1 00:00:27,876 --> 00:00:30,375 And that is when the moon went missing. 2 00:00:31,642 --> 00:00:33,242 The world turned dark. 3 00:00:33,275 --> 00:00:34,676 And without her mother's charm, 4 00:00:34,709 --> 00:00:37,308 the little princess did not find her way home. 5 00:00:38,976 --> 00:00:41,776 The forest crept closer and closer as she-- 6 00:00:41,809 --> 00:00:43,776 - Daddy. - Yes? 7 00:00:43,809 --> 00:00:45,676 Why did the moon leave her? 8 00:00:45,709 --> 00:00:47,175 Doesn't her mum love her anymore? 9 00:00:48,375 --> 00:00:50,242 It's not in their power, Martha. 10 00:00:50,275 --> 00:00:52,542 Once a month, the moon has to leave. 11 00:00:52,575 --> 00:00:54,375 Why? 12 00:00:54,409 --> 00:00:55,509 That's the way the world works. 13 00:00:57,509 --> 00:00:59,242 But now she hasn't got any protection. 14 00:01:00,976 --> 00:01:02,676 Well, maybe it's time she learned 15 00:01:02,709 --> 00:01:05,809 how to protect herself and the ones she loves the most. 16 00:01:06,876 --> 00:01:08,709 See. 17 00:01:08,742 --> 00:01:11,442 Crept closer and closer 18 00:01:11,475 --> 00:01:14,308 as she wandered through the night. 19 00:01:14,342 --> 00:01:17,475 She was scared, but had a good heart. 20 00:01:17,509 --> 00:01:18,742 Is that why you leave? 21 00:01:22,009 --> 00:01:24,676 Yes, but I'm clever. 22 00:01:24,709 --> 00:01:26,742 And I will always find a way home. 23 00:01:26,776 --> 00:01:27,876 I promise. 24 00:01:31,009 --> 00:01:33,909 It's late. We'll finish the story another time. 25 00:01:33,942 --> 00:01:35,375 Will you be good for your aunt? 26 00:01:41,442 --> 00:01:43,308 Here. 27 00:01:43,342 --> 00:01:44,442 What's this? 28 00:01:44,475 --> 00:01:45,742 Not the moon. 29 00:01:49,776 --> 00:01:51,976 That's very kind of you, Martha. 30 00:01:52,009 --> 00:01:53,676 I'll treasure it. 31 00:01:53,709 --> 00:01:55,842 - Goodnight, Daddy. - Goodnight. 32 00:02:04,542 --> 00:02:05,642 Everything all right, sir? 33 00:02:07,642 --> 00:02:09,609 No need for formalities. 34 00:02:09,642 --> 00:02:11,909 Well, in that case, pleasure to meet you. 35 00:02:11,942 --> 00:02:13,509 -Jack Wallace. -Yeah, I know. 36 00:02:13,542 --> 00:02:15,709 I know who you are. It's an honor, sir. 37 00:02:15,742 --> 00:02:17,642 Never thought I'd be on a mission with a war hero. 38 00:02:17,676 --> 00:02:19,509 War hero? What did he do? 39 00:02:19,542 --> 00:02:21,976 He single-handedly took out 20 Kraut tanks 40 00:02:22,009 --> 00:02:22,842 in their own camp. 41 00:02:22,876 --> 00:02:24,876 -What? -I was just following orders. 42 00:02:24,909 --> 00:02:26,242 Oh, come on, man. 43 00:02:26,275 --> 00:02:27,442 You killed hundreds. 44 00:02:27,475 --> 00:02:28,609 How did you do it? 45 00:02:29,909 --> 00:02:32,542 -With a bomb. -Brilliant. 46 00:02:32,575 --> 00:02:35,208 And what's a war hero doing on a recce? 47 00:02:35,242 --> 00:02:36,509 I just go where I'm told to. 48 00:02:36,542 --> 00:02:38,742 Ah, good soldier, aye? 49 00:02:38,776 --> 00:02:40,208 Can't trust us. 50 00:02:40,242 --> 00:02:40,976 And who are you? 51 00:02:41,009 --> 00:02:43,242 I'm Killian Deegan. 52 00:02:43,275 --> 00:02:44,509 I'm too invisible to be a war hero. 53 00:02:44,542 --> 00:02:46,709 Ah, funny, I like it. 54 00:02:46,742 --> 00:02:47,909 Funny? 55 00:02:47,942 --> 00:02:49,308 That's fighting talk where I come from. 56 00:02:49,342 --> 00:02:50,942 -Oh yeah? -Mm. 57 00:02:50,976 --> 00:02:51,942 Go on. 58 00:02:53,342 --> 00:02:54,909 So, what's a war hero and a sniper 59 00:02:54,942 --> 00:02:56,609 doing on an exploration? 60 00:02:56,642 --> 00:03:00,442 'Cause I know that this, 61 00:03:00,475 --> 00:03:01,876 this is abandoned territory. 62 00:03:01,909 --> 00:03:03,809 Well, the war is over, isn't it? 63 00:03:03,842 --> 00:03:06,409 It soon will be. with a bit of luck, 64 00:03:06,442 --> 00:03:08,575 this will be the last mission for all of us. 65 00:03:08,609 --> 00:03:09,842 Is that true, sir? 66 00:03:09,876 --> 00:03:10,742 We're winning, aren't we? 67 00:03:11,842 --> 00:03:12,776 Morton. 68 00:03:15,676 --> 00:03:17,208 Right, listen up. 69 00:03:17,242 --> 00:03:18,776 We jump in four miles. 70 00:03:18,809 --> 00:03:21,208 We meet at the church. 71 00:03:21,242 --> 00:03:22,475 Memorize it. 72 00:03:24,842 --> 00:03:26,575 Check your weapons and get yourselves ready to go. 73 00:03:35,609 --> 00:03:37,575 Get down! 74 00:03:39,876 --> 00:03:41,375 Need a hand, quick! 75 00:03:44,642 --> 00:03:45,976 Keep the pressure on. 76 00:03:47,842 --> 00:03:49,575 The plane's fecking wrecked. 77 00:03:49,609 --> 00:03:50,742 What's the situation? 78 00:03:50,776 --> 00:03:51,876 It's not looking good, sir. 79 00:03:53,009 --> 00:03:54,242 We can't land here. 80 00:03:54,275 --> 00:03:55,742 Forget landing. 81 00:03:55,776 --> 00:03:57,208 You need to jump now. 82 00:03:58,375 --> 00:03:59,542 Boys, get ready! 83 00:04:02,742 --> 00:04:04,275 What about Morton? 84 00:04:04,308 --> 00:04:05,909 Get the map and take his radio. 85 00:04:05,942 --> 00:04:07,509 You're our new comms guy. 86 00:04:07,542 --> 00:04:08,342 Hope you're a fast learner. 87 00:04:15,442 --> 00:04:16,776 Where the hell did you bring us? 88 00:04:16,809 --> 00:04:18,208 I'll clear the area. 89 00:04:18,242 --> 00:04:19,208 Look after him. 90 00:04:23,642 --> 00:04:24,976 When you hit the deck, 91 00:04:25,009 --> 00:04:27,676 you lie, you lie still until I find you. 92 00:04:27,709 --> 00:04:29,475 I've never done this before. 93 00:04:29,509 --> 00:04:31,275 You need to leave now! 94 00:04:31,308 --> 00:04:33,375 They showed me on the ground, but I didn't jump. 95 00:04:33,409 --> 00:04:35,642 You'll be fine. Arms in, pull the chord! 