����Ұ���?
- ����Ұ�








- ������ �����ϴ�
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���� ������ ����


- ��ȭ ���� ����?
- ��




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�� �Գ�?




�ڳ� ���� ���� �� �ֳ�?


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ij�������°� �ƴѵ�


���Ӱ� �׸��� �Ͱ� ���� ��� �־�?


- ������?
- �� ��


- ��
- ��, �ٵ� �� �˾�


�Ű澲�� ����


�ڳ� �θ��� �ֱ� �ڳ� �ٹ�������


�� ��������


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�����ֿ� �ڳװ� �ۼ��Ѱž�


��, "��̴� �Ӱ� ������� Ǫ����"


"���Ծ�� �ֳ��"


��κ��� �����ڵ��� �߷�Ÿ�� ���̿���


- �꽺 �� ���� �� �ذ��Ͻô� �ǰ���?
- �ƴ�, �ƴϾ�


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�ڳ״� �Ǹ��� �����


��, ��.. �˼��մϴ�


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- ��
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�׷� ���Ϸ� ������





- �ȳ�
- �ȳ�


- �ݿ��ϱ��� ī�� 20�� ��� ���� �ʾ�?
- �Ƴ� �� �߾�


�׷�? �� �� ���� �� �� �־�?
���� �λ� ���̵� ������


���� "���ߴ�","���߾�", "���غ�"


�� �� ��ŵ�


�̰� �?
"�� ���� ������ �ڶ��� �Ǿ�������"


"������ �װ� ī�带 ������"


- �װ� ����
- �˾�


"��ȥ�Ϸ��� �غ� �� �־��?"


��, �װ� �Ϻ��ѵ���, "��ȥ!"


�ѽð�° ���� �� ������ �־��


�� �׷�... �̰� ���


"�� �츮�� �����"






���Ӱ� �Ⱦ�


�׳��� �߶Ի߶��� ġ�Ƶ� �Ȱ�


60��� ��Ÿ�ϵ� �Ȱ�


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���ϱ� ���� ���� ���� �͵� �Ⱦ�


�׳��� ��Ҹ���, ���� �Ҹ��� �Ⱦ�


�� She's like the wind ��


�� �� �뷡�� �Ⱦ�!!!


�ű� ������, ������ ����



�� ���� �Ұ����� ���ϴµ�

���ϰ� �κ��� Ī���� ���� �ϴ������


- ��
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���� �� ���� �;��


��� ���б����� ������ �����ߴµ�


�װɷ� �� �ϰھ��?


- �� ���� ���� ���� ���µ� ������..
- �ٸ���




������ �ݰ������


�� �ŷ����� ���̽ŵ�


���� ���صѱ� �ϴµ�, �̰�..


- �츰 �ƹ����� �Ȱ���
- ���


�� �׳ฦ �����߾��
�� ����, ����ߴٰ���


�׳డ ��·���� �˾ƿ�?


�� �󱼿� �Ŵ��� ��ĥ�� �߾��


- ���� �״��
- ���� �״��?


�� �״�δ� �ƴϿ���
����, �����


������ ������ ������?




�� �����̿���


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�ٸ� �������δ�


�� ���ָ� ��Ʋ� �� �ູ�ϰ�
�� �� �ִ� �� �׳� ���̶� �� �˾ƿ�


- ��
- �̷� �� �־��?


�������� ���ſ� �־��� ����
�Ӹ������� ������ �ݺ��ؼ� ȸ���ϰ�


������ ¡�ĸ� ã�°ſ���


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�׳డ ����ϰ�


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�ƴϸ� �κ��̰ų�


����� �ñ���������, ��Ű


- �װ� ���� �� ����������
- �� �ϳ� ������� �ſ�?


- �׷�����
- �� ����� �ѹ��� �ٶ� �� �ǿ�����?


- �ƴ�, ������
- � ���̵� ����� �̿��� �� �־��?




