��.����.�� 2.G.I. Joe: Retaliation.2013.Extended Cut.Bluray

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No, no, no, no. No, no, no.
Unfair advantage.


I'm better.


He's got smooth cheeks.
He's got no facial hair.


- I'm gonna pull the pin.
- There's less friction underwater.


That's a foul. That's a foul.


A Joe flag.


A G.I. Joe flag.


That was a nice touch, right?


Yeah. You can call it that.


And what would you call it?


- Undignified.
- Yeah, that, too.


You know in victory,
we should be gentlemen.




- Hey, Jaye!
- Yo!


How long can
the average man hold his breath?


Ninety seconds.


- Free hand.
- You got it, boss.


All right. Easy, Flipper.




Back. Damn, that's good.


There's nothing wrong
with taking a victory lap. It's fun.


This is how it works. G.I. Joe's a fist.


Us, we're the knuckles.


How do we strike?




A finger strays...


- It gets broken.
- It gets broken.


Knuckles, again? Really?


As a friend,
you've got to get a new speech.


And the next time
you want to drown somebody,


just invite me.




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The ear that sees.


An ancient Arashikage test.


Jinx, cousin to Storm Shadow,


it's time to prove that you are ready
to join the G.I. Joes.


Defend yourself.


I'm ready, Blind Master.


Ears, open.


Snake Eyes, your task.


Test her abilities.


Pluck a single hair from Jinx's head.


Ah, good.


One should be as nimble as a cat,


yet fierce as a tiger.


Snake Eyes wins.


Jinx, in order to excel in war,


you must first find peace.


Snake Eyes,


you have earned the Blade of Justice.


Made of black carbon fibre.


Cruel. Indestructible.


There are rumours of a new attack
by our enemies.


You must leave the dojo to uncover
these plans and stop them.


But move swiftly.
You may already be too late.


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Aren't you supposed to stop people
from shooting my dad?






Enough out of you, Lee Harvey.


Go clean up the chocolate stains
you left in your mother's bedroom.


Kitty likes to scratch.


Next time,


take out his fat ass.


It would be my pleasure, sir.


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And my interns...


Oh, yeah, I brought back the interns.




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- Get down!
- Take cover!


Take cover!


To your weapons! Let's go!


On the ground! On the ground!




Get 'em out of the L.Z.!






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Get to cover, now!




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I want to help you


We've seen Storm's injuries.
We know where he's headed.


And you need me.




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Watch your hand back there, boy.
You don't want them to get you.


Look at you. You got grown.


How your parents
make a kid this big, man?


- His parents are like 5'2" apiece.
- Really?


You're taking
that P90X serious, huh?


Twice a week.


I see. Look at the size of your neck.


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What up?


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Even if Snake Eyes and Jinx
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Plan B, rendezvous Bravo.


Proceed to rendezvous Charlie.




What's that supposed to mean?


Sorry, Jaye.


I got it from here.




We have proof.
We're taking it to Joe Cotton.


You planned this all along.


Block, stand down.


We ain't lawyers. We're soldiers.


I told you I was gonna
find the man who did this.


I was gonna kill him.


No! That's... No. Negative!


Block. Block.


Damn it!


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Try to hold still.


You want to remind me how knuckles
are supposed to strike again?




Those were your words.


- I had a shot and I took it.
- Now, don't give me that!


You went rogue.


And I'd do it again.


Yeah? And what was
your big plan, then, huh?


You get yourself killed?


Jesus Christ. I listened to everything
you said over and over again.


I never questioned...


I wasn't going to bury any more Joes.


I've got guns to clean.




Help me out here?




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I'm actually gonna miss the red.


You look real nice.


Hey. I said we got guns to clean.


The world ain't saving itself.


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My fellow world leaders,


welcome to the hallowed grounds
of Fort Sumter,


whose proud walls saw the first shots
in our nation's grievous Civil War.


Here, men rushed through the breach
in a madness.


What better place to step back
from that same breach.


Renounce our darker natures.


Forgive our staunchest foes.


This site is symbolic.


Not only for the peace
we seek to achieve,


but the conflagration we seek to avoid.


The Cobras who protect us today


are dedicated to the belief
that there is no greater peace


than peace of mind.


Thank you.


I'll say it again.


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- Maintain radio silence.


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Head to the door! Go, go, go!


Satellites en route to targets.


Beginning command protocols.


Follow that ground team! Go!




On your six, Cobra two!


Cobra one, Cobra one,
I need eyes on! Eyes on!


Damn it.


We've got her cornered.


She ain't going anywhere.




I never figured you for a Joe.


I'm very disappointed in you.


You're a bitch to hit.






You know, this sword
was never intended


for anyone
with anger management issues.




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Commander, I have the case.


We are still a go.


How long till drop?


On schedule, Commander.
Five minutes to live fire.


Final targeting to begin shortly.


Zeus satellites 4 and 7 in position.


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7, 6












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Joe Command to covert operations.


We have control of the perimeter.


Medical personnel are on the scene.


All Joes are accounted for.


We're going home.


The President is
back safe in the Oval Office today,


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