96 00:04:35,676 --> 00:04:36,575 What do you mean? 97 00:07:06,776 --> 00:07:08,308 You pushed me out of a plane? 98 00:07:08,342 --> 00:07:09,642 What did you expect? 99 00:07:09,676 --> 00:07:11,475 I'm not one of your soldiers. 100 00:07:11,509 --> 00:07:12,509 You don't say. 101 00:07:16,442 --> 00:07:18,175 Stay behind me and shut up. 102 00:07:40,475 --> 00:07:41,475 Here. 103 00:07:41,509 --> 00:07:44,175 If I tell you, point this and pull the trigger. 104 00:08:01,909 --> 00:08:04,575 Come on, stay close. 105 00:08:51,308 --> 00:08:52,809 Sir. 106 00:09:05,575 --> 00:09:07,642 Just leave him here for them to find. 107 00:09:10,509 --> 00:09:11,909 You're not here to question me. 108 00:09:18,742 --> 00:09:20,776 Sorry, I don't understand. 109 00:09:20,809 --> 00:09:21,976 You shot our interpreter. 110 00:09:25,842 --> 00:09:27,342 Gestapo? 111 00:09:27,375 --> 00:09:28,375 No ID tags. 112 00:09:29,509 --> 00:09:30,575 Yeah, same here. 113 00:09:33,876 --> 00:09:35,375 They've all got these. 114 00:09:35,409 --> 00:09:36,776 It's not any division I've ever heard of. 115 00:09:37,976 --> 00:09:39,776 They don't look like Wehrmachts. 116 00:09:39,809 --> 00:09:42,242 Probably locals, militia. 117 00:09:42,275 --> 00:09:43,542 Not supposed to be any allied action 118 00:09:43,575 --> 00:09:45,542 within 1,000 miles of here. 119 00:09:45,575 --> 00:09:47,375 Well, let's hope nobody heard this then. 120 00:10:24,242 --> 00:10:25,442 Jeez, it's Owens. 121 00:10:27,308 --> 00:10:28,709 Is that the same symbol as before? 122 00:10:30,475 --> 00:10:31,409 It looks like it. 123 00:10:32,776 --> 00:10:33,742 Well, should we get him down or-- 124 00:10:33,776 --> 00:10:35,242 They'll know we've been here. 125 00:10:37,776 --> 00:10:38,942 Wait. 126 00:10:41,342 --> 00:10:43,308 You tricked us, Norwood. This isn't a recce. 127 00:10:44,776 --> 00:10:45,942 No, it's not. 128 00:10:45,976 --> 00:10:47,442 So what is this mission really about, 129 00:10:47,475 --> 00:10:49,575 and what is that clown doing here? 130 00:10:51,242 --> 00:10:52,575 That clown is why we're here. 131 00:10:53,976 --> 00:10:55,876 Your job is to not let him out of your sight. 132 00:11:07,742 --> 00:11:08,776 Come on. 133 00:11:20,509 --> 00:11:21,575 Hold this. 134 00:11:23,942 --> 00:11:25,409 And that. 135 00:12:18,742 --> 00:12:19,742 Gotcha. 136 00:12:21,342 --> 00:12:22,542 Some war hero. 137 00:12:24,275 --> 00:12:26,208 This is not a game. 138 00:12:28,275 --> 00:12:29,909 Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, man. 139 00:12:31,542 --> 00:12:33,175 There's no glory in any of this. 140 00:12:41,542 --> 00:12:43,442 Well, then. 141 00:12:55,275 --> 00:12:56,475 You do have a good memory. 142 00:12:58,475 --> 00:13:00,342 Any enemy contacts? 143 00:13:00,375 --> 00:13:02,308 I'm invisible, remember? 144 00:13:03,842 --> 00:13:04,942 Where's Owens? 145 00:13:07,009 --> 00:13:08,876 Ah. 146 00:13:08,909 --> 00:13:09,942 Some recce. 147 00:13:18,776 --> 00:13:20,976 Find your way up that spire and get the radio out. 148 00:13:21,009 --> 00:13:22,742 Let me know when you've contacted comms. 149 00:14:32,976 --> 00:14:35,776 The man we're after is an American scientist. 150 00:14:35,809 --> 00:14:37,942 His name's Professor Hopper. 151 00:14:37,976 --> 00:14:40,375 He's lived in Germany for the past 25 years, 152 00:14:40,409 --> 00:14:42,575 and our mission is to bring him home, 153 00:14:42,609 --> 00:14:44,942 where he'll get put to work winning this war. 154 00:14:44,976 --> 00:14:46,609 And according to his fellow scientist, 155 00:14:46,642 --> 00:14:48,942 Connor here, every war to come. 156 00:14:50,709 --> 00:14:51,676 Scientist, aye? 157 00:14:52,942 --> 00:14:54,676 Connor's from Harvard University. 158 00:14:54,709 --> 00:14:56,909 He's here to help us identify Hopper. 159 00:14:56,942 --> 00:14:59,642 And to access any written work we find. 160 00:14:59,676 --> 00:15:02,242 Bring him back and the relevant papers. 161 00:15:03,842 --> 00:15:04,742 So what is it? 162 00:15:05,942 --> 00:15:08,342 It's 1.2 million tonnes of TNT. 163 00:15:09,642 --> 00:15:11,609 The world's first atomic weapon. 164 00:15:14,876 --> 00:15:15,909 A bomb. 165 00:15:22,542 --> 00:15:23,909 Why didn't you tell us? 166 00:15:23,942 --> 00:15:25,609 'Cause I needed all your skills. 167 00:15:27,009 --> 00:15:28,609 And I didn't think you'd want to come. 168 00:15:32,308 --> 00:15:36,242 Well, if it's that bad I'm glad we're so many. 169 00:15:38,575 --> 00:15:40,542 At least we got a war hero on our side. 170 00:15:42,242 --> 00:15:43,776 Right down there, in the cellar. 171 00:15:45,442 --> 00:15:47,876 Baker Street were in contact with Hopper's daughter. 172 00:15:47,909 --> 00:15:49,676 She was on our side, apparently. 173 00:15:49,709 --> 00:15:52,575 They cooked up some plan to smuggle them out of Berlin. 174 00:15:52,609 --> 00:15:54,842 But when the Americans broke through in the Ardennes, 175 00:15:54,876 --> 00:15:57,642 the SS moved our man to a decommissioned air base 176 00:15:57,676 --> 00:15:59,909 about half a dozen miles from here. 177 00:15:59,942 --> 00:16:02,475 That is our target. 178 00:16:03,809 --> 00:16:07,342 So we lost our comms guy and our medic. 179 00:16:07,375 --> 00:16:09,742 Like I get why we were all picked, 180 00:16:09,776 --> 00:16:11,375 but we're depleted. 181 00:16:11,409 --> 00:16:13,609 There's three and a half of us. 182 00:16:13,642 --> 00:16:14,909 We can't take an airbase. 183 00:16:14,942 --> 00:16:15,942 Abandoned airbase. 