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'2009�� ��'


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(This Is It, 2009)


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  ���� �����Ÿ��� � �;�����
You wanna be startin' somethin'   �׷��߸� ������ Ǯ��
You got to be startin' somethin'   �����Ÿ��� � �;�����
You wanna be startin' somethin'   ���𰡸�
Startin' somethin'   �غ��ϱ� ������
Hard to get over   Yeah, yeah   �� ��� ������
Stuck in the middle   ������ õ�հ��� ����
And the pain is thunder �غ��ϱ� �����
Hard to get over �׷��ٰ� �����ϱ� ��������
Too low to get under �� ��� ���� ����
Stuck in the middle   ������ õ�հ��� ����
And the pain is thunder ���� �߳�ô�ϴ� �� ����������
You love to pretend that you're good   ������ ���� ���� ���̳� �ϰ� �־�
When you're always up to no good   �׷��� ���� ���� �鵵Į�� �ǰ�
So your tongue became a razor   �������� ������
Someone's always tryin'   �� ����� �︮���� ��
To start my baby cryin'   ������
Lyin' ���� �� ����� ������ �׾
Now baby's slowly dyin' ���𰡸�
Startin' somethin' ���� �����Ÿ��� ã�� �;�����
You got to be startin' somethin'   �׷��߸� ������ Ǯ��
I said you wanna be startin' somethin'   ���𰡸�
Startin' somethin'   �غ��ϱ� �����
Hard to get over   Yeah, yeah   �� ��� ������
Stuck in the middle ������ õ�հ��� ����
And the pain is thunder �غ��ϱ� ������
Hard to get over Yeah, yeah �� ��� ������
Stuck in the middle Yeah, yeah �ʴ� �׵鿡�� ���̾�
You're a vegetable �ƹ��͵� �ƴ� �ž�
You're a vegetable �׵��� ������ �� �Ⱦ���
Still they hate you   �ʴ� �׵鿡�� ���̾�
You're a vegetable ���׺��̾�
A buffet �ʴ� �׵鿡�� ���̾�
You're a vegetable �׵��� �� �Ծ�ġ�� �ž�
They eat off of you �� �׵鿡�� ���̾�
You're a vegetable  

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�ѹ� �� �غ��ڱ�
6, 7, 8...

Who?   ���� ���۵�?
Who's bad?   ����?
Who?   ����?
Who?   ��Ų���, ���� �Ӹ�
Skin head, dead head   ��� ��������
Everybody gone bad   ��Ȳ�� ��ȭ�ư�
Situation, aggravation   ��ΰ� ���Ǹ� �޾�
Everybody allegation �纹�� ���� ä�� ������ ������
In the suit, on the news ��ΰ� ���� �ż��� �ǰ�
Everybody dog food ����, �׾����
Bang bang, shot dead ��ΰ� ���Ĺ��Ⱦ�
Everybody's gone mad ���� �ϰ� ���� ����
�׵��� �츮���� ������ ���ٴ� �ž�
All I wanna say is that
they don't really care about us   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us   �� ��� ��� �� �ž�?
Tell me what has become of my rights   �� �����Ѵٰ� ���� ������� �dz�?
Am I invisible cos you ignore me?   ���𼭴� ������ ������ ����ߴµ�?
The proclamation promised me
Free liberty, now   ���� ��ġ���� ����� �ż��� ���ƾ�
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame   �׵��� ���� ��� �̸�����
��� ������
They're throwing me
In a class with a bad name   ���� �̷� ������ �¾�ٴ� ��
�ϱ��� �ʾ�
I can't believe this is the land
From which I came   ��Ų���, ���� �Ӹ�
Skin head, dead head   ��� ��������
Everybody gone bad   ��Ȳ�� ��ȭ�ư�
Situation, aggravation   ��ΰ� ���Ǹ� �޾�
Everybody allegation   �� ������ ���ص� ���� ���� �� ����
Beat me, bash me, You can never trash me   �� ����, �߷� ��
������ ���� �� ���� �� ����
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me   ���� �ϰ� ���� ����
�׵��� �츮���� ������ ���ٴ� �ž�
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us  

�̱� ����� ������ ����


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  �׵��� ����
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Some things in life
They just don't wanna see   ������ ��ƾ ���� ŷ�� ��� �־��ٸ�
But if Martin Luther was livin'   �̷��� ������ �ʾ��� �ž�
He wouldn't let this be   ���� �ϰ� ���� ����
�׵��� �츮���� ������ ���ٴ� �ž�
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about   All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us  

