1 00:03:46,814 --> 00:03:48,022 Salaam Aleikum. 2 00:03:49,564 --> 00:03:52,397 I'm a friend. James Forward. 3 00:04:20,397 --> 00:04:21,564 Target in sight. 4 00:04:21,772 --> 00:04:24,189 Hold on! We're moving in. 5 00:04:46,439 --> 00:04:47,272 Oh God. 6 00:05:18,189 --> 00:05:20,230 There's a calm before the storm. 7 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:23,064 I've never felt anything like this in this city before. 8 00:05:23,272 --> 00:05:25,730 But something is wrong. It feels as if... 9 00:05:26,147 --> 00:05:28,814 ...a terrifying event is about to unfold. 10 00:05:29,064 --> 00:05:31,355 Something that will change the world forever. 11 00:05:31,772 --> 00:05:33,897 We're sitting on a ticking time bomb. 12 00:05:34,189 --> 00:05:36,105 One that could blow at any given time. 13 00:05:36,314 --> 00:05:39,397 And they're coming. They're all coming, dressed in black... 14 00:05:39,855 --> 00:05:43,064 ...and using faith as a cover to protect their identities. 15 00:05:43,272 --> 00:05:44,022 They are... 16 00:05:48,939 --> 00:05:49,939 Hassan! 17 00:06:02,522 --> 00:06:03,522 CIA? 18 00:06:04,314 --> 00:06:05,772 I'm a journalist. 19 00:06:06,105 --> 00:06:08,647 And what kind of journalist keeps a gun with him? 20 00:06:10,855 --> 00:06:13,105 When will you Americans stop thinking that... 21 00:06:13,314 --> 00:06:15,314 ...we're not as stupid as you think? 22 00:06:15,814 --> 00:06:17,814 Please. I'm just a journalist. 23 00:06:18,189 --> 00:06:20,272 Why are you doing this to me? 24 00:06:20,564 --> 00:06:22,230 Let me tell you a story. 25 00:06:24,064 --> 00:06:27,730 Once Uncle Sam came to our land... 26 00:06:28,564 --> 00:06:32,772 ...saying the Middle East needs a new world order. 27 00:06:33,147 --> 00:06:37,689 And the real reason behind it was business and imperialism. 28 00:06:38,439 --> 00:06:41,772 For that, they hired a pack of local wolves... 29 00:06:42,147 --> 00:06:45,147 And made them break their own countrymen. 30 00:06:47,272 --> 00:06:49,772 And when his job was done... 31 00:06:52,605 --> 00:06:56,397 ...he betrayed the pack leader of all his promises. 32 00:06:56,980 --> 00:06:58,772 And fled with the money. 33 00:07:05,355 --> 00:07:07,730 I am that pack leader. 34 00:07:08,272 --> 00:07:13,855 And now I will hunt and take control of my land. 35 00:07:17,105 --> 00:07:18,314 Ryan, strip him! 36 00:07:46,355 --> 00:07:47,147 Yeah? 37 00:07:47,397 --> 00:07:50,897 Adam, there's a mail in your account. You need to check it now. 38 00:07:58,772 --> 00:08:00,397 "Enough has been said. 39 00:08:00,730 --> 00:08:02,022 "Enough has been done. 40 00:08:02,439 --> 00:08:05,189 "Now it's our turn to take revenge." 41 00:08:05,522 --> 00:08:06,397 God! 42 00:08:06,730 --> 00:08:09,939 War has begun, America. Uncle Sam... 43 00:08:10,730 --> 00:08:12,147 ...I'm back. 44 00:08:16,730 --> 00:08:18,522 Connect me to the White House immediately. 45 00:08:31,939 --> 00:08:33,980 All cars northbound to Ikrit! 46 00:08:48,897 --> 00:08:49,855 Hurry, Miss! 47 00:08:50,064 --> 00:08:53,147 I said not to call when I'm about to leave for the hospital. 48 00:08:53,439 --> 00:08:54,272 I get late. 49 00:08:55,355 --> 00:08:56,689 Listen, Poorna. 50 00:08:56,980 --> 00:08:59,064 The boy's family want you to get married soon. 51 00:08:59,272 --> 00:09:00,772 I'll be there in two months, Papa. 52 00:09:01,147 --> 00:09:03,022 Want anything from here? 53 00:09:03,272 --> 00:09:04,272 Why two months? 54 00:09:04,522 --> 00:09:06,814 Sana! Late again for your prayers? 55 00:09:07,064 --> 00:09:10,939 No choice, Jiya. These double shifts are killing me. I'm late every day. 56 00:09:11,605 --> 00:09:13,397 Wow, Maria! Two phones? 57 00:09:13,814 --> 00:09:16,022 Is some Sheikh crazy about you? 58 00:09:16,314 --> 00:09:18,355 No! One phone is for the family. 59 00:09:18,814 --> 00:09:21,855 That reminds me. My brother called from Pakistan. 60 00:09:22,147 --> 00:09:24,814 He said father was unwell again. 61 00:09:25,314 --> 00:09:28,689 They're going to Lahore from Pindi to see a heart specialist. 62 00:09:29,064 --> 00:09:31,105 Tell them to go to Delhi. 63 00:09:31,355 --> 00:09:34,814 Contact Dr. Trehan at AIMS Hospital. He's the best heart surgeon there. 64 00:09:35,105 --> 00:09:37,022 I trained under him. 65 00:09:37,314 --> 00:09:39,980 Tell your brother to get in touch with AIMS. I'll see to the rest. 66 00:09:40,230 --> 00:09:41,439 - Really? - Done. 67 00:09:41,772 --> 00:09:43,397 Thank you so much. 68 00:09:43,772 --> 00:09:47,147 Sometimes I think I should go back home. 69 00:09:47,397 --> 00:09:50,564 - There's nothing here for us. - You go home and then what? 70 00:09:50,939 --> 00:09:52,397 You earn money and respect here. 71 00:09:52,605 --> 00:09:55,272 Come on, girls. It's getting late. 72 00:09:55,855 --> 00:09:58,522 - Take your lunchboxes. - Girls, let's go. 73 00:10:01,772 --> 00:10:02,939 Surprise? 74 00:10:03,147 --> 00:10:05,105 Paint your hands with henna... 75 00:10:05,522 --> 00:10:07,647 ...decorate the wedding-palanquin! 76 00:10:15,189 --> 00:10:16,439 Congratulations, Miss! 77 00:10:16,772 --> 00:10:18,980 Thank you, Shaada. Keep your eyes on the road! 78 00:10:25,689 --> 00:10:26,647 Shaada... 79 00:10:27,230 --> 00:10:28,147 ...who are they? 80 00:10:29,980 --> 00:10:33,397 ISC. After Mosul, they could be taking over lkrit. 81 00:10:51,647 --> 00:10:52,480 Iraqi army! 82 00:10:52,689 --> 00:10:53,480 Let me get out! 83 00:10:54,522 --> 00:10:56,064 Shoot down the helicopter! 84 00:10:57,272 --> 00:11:00,564 - Shaada, what's going on? - The Iraqi army is attacking. 85 00:11:01,314 --> 00:11:02,480 Shoot 86 00:11:06,480 --> 00:11:07,564 Amir is hit! 87 00:11:09,147 --> 00:11:10,272 Take aim! 88 00:11:12,605 --> 00:11:15,064 Let's get to the hospital. Hurry! 89 00:11:19,105 --> 00:11:20,314 Everyone, stay down! 90 00:11:20,605 --> 00:11:23,272 Stay down. Shut the windows! 91 00:11:25,814 --> 00:11:28,605 You, follow the bus. Now! 92 00:11:33,480 --> 00:11:35,522 Shoot the helicopter down! 93 00:11:43,980 --> 00:11:44,980 Shoot it down! 94 00:11:48,772 --> 00:11:50,022 Go! 95 00:12:01,064 --> 00:12:02,522 Close the gates! 96 00:12:09,939 --> 00:12:12,105 Where's the doctor? Open the door! 97 00:12:12,897 --> 00:12:13,855 Where's the doctor? 98 00:12:16,189 --> 00:12:18,189 Open the door now! I kill you. 99 00:12:19,605 --> 00:12:21,355 Only nurses in the bus. 100 00:12:25,564 --> 00:12:26,855 Doctor! Where's the doctor? 101 00:12:27,105 --> 00:12:29,439 It's too early. The doctor comes in at 8.30. 102 00:12:29,689 --> 00:12:33,480 Hey! This is a hospital. No guns allowed. 103 00:12:39,522 --> 00:12:41,814 Now everything we say is allowed. 104 00:12:42,355 --> 00:12:44,064 You don't want more men to die? 105 00:12:44,314 --> 00:12:45,689 Then shut up and work fast. 106 00:12:46,105 --> 00:12:48,439 Ok. I'll do it. 107 00:12:50,272 --> 00:12:52,939 Get everyone out of this hospital. Now! 108 00:12:53,314 --> 00:12:56,397 Only Abu Usman and these nurses stay. 109 00:13:04,522 --> 00:13:06,897 Let's go. Faster. Put them in the ambulance. 110 00:13:07,189 --> 00:13:08,730 Close the hatch. You too. 111 00:13:09,189 --> 00:13:10,480 Let's go. 112 00:13:10,814 --> 00:13:11,939 Get out of here! Go! 113 00:13:19,230 --> 00:13:20,980 Give me the phone. 114 00:13:24,439 --> 00:13:25,314 Phone! 115 00:13:30,647 --> 00:13:32,064 "The big news just in... 116 00:13:32,272 --> 00:13:36,022 ...the town of lkrit has been overtaken by the ISC." 117 00:13:36,272 --> 00:13:38,480 "Coming in straight from the American base in Iraq... 118 00:13:38,689 --> 00:13:40,855 ...this is the second big move by ISC." 119 00:13:41,147 --> 00:13:46,939 "The terror group ISC has taken over the Iraqi town of lkrit." 120 00:13:47,439 --> 00:13:49,730 lkrit is famous for its oil fields. 121 00:13:50,022 --> 00:13:52,272 - Many Indians work there. - Can't get through. 122 00:13:53,564 --> 00:13:55,272 Indian Embassy, Baghdad. 123 00:13:55,564 --> 00:13:57,814 My name is Maria. I'm calling from the lkrit hospital. 124 00:13:58,064 --> 00:14:01,939 I'm a nurse. ISC is holding us Indian and Pakistani nurses hostage. 125 00:14:02,314 --> 00:14:05,730 Maria, stay calm. Don't panic. 126 00:14:06,189 --> 00:14:07,230 Tell us everything. 127 00:14:07,522 --> 00:14:10,272 They've shot our driver and the hospital manager. 128 00:14:10,730 --> 00:14:12,439 We're terrified, sir. 129 00:14:13,105 --> 00:14:16,105 Their leader, Abu Usman, was shot. He's in this hospital. 130 00:14:16,439 --> 00:14:18,939 Sir, they've taken over the entire hospital. 131 00:14:19,397 --> 00:14:20,939 Sir, help us. 132 00:14:21,272 --> 00:14:23,689 We're in terrible danger, sir. They'll kill us all. 133 00:14:24,022 --> 00:14:26,022 Don't worry, Maria. I'll help you. 134 00:14:26,314 --> 00:14:27,689 How many nurses are you? 135 00:14:27,939 --> 00:14:29,939 25 Indian and 15 Pakistani. 136 00:14:30,230 --> 00:14:32,480 So that's 25? Ok. 137 00:14:32,897 --> 00:14:34,439 Keep your phone close. 138 00:14:34,772 --> 00:14:36,564 We will get in touch with you soon. 139 00:14:37,272 --> 00:14:38,230 Connect me to Delhi. 140 00:14:44,272 --> 00:14:46,689 - Karan, is the presentation ready? - Absolutely, sir. 141 00:14:46,980 --> 00:14:50,522 After their offensive in Syria, this is lSC's biggest push into Iraq. 142 00:14:51,022 --> 00:14:54,689 In the name of religion, they're turning young men into deadly weapons. 143 00:14:54,980 --> 00:14:59,355 You'll soon see a human bomb in every bus, street and airliner. 144 00:14:59,772 --> 00:15:03,397 After Mosul, they've seized the oil fields in lkrit. 145 00:15:03,814 --> 00:15:07,314 They're the richest terrorist organisation in the world today... 146 00:15:07,522 --> 00:15:11,272 ...because they now control 70% of Iraq's oil fields. 147 00:15:12,897 --> 00:15:16,147 Sorry to disturb, sir. You should watch the news. 148 00:15:17,230 --> 00:15:20,730 "The horrendous act of terrorism is nothing short of an act of war. 149 00:15:21,105 --> 00:15:23,939 "We have spoken to our British, German and French allies... 150 00:15:24,230 --> 00:15:27,314 "...to discuss targets and joint controlled air strikes. 151 00:15:27,647 --> 00:15:29,230 "This act shall not go..." 152 00:15:29,480 --> 00:15:32,272 - This is not good news. - What's happening, Shenoy? 153 00:15:32,564 --> 00:15:34,772 The Americans won't take this lying down. 154 00:15:35,189 --> 00:15:40,105 They've been longing to start air strikes on ISC targets in Iraq. 155 00:15:40,439 --> 00:15:43,022 The UN has held them back. 156 00:15:43,397 --> 00:15:48,355 James's execution has given them a reason to turn lkrit to dust. 157 00:15:48,564 --> 00:15:50,564 - Meaning? - The Americans... 158 00:15:50,814 --> 00:15:53,314 ...will strike the hospital where our nurses are and where... 159 00:15:53,480 --> 00:15:54,605 ...and Abu Usman is. 160 00:15:54,897 --> 00:15:58,064 The Americans will make any excuse. They cannot be allowed to do this. 161 00:15:58,314 --> 00:15:59,939 Stop them, Shenoy! 162 00:16:02,980 --> 00:16:04,814 Shenoy! Long time. 163 00:16:05,189 --> 00:16:09,105 - When did we last meet? - 1993. Just after the Gulf War. 164 00:16:10,314 --> 00:16:12,314 I've a packed schedule. Let's walk and talk. 165 00:16:12,647 --> 00:16:15,522 - You know why I'm here? - I know your nurses are there. 166 00:16:15,855 --> 00:16:17,647 You can't bomb lkrit. 167 00:16:17,939 --> 00:16:19,314 Yes, we can. 168 00:16:19,730 --> 00:16:22,397 You know this game. You've been here long enough. 169 00:16:22,689 --> 00:16:24,647 What would you do if the nurses were American? 170 00:16:24,939 --> 00:16:27,647 - We'd get them out. - That's what I'm trying to do. 171 00:16:28,022 --> 00:16:30,439 For old time's sake, Adam. 172 00:16:31,022 --> 00:16:32,689 Give me some time. 173 00:16:33,272 --> 00:16:34,272 Please. 174 00:16:37,772 --> 00:16:39,855 Ok. Seven days. 175 00:16:40,314 --> 00:16:41,897 Get your nurses out of there. 176 00:16:42,397 --> 00:16:44,189 Eighth day we bomb lkrit. 177 00:16:46,522 --> 00:16:48,147 - Seven days? - Yes, sir. 178 00:16:48,480 --> 00:16:51,647 That's not enough time to mount a dangerous mission. 