�׸��� �׳డ �������
����ģ���� ������ �ʴ´ٰ� �ߴ� ������




���� ������ �����


�� Well, some things
you can explain away ��


�� But my heartache's in me
every day ��


�� Did you stand by me
No, not at all ��


�� Di- ��


����, ����!
�����ϱ� ��


���ӿ� ����� �����̶�� ����




2�� Ȩ���� ��Ÿ �ٹٶ� ��


�н��� �������̳� ������ ����մϴ�


�°������е��� ž�����ֽʽÿ�


- ����
- ����?


- �ƴ�
- �����ٴ�? ���� �Ҹ���?


- �� �ű� �Ȱ�
- �;���


�ƾ�, ��ģ�׵� ���ݾ�


�׷��� �ϰ� ���ٰ� �׷��ݾ�
�׷��� ���� ���°ǵ�


�׷��� ���� �����㿡 ��ȭ�ؼ�
�и����� �� �����ٰ� �׷���


- ����ó��
- ��, �� �ű� �ƴ� ����� ����


��¼�� ������ �ճ೪
�� �׷� ��� ���� ���� ����


- ���´�
- �߰�~ �ڱ��


�ȳ�, ��




- �� ���� �����Ƴ�����
- �׷���


���� ���̾�? Ȥ�� �и� ��ȥ�� ��?


- ���� �ű� ���µ�
- �ߵƳ�


- �ʵ� �ƴ� ����̶��� �����߾�
- ���� ���߾����ϱ�


- �׷�����
- �� �и� ������, ���� ����̾�




- ��� ���¾�?
- �� ���¾�


�����̳�, ���� ���¾��µ�
������ �ȿ��淡..


��, �׷�, �װ�.. �̾���


������ ������, ������ �ٰ�����
�ϵ� �׷���


������ �꽺 ���� ����?




�׷�, �� Ŀ�� ���DZ� �ϴµ�
Ȥ�� �ʵ�..


"�ູ�� ����"


- �׷�
- ���� å ����




- ������ �ϱ� �����ϱ�
- �Ƴ�, ��..


�׷�, Ŀ�dz� ���� ����


���� ��


�� Sweet ��


�� Disposition ��


�� Never��


�� Too soon ��


�� A moment, a love
A dream aloud ��


�� A kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs ��


- ���ִ�
- ������


- �ʵ� ���ڴ�
�� Sweet ��


�� Disposition ��






�����в� ������ �Ƴ��� �Ұ��մϴ�


�źο��� Ű���ϼ���


�� Helping the kids out of their coats ��


�� Wait, the babies haven't been born ��


�� Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh ��


�� Unpacking the bags and setting up ��


�� And planting lilacs and buttercups ��


����, �ٸ��� �� �־�?


- �� �� ���
- �ƴϾ�


- ��ٴϱ�
- �ƴϾ�


- �¾�
- �ڱ⵵ �� ���


- �� �� ���°� �¾�
- �߳��� ������


- �� �� �� �׷���
- �׻� �׷���


- �� �� �׷��ٴϱ�
- �Ƴ�


�׶� �ѹ� Ư���� �����߰�
�׻� �׷���


�׸��� �ڱ� ��ħ�� �Ͼ��
�Ӹ��� �� ��ġ�ݾ�


- ��¥ ����
- �ϰ� �� �����


��Ʋ�� �߿��� ���� ��Ÿ�� ���� ���ٰ�?




- ������ �ְ���
- ���� ��Ÿ��..