�ڼ� ������ ��ٷ�


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Into the night-time   ���� �� ���� ������ �� ������ �ʾƿ�
Four walls won't hold me tonight   ���� �� ���װ�
If this town   ����� ���ٸ�
Is just an apple   �׳� ���� ���� �ſ���
Let me take a bite   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �������
Reaching out   �ѹ������ο�
Into the night-time   ���� ������ �������⿡ �ֳ׿�
Electric eyes are everywhere   �� ���ڸ� ����
See that girl   �׳�� ���� ���� �ִٴ� �� �˾ƿ�
She knows I'm watching   �׳�� ���� �ٶ󺸴� �� �����ؿ�
She likes the way I stare   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �̴�� ��� �� ���ƿ�
I like livin' this way   �̷��� ��� �� �ູ��
I like lovin' this way   ���� ����
Looking out   ��ħ�� ���۵ǰ�
Across the morning   �� ������ ������ �ٱ� �����߾��
The city's heart begins to beat   �� ���ڸ� ����
See that girl   �׳�� ���� ���� �ִٴ� �� �˾ƿ�
She knows I'm watching   �׳�� ���� �ٶ󺸴� �� �����ؿ�
She likes the way I stare   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �׵��� '��? ��?'��� �Ѵٸ�
If they say Why? Why?   �̰��� ��� �����̶�� �������
Tell 'em that is human nature   ��? ��?
Why? Why?   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ��? ��? ��?
Why? Why? Why?   Hey   �״� ������ �� �׷��� �ǰ���?
Does he do me that way?   ���� �׵��� '��? ��? ��? ��?'
If they say Why? Why? Why? Why?   �������
Tell 'em   Hey   ���� �̴�� ��� �� ����
I like livin' this way   �̷��� ��� �� �ູ��
I like lovin' this way  

'�극��ũ �� �� Ŭ��'


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'Smooth Criminal'


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  �װ� ����� ������ ��
As he came into the window   ������� �Ҹ��� ����
It was the sound of a crescendo   �״� �׳��� ����Ʈ�� ����
He came into her apartment   �״� ī�꿡 ���ڱ��� ������
He left the bloodstains on the carpet   �׳�� ���̺� ������ ����������
She ran underneath the table   �״� �׳డ ���� ���ٴ� ���� �˾���
He could see she was unable   �׷��� �׳�� ħ�Ƿ� ����������
So she ran into the bedroom   �׳�� �¾� ��������, ���ĸ� �¾���
She was struck down, It was her doom �ִ�, ������?
Annie, are you okay?   �׷���, �ִ�, ������?
So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?   Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie? Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?   Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?   �ִ�, ������? �����ϴٰ� �����ְڴ�?
Annie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?   ����� �Ҹ��� ����
There's a sign in the window   �װ� �� �����߾�, �ִ�
That he struck you a crescendo, Annie   �״� �� ����Ʈ�� ���԰�
He came into your apartment   ī�꿡 ���ڱ��� ������
Left the bloodstains on the carpet �׸��� �ʴ� ħ�Ƿ� ��������
Then you ran into the bedroom   �� �¾� �������� �װ��� ���� ���Ŀ���
You were struck down, It was your doom   �ִ�, ������?
Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?   Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?   Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?   �� ���� ���߾�
You've been hit by   �� ���� ���߾�, �ɼ��� �����ڿ���
You've been struck by a smooth criminal   �׷��� �׵��� �ⱸ�� ���� ������
So they came into the outway   �Ͽ����̾���, �� �Ͽ��� ���̾���
It was Sunday, What a black day   �԰� ���� �´� �ΰ�ȣ��
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation   �︮�� ����ڵ�, ����
Sounding heartbeats, Intimidations   Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?   Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?   Annie, are you okay?   So, Annie, are you okay?   Are you okay, Annie?   Annie, are you okay?   Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?   �ִ�, ������? �����ϴٰ� �����ְڴ�?
Annie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?   ����� �Ҹ��� ����
There's a sign in the window   �װ� �� �����߾�, �ִ�
That he struck you a crescendo, Annie   �װ� �� ����Ʈ�� ���԰�
He came into your apartment   ī�꿡 ���ڱ��� ������
Left the bloodstains on the carpet   �׸��� �ʴ� ħ�Ƿ� ��������
Then you ran into the bedroom   �� �¾� �������� �װ��� ���� ���Ŀ���
You were struck down, It was your doom Annie, are you okay? So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?   �� ���ݴ��߾�
You've been hit by   �� ���ݴ��߾�, �ɼ��� �����ڿ���
You've been struck by a smooth criminal   �ִ�, ������? �����ϴٰ� �����ְڴ�?
Annie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?   ����� �Ҹ��� ����
There's a sign in the window   �װ� �� �����߰� ����̾���, �ִ�
That he struck you, a crescendo, Annie   �װ� �� ����Ʈ�� ���԰�
He came into your apartment   ī�꿡 ���ڱ��� ������
Left the bloodstains on the carpet   �׸��� �ʴ� ħ�Ƿ� ��������
Then you ran into the bedroom   �� �¾� �������� �װ��� ���� ���Ŀ���
You were struck down, It was your doom   �ִ�, ������? �����ϴٰ� �����ְڴ�?
Annie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?   ����� �Ҹ��� ����
There's a sign in the window   �װ� �� �����߰� ����̾���, �ִ�
That he struck you, a crescendo, Annie   �װ� �� ����Ʈ�� ���԰�
He came into your apartment   ī�꿡 ���ڱ��� ������
Left the bloodstains on the carpet   �׸��� �ʴ� ħ�Ƿ� ����������
Then you ran into the bedroom   �� �¾� ��������, �װ��� ���� ���Ŀ���
You were struck down It was your doom   �� ���ݴ��߾�
You've been hit by   �� ���ݴ��߾�, �ɼ��� �����ڿ���
You've been struck by a smooth criminal  