179 00:16:52,105 --> 00:16:54,397 You're right, sir. But we must. 180 00:16:55,397 --> 00:16:56,855 Who will do it? 181 00:17:00,022 --> 00:17:01,147 Tiger. 182 00:17:02,522 --> 00:17:03,855 Is Tiger alive? 183 00:17:05,855 --> 00:17:08,772 I was told that he died on a mission in Cuba eight years ago. 184 00:17:09,105 --> 00:17:10,980 That was for the files. 185 00:17:11,439 --> 00:17:12,689 He's hiding somewhere. 186 00:17:13,105 --> 00:17:14,980 We'll find him. 187 00:17:15,397 --> 00:17:17,189 In so little time... 188 00:17:17,564 --> 00:17:19,855 ...he's the only person who can pull it off. 189 00:17:20,105 --> 00:17:23,147 Shenoy, I'm seriously not interested. 190 00:17:23,564 --> 00:17:26,189 Just get our nurses out of there! 191 00:17:26,730 --> 00:17:30,022 Karan, get on to all our agents. 192 00:17:32,105 --> 00:17:34,397 I want Tiger in 24 hours. 193 00:17:39,105 --> 00:17:40,730 Holidays over, Tiger. 194 00:17:41,772 --> 00:17:43,355 Let's get back to work. 195 00:18:23,855 --> 00:18:29,439 "Nature gave every animal an instinct to hunt so that it can survive. 196 00:18:30,272 --> 00:18:33,355 "Human beings also hunted for years to survive... 197 00:18:33,730 --> 00:18:36,564 Junior! You Brit boy! Talking English again? 198 00:18:36,939 --> 00:18:38,147 What did I tell you? 199 00:18:38,480 --> 00:18:41,355 - Man is identified by his... - ...mother tongue. 200 00:18:41,647 --> 00:18:42,897 So what are you? 201 00:18:43,147 --> 00:18:46,564 Indian on your side, Pakistani on Ma's side. 202 00:18:46,897 --> 00:18:48,105 Don't know about your Ma... 203 00:18:48,522 --> 00:18:51,730 ...but when you're with me you're fully Indian. 204 00:19:02,772 --> 00:19:04,730 - Where is he? - In front of me. 205 00:19:05,189 --> 00:19:06,980 - How far? - 50 ft. 206 00:19:07,272 --> 00:19:09,772 Look straight in his eyes, and don't break eye contact. 207 00:19:16,730 --> 00:19:17,980 He's coming closer. 208 00:19:18,564 --> 00:19:20,855 I shouldn't have read that chapter on hunting. 209 00:19:21,272 --> 00:19:22,439 Calm down, Junior. 210 00:19:22,855 --> 00:19:24,314 I'm his prey today. 211 00:19:24,814 --> 00:19:26,230 Everyone hunts. 212 00:19:28,105 --> 00:19:30,897 But no one hunts like a tiger. 213 00:20:10,439 --> 00:20:13,480 Before he comes round, let's split. 214 00:20:13,855 --> 00:20:14,689 Wait, Junior. 215 00:20:15,522 --> 00:20:17,314 Wolves don't hunt alone. 216 00:20:17,939 --> 00:20:20,772 Wolves hunt in a pack. There are more coming. 217 00:20:24,230 --> 00:20:25,439 Oh shit! 218 00:20:25,897 --> 00:20:27,980 - You taught you that? - Ma says it. 219 00:20:28,730 --> 00:20:29,855 Oh shit! 220 00:20:30,439 --> 00:20:33,314 - Now what? - See our truck down there? 221 00:20:36,772 --> 00:20:40,105 On my count of three... fly to the truck and stay there. 222 00:20:40,689 --> 00:20:43,397 One second! Are you going to kill all those wolves? 223 00:20:45,480 --> 00:20:47,730 If I don't get your friends... 224 00:20:48,189 --> 00:20:50,397 ...you will end up... 225 00:20:51,772 --> 00:20:53,605 ...a kebab on their menu tonight. 226 00:20:53,855 --> 00:20:54,689 Maybe. 227 00:20:54,939 --> 00:20:58,772 If you save me, but do not kill those wolves... 228 00:20:59,147 --> 00:21:01,480 ...then I'll believe you're the real Tiger. 229 00:21:04,147 --> 00:21:04,855 Deal? 230 00:21:12,897 --> 00:21:13,730 Run! 231 00:22:00,897 --> 00:22:03,147 Leave me alone! Go! 232 00:22:33,105 --> 00:22:33,897 Get away! 233 00:22:53,730 --> 00:22:54,897 Go away! 234 00:23:19,980 --> 00:23:21,647 Go away! 235 00:23:35,397 --> 00:23:36,272 Dad! 236 00:23:51,439 --> 00:23:53,147 Get into the truck! Hurry! 237 00:24:18,147 --> 00:24:19,314 Stay still! 238 00:24:31,605 --> 00:24:32,480 Junior. 239 00:24:34,272 --> 00:24:34,980 One. 240 00:24:39,230 --> 00:24:39,980 Two... 241 00:24:50,522 --> 00:24:51,605 Yes! 242 00:25:08,939 --> 00:25:10,397 Hi, Zophia. How are you? 243 00:25:10,689 --> 00:25:13,564 - Fine. And you? - I'm good. 244 00:25:14,147 --> 00:25:16,605 Finally Arthur and I've booked our tickets to India. 245 00:25:16,939 --> 00:25:18,772 It's his 80th birthday next month. 246 00:25:19,230 --> 00:25:22,314 He has dreamt of seeing the Taj Mahal all his life. 247 00:25:22,605 --> 00:25:23,855 The monument of love. 248 00:25:24,564 --> 00:25:25,480 How sweet! 249 00:25:25,855 --> 00:25:28,772 You think I should take some vaccinations? 250 00:25:29,147 --> 00:25:32,772 For yellow fever, malaria, dengue and bird flu? 251 00:25:33,147 --> 00:25:35,730 What other viruses are brewing there? 252 00:25:37,022 --> 00:25:39,605 - Police. - Never heard of that virus. 253 00:25:39,980 --> 00:25:43,314 Call the police. There's a group of muggers. They have a gun. 254 00:25:43,897 --> 00:25:45,480 The money. Hurry up! 255 00:25:45,855 --> 00:25:47,522 Come on, gimme the money! 256 00:26:15,147 --> 00:26:16,314 Hurry UP! 257 00:26:47,314 --> 00:26:51,022 That's what we call women empowerment! 258 00:26:51,855 --> 00:26:54,980 Zoya darling, please call the cops. 259 00:27:07,939 --> 00:27:11,730 Forget that piece of junk. You'll never find your Indian station. 260 00:27:15,064 --> 00:27:15,897 Meaning? 261 00:27:18,980 --> 00:27:22,647 There's only one meaning. You're right and I'm wrong. 262 00:27:23,105 --> 00:27:25,605 - Did I say that? - That's what you meant. 263 00:27:25,897 --> 00:27:28,814 I search for shalgum and tinde all over Austria. Why? 264 00:27:29,064 --> 00:27:30,772 Because he only eats Indian food. 265 00:27:31,189 --> 00:27:33,272 Can you remember when we last ate out? 266 00:27:35,022 --> 00:27:36,189 You know what... 267 00:27:36,605 --> 00:27:40,022 ...you guys eat and leave the plates on the table. 268 00:27:40,314 --> 00:27:42,397 I'll scrub the dishes later. 269 00:27:47,647 --> 00:27:48,772 Junior... 270 00:27:49,397 --> 00:27:51,605 ...your Ma is really mad at me. 271 00:27:55,855 --> 00:27:57,272 Dad, let's take a walk. 272 00:27:57,522 --> 00:28:01,647 If you loved her, would you forget your 8th wedding anniversary? 273 00:28:05,439 --> 00:28:06,647 Oh! 274 00:28:08,272 --> 00:28:09,730 That's why she's sulking. 275 00:28:11,730 --> 00:28:14,647 - Now the drama will last for months. - No. 276 00:28:15,314 --> 00:28:17,147 - Here. - What is it? 277 00:28:17,397 --> 00:28:19,355 Tomorrow's programme. 278 00:28:19,730 --> 00:28:21,772 I have done all the bookings. 279 00:28:22,105 --> 00:28:25,480 Make sure you make her feel special tomorrow. 280 00:28:25,772 --> 00:28:27,980 Your credit card. 281 00:28:28,314 --> 00:28:30,689 I've used it six times yesterday. 282 00:28:30,980 --> 00:28:33,439 Please add some more credit! 283 00:28:35,564 --> 00:28:37,022 You son of a spy! 284 00:28:42,605 --> 00:28:44,814 Sat Sri Akal. Namaskar. Adaab. 285 00:28:45,230 --> 00:28:48,147 This is All India Radio, Amritsar. 286 00:28:48,689 --> 00:28:52,814 We have a request from Shams Alam from the other side of the border. 287 00:28:53,230 --> 00:28:56,730 His wife, Samia Zehra, is angry with him. 288 00:28:59,272 --> 00:29:01,480 A sweet present from us. 289 00:29:10,272 --> 00:29:12,480 These unspun threads... 290 00:29:13,064 --> 00:29:16,397 ...that I have tied around you... 291 00:29:18,605 --> 00:29:21,480 ...make our bond beyond separation. 292 00:29:28,314 --> 00:29:30,855 Put aside your fleeting anger... 293 00:29:31,355 --> 00:29:34,355 ...sweet love, listen... 294 00:29:35,689 --> 00:29:38,189 ...to the conversations in my heart. 295 00:29:39,689 --> 00:29:42,522 We sit side by side... 296 00:29:43,397 --> 00:29:45,522 ...looking at each other. 297 00:29:47,105 --> 00:29:49,605 The conversations in my heart... 298 00:29:51,105 --> 00:29:54,397 ...we'll sit side by side as the days pass... 299 00:29:54,814 --> 00:29:57,105 ...and fulfill the truth of our love. 300 00:30:00,147 --> 00:30:02,105 Must you torment me? 301 00:30:05,647 --> 00:30:08,939 Why pretend you don't hear... 302 00:30:10,105 --> 00:30:13,314 ...the conversations in my heart? 303 00:30:13,980 --> 00:30:15,897 We sit side by side... 304 00:30:17,605 --> 00:30:20,272 ...looking at each other. 305 00:30:51,397 --> 00:30:55,855 I'll hide you from the many. Put you on a pedestal. 306 00:30:56,064 --> 00:30:57,980 You are mine. 307 00:30:58,564 --> 00:31:00,480 Keep me close to you. 308 00:31:00,814 --> 00:31:03,230 There will never be any distance between us. 309 00:31:04,147 --> 00:31:06,897 Nothing will keep us apart. 310 00:31:09,689 --> 00:31:13,897 I'll hide you from the many. Put you on a pedestal. 311 00:31:14,230 --> 00:31:16,272 You are mine. 312 00:31:16,772 --> 00:31:18,814 Keep me close to you. 313 00:31:19,064 --> 00:31:21,522 There will never be any distance between us. 314 00:31:22,397 --> 00:31:25,105 Nothing will keep us apart. 315 00:31:27,064 --> 00:31:29,439 I live this life for you. 316 00:31:36,272 --> 00:31:39,605 You are my life. I am yours. 317 00:31:41,689 --> 00:31:44,397 Blow hot and cold, but don't ignore... 318 00:31:45,980 --> 00:31:48,647 ...the conversations in my heart. 319 00:31:49,939 --> 00:31:52,189 We sit side by side... 320 00:31:53,730 --> 00:31:55,814 ...looking at each other. 321 00:31:57,397 --> 00:31:59,439 The conversations in my heart. 322 00:32:02,814 --> 00:32:06,105 Those dark nights. 323 00:32:06,814 --> 00:32:09,314 My days are overcast. 324 00:32:11,480 --> 00:32:14,022 My sweet beloved... 325 00:32:15,980 --> 00:32:18,272 ...hold me close. 326 00:32:20,564 --> 00:32:24,605 The sky will pale without you. 327 00:32:25,189 --> 00:32:28,689 My dreams will remain unfulfilled without you. 328 00:32:29,522 --> 00:32:31,897 The conversations in my heart... 329 00:32:33,355 --> 00:32:36,064 We sit side by side... 330 00:32:37,147 --> 00:32:39,689 ...looking at each other. 331 00:32:40,772 --> 00:32:42,814 The conversations in my heart... 332 00:32:44,814 --> 00:32:47,980 ...we'll sit side by side as the days pass... 333 00:32:48,522 --> 00:32:51,647 ...and fulfill the truth of our love. 334 00:32:53,980 --> 00:32:57,772 I know why you secretly glance... 335 00:32:59,272 --> 00:33:03,022 ...at our names written side by side. 336 00:33:03,730 --> 00:33:06,022 The conversations in my heart... 337 00:33:07,689 --> 00:33:10,564 We sit side by side... 338 00:33:11,397 --> 00:33:13,855 ...looking at each other. 339 00:33:28,980 --> 00:33:31,189 Are you still up? 340 00:33:31,689 --> 00:33:33,980 Dad, you have some friends over. 341 00:33:44,397 --> 00:33:45,647 Shenoy sir! 342 00:33:47,064 --> 00:33:49,189 Junior! Off to bed. 343 00:33:54,772 --> 00:33:56,314 Tiger. 344 00:33:58,522 --> 00:34:01,522 So many tubes? You ok? 345 00:34:02,230 --> 00:34:03,480 What to do? 346 00:34:03,897 --> 00:34:07,230 Since you left, I have lost my breath. 347 00:34:10,397 --> 00:34:13,772 - My colleague, Karan. - I know. 348 00:34:17,772 --> 00:34:18,605 Zoya. 349 00:34:19,022 --> 00:34:20,147 I know. 350 00:34:22,105 --> 00:34:23,105 Shall we eat? 351 00:34:23,314 --> 00:34:26,980 If we're eating black lentils made by your hands, then we'll eat. 352 00:34:34,397 --> 00:34:35,397 Perfect! 353 00:34:36,064 --> 00:34:38,605 The same taste. Nothing has changed. 354 00:34:39,105 --> 00:34:43,897 He doesn't slice a tomato for me, and he makes lentils for you. 355 00:34:44,439 --> 00:34:45,314 I'm impressed. 356 00:34:45,689 --> 00:34:48,855 We go back a long way. You won't understand. 357 00:34:49,147 --> 00:34:50,522 I do, sir. 358 00:34:51,480 --> 00:34:55,397 If you've come all this way looking for your best agent... 359 00:34:55,855 --> 00:34:58,272 ...you won't be talking in front of me. 360 00:35:00,022 --> 00:35:02,980 I'll take your leave. Call if you need anything. 361 00:35:03,647 --> 00:35:04,647 Thank you. 362 00:35:04,980 --> 00:35:08,105 You've been hiding for years. 363 00:35:09,439 --> 00:35:11,189 But we found you in 24 hours. 364 00:35:13,022 --> 00:35:14,397 Some rice? 365 00:35:18,730 --> 00:35:23,189 For years I've sent you a coded message: "Saare jahaan se achha." 366 00:35:24,855 --> 00:35:30,064 I sent it to you from countries where the Indian population was small. 367 00:35:30,605 --> 00:35:35,689 The IP address always indicates my exact location. 368 00:35:36,064 --> 00:35:40,480 It means that you didn't need to look for me. 369 00:35:40,980 --> 00:35:44,814 I've always let you know my whereabouts. 