184 00:16:15,976 --> 00:16:17,609 Abandoned or not, 185 00:16:17,642 --> 00:16:19,275 if he's everything you say he is, 186 00:16:19,308 --> 00:16:20,509 they'll be protecting this brain box 187 00:16:20,542 --> 00:16:22,575 with more than an army. 188 00:16:22,609 --> 00:16:24,275 That's why if we don't have him in our custody 189 00:16:24,308 --> 00:16:26,876 by the end of tomorrow night, the RAF come in. 190 00:16:26,909 --> 00:16:28,409 And they bomb the base, the man, 191 00:16:28,442 --> 00:16:30,475 and all of his research to kingdom come. 192 00:16:30,509 --> 00:16:32,876 Best case, we get the research. 193 00:16:32,909 --> 00:16:34,375 Worst case, we all die. 194 00:16:34,409 --> 00:16:35,242 But most importantly, 195 00:16:35,275 --> 00:16:37,375 we get him before the Reds catch him. 196 00:16:37,409 --> 00:16:38,475 The Russians. 197 00:16:38,509 --> 00:16:40,542 Fecking Reds? 198 00:16:40,575 --> 00:16:41,976 Bomb him now, what are we doing here? 199 00:16:42,009 --> 00:16:43,542 No, no, no, we need to know 200 00:16:43,575 --> 00:16:45,275 how much Professor Hopper knows, okay? 201 00:16:45,308 --> 00:16:46,976 And if it's good, if it can help us win the war, 202 00:16:47,009 --> 00:16:48,509 then we gotta take it. 203 00:17:01,709 --> 00:17:02,776 Anything? 204 00:17:02,809 --> 00:17:03,976 No. 205 00:17:04,009 --> 00:17:05,909 Where is everyone? 206 00:17:05,942 --> 00:17:07,275 They probably moved him. 207 00:17:08,909 --> 00:17:10,442 Safety's off. 208 00:17:10,475 --> 00:17:11,742 High alert. 209 00:17:11,776 --> 00:17:12,876 Move out. 210 00:17:50,375 --> 00:17:51,909 Corporal, take Connor. 211 00:17:51,942 --> 00:17:53,043 Clear one on the left. 212 00:17:53,076 --> 00:17:54,809 Wallace, you're with me, we'll do the one on the right. 213 00:18:38,909 --> 00:18:40,275 It's Russian. 214 00:18:43,442 --> 00:18:44,876 Jesus. 215 00:18:44,909 --> 00:18:47,409 I bet it's some kind of Russian scout forces. 216 00:18:48,609 --> 00:18:49,842 Where's Connor? 217 00:18:49,876 --> 00:18:51,308 Should see for yourself. 218 00:18:52,375 --> 00:18:53,442 You left him? 219 00:18:56,308 --> 00:18:57,542 Shit. 220 00:19:07,375 --> 00:19:08,575 There he is. 221 00:19:10,409 --> 00:19:11,876 Hopper is a damn genius. 222 00:19:19,342 --> 00:19:21,442 This is incredible. 223 00:19:25,642 --> 00:19:26,842 Guys? 224 00:19:39,876 --> 00:19:41,542 This is that Russian scout force. 225 00:19:44,709 --> 00:19:45,609 Bloody Reds. 226 00:19:46,842 --> 00:19:48,242 Well, it looks like we're too late. 227 00:19:48,275 --> 00:19:49,642 Let's go home, lads. 228 00:19:49,676 --> 00:19:50,842 Not till we find Hopper. 229 00:19:50,876 --> 00:19:52,642 Find him? 230 00:19:52,676 --> 00:19:53,709 I think you'll find he'll be dead. 231 00:19:53,742 --> 00:19:55,409 We don't know that. 232 00:19:55,442 --> 00:19:56,742 This local militia is a lot stronger 233 00:19:56,776 --> 00:19:58,709 than we thought then. 234 00:19:58,742 --> 00:20:00,609 Where do you think they would take Hopper? 235 00:20:00,642 --> 00:20:02,342 Do we even know whose side these militia are on? 236 00:20:02,375 --> 00:20:03,642 Well, you can bet it's not ours. 237 00:20:03,676 --> 00:20:04,942 Sir, what are your orders? 238 00:20:06,709 --> 00:20:08,242 Before we left, I was told 239 00:20:08,275 --> 00:20:10,409 there's this old resistance SOE asset. 240 00:20:11,676 --> 00:20:14,709 Hungarian farmer, lives about six miles from here. 241 00:20:14,742 --> 00:20:16,742 I haven't heard from him since D-Day. 242 00:20:16,776 --> 00:20:18,709 It's been dark for 10 months, sir. 243 00:20:18,742 --> 00:20:21,208 Might be dead then, no? 244 00:20:21,242 --> 00:20:24,442 Maybe, but we've got to find out where that militia is. 245 00:20:25,676 --> 00:20:27,742 What if your man's joined the militia himself? 246 00:20:31,542 --> 00:20:32,809 There is no escape plan. 247 00:20:34,942 --> 00:20:37,609 So without the professor, they ain't coming to get us. 248 00:20:38,809 --> 00:20:40,676 Which means that any lead we have 249 00:20:40,709 --> 00:20:42,809 is one that we have to follow. 250 00:22:22,842 --> 00:22:24,842 Well, I guess we know whose side their on. 251 00:22:26,009 --> 00:22:27,342 We go in. 252 00:22:27,375 --> 00:22:28,475 No one moves. 253 00:22:28,509 --> 00:22:30,308 You can't let this happen. 254 00:22:30,342 --> 00:22:32,609 There are women and children there. 255 00:22:32,642 --> 00:22:33,742 We stay down. 256 00:22:35,375 --> 00:22:37,308 Wait. 257 00:22:37,342 --> 00:22:38,709 Stand down, Sergeant. 258 00:22:38,742 --> 00:22:41,742 But, sir, there are children there. 259 00:22:41,776 --> 00:22:43,308 That is an older, Sergeant. 260 00:22:43,342 --> 00:22:44,275 Sir. 261 00:22:45,575 --> 00:22:47,842 If you do this, they'll be all over us. 262 00:22:47,876 --> 00:22:49,375 We can't risk this mission. 263 00:22:49,409 --> 00:22:50,909 We don't even know we have a mission anymore. 264 00:22:50,942 --> 00:22:53,208 That is not your family. 265 00:23:48,475 --> 00:23:49,942 Stay alert. 266 00:24:07,742 --> 00:24:09,375 What are you doing? 267 00:24:09,409 --> 00:24:11,308 Going inside. 268 00:24:28,776 --> 00:24:29,676 What are you doing? 269 00:24:30,876 --> 00:24:32,742 Get up, man. Jesus, you can't sit there. 270 00:24:35,542 --> 00:24:37,409 We're looking for your husband. 271 00:24:37,442 --> 00:24:39,409 My husband is dead for six years. 272 00:24:40,942 --> 00:24:42,676 And thank you for your service. 273 00:24:48,409 --> 00:24:49,809 English or American? 274 00:24:49,842 --> 00:24:50,809 English. 275 00:24:53,475 --> 00:24:54,475 There's no one else here, 276 00:24:55,642 --> 00:24:57,275 and I'm too hungry to run for it. 277 00:24:58,475 --> 00:25:01,842 So tell your boys at the back to be careful of my lettuces. 278 00:25:01,876 --> 00:25:04,175 Thank you. 279 00:25:05,342 --> 00:25:07,409 Do I have a choice? 