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  �������� ���� �Ϳ��� �״�
Pretty baby with the high heels on   �״� �� ����
�� �ѹ��� ������ ���� �������
You give me fever
Like I've never, never known   �ʸ� �ۿ�����
���� ������ ������
I feel your fever from miles around   �� �� ���� �¿��
�� ������ ���� �ٴ� �ž�
I'll pick you up in my car
and we'll paint the town   ���� ����, �׸��� �ι� ������
Just kiss me, baby, And tell me twice   ���� ������...
That you're the one for...   ���� ������ ���� ���
You make me feel real   Doo-doo   �� ��¥ �� ��ġ�� ��
You really turn me on   Doo-doo   �̹� �װ� �׺��߾�
Knocking me off of my feet now   �ܷο��� �������� ���� ����
Lonely days are gone   Doo-doo  

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  ���ݱ��� �������� ���� ����� ����
I never felt so in love before   �������, ������ �� ����� �Ŷ��
Promise, baby, You'll love me for evermore   �ͼ���, ��ȸ�� �� ���� ���� �ž�
I swear I'm keeping you satisfied   ���� ������ �ʴϱ�
Cos you're the one for me   ���� ������ ���� ���
The way you make me feel   The way you make me feel   �� ��¥ �� ��ġ�� ��
You really turn me on   You really turn me on   �̹� �װ� �׺��߾�
You knock me off
Of my feet now You knock me off of my feet ��, ���ڱ� �ܷο��� �������� ���� ����
My lonely days are gone   ���� ������ ���� ���
The way you make me feel   �� ��¥ �� ��ġ�� ��
You really turn me on   �̹� �װ� �׺��߾�
You knock me off of my feet   �ܷο��� �������� ���� ����
My lonely days are gone   ���� ������ ���� ���
The way you make me feel   �� ��¥ �� ��ġ�� ��
You really turn me on   �̹� �װ� �׺��߾�
You knock me off of my feet   �ܷο��� �������� ���� ����
My lonely days are gone   ��, ������?  

�ѹ� ��


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  �װ� �� �ſ��� ��
When I had you to myself   ���� �ʶ� �ְ� ���� �ʾҾ�
I didn't want you around   �����߿�...
In a crowd...   ������ �� ������ �ӿ���
������ ��...
But someone picked you
From the bunch...   �ι�° ������
Take a second look   �ʸ� ����Ѵٴ� �� �����ٰ�
Show you that I love you   �ٷ� ����
Let me now   �� �������� ���ư���
Back in your heart   ���� ����̾���
Blind to let you go   ������ ���̳�
Now since I see you   �ٽ� ���ƿ���, ����
I want you back
Yes, I do, now   �ٽ� ���ƿ���, �ε�
I want you back
Ooh, ooh, baby �ٽ� ���ƿ���
I want you back
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah �ٽ� ���ƿ���
I want you back
Na, na, na, na  

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'Stop! The Love You Save'

  �츮�� ����� ������⸦ �� ��
Played tag in grade school   �� ������ �ǰ� �;���
You wanted to be "it"   ���� �߰��ϴ� �ֵ���
Now chasing boys was justified   �� ������ ���� �� �׸�����
Crossed your heart, you quit   �츮�� Ŀ���� �� �� ������
�� ����� �¹ٲ��
When we grew up you traded
Your promise for my ring   �� ������� ���ư� �����̾�
Now just like back in grade school   �� ������ �׷��� �ִ�?
You're doing the same old thing   �׸�! �װ� �Ƴ��� �����
�ʸ��� ������ �𸣰�����
Stop! The love you save may be your own   �ڱ��, õõ�� ��
Darling, take it slow   �׷��� ������ �ᱹ ȥ�ڰ� ��
Or someday you'll be all alone   �׸�! �װ� �Ƴ��� �����
�ʸ��� ������ �𸣰�����
Stop! The love you save may be your own   �ڱ��, �� ����ġ�� ����
���� ���� �� ������ ��
Darling, look both ways
Before you cross me   �� ���� �������� ���� �־�
You're headed for a danger zone  