370 00:35:46,314 --> 00:35:48,272 The lentils are delicious. 371 00:35:49,689 --> 00:35:51,564 RAW forgot me. 372 00:35:53,272 --> 00:35:55,230 I didn't forget RAW. 373 00:36:00,439 --> 00:36:02,064 Absolutely unreal. 374 00:36:03,105 --> 00:36:05,772 Sir, he has a full-blown RAW operation room here. 375 00:36:06,605 --> 00:36:08,397 He's hacked all our servers. 376 00:36:08,647 --> 00:36:11,480 Tiger, the reason we're here... 377 00:36:11,689 --> 00:36:15,730 ...25 Indian nurses are being held hostage in an Iraqi hospital. 378 00:36:16,689 --> 00:36:18,980 The CIA has given you a week. 379 00:36:19,314 --> 00:36:22,564 After that, air strikes and game over. 380 00:36:24,772 --> 00:36:26,980 I've done the groundwork. 381 00:36:27,689 --> 00:36:31,355 These are the best guys you could ever find... 382 00:36:32,105 --> 00:36:34,064 ...to accomplish your mission. 383 00:36:34,564 --> 00:36:36,605 Pack your bags, Tiger. 384 00:36:36,980 --> 00:36:38,439 There's no time. 385 00:36:40,647 --> 00:36:42,939 No, sir. I'm sorry. 386 00:36:43,980 --> 00:36:48,564 The Tiger you came looking for, that Tiger has changed. 387 00:36:50,189 --> 00:36:51,439 The reason... 388 00:36:52,272 --> 00:36:55,730 ...I left RAW was... Zoya. 389 00:36:56,980 --> 00:36:58,980 Now I have another reason. 390 00:37:00,730 --> 00:37:01,522 Junior. 391 00:37:02,230 --> 00:37:04,522 He's my life, my world... 392 00:37:05,439 --> 00:37:06,772 ...and my weakness. 393 00:37:07,064 --> 00:37:09,772 Sir, we need you on this mission. 394 00:37:10,355 --> 00:37:11,980 We're wasting precious time. 395 00:37:12,314 --> 00:37:15,855 Now we know where you live, and who your family is... 396 00:37:16,189 --> 00:37:19,272 Karan, the tiger is sleeping. 397 00:37:20,522 --> 00:37:24,689 Don't pull its tail. It'll devour you. 398 00:37:28,564 --> 00:37:31,480 India's honour is at stake. 399 00:37:34,647 --> 00:37:37,314 Well, you know better. 400 00:37:45,605 --> 00:37:47,064 "Bhagat Singh shouts... 401 00:37:47,689 --> 00:37:50,064 "Long live the revolution!" 402 00:38:10,355 --> 00:38:11,855 What is it, Tiger? 403 00:38:18,355 --> 00:38:19,689 Nothing really. 404 00:38:20,605 --> 00:38:23,897 Everyone believes you love me more than anything in the world. 405 00:38:25,605 --> 00:38:28,730 But I know that you love your country even more. 406 00:38:30,855 --> 00:38:32,939 And that's the thing I respect about you the most. 407 00:38:37,605 --> 00:38:40,564 You're the world's biggest hero for him. 408 00:38:43,064 --> 00:38:47,355 How will he feel if he knew that his parents were two agents on the run... 409 00:38:48,230 --> 00:38:52,397 ...who have put duty behind them, and live a life of leisure now. 410 00:38:54,105 --> 00:38:58,939 In your place, I'd go and rescue those nurses. 411 00:39:01,397 --> 00:39:02,522 And yes... 412 00:39:04,480 --> 00:39:05,897 ...always remember... 413 00:39:08,022 --> 00:39:10,397 Junior and I are not your weakness. 414 00:39:11,897 --> 00:39:12,980 We're your strength. 415 00:40:03,980 --> 00:40:05,064 Hello, sir. 416 00:40:06,564 --> 00:40:08,064 Some money, sir. 417 00:40:08,439 --> 00:40:12,105 The team will meet you at the Turkey-Iraq border. 418 00:40:12,439 --> 00:40:13,814 I'll send you their details. 419 00:40:14,147 --> 00:40:16,980 This is my mission. And my team. 420 00:40:17,397 --> 00:40:20,064 - Sir, you're taking over. - You want to? 421 00:40:20,230 --> 00:40:21,272 No, sir. 422 00:40:21,480 --> 00:40:24,939 - Time is short. - So don't waste it. 423 00:40:26,522 --> 00:40:27,647 This is my team. 424 00:40:28,272 --> 00:40:30,897 Azaan Akbar, the Indian army's best sniper. 425 00:40:31,772 --> 00:40:34,022 If he wasn't busy in covert operations... 426 00:40:34,355 --> 00:40:36,897 ...he'd be winning gold medals for India. 427 00:40:43,814 --> 00:40:46,064 Namit Khanna, bombs and explosives expert. 428 00:40:52,314 --> 00:40:54,439 He's diffused 4 bombs in 3 minutes. 429 00:40:54,772 --> 00:40:56,980 Saved many lives in the Kashmir valley. 430 00:41:01,939 --> 00:41:04,189 Rakesh Sharma, a senior citizen. 431 00:41:06,397 --> 00:41:12,022 A bit frail but has a technical brain that can outsmart NASA's best. 432 00:41:23,355 --> 00:41:24,855 Long live Lord Hanuman! 433 00:41:26,814 --> 00:41:28,980 Wow, sir. You've done your homework. 434 00:41:29,272 --> 00:41:31,605 Mother made sure I did. 435 00:41:32,689 --> 00:41:35,105 Sir, will they get here in time? 436 00:41:39,022 --> 00:41:41,272 Namit, Azaan. 437 00:41:43,355 --> 00:41:44,564 Rakeshji! 438 00:41:45,314 --> 00:41:46,855 Very nice. Super. 439 00:41:47,855 --> 00:41:48,605 Welcome! 440 00:41:49,439 --> 00:41:50,022 Yes, Karan? 441 00:41:50,272 --> 00:41:51,772 Tiger is insisting on his team. 442 00:41:51,980 --> 00:41:53,564 He says it's his mission. 443 00:41:53,814 --> 00:41:55,064 I expected this. 444 00:41:55,272 --> 00:41:57,189 We won't have any control. 445 00:41:57,480 --> 00:41:59,272 We have no choice. 446 00:41:59,730 --> 00:42:02,564 There's something worth remembering... 447 00:42:03,105 --> 00:42:03,814 Sir? 448 00:42:04,105 --> 00:42:07,980 He has lived with Zoya, a Pakistani agent, for 8 years. 449 00:42:11,564 --> 00:42:15,147 - Make sure she did not turn him. - Absolutely, sir. 450 00:42:19,147 --> 00:42:23,772 Make your way to Al-Nusra on the Iraq-Turkey border. 451 00:42:26,439 --> 00:42:31,939 All illegal human traffic into Iraq passes through there. 452 00:42:34,605 --> 00:42:35,355 That's where... 453 00:42:35,605 --> 00:42:38,689 ...ISC loads up their tankers with oil... 454 00:42:39,064 --> 00:42:42,772 ...and dispatches them to the Mosul and lkrit oil refineries. 455 00:42:44,147 --> 00:42:49,480 Our man Zulfikar has worked for RAW for 8 years. He'll meet you there. 456 00:42:49,855 --> 00:42:54,480 Zulfikar will hide you in an oil tanker and smuggle you into Iraq. 457 00:43:11,064 --> 00:43:13,689 The convoy usually has 8 trucks. 458 00:43:14,689 --> 00:43:18,730 Zulfikar will fill water instead of oil into one of the trucks. 459 00:43:19,272 --> 00:43:22,605 He'll pour oil over the water to camouflage it. 460 00:43:29,897 --> 00:43:36,772 lkrit is 3 hours from the border. You'll soon be journeying into Iraq. 461 00:43:53,480 --> 00:43:56,064 Everyone, out! 462 00:43:57,105 --> 00:44:00,647 Nothing moves without lSC's permission. 463 00:44:01,189 --> 00:44:03,772 The tankers are often checked at the border. 464 00:44:36,189 --> 00:44:37,314 Long live Lord Hanuman! 465 00:44:38,564 --> 00:44:39,605 The plan, sir? 466 00:44:40,147 --> 00:44:41,980 We can't walk into the hospital... 467 00:44:43,397 --> 00:44:46,564 ...so we'll pass off as illegal oil refinery workers. 468 00:44:46,980 --> 00:44:49,439 There, Namit will set off a controlled blast. 469 00:44:49,730 --> 00:44:51,814 They'll think it's an accident. 470 00:44:52,105 --> 00:44:54,855 We'll act as if we've suffered burns in the blast. 471 00:44:55,314 --> 00:44:57,397 The ISC will have no choice. 472 00:44:57,730 --> 00:45:01,814 They'll have to send the injured workers to the lkrit hospital. 473 00:45:02,314 --> 00:45:04,147 Once we're in the hospital... 474 00:45:04,522 --> 00:45:08,564 ...we'll have two days to get the nurses out. 475 00:45:10,647 --> 00:45:12,522 And send Abu Usman... 476 00:45:13,814 --> 00:45:17,980 You make it sound so easy, if your plan is that easy... 477 00:45:18,355 --> 00:45:22,105 ...I'll go straight on a pilgrimage to Amarnath. 478 00:45:22,480 --> 00:45:26,647 If it works or not, you're headed on a pilgrimage anyway. 479 00:45:26,939 --> 00:45:28,689 Pawan's number. 480 00:45:29,147 --> 00:45:30,522 The RAW agent there. 481 00:45:31,147 --> 00:45:33,689 He'll get you whatever you need. 482 00:45:34,022 --> 00:45:37,022 You'll need to tell him the recognition code. 483 00:45:37,397 --> 00:45:39,855 "Tu tu tu tutu tara." 484 00:45:41,064 --> 00:45:44,064 The answer to the code is: "Our friend is here." 485 00:45:44,647 --> 00:45:46,022 ls RAW into comedy these days? 486 00:45:46,439 --> 00:45:48,772 Not my idea, sir. It came from the bosses. 487 00:45:49,480 --> 00:45:50,647 Coming to the point. 488 00:45:51,230 --> 00:45:52,772 If you're lucky... 489 00:45:53,105 --> 00:45:57,189 ...and manage to get into this heavily-guarded oil refinery... 490 00:45:57,814 --> 00:45:59,314 ...then the mission starts. 491 00:45:59,647 --> 00:46:00,605 And yours ends. 492 00:46:02,064 --> 00:46:05,605 Tell Mr Shenoy, "Tu tu tu tutu tara." 493 00:46:06,439 --> 00:46:10,022 "Tiger is back on the prowl again!" 494 00:46:39,730 --> 00:46:41,355 Stay in line! 495 00:46:49,230 --> 00:46:50,647 Amir Baghdawi is coming. 496 00:47:03,814 --> 00:47:06,105 This is Amir al-Baghdawi. 497 00:47:06,397 --> 00:47:08,397 ISC's number 2. 498 00:47:09,147 --> 00:47:12,855 The oil fields and refineries are under his control. 499 00:47:21,022 --> 00:47:24,105 After Abu Usman, he's the second in command. 500 00:47:24,480 --> 00:47:27,272 He's the ISC oil deal-maker. 501 00:47:28,189 --> 00:47:30,314 Watch out for another man. 502 00:47:31,439 --> 00:47:35,772 They call him "Thu'ban" in Arabic. Means "snake." 503 00:47:36,105 --> 00:47:39,772 Pasha Baghdawi! My Amir. 504 00:47:40,189 --> 00:47:42,272 One meeting. 505 00:47:43,230 --> 00:47:45,564 - One meeting. - Back! Or I'll shoot you. 506 00:47:46,189 --> 00:47:48,772 I give you. This is Indian. Hollywood. 507 00:47:49,230 --> 00:47:50,730 One meeting. 508 00:47:51,064 --> 00:47:52,730 - Go back! - Why? 509 00:47:53,022 --> 00:47:55,230 I give everything. You show gun. 510 00:47:55,522 --> 00:47:56,897 Back! What did I say. 511 00:47:57,230 --> 00:47:58,230 Ok! 512 00:48:00,230 --> 00:48:01,689 Just you wait, sonny. 513 00:48:01,980 --> 00:48:06,564 If I don't hang you out to dry, my name isn't Thu'ban. 514 00:48:06,939 --> 00:48:08,689 His real name is Firdaus. 515 00:48:08,980 --> 00:48:11,897 He's an Indian but has lived in Iraq for 25 years. 516 00:48:13,105 --> 00:48:17,314 From the era of Saddam and America to ISC, he has contacts everywhere. 517 00:48:17,772 --> 00:48:22,147 He supplies the oil refineries with illegal labour. 518 00:48:22,939 --> 00:48:26,230 He'd sell his parents for money. 519 00:48:26,855 --> 00:48:29,230 He has only one purpose now... 520 00:48:29,522 --> 00:48:32,939 ...to get close to Amir al-Baghdawi. 521 00:48:35,272 --> 00:48:37,230 - Where from? - Bangladesh. 522 00:48:38,480 --> 00:48:40,730 Work hard or I'll break your legs. 523 00:48:41,064 --> 00:48:44,939 If I see you nodding off at work, I'll sting you in the neck. 524 00:48:45,480 --> 00:48:46,522 Go! 525 00:48:47,272 --> 00:48:48,272 And listen... 526 00:48:49,105 --> 00:48:50,980 ...fill out the paperwork correctly. 527 00:48:51,439 --> 00:48:54,439 They drop dead and get us into trouble. 528 00:48:55,355 --> 00:48:56,647 From India? 529 00:48:58,647 --> 00:49:02,772 Are you a newly wed? So, take off that veil! 530 00:49:04,772 --> 00:49:06,772 Now I can see the bride! 531 00:49:08,897 --> 00:49:10,564 - A labourer? - No. 532 00:49:10,939 --> 00:49:12,480 Junior engineer. 533 00:49:13,147 --> 00:49:15,064 I have an lTl diploma. 534 00:49:18,772 --> 00:49:20,022 They are the labourers. 535 00:49:20,480 --> 00:49:24,189 You're no engineer. And they're no labourers. 536 00:49:24,855 --> 00:49:25,814 Remember... 537 00:49:26,022 --> 00:49:27,814 ...I'll be watching you. 538 00:49:28,439 --> 00:49:33,105 If you make any trouble, no one will ever find your dead bodies. 539 00:49:34,397 --> 00:49:35,230 Get going! 540 00:49:44,314 --> 00:49:45,980 You're in room 69. 541 00:49:46,397 --> 00:49:49,064 Don't be late for work or the boss will blow a fuse. 542 00:49:54,439 --> 00:49:56,439 My childhood dreams are coming true in old age. 543 00:49:56,730 --> 00:49:58,605 Ah! Sleeping on a bunk bed! 544 00:49:59,189 --> 00:50:02,689 Namit, I'm putting my bag up here. 545 00:50:03,980 --> 00:50:05,730 I want the upper bed. 546 00:50:06,147 --> 00:50:07,397 Let the bag be. 547 00:50:07,772 --> 00:50:11,689 What's the big deal about your bag? ls the Quran in it? 548 00:50:18,730 --> 00:50:21,397 What difference does it make what I have in it? 549 00:50:21,772 --> 00:50:23,647 It stays on the upper bunk. 550 00:50:27,355 --> 00:50:29,397 Ok. Leave your bag there. 