280 00:25:07,442 --> 00:25:08,575 Bitte. 281 00:25:17,742 --> 00:25:19,809 Is this all of you? 282 00:25:19,842 --> 00:25:21,475 Rather disappointing, isn't it? 283 00:25:23,242 --> 00:25:25,375 It depends on how good you are. 284 00:25:26,909 --> 00:25:28,409 Excuse my friend. 285 00:25:28,442 --> 00:25:29,642 He's had a rough few years. 286 00:25:30,809 --> 00:25:32,375 Thank you for your hospitality. 287 00:25:33,676 --> 00:25:35,942 But that's not why you're here. 288 00:25:38,842 --> 00:25:40,609 We're looking for someone. 289 00:25:40,642 --> 00:25:41,709 He's a professor, a scientist. 290 00:25:41,742 --> 00:25:45,375 Right, not many days ago, 291 00:25:45,409 --> 00:25:48,375 a group of them passed through here. 292 00:25:48,409 --> 00:25:50,709 They were transporting someone important. 293 00:25:50,742 --> 00:25:52,242 But that could be him. 294 00:25:52,275 --> 00:25:54,575 -Was he alive? -Yes. 295 00:25:54,609 --> 00:25:57,509 They seemed to take good care to protect him. 296 00:25:57,542 --> 00:25:59,409 There were a lot of them. 297 00:25:59,442 --> 00:26:02,308 And do we know who these rogue boys are? 298 00:26:02,342 --> 00:26:04,242 When Hitler saw he was losing the war, 299 00:26:04,275 --> 00:26:06,542 he ordered every Aryan in the Vaterland 300 00:26:06,575 --> 00:26:08,308 to form a militia. 301 00:26:08,342 --> 00:26:12,609 Angry, young, poor boys to continue the struggle 302 00:26:12,642 --> 00:26:14,375 against the invaders. 303 00:26:14,409 --> 00:26:16,475 They call themselves the Wolf's Angels. 304 00:26:18,609 --> 00:26:22,575 A young man called Von Sachs is their leader. 305 00:26:22,609 --> 00:26:24,308 What's the point if they already lost? 306 00:26:25,909 --> 00:26:29,442 These young boys get brainwashed. 307 00:26:30,876 --> 00:26:32,709 You call it propaganda. 308 00:26:34,308 --> 00:26:36,375 They have so much pain and loss, 309 00:26:37,542 --> 00:26:39,809 and therefore it's an escape. 310 00:26:42,676 --> 00:26:44,642 Even if their mother tells them not to go. 311 00:27:06,709 --> 00:27:08,609 Is everything all right, soldier? 312 00:27:15,275 --> 00:27:16,809 Where did they take him? 313 00:27:19,976 --> 00:27:23,709 They have a base 10 kilometers from here. 314 00:27:25,742 --> 00:27:28,375 It will not be easy to capture him. 315 00:27:30,809 --> 00:27:32,342 You have a radio, don't you? 316 00:27:34,509 --> 00:27:35,709 An old one, yes. 317 00:27:37,009 --> 00:27:39,642 Well, let's see if we can get it working. 318 00:27:56,809 --> 00:27:57,976 Anything? 319 00:27:58,009 --> 00:28:00,575 That boy, it was her son. 320 00:28:01,809 --> 00:28:03,442 She has a right to know. 321 00:28:03,475 --> 00:28:05,842 Why do you think she went dark 10 months ago? 322 00:28:05,876 --> 00:28:08,442 Her son joined the Wolf's Angels. 323 00:28:08,475 --> 00:28:11,575 He's a Nazi, like nearly everyone else around here. 324 00:28:11,609 --> 00:28:12,842 She's his mother. 325 00:28:16,575 --> 00:28:17,709 I don't trust her. 326 00:28:18,776 --> 00:28:19,776 No matter. 327 00:28:21,976 --> 00:28:23,442 She'll probably expect him to be there. 328 00:28:23,475 --> 00:28:24,342 When she finds out that we've killed him-- 329 00:28:24,375 --> 00:28:25,509 You killed him. 330 00:28:26,776 --> 00:28:28,409 It's a war. 331 00:28:28,442 --> 00:28:30,776 People get shot, you should know that. 332 00:28:33,475 --> 00:28:36,709 When this is done, when it's over, our families. 333 00:28:36,742 --> 00:28:37,876 They'll know we won. 334 00:28:40,676 --> 00:28:42,542 If she finds out, you'll shoot her. 335 00:28:43,809 --> 00:28:45,308 You wanna take her with us? 336 00:28:46,475 --> 00:28:47,575 I have a plan. 337 00:28:53,342 --> 00:28:54,742 Two. 338 00:28:54,776 --> 00:28:56,442 At least another three inside. 339 00:29:17,342 --> 00:29:18,442 What a beauty. 340 00:29:20,575 --> 00:29:21,609 What? 341 00:29:23,009 --> 00:29:24,609 They're better than humans. 342 00:29:36,976 --> 00:29:38,242 There. 343 00:29:39,342 --> 00:29:40,242 Oh, thank God. 344 00:29:41,375 --> 00:29:42,442 It's him? 345 00:29:43,942 --> 00:29:45,308 Yeah, I'm certain of it. 346 00:29:46,409 --> 00:29:47,509 Good. 347 00:29:47,542 --> 00:29:49,609 He's a brilliant scientist, you know. 348 00:29:51,308 --> 00:29:52,876 I should hope so. 349 00:29:52,909 --> 00:29:54,942 I didn't expect so many. 350 00:29:54,976 --> 00:29:57,642 I thought there would just be some scientists in a lab. 351 00:29:57,676 --> 00:30:00,876 Hey, we're two men down, I need you to step up. 352 00:30:02,308 --> 00:30:03,308 Okay. 353 00:30:08,976 --> 00:30:10,342 They have him. 354 00:30:10,375 --> 00:30:11,409 Get yourselves ready. 355 00:30:18,308 --> 00:30:20,842 That's a fine new Enfield you got there. 356 00:30:20,876 --> 00:30:22,409 If you shoot yourself, can I have it? 357 00:30:23,742 --> 00:30:25,876 I got these old one, see? 358 00:30:25,909 --> 00:30:27,942 Mind you, they should give me a metal the amount 359 00:30:27,976 --> 00:30:29,375 of people I killed with it. 360 00:30:31,876 --> 00:30:34,275 It's bravery they give medals for. 361 00:30:34,308 --> 00:30:35,609 Come on. 362 00:31:56,342 --> 00:31:57,809 God, die, you... 363 00:33:02,409 --> 00:33:03,275 Found ya. 364 00:33:26,575 --> 00:33:27,676 It's all clear. 365 00:33:43,342 --> 00:33:44,909 Some shot. 366 00:33:44,942 --> 00:33:46,876 Don't fall in love with me, man. 367 00:33:46,909 --> 00:33:48,442 Just following orders. 368 00:33:53,409 --> 00:33:55,475 We got work to do, clock's ticking. 369 00:33:59,909 --> 00:34:02,575 It's them or us. 370 00:34:07,942 --> 00:34:08,876 I used to be a medic. 