  ��� �� ����� �ؾ߸� �ؿ�
You and I must make a pact   �츮�� ������ ȸ�����Ѿ߸� �ؿ�
We must bring salvation back   ����� �ִ� ��
Where there is love   �װ��� ���� �����Կ�
I'll be there, I'll be there   �� ���� ����� ���� ���ھ��
I'll reach out my hand to you   ����� �ϴ� ��� ���� �ŷ��ϰھ��
I'll have faith in all you do   �� �̸��� �θ��⸸ �ϼ���
Just call my name   �׷��� �װ��� �����Կ�
And I'll be there, I'll be there   ����� �����ϱ� ���� �װ��� �ְھ��
I'll be there to comfort you   ��� ������ �� ���� ���踦 ����ھ��
Build my world of dreams around you   ����� � �Ǿ� �ʹ� �⻵��
I'm so glad I found you   ���� ������� �װ��� ���� �ſ���
I'll be there with a love that's strong   ����� ���� �ǰھ��
I'll be your strength   ��� ��ų �ſ���
I'll keep holding on   ����ؿ�
I love you   ����� ���ο� ��������
ã�ƾ� �Ѵٸ�
If you should ever find
someone new   �״� ��ſ��� ������� �� �ſ���
I know he'd better be good to you   �ֳĸ� �׷��� ���ϸ�
Cos if he doesn't   ���� �װ��� ���� �Ŵϱ��
I'll be there   ��� �ʸӸ� ����, �״뿩
Look over your shoulders, honey   ���� �װ��� �����Կ�
I'll be there  


  ���� �װ��� �����Կ�
I'll be there   �� �̸��� �ҷ�����
Just call my name   ���� �װ��� �����Կ�
I'll be there   ��� �ʸӸ� ����, �״뿩
Look over your shoulders, honey   ���� �װ��� �����Կ�
I'll be there   ���� �װ��� �����Կ�
I'll be there   ����...

��Ű, ������, ����


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  �ٶ��� �� ������
Each time the wind blows   ����� ��Ҹ��� ���
I hear your voice so   ����� �̸��� ���
I call your name   ��ħ�� �ӻ���
Whispers at morning   �츮�� ����� �����ϰ� ����
Our love is dawning   �ϴõ� ����� �� ���� �⻵�ؿ�
Heaven's glad you came   ����� �� ����� ����
You know how I feel   �� ��Ȳ�� �߸��� ���� ����
This thing can't go wrong   ����Ѵٰ� �� �� �ִٴ� �� �ڶ���������
I'm so proud to say I love you   ����� ����� ���� �εս� ������
Your love's got me high   �� �츮 ���̸� ���س����� �;��
I long to get by   ���� ���� ��� ���� �� ���ٸ�
�� ���� �� ��ġ�� �����
My life ain't worth living
If I can't be with you   ����� ��Ҹ��� �����
I hear your voice now   ����� �� ������ ���� ����̿���
You are my choice now   ����� ������ �� ���
The love you bring   õ���� �� ���� �ӿ� �־��
Heaven's in my heart   ����� ��� ���� �Ҹ��� �鸮��
At your call, I hear harps   õ����� �뷡�ؿ�
And angels sing   ����� �� ����� ������
You know how I feel   �� ��Ȳ�� �߸��� ���� ����
This thing can't go wrong   ��� ���̴� �� ���� �����
I can't live my life without you   ����� ����� ���� �εս� ������
Your love's got me high   �� �츮�� �����̶�� ������
I feel we belong   ���� ���� ��� ���� �� ���ٸ�
�� ���� �� ��ġ�� �����
My life ain't worth living
If I can't be with you   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   ���� ����� �Ѵٸ�
And if I stop   �׷� ���� �� �ؾ� �ϴ��� �����ּ���
Then tell me, just what will I do?   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   �㿡 ������ ���� ��
At night when the stars shine   �� �˾ƿ�, �����
I think in you I'll find   ������ ����� � �Ŷ�� ��
A love so true   ��ħ�� ���� ���� ��
When morning awakes me   ����� ���� ������ �ǰ���?
Will you come and take me?   �� ����� ��ٸ� �ſ���
I'll wait for you   ����� �� ����� ��� �ƽ���
You know how I feel   �� ��Ȳ�� �߸��� ���� �����
This thing can't go wrong   ����Ѵٰ� �� �� �ִٴ� �� �ڶ���������
I'm so proud to say I love you   �����̿���
I do   �� ��Ȳ�� �߸��� ���� ����
This thing can't go wrong   �� ������ �ʹ� �����ؿ�
This feeling's so strong   �¾ƿ�
Well   ���� ���� ��� ���� �� ���ٸ�
�� ���� �� ��ġ�� �����
My life ain't worth living
If I can't be with you   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   Oh, oh, no   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   ���� �����
Said I can't stop   �׸��� ���� ����� �Ѵٸ�
And if I stop   ���� �� �ؾ� �ϴ��� �����ּ���
Then tell me, just what will I do?   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   �츮�� ��� ������ �ٲ� �� �־��
We can change all the world ����
Tomorrow   �츮�� ������ �뷡�鵵 �θ� �� �ֱ���
We can sing songs of yesterday   �� ���Ŀ��� '�߰�'��� ���� �� �־��
I can say Hey, farewell to sorrow   �̰��� �� ���̰�
This is my life and I   �� ����� ������ ���� �;��
I want to see you for always   ����� ���� ����� ���� �� �����
I just can't stop loving you   No, baby   I just can't stop loving you   Said I can't stop   And if I stop   Then tell me, just what will I do?   What will I do?
No, no   I just can't stop loving you   I just can't stop loving you   Know I do, girl   And if I stop   Then tell me, just what will I do?   Tell me   I just can't stop loving you   I just can't stop loving you   Hey   And if I stop   Then tell me, just what will I do?
Break down Because   Because   I just can't stop   I just can't stop   I just can't stop, baby   I just can't stop, yeah   I can't stop, no, baby   I just can't stop, no   I just can't stop, no   I just can't stop   I can't stop, baby   I can't stop, no   I can't stop, no, baby   I can't stop, no   Yeah   Oh, I just can't stop   Oh, I just can't stop loving   You  