551 00:50:29,897 --> 00:50:32,272 - Thank you. - Tell me what's in the bag. 552 00:50:32,647 --> 00:50:34,105 - I won't. - Open it! 553 00:50:34,314 --> 00:50:35,439 - No. - Open it! 554 00:50:35,730 --> 00:50:36,564 Azaan... 555 00:50:46,064 --> 00:50:46,980 Here, sir. 556 00:50:51,439 --> 00:50:53,689 Fold it properly. Put it away. 557 00:50:54,772 --> 00:50:59,230 Why not write "lndian army sniper" on your forehead instead? 558 00:50:59,564 --> 00:51:00,772 "Here to rescue the nurses." 559 00:51:01,147 --> 00:51:04,230 The ISC guys fly their flag everywhere... 560 00:51:04,730 --> 00:51:06,980 ...when we're done, I'll fly our flag. 561 00:51:07,564 --> 00:51:12,814 So the scum realize that Indians are no less brave. 562 00:51:13,355 --> 00:51:14,147 That's it, sir. 563 00:51:25,605 --> 00:51:26,730 Your bag. 564 00:51:28,522 --> 00:51:30,397 - Thank you, Namit. - Ok now? 565 00:51:30,772 --> 00:51:32,022 Bravo! 566 00:51:32,730 --> 00:51:34,022 But Azaan... 567 00:51:35,647 --> 00:51:39,355 Being passionate is one thing, expressing it is another. 568 00:51:41,730 --> 00:51:43,397 We're RAW agents. 569 00:51:57,814 --> 00:52:00,522 How many more days I have to stay here? 570 00:52:01,064 --> 00:52:03,980 I think you'll recover in about 4 to 5 days. 571 00:52:04,605 --> 00:52:05,855 Why did you save my life? 572 00:52:06,105 --> 00:52:07,355 It's my duty. 573 00:52:07,980 --> 00:52:12,230 My duty doesn't differentiate between people or what they do. 574 00:52:12,605 --> 00:52:16,814 No one has come to rescue us. Trust me. We'll all be killed. 575 00:52:17,105 --> 00:52:20,230 Sana, I've spoken to the Ambassador. He'll talk to ISC. 576 00:52:20,439 --> 00:52:21,814 And they'll listen? 577 00:52:22,814 --> 00:52:25,022 They're crazy. Crazy. 578 00:52:25,855 --> 00:52:27,022 Are you an Indian? 579 00:52:30,647 --> 00:52:32,105 Your Hindi is good. 580 00:52:32,689 --> 00:52:35,230 My father was the Syrian ambassador in Delhi. 581 00:52:35,730 --> 00:52:38,314 I was 8 when we moved there. 582 00:52:39,689 --> 00:52:41,230 Chanakyapuri. 583 00:52:41,730 --> 00:52:44,189 I went to school for 8 years there. 584 00:52:45,189 --> 00:52:47,772 Hindustani is a beautiful language. 585 00:52:48,814 --> 00:52:50,939 When I was studying in Oxford... 586 00:52:51,355 --> 00:52:53,980 ...the subject of my thesis were the poets Ghalib and Iqbal. 587 00:52:54,314 --> 00:52:55,522 Amazing! 588 00:52:56,355 --> 00:53:00,064 How could anyone wield a gun having studied these great poets? 589 00:53:02,272 --> 00:53:04,355 I'm going. I can't take it. 590 00:53:04,564 --> 00:53:06,814 You crazy? if they catch you, they'll kill you. 591 00:53:07,064 --> 00:53:09,064 They'll kill us anyway. 592 00:53:10,605 --> 00:53:11,314 Sana... 593 00:53:11,689 --> 00:53:14,439 If one of us escapes, we can get help. 594 00:53:15,897 --> 00:53:17,814 - Let me go. - Sana! 595 00:53:18,605 --> 00:53:22,355 I was a professor...at a New York languages school. 596 00:53:23,272 --> 00:53:25,355 I was teaching the world poetry. 597 00:53:26,480 --> 00:53:30,939 After 9/11, they arrested me at a train station without any evidence. 598 00:53:31,480 --> 00:53:33,314 Only because of my name. 599 00:53:50,855 --> 00:53:52,439 Get down! Move. 600 00:53:56,647 --> 00:53:58,564 Hurry! Keep your head down. 601 00:54:12,980 --> 00:54:14,397 Three years... 602 00:54:15,439 --> 00:54:17,980 I was imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for three years. 603 00:54:18,355 --> 00:54:21,355 I was left naked. They tied a dog collar around my neck. 604 00:54:21,855 --> 00:54:24,230 The American soldiers used to urinate on us. 605 00:54:36,647 --> 00:54:40,522 A man does not die when he stops breathing... 606 00:54:41,439 --> 00:54:46,147 ...a man dies when his dignity is snatched away from him. 607 00:54:50,522 --> 00:54:54,897 Now every person that you see here no longer fears death. 608 00:55:07,480 --> 00:55:08,397 Sana! 609 00:55:08,730 --> 00:55:10,480 Get back inside! Or I'll shoot everyone. 610 00:55:17,772 --> 00:55:18,980 Allah! 611 00:55:20,814 --> 00:55:21,980 A nurse tried to escape. 612 00:55:22,855 --> 00:55:23,855 Shoot her! 613 00:55:25,605 --> 00:55:26,939 It's ok. 614 00:55:27,605 --> 00:55:30,272 Please don't do this. They're nurses. 615 00:55:31,522 --> 00:55:34,480 - Don't panic! - Don't do this, please. 616 00:55:35,189 --> 00:55:38,064 This is going to make you a much stronger person. 617 00:56:00,980 --> 00:56:01,855 Salaam Aleichem. 618 00:56:08,939 --> 00:56:09,814 Sir. 619 00:56:10,564 --> 00:56:12,397 - I need a month's leave, sir. - Why? 620 00:56:12,730 --> 00:56:14,522 I must go to India. My wife's pregnant. 621 00:56:16,439 --> 00:56:18,772 You're here, and your wife is pregnant? 622 00:56:19,064 --> 00:56:21,647 Didn't that happen last year too? God be praised! 623 00:56:21,855 --> 00:56:26,605 Strong Wi-Fi! It does the business from this far? Get lost! 624 00:56:31,855 --> 00:56:34,022 Wait! Pass me the binoculars. 625 00:56:34,439 --> 00:56:37,564 Rakeshji, the control room is yours. 626 00:56:38,105 --> 00:56:42,605 Azaan, keep a watch from a safe place. 627 00:56:49,689 --> 00:56:52,647 Namit, your job is the most important of all. 628 00:56:53,189 --> 00:56:55,272 The oil refinery. 629 00:56:55,730 --> 00:56:59,980 Make sure your bomb doesn't wipe us all out. 630 00:57:00,814 --> 00:57:04,855 I have a wife, and Junior is very young. 631 00:57:05,272 --> 00:57:06,230 Go easy. 632 00:57:08,730 --> 00:57:11,730 This damn guy is plotting something. 633 00:57:28,522 --> 00:57:29,522 Hello. 634 00:57:29,897 --> 00:57:31,980 "Tu tu tu tutu tara." 635 00:57:33,480 --> 00:57:36,189 "Tu tu tu tutu tara." 636 00:57:37,814 --> 00:57:39,022 "Our friend is here." 637 00:57:41,897 --> 00:57:44,689 Once is ok. You kidding me? 638 00:57:45,772 --> 00:57:47,730 - So you're here? - Arrived yesterday. 639 00:57:48,230 --> 00:57:50,814 I have some Indian friends who want to eat Indian food. 640 00:57:51,230 --> 00:57:52,730 What do you want? 641 00:57:53,022 --> 00:57:55,855 Half a kilo of Kashmiri chillies... 642 00:57:56,189 --> 00:57:58,772 ...and some vegetables. 643 00:57:59,272 --> 00:58:02,897 Half a kilo of Kashmiri chillies? Want everyone to get the runs? 644 00:58:03,605 --> 00:58:07,064 We're Indians. We love masala. 645 00:58:07,605 --> 00:58:09,230 Need anything else? 646 00:58:10,064 --> 00:58:14,272 The floor plan of the place where the Indians are held. 647 00:58:14,897 --> 00:58:18,064 How many guard them? 648 00:58:18,355 --> 00:58:19,855 Slow down! 649 00:58:20,397 --> 00:58:22,314 I need more than a day. 650 00:58:24,189 --> 00:58:25,355 I'll try. 651 00:58:25,855 --> 00:58:29,355 Meet me tomorrow at 2. Al Shamsi Kebab corner. Bada Bazaar. 652 00:58:29,772 --> 00:58:30,605 Ok. 653 00:58:43,022 --> 00:58:44,105 Number's changed. 654 00:58:45,105 --> 00:58:47,689 Sonny, you're sharp. 655 00:58:48,355 --> 00:58:52,855 Don't forget, I won't let you do what you came here to do. 656 00:58:58,730 --> 00:59:01,105 Gary! My friend. 657 00:59:01,564 --> 00:59:05,439 Tuesday morning breakfast. I'll see you. 658 00:59:05,855 --> 00:59:08,147 Good American breakfast. 659 00:59:17,355 --> 00:59:18,314 So? 660 00:59:18,730 --> 00:59:20,105 Mr. Sam Jacobs. 661 00:59:21,564 --> 00:59:24,605 Is America planning another air strike? 662 00:59:27,689 --> 00:59:29,439 Why don't you people understand... 663 00:59:29,730 --> 00:59:32,480 - ...that God is with us? - Stop using His name! 664 00:59:33,605 --> 00:59:34,855 God is for peace. 665 00:59:35,147 --> 00:59:37,355 You think we don't know what's your plan? 666 00:59:38,105 --> 00:59:39,147 Hassan... 667 00:59:41,564 --> 00:59:44,439 Your friend, James Forward, left this for us. 668 00:59:48,772 --> 00:59:49,980 He's 13. 669 00:59:50,480 --> 00:59:53,230 His whole family died in a drone strike in Syria. 670 00:59:53,564 --> 00:59:56,147 Including his four year-old sister. 671 00:59:57,897 --> 01:00:01,855 My father used to say: "Small coffins are the heaviest." 672 01:00:02,314 --> 01:00:04,772 For God's sake. Please don't do this. 673 01:00:06,564 --> 01:00:08,189 Please don't do this. 674 01:00:21,730 --> 01:00:22,647 Hakim... 675 01:00:23,022 --> 01:00:25,105 If he tries to escape, shoot him. 676 01:01:01,355 --> 01:01:06,814 Let's unite against oppression, aggression, corruption and terrorism. 677 01:01:26,147 --> 01:01:27,855 "Tu tu tu tutu tara." 678 01:01:28,314 --> 01:01:29,939 "Our friend is here." 679 01:01:30,314 --> 01:01:31,814 Table 7. I'll join you. 680 01:01:48,355 --> 01:01:49,480 Hassan. 681 01:01:50,480 --> 01:01:51,480 No Ho." 682 01:01:53,689 --> 01:01:57,605 "H...a...s...s...an." 683 01:02:05,730 --> 01:02:08,064 Where's Mummy? Daddy? 684 01:02:10,814 --> 01:02:12,314 Me? Avinash. 685 01:02:13,147 --> 01:02:14,814 Avinash Rathod. 686 01:02:15,480 --> 01:02:17,439 My son, Junior... 687 01:02:18,897 --> 01:02:19,897 - - NQUT Egg 688 01:02:20,397 --> 01:02:23,314 Nice face. Beautiful eyes. 689 01:02:32,230 --> 01:02:33,314 What's going on? 690 01:02:36,105 --> 01:02:38,772 - What's the protest? - He's an Iraqi... 691 01:02:39,730 --> 01:02:41,605 ...protesting against ISC. 692 01:02:41,897 --> 01:02:48,022 This is the Iraqi army's last hold on the city. The ISC want to take over. 693 01:02:50,272 --> 01:02:51,980 You need this to make a bomb. 694 01:02:52,189 --> 01:02:56,689 There are 25 men guarding the hospital and Abu Usman. 695 01:03:03,939 --> 01:03:05,480 I need the hospital floor plan. 696 01:03:05,897 --> 01:03:07,772 That'll take more time. 697 01:03:08,355 --> 01:03:11,647 It's in the City Council building under ISC control. 698 01:03:15,980 --> 01:03:17,897 Freedom! 699 01:03:58,814 --> 01:03:59,605 Shit. 700 01:04:02,689 --> 01:04:05,439 ISC is not Islam. 701 01:04:06,022 --> 01:04:07,897 Someone has taken Hassan. 702 01:04:12,772 --> 01:04:14,064 Go away! 703 01:04:17,980 --> 01:04:18,855 Let go! 704 01:04:27,730 --> 01:04:29,689 Bomb. Go! 705 01:04:30,272 --> 01:04:31,397 Don't be scared. 706 01:04:32,605 --> 01:04:33,605 Don't be scared. 707 01:04:39,605 --> 01:04:41,647 Tiger! What are you doing? 708 01:04:43,605 --> 01:04:44,522 Oh shit. 709 01:04:44,772 --> 01:04:47,189 - He's an ISC human bomb. - I know. 710 01:04:47,480 --> 01:04:49,105 This is not our job. 711 01:04:49,397 --> 01:04:50,647 Sure it is. 712 01:04:51,022 --> 01:04:52,814 Tiger! You'll get us all killed. 713 01:04:54,897 --> 01:04:59,439 - This innocent boy is my son's age. - A timer! 45 seconds to go. 714 01:05:04,522 --> 01:05:06,522 Tiger, they're here. No time left. 715 01:05:06,730 --> 01:05:08,147 We're right on time. 716 01:05:08,439 --> 01:05:11,814 You clear the square. I'll clear them off this planet. 717 01:05:15,314 --> 01:05:17,897 ISC is here! Clear the square. 718 01:05:19,230 --> 01:05:20,647 Clear the square! 719 01:05:27,564 --> 01:05:29,022 I've found Hassan. 720 01:06:06,230 --> 01:06:08,230 - Take care of the kid. - Let's go. 721 01:07:41,105 --> 01:07:42,147 Take a right! 722 01:07:46,897 --> 01:07:47,939 Stop! 723 01:08:11,147 --> 01:08:12,397 Take a left up ahead. 724 01:08:44,480 --> 01:08:45,397 Damn! 725 01:10:01,355 --> 01:10:02,897 Take the kid to the Indian Embassy. 726 01:11:05,105 --> 01:11:07,189 No one move! 727 01:11:09,647 --> 01:11:11,272 Give me the kid! 728 01:11:12,022 --> 01:11:13,064 Or I shoot. 729 01:11:33,814 --> 01:11:37,147 - How come you're here? - I'll tell you. Who's the kid? 730 01:11:37,897 --> 01:11:38,980 I'll tell you. 731 01:11:40,147 --> 01:11:41,314 Hassan, down! 732 01:12:21,314 --> 01:12:23,605 Surround them. Hurry! Get them out of the car. 733 01:12:58,772 --> 01:12:59,480 NOW! 734 01:13:45,355 --> 01:13:46,605 They're my guys. 735 01:13:46,855 --> 01:13:48,189 Meaning? 736 01:13:48,814 --> 01:13:49,730 What the... 737 01:13:51,605 --> 01:13:52,272 ...hell! 738 01:13:53,022 --> 01:13:57,105 You and RAW only heard about the Indian nurses... 739 01:13:58,314 --> 01:14:00,564 ...but there are 15 Pakistani nurses too. 740 01:14:08,022 --> 01:14:09,730 That's why you came? 741 01:14:10,230 --> 01:14:12,397 Must I let those nurses die? 742 01:14:12,814 --> 01:14:15,564 I convinced you to help. And I mustn't? 743 01:14:16,397 --> 01:14:20,314 15 minutes ago they shot our agent, Pawan. 