371 00:34:10,275 --> 00:34:11,475 They told us to pull the shrapnel out, 372 00:34:11,509 --> 00:34:13,275 sew 'em up and send 'em back out. 373 00:34:15,242 --> 00:34:16,308 Look at me. 374 00:34:23,776 --> 00:34:25,942 They're the lucky ones, trust me. 375 00:34:27,742 --> 00:34:28,809 They die quick. 376 00:34:49,009 --> 00:34:50,342 Look at you. 377 00:34:50,375 --> 00:34:53,976 Good lad, good lad. 378 00:34:54,009 --> 00:34:56,442 That's it, good lad. 379 00:34:56,475 --> 00:34:58,275 Easy now. 380 00:34:58,308 --> 00:34:59,776 Don't eat the ferns, love. 381 00:34:59,809 --> 00:35:01,776 He is a beauty. 382 00:35:01,809 --> 00:35:03,475 My family used to keep horses, you know? 383 00:35:04,609 --> 00:35:07,542 Breeding them. 384 00:35:07,575 --> 00:35:08,709 Without them, we'd have starved. 385 00:35:09,876 --> 00:35:11,375 Majestic creatures. 386 00:35:15,475 --> 00:35:16,442 Come on. 387 00:35:18,009 --> 00:35:19,143 Can I help? 388 00:35:20,342 --> 00:35:22,242 War's over for you. 389 00:35:45,776 --> 00:35:47,475 Baker Street said we're winning. 390 00:35:48,809 --> 00:35:50,609 It don't feel like it. 391 00:35:50,642 --> 00:35:51,942 Hasn't in a long time. 392 00:35:53,409 --> 00:35:54,909 Feels like a suicide mission. 393 00:35:56,942 --> 00:35:58,442 For me, they all do. 394 00:36:06,242 --> 00:36:07,475 No one waiting for ya? 395 00:36:10,809 --> 00:36:12,442 Oh, there is a special someone. 396 00:36:18,275 --> 00:36:20,375 Martha, my daughter. 397 00:36:22,676 --> 00:36:23,942 She'll be 12 soon. 398 00:36:27,009 --> 00:36:28,308 Are you writing her? 399 00:36:33,876 --> 00:36:35,876 It's hard to know what to say sometimes. 400 00:36:39,275 --> 00:36:40,709 Be good to get you back to her. 401 00:36:43,942 --> 00:36:44,942 Right. 402 00:36:46,842 --> 00:36:48,509 I'm sorry we couldn't save the others. 403 00:36:50,242 --> 00:36:52,976 The locals, it wasn't easy for me. 404 00:36:53,009 --> 00:36:54,776 It didn't look that way. 405 00:36:54,809 --> 00:36:55,742 Well, this mission is about more 406 00:36:55,776 --> 00:36:57,242 than protecting innocent people. 407 00:36:58,409 --> 00:36:59,642 It's about protecting everyone. 408 00:37:01,009 --> 00:37:02,208 That's why I picked you. 409 00:37:03,642 --> 00:37:05,275 For a suicide mission. 410 00:37:17,542 --> 00:37:19,375 You gotta love German efficiency. 411 00:37:38,842 --> 00:37:40,609 I preferred you without that. 412 00:37:42,742 --> 00:37:45,208 -You got the wine? -Everything you've asked for. 413 00:37:45,242 --> 00:37:46,375 And you know what to do. 414 00:37:48,275 --> 00:37:49,475 You can trust me. 415 00:38:02,242 --> 00:38:03,609 Good luck. 416 00:38:03,642 --> 00:38:05,375 Got all the luck I need right here. 417 00:38:28,809 --> 00:38:29,842 Relax. 418 00:39:44,976 --> 00:39:46,275 Halt! 419 00:40:00,275 --> 00:40:01,409 Here. 420 00:40:22,609 --> 00:40:23,609 Ja. 421 00:40:46,776 --> 00:40:48,475 Stairs. 422 00:40:48,509 --> 00:40:50,442 Stay here, unload the box. 423 00:41:02,976 --> 00:41:05,208 -Two. -We don't know. 424 00:41:05,242 --> 00:41:07,909 We don't know he's in there. 425 00:41:07,942 --> 00:41:09,676 Well, who else would they be guarding? 426 00:41:37,242 --> 00:41:38,676 Professor Hopper. 427 00:41:38,709 --> 00:41:40,308 Are you Americans? 428 00:41:40,342 --> 00:41:42,509 It is a great honor meeting you, sir. 429 00:41:42,542 --> 00:41:44,709 Well, I would love to say the same, but-- 430 00:41:44,742 --> 00:41:46,308 Professor, you're coming with us. 431 00:41:46,342 --> 00:41:48,609 Connor, check the papers. Take anything we can use. 432 00:41:51,308 --> 00:41:52,809 No, excuse me. Oh, we need these. 433 00:41:52,842 --> 00:41:54,575 -No, this is my-- -Professor, you'll need these 434 00:41:54,609 --> 00:41:56,509 papers to continue your work in America. 435 00:42:01,009 --> 00:42:02,475 What? 436 00:42:02,509 --> 00:42:03,509 I'll get my shoes on. 437 00:42:03,542 --> 00:42:05,609 Ja, okay. 438 00:42:11,676 --> 00:42:12,776 Nein. 439 00:42:14,475 --> 00:42:16,742 -Can I have that? -No. 440 00:42:16,776 --> 00:42:18,308 Please? 441 00:42:18,342 --> 00:42:19,642 I'll carry it. 442 00:42:21,909 --> 00:42:22,809 You take this. 443 00:42:24,342 --> 00:42:27,609 So what is your plan exactly to get us out of here? 444 00:42:28,909 --> 00:42:30,308 The same way we came in. 445 00:42:30,342 --> 00:42:31,509 Move. 446 00:42:32,709 --> 00:42:34,575 -You got the notebook? -Yeah, I have it. 447 00:42:34,609 --> 00:42:35,575 Okay, we should go. 448 00:42:35,609 --> 00:42:36,909 -Let's go. -Ah, ah. 449 00:42:36,942 --> 00:42:38,876 Only came for you, not your German mistress. 450 00:42:38,909 --> 00:42:41,609 She is my daughter, and I'm not leaving her. 451 00:42:41,642 --> 00:42:43,909 -There's no room for two. -Sir. 452 00:42:43,942 --> 00:42:46,409 I'm not going any where without her. 453 00:42:49,575 --> 00:42:51,475 She better know how to use a gun. 454 00:42:51,509 --> 00:42:52,642 Let's go. 455 00:42:54,575 --> 00:42:55,776 Did you get the right ones? 456 00:42:55,809 --> 00:42:57,509 -Yeah, I think so. -Let's go. 457 00:43:02,642 --> 00:43:03,709 Two of them? 458 00:43:03,742 --> 00:43:04,709 We have no choice. 459 00:43:04,742 --> 00:43:05,976 The box won't hold. 460 00:43:06,009 --> 00:43:07,442 We have to try. 461 00:43:07,475 --> 00:43:09,475 This really is not-- 462 00:43:09,509 --> 00:43:11,308 You got another plan, Professor? 463 00:43:11,342 --> 00:43:12,242 Now get in the box. 464 00:43:18,442 --> 00:43:19,942 They're coming, they're coming. 465 00:43:22,242 --> 00:43:23,909 Hold it together. 466 00:43:23,942 --> 00:43:24,876 Fraulein. 467 00:43:38,809 --> 00:43:39,776 Ja. 468 00:44:58,642 --> 00:45:00,242 By the English. 469 00:45:08,909 --> 00:45:10,275 Time for revenge. 