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������ 'Thriller'
3D �Կ��� ����


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'Thriller' �θ� ��
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  It's close to midnight
������ ���������   ���� �ұ��� ����
��� �ӿ� ���� �־�
And something evil's
Lurking in the dark   �޺� �Ʒ���
�� ������ ���� ���� ������ ����
Under the moonlight, you see a sight
That almost stops your heart   �� ����� ������ ������
You try to scream   ���� ������ �Ҹ��� ������ �ʾ�
But terror
Takes the sound before you make it   �� ���ٱ� ������
You start to freeze   ������ �� �� �� ���̸� ������� ����
As horror looks you right between the eyes   �� ����Ǿ���
You're paralyzed   �ֳ��ϸ� ������ ������ ���̴ϱ�
Cos this is thriller   ������ ��
Thriller night   �ƹ��� �� ������ ���ݿ���
���� ���� ���� �ž�
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike   ������ ���������� ���̾�
You know it's thriller   �������� ��
Thriller night   �� �������� ������ �� �ӿ���
��Ƴ����� �߹���ġ�� �־�
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer, thriller tonight   �� ���� ������ �Ҹ��� ����
You hear the door slam   �׸��� �޾Ƴ� ����
�ƹ����� ���� �ʾ����� ���޾�
And realize there's nowhere
Left to run   �� ������ ���� ������
������ �¾��� �� �� ������ ������ ��
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun   �� ���� ����
You close your eyes   �̰��� ���� ����̱� �ٶ���
And hope that this is Just imagination   Girl ������ �� ���ȿ���
But all the while   �ڿ��� ��ü�� �͵���
�������� �Ҹ��� ���
You hear a creature
Creeping up behind   �װԴ� �� �� ����
You're out of time   �ֳ��ϸ� ������ ������ ���̴ϱ�
Cos this is thriller   Thriller night   �� � �ͽź���
���� �� �����ϰ� �����״�
Girl, I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try   Thriller
Whoo-hoo! Thriller night   �׷��� �� ����Ȱ� ���ù�
���⼭ ���� ������ �Ҹ� ������ �����ھ�
So let me hold you tight
And share a killer, thriller  

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  ������ ������ ���̾�
Cos this is thriller   Thriller night   �� � �ͽź���
���� �� �����ϰ� �����״�
Cos I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try   Thriller
Whoo-hoo!   Thriller night   �׷��� �� ����Ȱ� ���ù� ���⼭
���� ������ �Ҹ� ������ �����ھ�
So let me hold you tight
And share a killer, thriller  

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'Beat It' ����


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  �׵��� ������
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They told him
Don't you ever come around here   �� �� �� ���⵵ �����ϱ�
� ������� �� ������
Don't wanna see your face
You better disappear   �׵��� �������� �Ҳ��� �̱۰Ÿ���
�� ���� �ʹ��� �и�����
The fire's in their eyes
And their words are really clear   �׷��� ����
So beat it   �׳� ����
Just beat it   �� �� �� ���� �� ����ġ�� �� ���� �ž�
You better run, You better do what you can   �Ǹ� ���� ���� ��
���ʸ��� �Ƿ� ������
Don't wanna see no blood
Don't be a macho man   ������ ô�ϰ� �Ͱ�����
�װ� �� �� �ִ� �� ��
You wanna be tough
Better do what you can   �׷��ϱ� ����
So beat it   ������ �� ���� ���̱� ���ϰ���
But you wanna be bad   �׳� ����, ����
Just beat it, Beat it   ����, ����
Beat it, Beat it   ������ ���� �;� ���� �ʾ�
No one wants to be defeated   �װ� �󸶳� ���ϰ� �� ����
�����ְ� �Ͱ�����
Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight ���� �ǰ� Ʋ���� ����
���� �߿����� �ʾ�
It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right   �׳� ����, ����
Just beat it, Beat it   Beat it
Beat it   Just beat it
Beat it   Beat it
Beat it Beat it, beat it   Beat it, beat it, beat it   Beat it   Beat it
Beat it   Beat it
Beat it   ������ ���� �;� ���� �ʾ�
No one wants to be defeated   �װ� �󸶳� ���ϰ� �� ����
�����ְ� �Ͱ�����
Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight   ���� �ǰ� Ʋ���� ����
���� �߿����� �ʾ�
It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right   �׳� ����, ����
Just beat it, Beat it   Beat it
Beat it ������ ���� �;� ���� �ʾ�
No one wants to be defeated   �װ� �󸶳� ���ϰ� �� ����
�����ְ� �Ͱ�����
Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight   ���� �ǰ� �׸����� �߿����� �ʾ�
It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right   Beat it
Beat it   Beat it
Beat it   No one wants to be defeated   Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight   It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right   Just beat it
Beat it   Beat it
Beat it   No one wants to be defeated   Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight   It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right   Just   Beat it
Beat it No one wants to be defeated   Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight   It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right   Just   �߷�~~!! x2
Beat it, Beat it   No one wants to be defeated   Showin' how funky
And strong is your fight   It doesn't matter
Who's wrong or right  