744 01:14:21,064 --> 01:14:23,480 This young Hassan had a bomb... 745 01:14:23,939 --> 01:14:26,147 ...tied to him. They'd have blown him up. 746 01:14:26,689 --> 01:14:30,147 132 children were killed by terrorists in Pakistan. 747 01:14:30,897 --> 01:14:32,855 Were the kids to blame? 748 01:14:34,230 --> 01:14:39,022 Because of a few troublemakers, my country is misunderstood by the world. 749 01:14:39,522 --> 01:14:41,772 Pakistanis want peace... 750 01:14:43,647 --> 01:14:47,147 ...so that their children can study without fear. 751 01:14:47,730 --> 01:14:51,189 Prosper and bring honour to their country. 752 01:14:51,939 --> 01:14:55,564 This mission is not only about saving those nurses... 753 01:14:56,564 --> 01:15:00,272 ...it's also about restoring respect to my country. 754 01:15:01,064 --> 01:15:03,980 And telling the world that we stand for peace. 755 01:15:30,355 --> 01:15:32,230 Let's do it together. 756 01:15:33,147 --> 01:15:34,314 A joint mission. 757 01:15:36,689 --> 01:15:37,730 What? 758 01:15:38,105 --> 01:15:39,064 You and I. 759 01:15:39,439 --> 01:15:40,939 ISI and RAW. 760 01:15:41,439 --> 01:15:44,272 First time. We'll carry out the mission together. 761 01:15:45,397 --> 01:15:49,022 Are you in your right senses? Have you gone mad? 762 01:15:51,772 --> 01:15:53,522 What are you saying, sir? 763 01:15:54,064 --> 01:15:55,855 You know we're enemies. 764 01:15:56,397 --> 01:15:58,022 A mission with Pakistan? 765 01:15:58,772 --> 01:16:02,605 Hear that? Didn't I tell you we'd just be stirring up muck? 766 01:16:02,980 --> 01:16:05,355 Muck? What muck? 767 01:16:05,897 --> 01:16:07,939 We arrested some of their men in Kashmir. 768 01:16:08,439 --> 01:16:11,022 - We know what you're up to. - What? 769 01:16:11,355 --> 01:16:13,439 Don't get us talking. 770 01:16:13,772 --> 01:16:15,564 - If we did... - Then? 771 01:16:16,064 --> 01:16:17,730 If you can talk, so can we. 772 01:16:17,939 --> 01:16:18,939 WOW! 773 01:16:19,439 --> 01:16:21,439 That's called true enmity! 774 01:16:24,814 --> 01:16:27,272 Rakeshji, logic dictates that... 775 01:16:27,564 --> 01:16:30,605 ...if we didn't work together we'll get in each other's way. 776 01:16:31,522 --> 01:16:34,814 If we worked together, there's a chance... 777 01:16:35,355 --> 01:16:39,647 ...we could send our girls home, safe and sound. 778 01:16:41,189 --> 01:16:45,689 I know there are many problems between our countries. 779 01:16:46,897 --> 01:16:49,105 They may never get resolved. 780 01:16:50,564 --> 01:16:52,230 But this is about humanity. 781 01:16:58,022 --> 01:16:59,397 You guys... 782 01:17:00,230 --> 01:17:01,397 ...are trained agents... 783 01:17:01,772 --> 01:17:03,230 ...adults, matured. 784 01:17:03,689 --> 01:17:05,522 Now we'll see if you're... 785 01:17:06,564 --> 01:17:08,355 ...sensible or not. 786 01:17:11,314 --> 01:17:12,605 What about Hassan? 787 01:17:12,855 --> 01:17:15,689 Capt. Abrar knows an Iraqi safe house. 788 01:17:16,689 --> 01:17:18,522 Hassan can stay there. 789 01:17:25,272 --> 01:17:26,397 Where's Junior? 790 01:17:26,897 --> 01:17:27,980 I sold him. 791 01:17:30,189 --> 01:17:31,522 He's in India. 792 01:17:32,064 --> 01:17:33,147 With Zophia. 793 01:17:33,397 --> 01:17:35,897 Our son is in India at last. 794 01:17:37,314 --> 01:17:39,355 I can't accept it. 795 01:17:40,689 --> 01:17:43,897 I know that Tiger's logic makes sense. 796 01:17:45,730 --> 01:17:49,189 I was born around the time of the Partition... 797 01:17:49,814 --> 01:17:51,564 That's when I was born. 798 01:17:52,522 --> 01:17:55,855 But imagine this, if the border had not been drawn... 799 01:17:57,022 --> 01:17:59,355 ...cricketers Akram and Sachin would play in the same team. 800 01:17:59,689 --> 01:18:01,647 Then all the World Cups would be ours! 801 01:18:02,355 --> 01:18:03,689 You're right! 802 01:18:03,980 --> 01:18:05,855 My father would agree with you. 803 01:18:06,189 --> 01:18:07,564 Just imagine... 804 01:18:07,897 --> 01:18:10,647 ...if Lata Bibi, Kishore Kumar, Mohammed Rafi... 805 01:18:10,939 --> 01:18:14,022 ...Abida Parveen and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan sang on stage together. 806 01:18:14,355 --> 01:18:15,647 Just imagine... 807 01:18:16,105 --> 01:18:20,189 ...if the money that both countries spend on defense budgets... 808 01:18:20,647 --> 01:18:23,772 ...could be used instead for roads, education, power and water... 809 01:18:24,064 --> 01:18:25,814 ...and cutting unemployment. 810 01:18:26,189 --> 01:18:27,772 And Pakistani girls? 811 01:18:31,730 --> 01:18:34,147 - They're so beautiful. - Sir! 812 01:18:34,689 --> 01:18:38,814 Remember how Sunny Deol eloped with a Pakistani in Gadar? 813 01:18:39,230 --> 01:18:40,230 - So? - So what? 814 01:18:40,480 --> 01:18:41,689 Big deal! 815 01:18:42,022 --> 01:18:44,064 Remember our tennis player fell in love... 816 01:18:44,314 --> 01:18:45,730 ...with your Pakistani cricketer? 817 01:18:45,939 --> 01:18:47,605 Wonderful, no? 818 01:18:47,980 --> 01:18:49,814 But he has lost his touch! 819 01:18:51,230 --> 01:18:52,689 You intellectuals! 820 01:19:07,230 --> 01:19:08,897 - Zoya Bibi! - Tiger sir! 821 01:19:20,730 --> 01:19:21,814 Your decision? 822 01:19:22,314 --> 01:19:23,105 RAW? 823 01:19:23,647 --> 01:19:24,355 Isl? 824 01:19:27,814 --> 01:19:29,522 Let's work together... 825 01:19:30,022 --> 01:19:31,814 ...against a common enemy. 826 01:19:32,689 --> 01:19:34,105 You mean... 827 01:19:34,522 --> 01:19:38,355 ...the groom's and the bride's families will work together? 828 01:21:25,522 --> 01:21:28,022 "The latest coming in from lkrit, Iraq is that... 829 01:21:28,272 --> 01:21:30,522 "...the ISC hold has become stronger." 830 01:21:30,730 --> 01:21:31,897 "US special forces... 831 01:21:32,105 --> 01:21:34,147 "...are getting ready to move in at any time... 832 01:21:34,397 --> 01:21:36,939 "...as per the latest report from the White House. 833 01:21:37,147 --> 01:21:39,730 "Last week they confirmed possible US air strikes." 834 01:21:40,064 --> 01:21:45,230 "25 Indian nurses are being held hostage in this hospital. 835 01:21:45,480 --> 01:21:46,647 "Days have past... 836 01:21:46,897 --> 01:21:51,980 "...but the Indian government have not rescued the nurses as yet." 837 01:21:52,189 --> 01:21:54,355 Tiger has teamed up with ISI for the mission. 838 01:21:55,272 --> 01:21:56,022 But why? 839 01:21:56,230 --> 01:21:58,522 Zoya wants to save the Pakistani nurses. 840 01:22:00,397 --> 01:22:02,439 The mission is a family affair now. 841 01:22:04,439 --> 01:22:07,689 You didn't tell me 15 Pakistani nurses are held hostage, too? 842 01:22:07,939 --> 01:22:11,980 We wanted our nurses to be priority. 843 01:22:12,564 --> 01:22:15,439 - And get our girls safely home. - Shenoy... 844 01:22:15,772 --> 01:22:18,980 There are many political problems between India and Pakistan. 845 01:22:19,605 --> 01:22:23,647 But we cannot let politics come in the way of humanity. 846 01:22:24,022 --> 01:22:28,022 Make sure the Indian and the Pakistani nurses are rescued. 847 01:22:28,314 --> 01:22:31,230 - I am with Tiger on this. - Yes, sir. 848 01:22:50,522 --> 01:22:51,814 Open up! 849 01:23:18,855 --> 01:23:20,522 - Are we in? - Not yet, Rakeshji. 850 01:23:35,147 --> 01:23:37,564 Make it happen this time, Lord Hanuman! 851 01:23:42,439 --> 01:23:44,439 Done! Let's go. 852 01:24:10,980 --> 01:24:13,480 I love American breakfast. 853 01:24:14,730 --> 01:24:17,314 Gary, why did you remember me? 854 01:24:17,897 --> 01:24:19,730 A few days ago, as I am sure you are aware... 855 01:24:19,980 --> 01:24:21,564 ...Abu Usman grabbed three of our soldiers... 856 01:24:21,939 --> 01:24:24,105 ...and two civilians, journalists. 857 01:24:26,397 --> 01:24:29,939 Journalists...? Or CIA agents? 858 01:24:31,939 --> 01:24:33,939 We need you to find out where he's keeping them. 859 01:24:36,605 --> 01:24:37,730 This is for you. 860 01:24:40,105 --> 01:24:42,564 Don't think I'm going to negotiate. 861 01:24:43,439 --> 01:24:44,522 Enough! 862 01:24:45,147 --> 01:24:48,230 This is my country, my deal! Or no deal. 863 01:24:48,522 --> 01:24:50,189 - Baghdawi? - Understand? 864 01:24:51,022 --> 01:24:53,147 Baghdawi! What is he doing here? 865 01:24:54,397 --> 01:24:56,564 He came to discuss a back end oil deal. 866 01:24:57,814 --> 01:24:59,939 - You're doing terrorist... - No, no. 867 01:25:00,439 --> 01:25:02,647 - He came as a businessman. - And? 868 01:25:04,064 --> 01:25:06,772 - He asked for too much money. - So, now? 869 01:25:07,022 --> 01:25:09,855 So now he's leaving as a terrorist. 870 01:25:10,230 --> 01:25:11,522 What will you do? 871 01:25:13,647 --> 01:25:16,022 What do you think we do to terrorists? 872 01:25:34,772 --> 01:25:35,772 Baghdawi! 873 01:25:37,064 --> 01:25:38,814 Baghdawi! Stop the car! 874 01:25:40,022 --> 01:25:41,022 Stop the car! 875 01:25:41,272 --> 01:25:43,397 Stop right there! I'll shoot you. 876 01:25:43,897 --> 01:25:46,397 Don't shoot! I am a friend of Amir. 877 01:25:49,897 --> 01:25:51,064 Get me drones. 878 01:25:51,689 --> 01:25:52,855 All eyes on target. 879 01:25:53,105 --> 01:25:54,147 Stop, stop! 880 01:25:55,980 --> 01:25:58,147 Amir! Don't shoot! 881 01:25:59,564 --> 01:26:00,814 Don't move! 882 01:26:01,147 --> 01:26:02,522 America...blast! 883 01:26:02,814 --> 01:26:04,480 America. No oil deal. 884 01:26:06,522 --> 01:26:07,480 He's on the move, sir. 885 01:26:11,605 --> 01:26:12,897 Target. Lock. 886 01:26:13,480 --> 01:26:14,314 Engage. 887 01:26:36,730 --> 01:26:39,272 Thank you, Firdaus. 888 01:26:41,272 --> 01:26:42,397 Amir... 889 01:26:57,897 --> 01:26:58,939 Next. 890 01:27:11,730 --> 01:27:12,814 That banana is mine. 891 01:27:21,439 --> 01:27:23,522 - Who's got the anti-fire gel? - I have it. 892 01:27:25,939 --> 01:27:28,355 How long before the CCTV works again, Rakeshji? 893 01:27:28,689 --> 01:27:29,314 7 minutes. 894 01:27:29,605 --> 01:27:33,480 - The guards' next shift is in 5. - That gives us 3 minutes. 895 01:27:33,814 --> 01:27:36,730 - Azaan, alert us. Call. - Sure, sir. 896 01:27:37,355 --> 01:27:39,689 Let's go. Come on! Showtime. 897 01:27:58,147 --> 01:27:59,980 - What is it? - Too much oil. 898 01:28:00,355 --> 01:28:02,272 I must drill. Drain the oil out. 899 01:28:18,480 --> 01:28:20,022 Oh no, no! 900 01:28:23,772 --> 01:28:25,272 Pick up. Pick up, sir. 901 01:28:27,605 --> 01:28:28,314 Shit! 902 01:28:30,605 --> 01:28:32,605 Hey! What are you doing? 903 01:28:32,939 --> 01:28:34,522 I said what are you doing? 904 01:28:36,730 --> 01:28:38,980 - Don't stop, Namit. - What are you guys talking? 905 01:28:39,147 --> 01:28:40,397 We have 2 minutes. 906 01:28:40,689 --> 01:28:42,147 Sit down! Or I'll shoot you. 907 01:28:49,147 --> 01:28:50,605 To the second floor! 908 01:29:44,439 --> 01:29:46,939 Rakeshji, the guards are here. 909 01:29:47,230 --> 01:29:49,272 What? You're eating a banana? 910 01:29:53,022 --> 01:29:54,022 Namit, ready? 911 01:29:54,522 --> 01:29:55,314 Sir! 912 01:30:06,230 --> 01:30:07,605 What's going on? 913 01:30:15,147 --> 01:30:18,814 - Help me! - Rakeshji, no need to overdo it. 914 01:30:19,564 --> 01:30:21,605 Second floor. Near the pipes. 915 01:30:31,272 --> 01:30:32,355 Hello. 916 01:30:34,897 --> 01:30:35,939 What? 917 01:30:37,064 --> 01:30:39,147 The dogs! 918 01:30:45,314 --> 01:30:47,397 Because of you my men die. 919 01:30:48,064 --> 01:30:49,522 You scumbags. 920 01:30:49,939 --> 01:30:51,939 You're misguided. 921 01:30:53,939 --> 01:30:55,064 I'll kill you. 922 01:30:55,397 --> 01:30:57,355 All of you swines. 923 01:30:58,897 --> 01:31:01,022 What have you done, you morons? 924 01:31:01,355 --> 01:31:03,147 They're the morons, not us. 925 01:31:03,522 --> 01:31:06,897 They were smoking. I warned them about the gas leak. 926 01:31:07,272 --> 01:31:09,730 They were killed in the explosion. And we suffered burns. 927 01:31:10,105 --> 01:31:11,689 So you survived? 928 01:31:12,105 --> 01:31:14,397 You dumb fool, you think I am an idiot? 929 01:31:14,647 --> 01:31:17,314 A bullet's coming your way. Amir Baghdawi! 930 01:31:17,605 --> 01:31:18,814 Stop! 931 01:31:19,772 --> 01:31:20,605 Ok! 932 01:31:21,105 --> 01:31:23,147 Shoot the rascals! 