470 00:45:11,709 --> 00:45:14,275 The English are so proud of their weapons, 471 00:45:14,308 --> 00:45:17,509 they couldn't even stand to take our guns. 472 00:45:18,976 --> 00:45:20,342 Shoot them. 473 00:45:33,575 --> 00:45:34,909 Get ready. 474 00:45:39,542 --> 00:45:41,942 Well, well, well. 475 00:45:41,976 --> 00:45:43,575 Nazi fraulein. 476 00:45:51,609 --> 00:45:53,308 Out, out, now! 477 00:45:53,342 --> 00:45:54,275 Come out, come out. 478 00:45:56,976 --> 00:45:58,475 Come on, move! 479 00:46:06,575 --> 00:46:07,976 Stop! 480 00:46:10,709 --> 00:46:12,208 Quick, quick. Move, go. 481 00:46:12,242 --> 00:46:13,342 - Quick, move, move. - Everyone, go! 482 00:46:13,375 --> 00:46:14,308 Move! 483 00:46:18,308 --> 00:46:20,308 Move up! 484 00:46:28,876 --> 00:46:30,976 Table, go, go, go, go, go. 485 00:46:46,676 --> 00:46:50,208 Down! 486 00:46:54,409 --> 00:46:56,342 Shit, there's more of them! 487 00:46:58,876 --> 00:47:00,375 Now! 488 00:47:27,709 --> 00:47:28,742 Keep going! 489 00:47:28,776 --> 00:47:31,842 Okay, when I say go you run to the truck, okay? 490 00:47:47,275 --> 00:47:48,242 Okay, go! 491 00:47:49,509 --> 00:47:50,375 Go, go, go! 492 00:47:55,275 --> 00:47:56,742 Norwood, machine gun! 493 00:47:58,542 --> 00:48:00,308 Machine gun's fucked! 494 00:48:05,709 --> 00:48:09,342 No, wait! 495 00:48:14,876 --> 00:48:16,609 What are you doing? 496 00:48:16,642 --> 00:48:17,942 Get up, get up, you can do it! 497 00:48:17,976 --> 00:48:21,342 No, no, no, it's for Hans. 498 00:48:21,375 --> 00:48:23,275 It's for my boy. 499 00:48:23,308 --> 00:48:24,876 It's for my son. 500 00:48:26,009 --> 00:48:27,308 Go. 501 00:48:28,475 --> 00:48:29,809 Go. 502 00:49:59,575 --> 00:50:00,876 Go on, go. 503 00:50:00,909 --> 00:50:02,242 Come on, just watch it. 504 00:51:19,976 --> 00:51:21,208 No! 505 00:51:29,308 --> 00:51:30,676 Go, go, go, go! 506 00:51:40,109 --> 00:51:42,208 Let's go, let's go! 507 00:51:56,909 --> 00:51:58,575 Did anybody see what happened to Deegan? 508 00:52:10,409 --> 00:52:12,242 Ah, fuck! 509 00:52:39,842 --> 00:52:41,409 They're closing in! 510 00:53:01,842 --> 00:53:03,575 -Come on, come on. -Wait, Papa! 511 00:53:03,609 --> 00:53:04,642 Down. 512 00:53:12,776 --> 00:53:13,876 Is everyone all right? 513 00:53:13,909 --> 00:53:15,375 -Ja. -Are you okay? 514 00:53:15,409 --> 00:53:16,709 -Ja. -You are? 515 00:53:16,742 --> 00:53:19,275 -Okay. -Ja, ja. 516 00:53:20,442 --> 00:53:22,475 Yeah. 517 00:53:25,575 --> 00:53:28,342 Here they are, look, our old pals. 518 00:53:32,776 --> 00:53:34,876 We've got to stop meeting like this, haven't we? 519 00:53:37,009 --> 00:53:39,375 Secure the cottage and get them inside. 520 00:53:41,475 --> 00:53:42,909 We thought you were a goner, Deegan. 521 00:53:42,942 --> 00:53:44,409 Not this time, fellas. 522 00:53:48,542 --> 00:53:49,509 Help. 523 00:53:50,709 --> 00:53:51,676 Help! 524 00:53:55,242 --> 00:53:56,842 Push down the wound. All right. As hard as you can. 525 00:53:56,876 --> 00:53:58,742 Wait, let me get it off and see what we're looking at here. 526 00:53:58,776 --> 00:54:00,709 -Keep talking to him. -Ja. 527 00:54:00,742 --> 00:54:02,976 -Jesus, God. -Papa. 528 00:54:03,009 --> 00:54:04,575 Save them. 529 00:54:04,609 --> 00:54:06,275 Papa? 530 00:54:06,308 --> 00:54:07,842 Please. 531 00:54:07,876 --> 00:54:10,642 No, no, don't go! 532 00:54:10,676 --> 00:54:12,308 Papa? 533 00:54:12,342 --> 00:54:13,842 Papa, don't go. 534 00:54:13,876 --> 00:54:15,275 Papa, please! 535 00:54:17,909 --> 00:54:19,342 Christ, let me have a look! 536 00:54:23,709 --> 00:54:24,776 I'm sorry. 537 00:54:27,976 --> 00:54:28,909 No! 538 00:54:30,575 --> 00:54:33,575 No, no. 539 00:54:33,609 --> 00:54:35,676 No, not Papa. 540 00:54:35,709 --> 00:54:37,442 No, Papa. 541 00:54:39,509 --> 00:54:40,609 Do something! 542 00:54:42,375 --> 00:54:44,942 No, no, no, no, no. 543 00:54:44,976 --> 00:54:46,876 No, please. 544 00:54:46,909 --> 00:54:48,742 Papa, please! 545 00:54:48,776 --> 00:54:49,776 Please. 546 00:54:49,809 --> 00:54:51,208 -I'm sorry. -No! 547 00:54:53,342 --> 00:54:54,742 You did this. 548 00:54:54,776 --> 00:54:56,208 -We were trying-- -No! 549 00:54:57,509 --> 00:54:59,242 -If you hadn't arrived-- -If we hadn't arrived, 550 00:54:59,275 --> 00:55:00,742 they would've bombed the place to the ground. 551 00:55:00,776 --> 00:55:01,909 He was too important. 552 00:55:04,375 --> 00:55:05,876 He was a human being. 553 00:55:12,976 --> 00:55:14,308 Murderers. 554 00:55:35,275 --> 00:55:36,609 We have to radio Baker Street. 555 00:55:36,642 --> 00:55:37,742 Get us out of her alive. 556 00:55:38,876 --> 00:55:40,242 Came all this way, yeah? 557 00:55:41,609 --> 00:55:42,809 Good luck. 558 00:55:45,509 --> 00:55:46,942 Will they even come for us now? 559 00:55:59,542 --> 00:56:01,208 He was a brilliant man. 560 00:56:02,776 --> 00:56:05,909 So brilliant it got him killed. 561 00:56:05,942 --> 00:56:08,208 No, no, what he achieved will save millions 562 00:56:08,242 --> 00:56:09,942 and stop pointless wars. 563 00:56:09,976 --> 00:56:11,342 Or start them. 564 00:56:28,709 --> 00:56:29,809 This. 565 00:56:33,542 --> 00:56:35,676 It has all of the notes you want. 566 00:56:41,342 --> 00:56:42,842 I hope you're right. 567 00:57:09,375 --> 00:57:12,208 I wasn't there when my father died. 568 00:57:15,609 --> 00:57:16,942 We didn't have a great relationship. 569 00:57:16,976 --> 00:57:18,275 He... 570 00:57:19,809 --> 00:57:21,308 He didn't really believe in me. 571 00:57:21,342 --> 00:57:24,342 He couldn't understand what I was trying to do. 572 00:57:26,342 --> 00:57:30,208 So I, I wrote him this note 573 00:57:30,242 --> 00:57:33,809 and I left it on his grave. 