�̳༮��, �ʹ� ������


�ϰ� �� �����ž�, �Ϳ��� �༮


�Ϳ��� �༮


�� At last ��


�� My love has come along ��


�� My lonely days are over ��


�ϳ�, ��, ��


�� And life is like a song ��


- �� ���?
- �׷�




�� Oh, at last ��


�� The skies above are blue ��
- ���� ��� �� �ִµ�


�ݿ��Ͽ� ��Ƽ�� �� �Űŵ�


�츮�� ���󿡼�, ���� ������ �ִ� �� ����




- �׷�
�� For you are mine ��


�ٻ��� ������


�� At last ��
- �� �ٻܰž�


- �뷡 ���� �׷���?
- ����


�� ���� ���� �� ����


�츰 �ʵ��б� �� ������


7�г� ��, �츮 �ð�ǥ�� ���Ҿ�




���� ���� �� �¾���




�����ϳ�, �� �׷��� ����


���ڰ� ���� ���̴� ������ �׷����ݾ�


�� ������ ������ �� �������̰ŵ�




�׳�� ������ ���ߴ� ����̾�


�׷�, �츮 ȸ�� ī�忡 ���� ���ε�


�ƴ�, �ٸ� ����� ���


������������ ������ ��������


"�̻����� ����"�� �����غ���


�Ƹ� ��û�� ���̰� �����ž�, ���ݾ�


��Ÿ�ϵ� �ٸ��Ű�


�Ƹ�.. �������� �� �� ������ �����ְ���


�ٵ� ������ ���ؼ�


�κ��� �� �̻������� ����


�׳�� ��¥�ݾ�


�� He never, ever saw it coming at all ��


�� Never, ever saw it coming at all ��


���� �׳��� ����Ʈ�� �ɾ��


���� ����� ����� �Ȱ�


�� It's all right
It's all right ��
�״� �̹����� ���� ��밡


���Ƿ� �̾��� �Ŷ� �Ͼ���


�� It's all right ��


���                           ;     ����


�� Hey, open wide
Here comes original sin ��


- �Գ�
- �ȳ�


�� Hey, open wide
Here comes original sin ��
- ���ִ�




- ��Ÿ�� ���ڴ�
- �ȳ�


- �� ���¾�?
- ��, �� ���¾�?


- �׷�
�� It's all right It's all right ��


�� It's all right
lt's all right, it's all right ��


�� It's all right ��


�� No one's got it all ��
- �� �ַ��� �����Դµ�


�� No one's got it all ��
- ģ���ϱ⵵ ����


�� No one's got it all ��
- ������


�̰� �� �൵ ��?
�ʹ� ������


- ���� ������
- ������


- �о �����ϴ� ��̳�
- �׷�




�� And we're going to these meetings ��


- �� ���� ���� �� �ؿ�?
- ��, ���� ī�带 ���


���� �ڱⰡ �Ϸ����� ������
���� ������ ���డ�� �����ž�


�װ� Ư���ϳ׿�


��°�� ������ �ƴ� �ٸ� �о߷� �Ű���?


�� ������ ���� ī��ó��


������ ���ӵǴ� ������ ����� ����


� ������ ���� ���� �͵���
��ȸ���� �Ǿ���� �˾ƺ��� �;����


�� It's all right
lt's all right ��


�� It's all right
lt's all right ��


- ��? �� It's all right ��


�� No one's got it all ��
- Ȥ�� ���� �ƴ� ���̿���?


�� No one's got it all ��


�� Power to the people
We don't want it ��


�� we want pleasure
And the TVs try to rape us ��


�� And I guess that they're succeeding ��


�� And we're going to these meetings ��


�� But we're not doing any meeting ��


�� And we're trying to be faithful ��


�� But we're cheating
cheating, cheating ��


�� I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved ��


�� It's all right ��


�� It's all right
lt's all right, it's all right ��


�� It's all right
lt's all right ��


�� It's all right
lt's all right, it's all right ��


�� It's all right
lt's all right ��


�� No one's got it all ��


�� All, all ��


�� All, all ��






(441�� 1/2)


�� Hung up and bent on a stranger ��


�� Just trying to swing a full-time ride ��


�� I never knew the cold hand of danger ��


�� Till I met this one and took it inside ��


�� Now I can't get near it ��


- �ƿ� ���� ���
�� Don't want to hear it ��


�� My cover's blown ��


�� I walked in the rain like a drone ��


�� All the way to Marquette ��




�� The infinite pet ��


�� Oh, no ��


�� No, no, no, no, no ��


�� Cheaper than all your threats ��


�� No, no ��
- ����


5�п� �ѹ� �÷� ��ȭ�߾���


- ������
- ���� �� �־���?