933 01:31:24,814 --> 01:31:27,522 One minute...alone. Talk. 934 01:31:28,272 --> 01:31:29,689 We talk. 935 01:31:30,980 --> 01:31:32,439 The mission's over. 936 01:31:32,730 --> 01:31:34,439 Firdaus is a fox. 937 01:31:34,980 --> 01:31:37,939 No, he's not a fox, he's fascinating. 938 01:31:38,314 --> 01:31:41,730 Labour, lot of money, Amir. Expensive. 939 01:31:42,105 --> 01:31:44,605 One person, ten thousand dinars. 940 01:31:45,980 --> 01:31:48,230 - But my men died. - Accident. 941 01:31:48,772 --> 01:31:50,189 Accidents happen. 942 01:31:50,522 --> 01:31:53,605 Twenty-five years I worked here, accidents happen. 943 01:31:53,939 --> 01:31:55,314 I teach them a lesson. 944 01:31:55,605 --> 01:31:56,522 I cut them... 945 01:31:58,772 --> 01:32:02,480 You kill four... four hundred stop. 946 01:32:02,855 --> 01:32:04,147 No work. Strike. 947 01:32:04,522 --> 01:32:06,522 Labour very close army... 948 01:32:06,855 --> 01:32:09,897 ...they no work, no refinery. 949 01:32:10,272 --> 01:32:12,897 No money. No oil. Loss. 950 01:32:16,814 --> 01:32:18,522 Think with a cool head. 951 01:32:34,730 --> 01:32:36,105 Take them to the hospital! 952 01:32:52,647 --> 01:32:56,772 Thanks to you guys, I was nearly killed today. 953 01:32:57,564 --> 01:33:00,855 You think you've escaped death's claws? 954 01:33:01,772 --> 01:33:06,355 I saved you from Baghdawi so that I could shoot you myself. 955 01:33:06,939 --> 01:33:10,230 But first tell me, who are you? 956 01:33:11,730 --> 01:33:14,439 I know you're Indian agents. 957 01:33:15,147 --> 01:33:18,230 But I want to know what you're doing here. 958 01:33:19,772 --> 01:33:21,397 Speak up! Or I'll shoot. 959 01:33:25,439 --> 01:33:26,480 God forbid! 960 01:33:26,730 --> 01:33:29,189 You missed from so close! You scaring us? 961 01:33:29,647 --> 01:33:34,480 I'll open those ears of yours! Me? Scaring you? 962 01:33:35,147 --> 01:33:39,439 Fasten your seat belts tight. Sister-in-law is here! 963 01:33:48,689 --> 01:33:51,272 - Who's the shooter? - Sister-in-law! 964 01:34:17,897 --> 01:34:19,772 Zoya, I was in that car too. 965 01:34:21,355 --> 01:34:23,897 - Dangerous sister-in-law. - Right! 966 01:34:24,480 --> 01:34:26,647 - Sorry, sorry. - Goodbye. 967 01:34:27,022 --> 01:34:28,647 "Tu tu tu tutu tara." 968 01:34:31,397 --> 01:34:34,272 "Tu tu tu tutu tara. Our friend is here." 969 01:34:34,730 --> 01:34:35,980 You know the code? 970 01:34:36,355 --> 01:34:39,647 I've been RAW's agent in Iraq for 25 years. 971 01:34:40,105 --> 01:34:42,272 My medals are in Saharanpur. 972 01:34:42,564 --> 01:34:46,230 I've slogged for RAW for years, and you point a gun at my head? 973 01:34:46,647 --> 01:34:48,314 You show me no respect. 974 01:34:49,105 --> 01:34:51,355 - And Pawan? - My junior. 975 01:34:51,897 --> 01:34:54,564 If you're RAW, why did you nearly kill us? 976 01:34:54,814 --> 01:34:56,147 Shenoy said: 977 01:34:56,397 --> 01:35:00,147 "Before they get to the hospital, scare the living daylights out of them. 978 01:35:00,397 --> 01:35:02,480 "If they break, better sooner than later." 979 01:35:07,230 --> 01:35:08,814 Shenoy sir! 980 01:35:13,605 --> 01:35:15,730 Shenoy must've given you a double code. 981 01:35:15,939 --> 01:35:19,605 A single code can only work once. 982 01:35:19,980 --> 01:35:21,480 The double code? 983 01:35:23,397 --> 01:35:24,564 What is it? 984 01:35:25,814 --> 01:35:26,939 Tell me! 985 01:35:27,897 --> 01:35:29,314 "Black lentils." 986 01:35:30,397 --> 01:35:33,980 No one cooks black lentils better than Tiger. 987 01:35:40,105 --> 01:35:41,439 He's RAW. 988 01:35:44,980 --> 01:35:47,480 Brother, is that Abrar? 989 01:35:47,939 --> 01:35:50,439 The ISI captain? What's going on? 990 01:35:50,772 --> 01:35:53,189 RAW and ISI? Together? 991 01:35:55,772 --> 01:35:57,397 Does the PM know? 992 01:36:06,147 --> 01:36:08,897 Abrar and Javed have joined the ISC guys... 993 01:36:09,647 --> 01:36:11,355 ...their IDs will get them into the hospital. 994 01:36:11,939 --> 01:36:13,939 Pawan said there were only 25 guards. 995 01:36:14,314 --> 01:36:16,855 We have three days to get the nurses out. 996 01:36:17,147 --> 01:36:21,272 The most important thing... the hospital floor plan. 997 01:36:21,980 --> 01:36:23,647 It's in the City Council building. 998 01:36:23,939 --> 01:36:26,814 Zoya, you'll find a way to bring it to us. 999 01:36:28,647 --> 01:36:30,272 Our mission starts now. 1000 01:36:34,522 --> 01:36:35,689 Firdaus... 1001 01:36:39,189 --> 01:36:40,272 Let's do this! 1002 01:36:45,522 --> 01:36:47,314 Take care of yourself. 1003 01:37:22,980 --> 01:37:25,689 Isn't the security too tight? 1004 01:37:26,939 --> 01:37:28,022 Something's wrong. 1005 01:37:28,314 --> 01:37:29,189 Stop! 1006 01:37:37,189 --> 01:37:37,939 ID? 1007 01:37:38,730 --> 01:37:41,064 - M? - Me! ID. 1008 01:37:41,439 --> 01:37:43,855 Baghdawi refinery accident. 1009 01:37:44,980 --> 01:37:46,897 Burn victims. Hospital. 1010 01:37:47,397 --> 01:37:48,189 Ok. 1011 01:37:51,105 --> 01:37:54,272 Why so many people here? 1012 01:38:02,105 --> 01:38:03,064 Well? 1013 01:38:03,522 --> 01:38:07,605 Didn't you check your horoscope before this mission? 1014 01:38:10,064 --> 01:38:12,064 All your planets are haywire. 1015 01:38:14,064 --> 01:38:17,814 Last night the Americans bombed Mosul. 1016 01:38:19,939 --> 01:38:23,064 So Abu Usman has made this hospital his base. 1017 01:38:25,314 --> 01:38:29,980 This hospital is now lSC's biggest base in lkrit. 1018 01:38:32,689 --> 01:38:34,480 Now get the nurses out! 1019 01:39:12,689 --> 01:39:14,855 - 300 guards? - Correct, sir. 1020 01:39:15,314 --> 01:39:18,314 Firdaus says the hospital is Abu Usman's main base. 1021 01:39:18,730 --> 01:39:22,772 Using the nurses as a decoy, Abu Usman is planning a major attack. 1022 01:39:24,564 --> 01:39:27,147 Do you have a back-up plan? 1023 01:39:28,230 --> 01:39:29,022 War. 1024 01:39:30,105 --> 01:39:32,689 - Are you sure, Shenoy? - Yes, sir. 1025 01:39:33,105 --> 01:39:36,855 Military intelligence says we must talk to Iran. 1026 01:39:37,314 --> 01:39:41,022 We need helicopters, naval ships in the Arabian Gulf... 1027 01:39:41,314 --> 01:39:44,564 ...and Air Force support ready. 1028 01:39:45,647 --> 01:39:46,397 Karan... 1029 01:39:46,939 --> 01:39:49,522 Go to Iraq. Immediately. 1030 01:39:50,355 --> 01:39:52,397 I need someone I can trust there. 1031 01:39:53,189 --> 01:39:55,022 "The Prime Minister has finally ordered... 1032 01:39:55,272 --> 01:39:57,689 "...lNS Mysore, a guided missile destroyer... 1033 01:39:57,980 --> 01:40:01,689 "...and INS Tarkash to be dispatched to the Arabian Gulf... 1034 01:40:02,105 --> 01:40:04,397 "...to bring home the trapped nurses." 1035 01:40:45,230 --> 01:40:46,772 Take them in! 1036 01:40:49,522 --> 01:40:51,939 Move them. Hurry! 1037 01:41:28,897 --> 01:41:30,647 Do you speak Arabic? 1038 01:41:38,522 --> 01:41:39,772 English? 1039 01:41:44,564 --> 01:41:45,397 Urdu? 1040 01:41:47,647 --> 01:41:48,814 Farsi? 1041 01:41:52,272 --> 01:41:53,730 What do you want? 1042 01:41:54,105 --> 01:41:56,355 I must get into the City Council building. 1043 01:41:56,814 --> 01:41:58,105 It's urgent. 1044 01:41:58,480 --> 01:42:00,939 You don't know what goes on there. 1045 01:42:02,564 --> 01:42:05,522 My village is in Afghanistan on the Pakistan border. 1046 01:42:06,105 --> 01:42:08,564 I came here to study at the medical college. 1047 01:42:09,272 --> 01:42:11,814 Some of the girls and I were abducted... 1048 01:42:12,439 --> 01:42:13,564 ...from the college. 1049 01:42:13,897 --> 01:42:16,772 They said that girls should not be studying. 1050 01:42:17,772 --> 01:42:20,147 They took us to the City Council building. 1051 01:42:21,105 --> 01:42:23,272 We had to mop the floors. 1052 01:42:24,314 --> 01:42:26,272 Baghdawi and his men showed up. 1053 01:42:26,980 --> 01:42:28,647 They beat us. 1054 01:42:30,397 --> 01:42:32,147 They raped us. 1055 01:42:33,439 --> 01:42:36,730 Any girl who tried to escape was shot. 1056 01:42:38,189 --> 01:42:40,605 We are forced to go there every day. 1057 01:42:42,314 --> 01:42:45,189 We have to scrub the floors. 1058 01:42:47,314 --> 01:42:50,147 On those same floors, they... 1059 01:43:40,564 --> 01:43:43,814 - How were you burned? - A fire in the refinery. 1060 01:43:44,189 --> 01:43:45,272 That's how. 1061 01:43:45,522 --> 01:43:47,480 Did you light that fire? 1062 01:43:48,522 --> 01:43:51,064 You have anti-fire gel on your skin. 1063 01:43:51,397 --> 01:43:54,314 We're RAW agents. We're here to get you out. 1064 01:43:54,855 --> 01:43:58,064 This is my team. Don't show any reaction. 1065 01:43:58,522 --> 01:43:59,522 Keep listening. 1066 01:43:59,980 --> 01:44:03,230 If we don't get you out in 2 days... 1067 01:44:03,647 --> 01:44:06,439 ...the Americans will start bombing. Then we're all dead. 1068 01:44:06,855 --> 01:44:09,480 We were told there are 4O nurses here. 1069 01:44:09,730 --> 01:44:10,564 39. 1070 01:44:11,564 --> 01:44:14,230 A Pakistani nurse was shot 2 days ago. 1071 01:44:15,022 --> 01:44:17,605 Escaping is impossible. 1072 01:44:19,022 --> 01:44:22,064 They're animals, not men. And Abu Usman... 1073 01:44:33,355 --> 01:44:34,605 ...is everywhere. 1074 01:44:37,272 --> 01:44:38,480 Here he comes. 1075 01:44:53,105 --> 01:44:55,397 Will you change my dressing, Poorna? 1076 01:44:58,772 --> 01:45:01,439 - Are you an Indian? - Yes. 1077 01:45:03,605 --> 01:45:06,314 You must be happy today, Miss Poorna. 1078 01:45:08,230 --> 01:45:13,064 Nice meeting someone in a foreign land from back home. 1079 01:45:15,105 --> 01:45:17,980 - Your name? - Manish Chandra. 1080 01:45:18,397 --> 01:45:19,855 Manish? 1081 01:45:20,730 --> 01:45:24,689 - You have a very nice face, Manish. - Thank you. 1082 01:45:24,980 --> 01:45:26,730 Especially your eyes. 1083 01:45:27,730 --> 01:45:28,564 Very sharp. 1084 01:45:30,314 --> 01:45:31,564 Like a tiger. 1085 01:45:32,022 --> 01:45:34,939 What a coincidence! That's what my Dad says. 1086 01:45:36,272 --> 01:45:38,439 Only 4 of you? 1087 01:45:40,355 --> 01:45:42,355 Yes. Just 4. 1088 01:45:42,897 --> 01:45:44,147 And the others? 1089 01:45:44,980 --> 01:45:47,022 - Are you from the Baghdawi refinery? - Yes. 1090 01:45:48,647 --> 01:45:50,814 Your government is doing nothing. 1091 01:45:51,689 --> 01:45:56,189 They're not saving the many Indians trapped here in Iraq. 1092 01:45:58,105 --> 01:46:00,439 Amir, we're ready to leave. 1093 01:46:00,855 --> 01:46:03,897 Poorna, how long before he's well? 1094 01:46:05,439 --> 01:46:06,897 Two days at least. 1095 01:46:07,605 --> 01:46:10,314 - Be our guest for these two days. - Thank you. 1096 01:46:28,855 --> 01:46:31,730 The world that swears by Your existence... 1097 01:46:34,230 --> 01:46:36,814 ...is a volcano of hatred today. 1098 01:46:39,522 --> 01:46:43,939 Values are long forgotten. Self-interest rules the world. 1099 01:46:50,314 --> 01:46:51,814 All principles... 1100 01:46:52,689 --> 01:46:55,564 ...and all knowledge forgotten. 1101 01:46:57,814 --> 01:47:01,355 All flowers have turned to dust. 1102 01:47:04,855 --> 01:47:07,230 Baghdawi is here! Go and get ready. 1103 01:47:07,939 --> 01:47:09,439 Get up, move! 1104 01:47:16,897 --> 01:47:18,772 The world that swears by Your existence... 1105 01:47:22,439 --> 01:47:24,855 ...is a volcano of hatred today. 1106 01:47:25,564 --> 01:47:27,272 Go. get ready! 1107 01:47:27,772 --> 01:47:32,189 Values are long forgotten. Self-interest rules the world. 1108 01:47:42,814 --> 01:47:44,522 All principles... 1109 01:47:44,980 --> 01:47:46,105 Lift your veils! 1110 01:47:46,397 --> 01:47:49,147 ...and all knowledge forgotten. 1111 01:47:51,230 --> 01:47:54,314 All flowers have turned to dust. 1112 01:47:59,772 --> 01:48:02,230 I am of little significance. 1113 01:48:02,522 --> 01:48:04,855 I have no standing. 1114 01:48:05,272 --> 01:48:08,772 You are my glory. You are my pride. 1115 01:48:09,147 --> 01:48:10,147 You're new? 1116 01:48:13,980 --> 01:48:14,939 Take off your clothes. 1117 01:48:15,189 --> 01:48:17,189 Why has Your Divine light deserted us? 1118 01:48:21,147 --> 01:48:23,439 My soul only chants Your name. 1119 01:48:33,314 --> 01:48:34,564 Amir Baghdawi. 1120 01:48:56,230 --> 01:48:57,814 Without love... 1121 01:48:59,522 --> 01:49:02,064 ...there is no freedom. 1122 01:49:04,314 --> 01:49:06,605 No one understands... 