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  ����ϳ� ��Ƽ�� ���ΰ� ���� ������
I took my baby on a Saturday bang   '�̺�, �� ���� �� �����̾�?'
�׷�, �츰 �� �Ȱ��� ������ݾ�
Boy, is that girl with you?
Yes, we're one and the same �� ���� ������ �ִٰ� �Ͼ�
Now I believe in miracles   �� �����̶� �� �ٷ� ���ù� �Ͼ��
And a miracle has happened tonight   ������ ���� ����ϴ� ����� ���̾�
But if you're thinkin' about my baby �����̵� �����̵� �׷� �� �߿����� �ʾ�
It don't matter If you're black or white   �������� �پ�   �̷� ����� �͵� ������ ���ܿ�
I am tired of this devil   �̷� ��� �� �� ���ܿ�����
I am tired of this stuff   �̵��� �ϵ鿡 �������ȴٱ�
I am tired of this business   ��� �� �ʹ� ������� ��
So when the going gets rough   ���� �������� ��� �ʾ�
I ain't scared of your brother   �� � �͵� ��� �ʾ�
I ain't scared of no sheets   �ƹ��� ������ �ʴٱ�
I ain't scared of nobody   ����� ��� �� �ʹ� ����� ������
Girl, when the goin' gets mean   �аŸ����� ��ȣ���ִ� �� ��ȭ��
Protection for gangs, clubs, and nations   ����� ���̿� ������ �ҷ�����
Causing grief in human relations ����� ���� ���� �ο�� �ٸ� �� ����
It's a turf war on a global scale   �� ������ �̾߱⸦ �� ���߰ھ�
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale ��, ���� ���� �� ������� �ž�
���� ������� ���� ��
See, it's not about races
Just places, Faces � �������� ������
������� ������ ���ݾ�
Where your blood comes from
Is where your space is ���� �ʹ� ���� ��ο���
I've seen the sharp get duller �� �� �̻� ������ ���ſ�
�� ���� �������� �ʰھ�
I'm not gonna spend my life
Being a color   �����ϴ�?
Did you agree with me   �װ� ���� ������ �Ŷ�� �� �ƴϱ�
When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye?   ������ ���� ����ϴ� ����� ���̾�
But if you're thinkin' about my baby   �����̵� �����̵� �׷� �� �߿����� �ʾ�
It don't matter If you're black or white   �˰ھ�? ���� ����ϴ� ����� ���̾�
I said if you're thinkin' about my baby   �����̵� �����̵� �׷� �� �߿����� �ʾ�
It don't matter If you're black or white   �˾�? �װ� ���� ������ �Ƿ� �Ѵٸ�
�����̵� �����̵� �׷� �� �߿����� �ʾ�
If you're thinkin' of being my brother
It don't matter if you're black or white   All right   All right Yeah, yeah, yeah   All right   �������� ��������
It's black, it's white �ֵ� �׷��� ��ư� ��� �ɱ�
It's tough for them to get by   ��������, �������� ������
It's black, it's white, whoo   ��������, ��������
It's black, it's white   �ֵ� �׷��� ��ư� ��� �ɱ�
It's tough for them to get by   ��������, �������� ������
It's black, it's white, whoo  