574 00:57:35,809 --> 00:57:38,208 And I imagine him reading it every day. 575 00:57:41,842 --> 00:57:43,275 It helped. 576 00:58:18,009 --> 00:58:19,542 You should get some rest. 577 00:58:23,009 --> 00:58:26,575 You did a good thing there, taking her with us. 578 00:58:28,876 --> 00:58:30,876 She might have been okay. 579 00:58:30,909 --> 00:58:32,742 We both know that's not true. 580 00:58:43,308 --> 00:58:44,909 If she's anything like you, she'll be fine. 581 00:58:48,575 --> 00:58:49,909 You know, there's this old saying that there are 582 00:58:49,942 --> 00:58:52,676 two wolves fighting inside all of us. 583 00:58:52,709 --> 00:58:54,308 One good, one bad. 584 00:58:55,976 --> 00:58:58,676 The wolf that wins is the one we feed the most. 585 00:59:04,776 --> 00:59:06,742 When I look into Martha's eyes, 586 00:59:08,909 --> 00:59:10,842 I know she'll see what I've become. 587 00:59:15,542 --> 00:59:16,676 Maybe it would be easier for her 588 00:59:16,709 --> 00:59:18,609 to remember me as the father I was. 589 00:59:20,942 --> 00:59:22,442 You don't know that. 590 00:59:36,709 --> 00:59:38,175 I see her... 591 00:59:39,842 --> 00:59:40,876 everywhere. 592 00:59:42,475 --> 00:59:43,709 That's hers. 593 00:59:43,742 --> 00:59:44,909 Mm. 594 00:59:46,809 --> 00:59:48,375 But I doubt she'll remember it. 595 00:59:50,509 --> 00:59:52,776 You should finish that letter. 596 00:59:52,809 --> 00:59:54,842 If nothing else, it might make you feel closer to her. 597 00:59:58,676 --> 00:59:59,809 What did you write? 598 01:00:04,242 --> 01:00:05,609 I've got no one to write to. 599 01:00:37,909 --> 01:00:52,842 Did you write this? 600 01:00:52,842 --> 01:00:53,842 Did you write this? 601 01:00:53,876 --> 01:00:55,642 This is CN and ET to embassy. Receiving, over. 602 01:00:58,942 --> 01:01:01,742 This is CN to Embassy. Receiving, over. 603 01:01:01,776 --> 01:01:02,842 Tell them he's alive. 604 01:01:04,375 --> 01:01:07,342 CN in ET to Embassy. Receiving, over. 605 01:01:07,375 --> 01:01:08,676 We have to get them out. 606 01:01:08,709 --> 01:01:10,809 This is the embassy, what's your status? 607 01:01:10,842 --> 01:01:11,809 We owe them. 608 01:01:12,976 --> 01:01:14,609 There is more. 609 01:01:14,642 --> 01:01:16,342 They made a prototype. 610 01:01:16,375 --> 01:01:17,542 Wait, what are you saying? 611 01:01:17,575 --> 01:01:19,909 Everything my father worked to create. 612 01:01:19,942 --> 01:01:21,475 Where? 613 01:01:21,509 --> 01:01:24,342 It's in a bunker, not far. 614 01:01:24,375 --> 01:01:26,542 If you need to take something back then we must retrieve it. 615 01:01:26,575 --> 01:01:28,308 Embassy to CN, do you copy? 616 01:01:29,909 --> 01:01:33,308 Sir, if there's a prototype, we have to find it. 617 01:01:33,342 --> 01:01:34,509 Our orders were to retrieve 618 01:01:34,542 --> 01:01:36,375 as much intelligence as possible. 619 01:01:41,308 --> 01:01:43,442 Well, it seems to me orders are there to be followed. 620 01:01:44,709 --> 01:01:46,509 Thank you. 621 01:01:46,542 --> 01:01:48,375 This is Captain Norwood, I have an update. 622 01:01:58,009 --> 01:01:59,308 So what did he say? 623 01:02:00,776 --> 01:02:03,575 If we haven't got this prototype by 1800 hours, 624 01:02:03,609 --> 01:02:06,275 the RAF are gonna hit this area with every bomb they can carry. 625 01:02:06,308 --> 01:02:08,909 Any chances of us getting out before that happens? 626 01:02:08,942 --> 01:02:10,809 Thank you. 627 01:02:10,842 --> 01:02:13,275 We pop a green smoke to signal the all clear. 628 01:02:13,308 --> 01:02:15,242 Same plane that was gonna blow us away carries us home. 629 01:02:16,375 --> 01:02:18,208 You hear that, Connor? 630 01:02:18,242 --> 01:02:19,876 Green smoke's our ticket home. 631 01:03:01,709 --> 01:03:03,942 I know where you're going, little bird. 632 01:03:10,542 --> 01:03:11,475 Slowly. 633 01:03:11,509 --> 01:03:13,575 Go, go. 634 01:03:36,375 --> 01:03:37,842 Through here. 635 01:04:24,676 --> 01:04:26,809 Otto, Lise. 636 01:04:26,842 --> 01:04:28,208 Mutti! 637 01:04:35,742 --> 01:04:37,409 Don't worry. 638 01:04:37,442 --> 01:04:39,442 These men are going to help us. 639 01:04:39,475 --> 01:04:40,742 Hannah, what's going on? 640 01:04:43,709 --> 01:04:45,642 Where's the damn prototype? 641 01:04:45,676 --> 01:04:47,175 I don't think there is one, sir. 642 01:04:50,609 --> 01:04:52,175 You tricked us. 643 01:04:53,742 --> 01:04:55,509 We leave, now! 644 01:04:55,542 --> 01:04:56,842 No, we have to take them with us. 645 01:04:56,876 --> 01:04:58,442 I'm sorry, I had no choice! 646 01:04:58,475 --> 01:04:59,609 You were not my mission. 647 01:04:59,642 --> 01:05:01,475 What would you do? 648 01:05:01,509 --> 01:05:03,342 If these two were yours? 649 01:05:03,375 --> 01:05:05,776 How can you expect me to leave my children behind? 650 01:05:05,809 --> 01:05:07,776 We can't just leave them. 651 01:05:10,275 --> 01:05:11,375 If I had told you the truth, 652 01:05:12,609 --> 01:05:14,409 you would have never come here, right? 653 01:05:16,642 --> 01:05:18,208 You have to take us with you. 654 01:05:19,308 --> 01:05:22,709 If you don't, they will kill us. 655 01:05:25,842 --> 01:05:27,308 Please. 656 01:05:29,609 --> 01:05:32,409 I believe she knows as much as her father. 657 01:05:32,442 --> 01:05:33,942 They developed the bomb together. 658 01:05:35,308 --> 01:05:36,342 Is this true? 659 01:05:37,676 --> 01:05:38,742 Don't you lie to me. 660 01:05:38,776 --> 01:05:39,876 It's true. 661 01:05:43,009 --> 01:05:44,442 Sir. 662 01:05:49,942 --> 01:05:51,776 Get the kids, we need to go. 663 01:05:51,809 --> 01:05:52,876 Von Sachs will know we're here. 664 01:05:54,375 --> 01:05:56,809 -Come with us. -Come, Otto. 665 01:05:56,842 --> 01:05:57,909 Now! 666 01:06:10,375 --> 01:06:11,909 Wait, Miss. 667 01:06:11,942 --> 01:06:13,275 I better go out first. 