1123 01:49:14,814 --> 01:49:16,980 ...that we are being misled... 1124 01:49:22,814 --> 01:49:24,480 ...by those in power. 1125 01:49:30,564 --> 01:49:35,147 Our voices are silenced, circumstances are against us. 1126 01:49:35,814 --> 01:49:39,730 Yet we will fight on. Long live the revolution! 1127 01:50:03,605 --> 01:50:04,939 Move, move! 1128 01:50:07,230 --> 01:50:08,314 Spread out. 1129 01:50:16,314 --> 01:50:17,814 Powerful Ali, help us. 1130 01:50:52,147 --> 01:50:53,314 Find her! 1131 01:51:18,230 --> 01:51:19,522 Amazing, Tiger! 1132 01:51:20,189 --> 01:51:22,772 Zoya has created havoc and you're smiling? 1133 01:51:23,189 --> 01:51:25,397 She's been caught on CCTV. 1134 01:51:25,939 --> 01:51:28,564 How does she look? Looks good? 1135 01:51:29,105 --> 01:51:31,064 What are you playing at? 1136 01:51:31,439 --> 01:51:34,564 Take Zoya to your American friends and tell them... 1137 01:51:34,855 --> 01:51:39,522 ...to set off an explosion at the ISC check post at 12 tomorrow. 1138 01:51:46,105 --> 01:51:49,647 Is food poisoning treated with pills or injections? 1139 01:51:49,897 --> 01:51:51,980 An injection, if it's a serious case. 1140 01:51:52,189 --> 01:51:54,980 - Does it make them drowsy? - No. 1141 01:51:55,272 --> 01:51:57,939 We usually sedate patients before surgery. 1142 01:51:58,230 --> 01:52:01,564 - They sleep for hours. - How's the supply of sedatives? 1143 01:52:01,855 --> 01:52:03,564 We'll just check that, sir. 1144 01:52:05,980 --> 01:52:06,814 Perfect! 1145 01:52:07,230 --> 01:52:08,605 What's the plan? 1146 01:52:09,105 --> 01:52:11,189 Someone is up to something. 1147 01:52:11,939 --> 01:52:14,230 Get Baghdawi's body to the hospital. 1148 01:52:14,980 --> 01:52:16,564 Gather all the guards. 1149 01:52:19,689 --> 01:52:21,189 Time has come. 1150 01:52:24,772 --> 01:52:26,522 Prepare for the war. 1151 01:52:38,397 --> 01:52:39,814 Open the door. Get down! 1152 01:52:40,439 --> 01:52:41,480 Out! 1153 01:53:00,147 --> 01:53:02,647 India, Pakistan, son of one mother. 1154 01:53:02,897 --> 01:53:04,064 One motherland! 1155 01:53:05,480 --> 01:53:07,605 You tell me. Yes, or no? 1156 01:53:15,480 --> 01:53:16,939 Move fast! 1157 01:53:55,189 --> 01:53:57,397 Brothers and my soldiers! 1158 01:53:58,814 --> 01:54:01,564 Baghdawi and his men... 1159 01:54:02,605 --> 01:54:04,855 ...sacrificed their lives for us. 1160 01:54:05,439 --> 01:54:07,397 Their death won't go in vain. 1161 01:54:07,980 --> 01:54:11,439 Every single person among us will avenge their death. 1162 01:54:12,397 --> 01:54:14,147 It is not easy to break us. 1163 01:54:14,522 --> 01:54:18,147 To destroy our thoughts, beliefs and our army. 1164 01:54:19,855 --> 01:54:23,314 Time for revolution. To show the world our power... 1165 01:54:24,189 --> 01:54:25,647 Sir, the sedatives. 1166 01:54:30,272 --> 01:54:32,647 - Call everyone for the speech. - Ok, copy. 1167 01:54:33,689 --> 01:54:36,022 Hurry! The speech has started. 1168 01:54:36,355 --> 01:54:38,939 We won't let anyone do what they want on our land... 1169 01:54:39,230 --> 01:54:40,689 ...for their own benefit. 1170 01:54:41,355 --> 01:54:42,272 How are you? 1171 01:54:42,730 --> 01:54:44,147 They bomb our cities. 1172 01:54:44,564 --> 01:54:46,064 They kill our families... 1173 01:54:46,564 --> 01:54:49,605 ...our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters... 1174 01:54:49,980 --> 01:54:51,272 ...and they call us terrorists. 1175 01:54:51,897 --> 01:54:55,022 I've checked, sir. We have 150 sedative injections. 1176 01:54:55,397 --> 01:54:58,605 Hurry, switch the labels. Namit, help them. 1177 01:55:10,189 --> 01:55:12,605 You have to decide who's the victim. 1178 01:55:13,397 --> 01:55:15,022 Us? Or them? 1179 01:55:16,022 --> 01:55:16,897 Make sure... 1180 01:55:17,105 --> 01:55:20,647 ...the labels read food poisoning medication. 1181 01:55:27,147 --> 01:55:28,189 Lighter? 1182 01:55:30,897 --> 01:55:31,980 Thank you. 1183 01:55:42,230 --> 01:55:43,730 Ready to die? 1184 01:55:45,064 --> 01:55:46,605 Are you ready to die? 1185 01:55:48,730 --> 01:55:50,064 Victory is ours! 1186 01:55:53,730 --> 01:55:55,147 Victory is ours! 1187 01:56:10,605 --> 01:56:14,189 Rakeshji, are you sure you mixed in the powder? 1188 01:56:14,564 --> 01:56:16,397 They look fine. 1189 01:56:17,730 --> 01:56:20,355 I mixed phenol pills with ammonia. 1190 01:56:20,689 --> 01:56:23,855 Just wait. Their bellies will soon be on fire. 1191 01:56:26,605 --> 01:56:27,814 Azaan... 1192 01:56:29,189 --> 01:56:30,480 ...what are you looking for? 1193 01:56:31,022 --> 01:56:34,105 Once the nurses are freed, where to hoist our flag? 1194 01:56:34,397 --> 01:56:35,314 What? 1195 01:56:35,689 --> 01:56:38,814 - You brought your flag too? - Who else has a flag? 1196 01:56:48,314 --> 01:56:52,189 Emotions evidently run high on both sides of the border. 1197 01:56:59,939 --> 01:57:00,980 What's wrong? 1198 01:57:04,105 --> 01:57:06,647 See that? They're dropping like flies. 1199 01:57:19,730 --> 01:57:22,480 - How many men are down? - Nearly half, sir. 1200 01:57:28,647 --> 01:57:29,939 How bad is he? 1201 01:57:30,272 --> 01:57:32,105 An extreme case of food poisoning. 1202 01:57:32,647 --> 01:57:35,272 We've given him glucose. But he can't hold anything down. 1203 01:57:35,605 --> 01:57:40,314 We must give him an injection, a heavy dose. It will work. 1204 01:57:52,397 --> 01:57:53,355 Stop! 1205 01:57:58,855 --> 01:58:00,439 Get those four Indians. 1206 01:58:13,480 --> 01:58:14,814 Not that one. 1207 01:58:18,689 --> 01:58:19,647 Here. 1208 01:58:32,522 --> 01:58:33,689 Not him. 1209 01:58:39,522 --> 01:58:40,647 Inject him. 1210 01:59:33,355 --> 01:59:36,147 Give the injection to all the sick men. 1211 02:00:15,689 --> 02:00:16,772 Go! 1212 02:00:33,647 --> 02:00:35,355 What did you do to the food? 1213 02:00:36,397 --> 02:00:38,147 Tell me who poisoned the food! 1214 02:00:46,064 --> 02:00:47,689 Northern check post. 1215 02:00:49,314 --> 02:00:51,939 - Go again! - Northern check post is hit. 1216 02:00:52,230 --> 02:00:53,855 We're hit. 1217 02:00:54,980 --> 02:00:56,939 There's been an attack at the northern check post. 1218 02:01:27,855 --> 02:01:29,439 Sir, we've given them the sedatives. 1219 02:01:29,689 --> 02:01:31,522 The guards won't wake up for 3 hours. 1220 02:01:33,647 --> 02:01:34,855 Nor will Azaan. 1221 02:01:36,480 --> 02:01:40,939 As planned, half the men are down. The other half is with Abu Usman. 1222 02:01:41,522 --> 02:01:42,730 No time to waste... 1223 02:01:44,647 --> 02:01:45,689 ...let's go. 1224 02:01:48,189 --> 02:01:49,980 Post disarmed. 1225 02:01:50,230 --> 02:01:52,814 Hi, guys. Our job's done. Now get out of there. 1226 02:01:53,147 --> 02:01:54,939 Copy that. Move out now. 1227 02:01:59,189 --> 02:02:00,605 Move out now! 1228 02:02:01,147 --> 02:02:02,855 Move! Move! Let's go. 1229 02:02:03,189 --> 02:02:05,772 - Let's give it a few minutes. - We got our orders. 1230 02:02:11,064 --> 02:02:13,064 The shooting has stopped. 1231 02:02:13,522 --> 02:02:14,897 Copy. Amir. 1232 02:02:15,230 --> 02:02:17,939 The shooting at the check post has suddenly stopped. 1233 02:02:20,730 --> 02:02:21,980 It's a decoy. 1234 02:03:18,105 --> 02:03:19,772 Thanks be to God. 1235 02:03:26,647 --> 02:03:27,897 Hold fire! 1236 02:03:36,022 --> 02:03:38,855 I can see someone on the second floor. 1237 02:05:23,939 --> 02:05:25,897 She's a strong woman. 1238 02:05:26,689 --> 02:05:29,605 My guards tell me it took a while restraining her. 1239 02:05:31,064 --> 02:05:33,772 And what she did to Baghdawi. 1240 02:05:34,105 --> 02:05:37,397 - She has shaken the Caliphate. - Usman! 1241 02:05:37,980 --> 02:05:42,355 If you touch her again, I'll bury you alive right here. 1242 02:05:46,605 --> 02:05:47,730 Tiger... 1243 02:05:48,689 --> 02:05:50,105 ...isn't that your name? 1244 02:05:51,980 --> 02:05:55,939 You managed to do what both your countries could not do. 1245 02:05:56,522 --> 02:06:00,355 Getting India and Pakistan working on a mission together. 1246 02:06:01,897 --> 02:06:04,314 You must be a very charismatic man, Tiger. 1247 02:06:04,605 --> 02:06:07,397 And what are you? A hero? 1248 02:06:08,189 --> 02:06:11,272 Waging war on the pretext of religion. 1249 02:06:11,814 --> 02:06:15,314 What do you think? This war is about religion? 1250 02:06:15,980 --> 02:06:19,605 Do you get your information from the western media? 1251 02:06:21,939 --> 02:06:25,730 Where do these bombs, weapons and money come from? 1252 02:06:26,147 --> 02:06:27,939 Who provides them to us? 1253 02:06:29,105 --> 02:06:31,397 This war is business. 1254 02:06:31,730 --> 02:06:33,480 The whole world's in it. 1255 02:06:34,272 --> 02:06:36,397 We're the ones seen on ground zero. 1256 02:06:37,022 --> 02:06:39,689 But the whole world is profiting. 1257 02:06:40,897 --> 02:06:44,814 To control this business, you need power. 1258 02:06:45,272 --> 02:06:48,772 And the one who is powerful controls fear. 1259 02:06:50,730 --> 02:06:51,772 Today... 1260 02:06:52,272 --> 02:06:54,272 ...when you're with your family... 1261 02:06:54,689 --> 02:06:58,272 ...on the beach or in a mall, or taking a flight... 1262 02:06:59,939 --> 02:07:02,814 ...don't you fear a suicide bomber? 1263 02:07:05,647 --> 02:07:08,939 This widespread terror in the world today... 1264 02:07:09,355 --> 02:07:11,439 ...that is our strength, Tiger. 1265 02:07:11,772 --> 02:07:15,855 So you strap a bomb on Hassan, a kid, and stand him in a crowd. 1266 02:07:16,230 --> 02:07:20,022 For your own interests you brainwash innocents with hate speeches. 1267 02:07:20,564 --> 02:07:22,480 Is that your business investment? 1268 02:07:24,064 --> 02:07:26,605 The genesis of this world began with humanity. 1269 02:07:26,897 --> 02:07:29,480 Today the world needs only one religion... 1270 02:07:29,855 --> 02:07:31,897 ...and that is humanity. 1271 02:07:32,230 --> 02:07:33,689 I know, Tiger. 1272 02:07:34,064 --> 02:07:36,480 Your philosophy only works in theory. 1273 02:07:37,647 --> 02:07:40,730 We've followed your plan till now. 1274 02:07:41,230 --> 02:07:42,730 Now listen to mine. 1275 02:07:43,980 --> 02:07:47,564 The Americans will bomb this hospital shortly. 1276 02:07:48,272 --> 02:07:49,439 And you... 1277 02:07:49,814 --> 02:07:50,980 ...your team... 1278 02:07:51,230 --> 02:07:53,105 ...and these nurses - all dead. 1279 02:07:53,647 --> 02:07:55,980 The Americans will think they killed me. 1280 02:07:56,730 --> 02:08:00,397 The whole world will celebrate for a few hours. 1281 02:08:00,897 --> 02:08:03,980 "The most wanted man on the planet is dead." 1282 02:08:05,814 --> 02:08:08,147 And after that... 1283 02:08:08,897 --> 02:08:10,730 ...a video will be released. 1284 02:08:11,022 --> 02:08:15,480 Showing me executing thirty foreigners en masse. 1285 02:08:16,272 --> 02:08:19,064 That will be my revenge, Tiger. 1286 02:08:30,480 --> 02:08:31,772 Take a good look. 1287 02:08:35,814 --> 02:08:38,814 The minute you inhale the gas... 1288 02:08:40,397 --> 02:08:43,397 ...all your past happy years with her... 1289 02:08:43,980 --> 02:08:48,314 ...will flash before your eyes for an instant. 1290 02:08:52,022 --> 02:08:53,147 Ryan, take her. 1291 02:09:03,147 --> 02:09:07,689 Tiger, if you have the guts, stop me. 1292 02:09:11,939 --> 02:09:12,897 Usman... 1293 02:09:13,439 --> 02:09:15,147 ...if you have the guts... 1294 02:09:15,564 --> 02:09:16,814 ...then... 1295 02:09:18,439 --> 02:09:19,814 ...you stop me. 1296 02:09:24,564 --> 02:09:27,314 Bring our nurses home! 1297 02:09:28,814 --> 02:09:30,605 - Adam. - 30 minutes. 1298 02:09:31,772 --> 02:09:33,272 I need more time, Adam. 1299 02:09:33,522 --> 02:09:35,230 30 minutes. That's all you got, Shenoy. 1300 02:09:35,439 --> 02:09:37,647 I'm sorry, we have our orders. We're moving in. 1301 02:09:56,439 --> 02:09:57,314 Bad news. 1302 02:09:57,689 --> 02:09:59,105 Tiger was caught. 1303 02:10:01,480 --> 02:10:02,189 Yes, sir? 1304 02:10:02,522 --> 02:10:04,480 We have only 30 minutes. 1305 02:10:04,689 --> 02:10:05,897 30 minutes? 1306 02:10:06,230 --> 02:10:07,105 Yes. 1307 02:10:08,064 --> 02:10:09,355 That's it. 1308 02:10:10,814 --> 02:10:13,230 - What 30 minutes? - The American air strike starts. 1309 02:10:13,480 --> 02:10:16,522 30 minutes? Must we oil our scalps in the meantime? 