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  �ص��̴� ��� �� ����?
What about sunrise?   ��� ��� �� ����?
What about rain?   ��ŵ��� ���ߴ� �츮�� ��������
��� �͵��� ��� �� ����?
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain?   �ɹ��� ��� �� ����?
What about flowering fields?   �ð��̶�� ���� �ֳ���?
Is there a time?   ��ŵ��� ���ߴ� ��� ����
�����ߴ� �Ϳ� ���� ���� �Ͼ ����?
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine?   Ȥ�� �ϴ� ���� ���纻 �� �ֳ���?
Did you ever stop to notice   �츮�� ���� ��ȴ� �ǿ� ������ ���� ����
All the blood we've shed before?   Ȥ�� �ϴ� ���� ���纻 �� �ֳ���?
Did you ever stop to notice   ��� �ִ� ������ �ؾȿ� ������ ���� ����
This crying Earth, This weeping shore?   �츮�� �� ���� ���� ���� �� ����?
What have we done to the world?   �츮�� �� ���� ����
Look what we've done   ��ŵ��� ���������� �ͼ��ߴ�
��� ��ȭ�� ��� �� ����?
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son?   �ɹ翡 ���� ���� �ִ� ����?
What about flowering fields?   �ð��̶�� ���� �ֳ���?
Is there a time?   ��ŵ��� ���ߴ� ��� ����
������ �޿� ���� ���� �Ͼ ����?
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine?   �ϴ� ���� ���纻 �� �ֳ���?
Did you ever stop to notice   ���£�� ���� ���̵鿡�� ������ ���� ����
All the children, Dead from war?   Ȥ�� �ϴ� ���� ���纻 �� �ֳ���?
Did you ever stop to notice   ��� �ִ� ������ �ؾȿ� ������ ���� ����
This crying Earth, This weeping shore?   �� ���� �ٰ� �߾��
I used to dream   �� ���� �Ѿ ���� �߾���
I used to glance beyond the stars   �� ���� �츮�� ��� �ִ��� �𸣰ھ��
Now I don't know where we are   ���� �ƴ� ��...
Although I know   ������ ��� �� ����?
What about yesterday?   �츰 ��� �� �ſ���?
What about us?   ���ڵ��� ��� �� ����?
What about those lions? �츰 ��� �� �ſ���?
What about us?   ������ ��� �� ����?
What about yesterday? What about us?   ���ڵ��� ��� �� ����?
What about those lions?   What about us?   ��� ���� ��� �� ����?
What about everything?   What about us?   �� ���� �����ھ��
I can't even breathe What about us?   ��� ���� ��� �� ����?
What about everything?   ������ � ����?
What about death?   What about us?   ��� �� �� ��� �� ����?
What about everything? What about us?   ���� �繫��
Deep within our skin   What about us?   �츮 ���� ��� �� ����?
What about you and me?   What about us?   �� �����¿�?
What about my fear? What about us?   ��� ���� ��� �� �ſ���?
What about everything? What about us?   �׵��� �Ѽ� �Ҹ��� �����
I can hear them sigh   What about us?   ����ü ��� �� ����?
What about everything?   ��� ��� �� �ſ���?
What about the man?   What about us?   What about everything?   What about us?   ��� ���� ���� �� ����?
What about the man? What about us?   What about everything?   What about us?   ���� �繫Ĩ�ϴ�
Deep within our skin What about us?   �������� �� ��� �� ����?
What about all the trees? What about us? ���̶� �� ���� �� �ſ���?
What about the dream? What about us?   What about everything?   �����̶� ����?
What about death?  

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  �׳�� ��ġ ��ȭ������ �� ����
She was more like a beauty queen   �����̾���
From a movie scene   ���� �� �� ���� ���� �̷� ����
I said don't mind but what do you mean �̰� ���� �ƴϰ���
I am the one   �׳డ ���뿡�� ���� ���� �߰ڴٴ�
Who will dance on the floor In the round?   �׳�� ���� ������
She said I am the one   �Բ� ���� ����� �ٷ� ����� ���߾�
Who will dance on the floor In the round   �׳�� �ڱ� �̸��� ���� ���̶�� ������
She told me her name was Billie Jean   �̸��� ���ߵ� ���
As she caused a scene   ��ε� �ڽ��� ���õDZ� �ٶ��
�������� ���� �� ������
Then every head turned with eyes
That dreamed of being the one   ���뿡�� ���� �߱� ����
�׳ฦ �Ĵٺ�����
Who will dance on the floor
In the round   ������� �׻� ������
People always told me �ൿ�� �����϶��
Be careful of what you do   � �ҳ�� ������ ��ó �ָ�
�ٴ��� �����
And don't go around
Breaking young girls' hearts   ��Ӵϲ����� ������ �� ��Ͷ��
And Mother always told me ������ �����ϼ̰�
Be careful who you love   �׸��� �ൿ�� �����϶�� �ϼ̾�
And be careful of what you do   Hey, hey, yeah ���� ���� �� ������ �ƴϾ�
Billie Jean is not my lover   ���� ���� �� �־ƺ���� �����ϴ�
������ ������
She's just a girl
Who says that I am the one ������ �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son   Whoo   �׳�� ���� �� ����̶�� ��������
She says I am the one   �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son   �׳��... ����ؼ� ��������
She was... Moving on and on all the time   �ֳĸ� �츰 ���� ������ �Բ� ���� �����ϱ�
Cos we danced on the floor In the round �׷��� �� ���� ����� ���
So take my strong advice   �����, �׻� �� �� ������ ��
Just remember, To always think twice   �� ���� ������
Do think twice
Whoo!   �׳�� 3�� ���� �ִ�
���� �̾߱⸦ ���¾�
She told my baby
We'd danced till 3   �׷��� ���� ������
Then she looked at me   ��� �Ʊ��� ������ �����־���
Then showed a photo, my baby cried ������ ���� ���� ��Ҵ�����
His eyes were like mine   ���� ������ �Բ� ���� ��
Gonna dance on the floor In the round   ������� �׻� ������
People always told me   �ൿ�� �����϶��
Be careful what you do   � �ҳ�� ������ ��ó �ָ�
�ٴ��� �����
And don't go around
Breaking young girls' hearts   �׳�� �� ������ �ٰ��ͼ�
She came and stood right by me ���� ������ ��� �������� dz����
Then the smell of sweet perfume �̰� �ʹ� ���İ��� �Ͼ ���̾�
This happened much too soon   Hey, hey, yeah ���� ���� �� ������ �ƴϾ�
Billie Jean is not my lover   ���� ���� �� ����̶��
She's just a girl �����ϴ� ������ ������
Who claims that I am the one   ������ �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son   ���� �Ƴ�
He ain't that, no   ���� �ƴ϶��
No, no, he ain't that, no ���� ���� �� ������ �ƴϾ�
Billie Jean is not my lover   ���� ���� �� ����̶�� �����ϴ� ������ ��
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one   ������ �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son   �׳�� ���� �� ����̶�� ��������
She says I am the one   �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son   Hey!   Whoo!   ���� �ٷ� �� ����̶�� ��������
She says I am the one   ���� �ٷ� �� ����̶�� ��������
She says I am the one   �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son   He ain't that, no   Whoo!   ���� ���� �� ������ �ƴϾ�
Billie Jean is not my lover   ���� ���� �� ����̶�� �����ϴ� ������ ��
She's just a girl who says that I am the one   Oh, baby, baby �� ���̴� �� �Ƶ��� �ƴϾ�
But the kid is not my son No, no, no She says I am the one   But the kid is not my son   She says I am the one   �� �ְ� �� ���̷�
She says he is my son ������ �������±���!
Breaking my heart now!   She says I am the one   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover
Whoo!   Billie Jean is not my lover   Billie Jean is not my lover  