- ���ϱ� �Ⱦ�
- �׻� ����ϰ� �;� ���ݾ�


- �̰� �ƴϾ�
- �˾Ҿ�, ��, ����


- ��� ���µ�?
- ��������ݾ�


�̰� "ȭ����"�̶� ���̰�


�̰� "�� �� �־�!"�� ���̿���


����� �� ���� ī��
��ü ������ ������


�� ������ ��Ŭ�����Լ� ã�Ҿ��


������� ������ �Ŷ�� �����ؿ�


- �����մϴ�
- �� �߾��, �δ�


������ �ҷ�����Ű�� ��ǰ�̳׿�


�׷� ������ ������?


���� �� ��Ʈ���� �ѵ���
�ƹ� ��⵵ �� ���� �� ������


- �ڽ�?
- ��?


�ܿ� �÷��ǿ�
�ڳװ� ������ �� ����?


��, �����


��¥ �����ϴ�




���ƿ��༭ ��ڳ�


- ����� ���..
- ���غ��� ��


- �����̿� ���ؼ� ����ص� �˴ϱ�?
- �׷���


��, �̰�..


�δ�, ���ڰ� ���Ϸ��� �� �ƴѵ�


������ �̰� ������ ���̿���


- ��
- "ȭ����"�̶� "�� �� �ִ�"?


���� �������Դϱ�? ���� �ڻ차�ε�


��Ŭ���� ���⼭ �ٸ�
�� �׾��


�̰� ���������ݾƿ�, �츰 ���������̰�


������� �� ī�带 ����?


������� ������ ���ϰ� �;�� �ƴ϶�


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"�Ʊ��� ź���� ������"


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�� Time it was and what a time it was ��


�� It was ��


�� A time of innocence ��


�� A time of confidences ��


- ������?
- ��


�ֱ׷�? ��ȭ ������?


�ƹ��͵� �Ƴ�, �׳�.. ���� �ٺ����Ƽ�


- �׷�?
- ��


�� Preserve your memories
They're all that's left you ��


�ƹ��� Spearmint�� �� ��� ����


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�˰ڴ�, ������ũ!


(456 - 476��)


�� oh, girl, I don't know
all the reasons why ��


�� I found the answer
looking in your eye ��


�� I go out walking all day long ��


�� Take away this lonely man
Soon he will be gone ��


�� 'Cause I'll tell you everything ��


�� About living free ��


�� Yes, I can see you, girl ��


�� Can you see me ��


�� You don't need to know
what I do all day ��


�� It's as much as I know
watch it waste away ��


�� 'Cause I'll tell you everything ��


�� About living free ��


�� Yes, I can see you, girl ��


�� Can you see me ��


�� 'Cause I'll tell you everything ��


�� About being free ��




�ȳ�, ��


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�� She's got you high
and you don't even know yet ��


�� She's got you high
and you don't even know yet ��


�� The sun's in the sky
It's warming up your bare legs ��


�� And you can't deny
you're looking for the sunset ��


�� She's got you high
and you don't even know yet ��


�� It's the search for the time
before it leaves without you ��


�� Have you lost your mind
or has she taken all of yours too ��


�� What's this about
I figured love would shine through ��


�� We've lost romance
This world, its turns will see you through ��


�� open your mind
Believe it's gonna come true ��


�� Keep romance alive
and hope she's gonna tell you ��


�� What's this about
I figured love would shine through ��


�� We've lost romance
This world, its turns will see you through ��


�� open your mind
Believe it's gonna come true ��


�� Keep romance alive
and hope she's gonna tell you ��


�� She's got you high
and you don't even know yet ��


�� The sun's in the sky
It makes for happy endings ��


�� You can't deny
you want a happy ending ��


�� What's this about
I figured love would shine through ��


�� We've lost romance
This world, its turns will see you through ��


�� open your mind
Believe it's gonna come true ��


�� Keep romance alive
and hope she's gonna tell you ��


�� She's got you high ��


�� What's this about
I figured love would shine through ��


�� We've lost romance
This world, its turns will see you through ��


�� open your mind
Believe it's gonna come true ��


�� Keep romance alive
and hope she's gonna tell you ��


�� What's this about
I figured love would shine through ��


�� We've lost romance
This world, its turns will see you through ��


�� open your mind
Believe it's gonna come true ��


�� Keep romance alive
and hope she's gonna tell you ��


�� She's got you high ��