1310 02:10:16,855 --> 02:10:18,397 Are they crazy? 1311 02:10:21,355 --> 02:10:22,230 Oil! 1312 02:10:24,314 --> 02:10:25,147 Oil! 1313 02:10:27,897 --> 02:10:28,814 Let's go. 1314 02:12:05,105 --> 02:12:06,355 Long live Lord Hanuman! 1315 02:12:09,230 --> 02:12:11,189 Your blood pressure ok? 1316 02:12:11,522 --> 02:12:14,939 I thought the Lord of Death had brushed past me today. 1317 02:12:29,814 --> 02:12:30,939 Amir. 1318 02:12:32,814 --> 02:12:34,272 Tiger is alive. 1319 02:12:34,939 --> 02:12:37,689 I won't leave this hospital... 1320 02:12:38,189 --> 02:12:39,980 ...till I see his dead body. 1321 02:12:41,564 --> 02:12:42,522 Go! 1322 02:13:03,522 --> 02:13:04,814 Grab it all! 1323 02:14:19,064 --> 02:14:22,647 All the bombs are connected to her vest. They could explode. 1324 02:14:22,897 --> 02:14:25,105 Shut up, Namit! You have 4 minutes. 1325 02:14:25,314 --> 02:14:27,772 Sir, this is what I do. This is impossible. 1326 02:14:28,022 --> 02:14:28,897 Please sir. 1327 02:14:29,230 --> 02:14:31,230 They can't all die because of me. 1328 02:14:31,605 --> 02:14:32,439 Come here. 1329 02:14:33,772 --> 02:14:35,189 I won't hear a "no." 1330 02:14:35,439 --> 02:14:37,105 Please understand. This is not possible. 1331 02:14:39,730 --> 02:14:40,730 Look at them. 1332 02:14:42,980 --> 02:14:46,647 It's our mission to take them all home alive. 1333 02:14:47,605 --> 02:14:48,689 Namit... 1334 02:14:49,730 --> 02:14:52,772 Responsibility is entrusted by God to a very few. 1335 02:14:53,314 --> 02:14:55,480 Only the lucky are so blessed. 1336 02:14:56,730 --> 02:14:58,272 Don't let yourself down, man. 1337 02:15:01,105 --> 02:15:03,564 If I come, I come with Poorna. 1338 02:15:04,855 --> 02:15:07,439 If not, I salute you. Sat Sri Akal. 1339 02:15:09,939 --> 02:15:11,814 She'll be fine. Let's go. 1340 02:15:14,355 --> 02:15:17,439 Move into the left gate. And you, move into the right gate. Now! 1341 02:15:18,855 --> 02:15:21,730 Just do me a favour. Don't look down. Look at me. 1342 02:15:22,897 --> 02:15:24,439 Keep looking at me, Poorna. 1343 02:15:25,814 --> 02:15:26,772 Just... 1344 02:15:28,480 --> 02:15:30,189 ...tell my mother... 1345 02:15:31,897 --> 02:15:33,022 ...I didn't give up. 1346 02:15:34,397 --> 02:15:36,064 Didn't stop trying. 1347 02:15:38,772 --> 02:15:39,897 I didn't give up. 1348 02:15:40,897 --> 02:15:43,272 Tell my father... 1349 02:15:46,064 --> 02:15:47,605 I really loved him. 1350 02:15:51,230 --> 02:15:53,147 Azaan, in the middle. Abrar, at the back. 1351 02:15:53,939 --> 02:15:55,314 Black? 1352 02:15:58,147 --> 02:16:00,189 No, red. 1353 02:16:03,314 --> 02:16:04,147 Red! 1354 02:16:11,564 --> 02:16:12,480 What is it? 1355 02:16:12,814 --> 02:16:15,980 No red wire in the last circuit. We must prise open the vest. 1356 02:16:19,439 --> 02:16:21,105 Fifteen minutes to strike! 1357 02:16:21,522 --> 02:16:23,022 Let's get drones up and ready. 1358 02:17:05,522 --> 02:17:06,439 Jiya, my friend. 1359 02:17:08,314 --> 02:17:09,355 Sat Sri Akal! 1360 02:17:15,397 --> 02:17:18,397 - Anyone following? - Not a soul. Step on it! 1361 02:17:22,855 --> 02:17:24,689 Bravo, Rakeshji. Right on time. 1362 02:17:30,230 --> 02:17:32,189 Everyone out of here. Let's go. Now! 1363 02:17:54,564 --> 02:17:56,022 Long live Lord Hanuman! 1364 02:17:57,105 --> 02:17:58,772 Everyone, take position. 1365 02:18:23,897 --> 02:18:25,272 The whole army is here. 1366 02:18:25,814 --> 02:18:26,980 Don't worry. 1367 02:18:27,814 --> 02:18:29,105 Tiger is alive. 1368 02:20:22,439 --> 02:20:23,855 Sir, too many guards about. 1369 02:20:25,564 --> 02:20:27,939 - Any ammunition? - A few rounds, sir. 1370 02:20:31,855 --> 02:20:33,647 Azaan, my magazine is empty. 1371 02:20:33,897 --> 02:20:36,314 Abrar, go. I'll cover you. 1372 02:20:36,522 --> 02:20:37,397 NOW! 1373 02:20:44,147 --> 02:20:45,189 Azaan, you ok? 1374 02:20:45,980 --> 02:20:47,855 I'm ok. Stay down! 1375 02:20:50,397 --> 02:20:52,314 The others need you. Go. 1376 02:20:52,564 --> 02:20:54,855 No, Azaan. Come with me. Come! 1377 02:20:55,230 --> 02:20:56,897 One of us must stay here. Go! 1378 02:20:57,314 --> 02:20:59,564 - Rakeshji... - I haven't fired a single bullet. 1379 02:20:59,897 --> 02:21:01,730 Switch guns. Take the nurses in. 1380 02:21:01,980 --> 02:21:03,480 Move it! Let's go. 1381 02:21:05,522 --> 02:21:06,439 Take this. 1382 02:21:15,605 --> 02:21:16,480 Just... 1383 02:21:17,855 --> 02:21:18,689 "~go! 1384 02:21:46,605 --> 02:21:47,772 Where's Azaan? 1385 02:22:01,355 --> 02:22:02,230 Move! 1386 02:22:05,439 --> 02:22:06,480 Ready? 1387 02:23:22,230 --> 02:23:24,939 Karan, Firdaus. Get the nurses out. 1388 02:23:25,230 --> 02:23:27,939 The way out is blocked. ISC have orders... 1389 02:23:28,189 --> 02:23:31,522 ...until Abu Usman leaves, no one else does. 1390 02:23:31,855 --> 02:23:34,397 - How much time have we got? - Ten minutes. 1391 02:23:34,772 --> 02:23:37,605 Firdaus. Namit. Take care of the nurses. 1392 02:23:37,980 --> 02:23:39,189 Come with me. 1393 02:24:06,480 --> 02:24:07,439 Get it? 1394 02:24:08,064 --> 02:24:09,355 Take care of it. 1395 02:25:19,814 --> 02:25:21,689 You're unstoppable, Tiger. 1396 02:25:22,480 --> 02:25:23,605 Amazing! 1397 02:25:28,564 --> 02:25:30,105 Now she must die. 1398 02:26:23,522 --> 02:26:25,647 Know why RAW calls me "Tiger?" 1399 02:26:26,147 --> 02:26:29,397 Because nothing is more dangerous than a wounded tiger. 1400 02:26:31,230 --> 02:26:34,064 You didn't get it? The tables have turned. 1401 02:26:34,772 --> 02:26:38,147 God will decide if He forgives you or not. 1402 02:26:38,522 --> 02:26:41,855 My job is to send you to Him. 1403 02:26:42,939 --> 02:26:46,397 The nurses are going to leave with my team. 1404 02:26:46,772 --> 02:26:48,064 All the hostages too. 1405 02:26:48,564 --> 02:26:50,647 Who will free them? You will. 1406 02:26:51,189 --> 02:26:53,022 Tomorrow's headlines will read: 1407 02:26:53,939 --> 02:26:58,355 "The most wanted man on planet earth is dead." 1408 02:26:58,605 --> 02:26:59,647 Firdaus! 1409 02:26:59,980 --> 02:27:02,439 Take him away. He'll be dead in 5 minutes. 1410 02:27:02,814 --> 02:27:04,647 The air strike will start. Let's go. 1411 02:27:05,064 --> 02:27:06,564 Not without Zoya. 1412 02:27:07,105 --> 02:27:09,230 - It's suicide, sir. - Trust me. 1413 02:27:10,189 --> 02:27:10,897 Leave! 1414 02:27:13,272 --> 02:27:14,605 One minute to strike. 1415 02:27:18,772 --> 02:27:20,105 Prime Minister on the line. 1416 02:27:33,939 --> 02:27:35,605 Stop, stop the car! 1417 02:27:39,897 --> 02:27:41,272 No gun. No. 1418 02:27:41,480 --> 02:27:43,730 Amir, Amir hurt. Open, fast. 1419 02:27:44,064 --> 02:27:45,564 Amir? Amir, are you ok? 1420 02:27:46,647 --> 02:27:48,314 Talk to me. Are you ok? 1421 02:27:48,605 --> 02:27:50,105 What's in the bus? 1422 02:27:50,355 --> 02:27:51,522 American hostages. 1423 02:27:51,730 --> 02:27:54,064 Amir's plan is to execute them. 1424 02:27:54,480 --> 02:27:56,355 Go, go! Check the bus. 1425 02:27:57,397 --> 02:27:59,772 Amir, are you ok? Talk to me. Are you ok? 1426 02:28:16,980 --> 02:28:18,855 He's right. There are hostages in the bus. 1427 02:28:19,980 --> 02:28:20,772 Please! 1428 02:28:21,022 --> 02:28:22,605 Ok. Go! 1429 02:28:22,939 --> 02:28:24,022 Thank you. 1430 02:28:32,314 --> 02:28:35,189 Target in sight, sir. Ten seconds till strike. 1431 02:28:41,105 --> 02:28:43,564 Tiger, just leave me and go. 1432 02:28:45,564 --> 02:28:47,564 One of us must live. 1433 02:28:48,855 --> 02:28:49,814 For Junior. 1434 02:28:50,314 --> 02:28:51,064 Three... 1435 02:28:51,564 --> 02:28:53,147 Two, one. 1436 02:28:53,605 --> 02:28:54,230 Fire! 1437 02:28:58,439 --> 02:28:59,980 Look after our son. 1438 02:29:04,522 --> 02:29:05,939 And tell him I love him. 1439 02:29:55,564 --> 02:29:56,272 Yes? 1440 02:29:56,564 --> 02:29:58,605 Mission accomplished. We're out. 1441 02:29:59,064 --> 02:30:01,980 With Tiger? Or without Tiger? 1442 02:30:02,689 --> 02:30:03,605 Without Tiger. 1443 02:30:08,647 --> 02:30:10,189 All the nurses are safe. 1444 02:30:11,230 --> 02:30:13,272 We got them out. 1445 02:30:14,855 --> 02:30:16,439 Connect me to the Prime Minister. 1446 02:30:24,314 --> 02:30:27,355 Azaan saved your life. 1447 02:30:28,272 --> 02:30:31,605 In the name of humanity, it's his right and your duty. 1448 02:30:47,314 --> 02:30:48,439 Javed, my friend... 1449 02:30:49,105 --> 02:30:50,939 ...fly your flag too! 1450 02:31:03,355 --> 02:31:05,105 Well done, Tiger! 1451 02:31:14,897 --> 02:31:16,897 You'll hear a little whistling. 1452 02:31:17,189 --> 02:31:18,105 Bye bye. 1453 02:32:10,564 --> 02:32:12,147 - Sir? - Yes, Karan? 1454 02:32:13,939 --> 02:32:18,980 There's an email with a coded message in Greek: "Saare jahaan se achha." 1455 02:32:23,939 --> 02:32:24,730 Hello? 1456 02:32:30,147 --> 02:32:31,647 Greetings on Independence Day. 1457 02:32:32,022 --> 02:32:36,564 You knew if you had returned with those nurses... 1458 02:32:37,355 --> 02:32:39,355 ...RAW would never let you go. 1459 02:32:44,564 --> 02:32:46,480 Remember, sir... 1460 02:32:47,064 --> 02:32:48,980 ...if my country ever needs me... 1461 02:32:50,855 --> 02:32:52,689 ...Tiger is alive! 1462 02:33:07,105 --> 02:33:08,272 Hassan! 1463 02:33:28,355 --> 02:33:30,147 Listen close to what I gotta say. 1464 02:33:32,647 --> 02:33:34,105 ''Coz you know there ain't no other way. 1465 02:33:37,355 --> 02:33:38,439 Love is the message. 1466 02:33:41,689 --> 02:33:42,189 You ready? 1467 02:33:42,605 --> 02:33:43,314 Let's go. 1468 02:33:43,855 --> 02:33:45,897 Yeah... we can make it better. 1469 02:33:46,147 --> 02:33:47,980 Yeah... when we come together. 1470 02:33:48,522 --> 02:33:50,439 Yeah... all you got is me and... 1471 02:33:50,689 --> 02:33:52,564 Yeah... all I got is you. 1472 02:34:06,480 --> 02:34:08,314 Nothing is beyond love. Nothing. 1473 02:34:08,730 --> 02:34:10,564 Nothing is better than love. 1474 02:34:11,064 --> 02:34:12,897 Nothing is above love. 1475 02:34:13,314 --> 02:34:15,189 Without love, we're nothing. 1476 02:34:15,522 --> 02:34:17,314 Nothing is higher than love. 1477 02:34:17,772 --> 02:34:19,605 Nothing is superior to love. 1478 02:34:20,022 --> 02:34:21,897 Nothing is as good as love. 1479 02:34:22,314 --> 02:34:24,355 Without love, we're nothing. 1480 02:34:24,855 --> 02:34:28,397 Those who come to us with hearts full of love. 1481 02:34:29,064 --> 02:34:32,897 We shall hug them tight, that's our way. 1482 02:34:33,522 --> 02:34:35,730 With swag, we welcome all. 1483 02:34:42,689 --> 02:34:44,689 With swag, we welcome all. 1484 02:34:53,439 --> 02:34:55,189 Walking together. 1485 02:34:55,730 --> 02:34:57,564 Facing troubles head on. 1486 02:34:58,022 --> 02:34:59,605 Tomorrow will be a better day. 1487 02:35:00,439 --> 02:35:02,105 Tell everyone the same. 1488 02:35:02,439 --> 02:35:06,689 Let your heart steer your life. Let feelings be your goal. 1489 02:35:07,022 --> 02:35:08,855 Meet me where I'm headed. 1490 02:35:09,439 --> 02:35:11,272 Tell everyone the same. 1491 02:35:12,355 --> 02:35:15,189 Those who come to us with hearts full of love. 1492 02:35:16,605 --> 02:35:20,397 We shall hug them tight, that's our way. 1493 02:35:21,022 --> 02:35:23,105 With swag, we welcome all. 1494 02:35:23,647 --> 02:35:25,689 Ya'll ready to bring the riff back? 1495 02:35:32,397 --> 02:35:34,480 With swag, we welcome all. 1496 02:36:13,314 --> 02:36:15,147 Nothing is beyond love. Nothing. 1497 02:36:15,564 --> 02:36:17,355 Nothing is better than love. 1498 02:36:17,814 --> 02:36:19,564 Nothing is above love. 1499 02:36:20,147 --> 02:36:22,022 Without love, we're nothing. 1500 02:36:22,355 --> 02:36:24,189 Nothing is higher than love. 1501 02:36:24,605 --> 02:36:26,439 Nothing is superior to love. 1502 02:36:26,855 --> 02:36:28,730 Nothing is as good as love. 1503 02:36:29,105 --> 02:36:30,897 Without love, we're nothing. 1504 02:36:31,730 --> 02:36:35,022 Those who come to us with hearts full of love. 1505 02:36:35,939 --> 02:36:39,814 We shall hug them tight, that's our way. 1506 02:36:40,397 --> 02:36:42,605 With swag, we welcome all. 1507 02:36:49,522 --> 02:36:51,689 With swag, we welcome all. 1508 02:37:07,689 --> 02:37:09,480 With swag, we welcome all.