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'Man in the Mirror'
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'Man in the Mirror'����


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  ���� �������� ������
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If you wanna make the world
A better place ������ �ڽ��� �� �� ����
��ȭ�� ���弼��
Take a look at yourself
And then make that change   �� �ſ� �ӿ� ���ڿ�
�Բ� ������ ������ �ؿ�
I'm starting with
The man in the mirror �� �ſ� �ӿ� ��������
����� �ٲٶ�� �䱸�� �ſ���
I'm asking him
To change his ways   �ٲٶ��
To change �̺��� �� ������ �޽����� �������?
No message could have been any clearer   ���� �������� ������
�� ���� ������ ����� �ʹٸ�
If you wanna make the world
A better place   ������ �ڽ��� �� �� ����
��ȭ�� ���弼��
Take a look at yourself
And then make a change   ����� �� �ִ� ����
�� ��Ȳ�� �ùٸ��� ������ �ؿ�
You gotta get it right
While you got the time - �ֳĸ� ����� ������ ���� ��...
- ������ �ݾƼ� �ȵſ�!
Cos when you close your heart
You can't close your, your mind   �� ���, �ſ���� �� ����
That man, That man in the mirror   �� ����, �� ����
That man, that man   �� ����, �� ����
��ȭ�� ������
That man, that man
Make a change   ���ݾƿ�, ���ݾƿ�
You know, you know, you know   ���� �������� ������
�� ���� ������ ����� �ʹٸ�
If you wanna make the world
A better place   ������ �ڽ��� �� �� ����
��ȭ�� ���弼��
Take a look at yourself
And then make that change   ��¥ ����� ���� �� ���ƿ�
It's gonna feel real good   �� ��ȭ�� ���� �ſ���
I'm gonna make a change   ��¥ ����� ���� �� ���ƿ�
It's gonna feel real good   ��ȭ
Change �ڽ��� ����̼���
Just lift yourself, you know   �װ��� ����߸� �մϴ�
You gotta stop it   ����̼���
Yourself   ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Make that change   �� ��ȭ�� ������ �մϴ�
You gotta make that change   ����
Today   �ſ���� ����
�������� �ؿ�
Man in the mirror
You gotta move it, you know   �˰���?
You know   �Ͼ�� �մϴ�
You gotta stand up   �Ͼ��, �Ͼ!
��ȭ�� ���弼��
Stand up, stand up!
Make that change   ���� �Ͼ�� �ڽ��� ����̼���
Stand up and lift yourself now   �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror   ���ݾƿ�, �˰� ���ݾƿ�
You know it, you know it   �Ͼ�� ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Stand up and make that change   ��ȭ
Change   ���ݾƿ�
You know �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror   �� ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Make that change   �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror   �� ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Make that change   �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror  

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  Change �ڽ��� ����̼���
Just lift yourself, you know   �װ��� ����߸� �մϴ�
You gotta stop it   ����̼���
Yourself   ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Make that change   �� ��ȭ�� ������ �մϴ�
You gotta make that change   ����
Today   �ſ���� ����
�������� �ؿ�
Man in the mirror
You gotta move it, you know   �˰���?
You know   �Ͼ�� �մϴ�
You gotta stand up   �Ͼ��, �Ͼ!
��ȭ�� ���弼��
Stand up, stand up!
Make that change   ���� �Ͼ�� �ڽ��� ����̼���
Stand up and lift yourself now   �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror   ���ݾƿ�, �˰� ���ݾƿ�
You know it, you know it   �Ͼ�� ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Stand up and make that change   ��ȭ
Change   ���ݾƿ�
You know �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror   �� ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Make that change   �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror   �� ��ȭ�� ���弼��
Make that change   �ſ���� ����
Man in the mirror  

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