668 01:06:25,242 --> 01:06:26,308 Grenade! 669 01:06:26,342 --> 01:06:27,109 -Turn back! -Go! 670 01:06:27,143 --> 01:06:29,442 Get in, move closer! Move! Move! 671 01:06:48,876 --> 01:06:51,442 -You okay? -Yeah, this way. 672 01:07:10,509 --> 01:07:12,509 This is the only other way out. 673 01:07:12,542 --> 01:07:13,642 We either stay in here and get bombed 674 01:07:13,676 --> 01:07:15,542 in 10 minutes or we take our chances. 675 01:07:15,575 --> 01:07:17,308 Jesus. 676 01:07:40,942 --> 01:07:42,742 -Shit! -Get down, Otto. 677 01:07:46,275 --> 01:07:47,509 Wait! 678 01:07:57,776 --> 01:07:59,909 Seems like you English have nowhere to go. 679 01:08:04,409 --> 01:08:06,642 Rather than us killing the kinder 680 01:08:06,676 --> 01:08:08,809 that you come out with your hands up. 681 01:08:08,842 --> 01:08:11,642 If you do, we will spare them, and the girl. 682 01:08:23,876 --> 01:08:26,409 I only have to give the word and my men will tear through 683 01:08:26,442 --> 01:08:28,742 that pathetic tunnel and you all within seconds. 684 01:08:32,809 --> 01:08:34,208 Three. 685 01:08:36,542 --> 01:08:37,642 Two. 686 01:08:39,409 --> 01:08:40,709 Wait. 687 01:08:40,742 --> 01:08:41,842 One. 688 01:08:52,242 --> 01:08:53,609 Some bloody plan. 689 01:08:55,976 --> 01:08:58,208 If we run now, you think we'll reach the bags? 690 01:08:58,242 --> 01:08:59,742 I don't think your formulas gonna help you with this. 691 01:08:59,776 --> 01:09:00,809 Not everything's a damn joke. 692 01:09:01,909 --> 01:09:03,275 The smoke. 693 01:09:03,308 --> 01:09:05,475 The pilot will think we're safe. 694 01:09:05,509 --> 01:09:07,175 Do we look safe to you? 695 01:09:10,776 --> 01:09:12,809 Well, at least Hannah might be. 696 01:09:20,242 --> 01:09:21,509 10 Minutes to target. 697 01:09:26,509 --> 01:09:27,442 I'll cover you. 698 01:09:28,609 --> 01:09:29,776 Get Hannah and the kids out of here. 699 01:09:29,809 --> 01:09:30,942 Sir. 700 01:09:33,308 --> 01:09:34,442 Halt. 701 01:09:37,709 --> 01:09:39,575 Oh, I see. 702 01:09:39,609 --> 01:09:41,475 Your life is worth less than hers, is it? 703 01:09:42,842 --> 01:09:44,475 I will enjoy this. 704 01:09:56,308 --> 01:09:57,409 I think... 705 01:09:59,308 --> 01:10:00,676 he's a heart man. 706 01:10:18,409 --> 01:10:19,976 Go, go! 707 01:10:20,009 --> 01:10:21,742 Grab the bag with the smoke. 708 01:10:51,709 --> 01:10:53,475 Wallace, go, now! 709 01:10:56,642 --> 01:10:57,809 Get to cover! 710 01:11:05,275 --> 01:11:06,642 Don't let 'em flank us! 711 01:11:07,776 --> 01:11:08,776 Fall back on my mark. 712 01:11:10,609 --> 01:11:11,776 We got two, bottom of the hill! 713 01:11:13,409 --> 01:11:14,475 Now, Deegan! 714 01:11:27,575 --> 01:11:28,609 Wallace, go, now! 715 01:11:49,776 --> 01:11:51,709 - Rocket! - Brace yourselves! 716 01:12:16,842 --> 01:12:19,642 Professor Connor and Fraulein Hannah, 717 01:12:19,676 --> 01:12:20,642 welcome to the unit. 718 01:12:22,242 --> 01:12:23,275 The bag. 719 01:12:24,575 --> 01:12:26,308 I dropped the bag with the smoke. 720 01:12:28,242 --> 01:12:29,609 Our only way home! 721 01:12:39,676 --> 01:12:40,809 Five minutes, sir. 722 01:12:40,842 --> 01:12:42,442 Thank you, Lieutenant. 723 01:12:42,475 --> 01:12:44,575 Cockpit to bomber, five minutes. 724 01:12:44,609 --> 01:12:45,742 Roger that. 725 01:13:29,942 --> 01:13:31,876 Get them behind there. 726 01:13:31,909 --> 01:13:33,342 I'll get the smokes. 727 01:13:33,375 --> 01:13:35,409 Sir, it should be me. 728 01:13:35,442 --> 01:13:38,208 You get yourself home, and that's an order. 729 01:13:38,242 --> 01:13:40,308 It'll be suicide, sir. 730 01:13:40,342 --> 01:13:41,609 It always is. 731 01:13:44,842 --> 01:13:46,709 He's targeting us. 732 01:13:46,742 --> 01:13:48,475 Sorry I didn't get to meet Martha. 733 01:14:30,809 --> 01:14:32,175 Now that's a war hero shot. 734 01:15:09,575 --> 01:15:10,809 Otto, nein! 735 01:15:20,442 --> 01:15:21,642 Otto, no! 736 01:15:32,776 --> 01:15:33,842 Otto! 737 01:15:46,342 --> 01:15:48,442 Go, get outta here! 738 01:15:50,776 --> 01:15:52,375 Otto, Otto! 739 01:15:59,942 --> 01:16:03,509 Deegan groans loudly] 740 01:16:05,942 --> 01:16:07,342 Go! 741 01:16:08,475 --> 01:16:09,542 Get out of here! 742 01:16:11,375 --> 01:16:12,409 Get out of here. 743 01:16:17,776 --> 01:16:19,208 I'm a war hero. 744 01:16:36,509 --> 01:16:37,375 10 minutes. 745 01:16:38,509 --> 01:16:40,208 Dropping below cloud base. 746 01:16:46,976 --> 01:16:47,976 Sir, down! 747 01:17:36,676 --> 01:17:38,475 Can you see any green smoke? 748 01:17:56,809 --> 01:17:58,208 Commencing bombing run. 749 01:18:13,776 --> 01:18:16,242 The tanks moving, give 'em all you got! 750 01:18:20,976 --> 01:18:22,275 Ten seconds. 751 01:18:34,275 --> 01:18:36,308 Goodbye, Englishman. 752 01:18:52,941 --> 01:18:53,942 Firing. 753 01:19:02,742 --> 01:19:03,709 Wait, there! 754 01:19:05,609 --> 01:19:07,709 Abort, abort! 755 01:19:07,742 --> 01:19:08,676 It's too late. 756 01:19:18,542 --> 01:19:19,842 Get down! 757 01:19:26,609 --> 01:19:27,442 No! 758 01:19:58,242 --> 01:19:59,575 Are you okay? 759 01:19:59,609 --> 01:20:00,842 Ja. 760 01:20:00,876 --> 01:20:01,976 Yeah? 761 01:20:02,009 --> 01:20:03,442 Ja. 762 01:21:02,475 --> 01:21:04,776 Sir? Sir, it's Connor. 763 01:21:04,808 --> 01:21:06,442 I'm here, okay. 764 01:21:12,642 --> 01:21:13,842 Okay. 765 01:21:15,609 --> 01:21:16,809 I need to push down hard on the wound, sir. 766 01:21:16,842 --> 01:21:20,809 This might hurt. 767 01:21:20,842 --> 01:21:22,208 Stay with me. 768 01:23:00,842 --> 01:23:01,842 I'm... 769 01:23:03,442 --> 01:23:04,876 I'm sorry, I...