Friends with Benefits 2011 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-FGT



Okay. Let's see where we are.


We could move this, get
rid of that, kill that.


That kind of freaks me out.
Don't need her. We can get rid of that.


That's done. Okay,
we could start with this.


I know it's a hard-hitting piece, but
come on, you guys, it's the Internet.


We need traffic, traffic,
traffic. What do you got?


How about this? Perfect.


Now, doesn't she look smart and
knowledgeable about immigration reform?


ALL: Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
She does, right?


I'm fucking with you people.
This isn't a porn site.


What are we, nerds
trying to look at boobies?


Come on, keep looking.


Shit! Hello?


Hey! Baby, where are you?
Are you still at work?


No! Not even close.


Just so you know, the movie
starts in 10 minutes.


I know! Give me your pants.


I'll buy you lunch tomorrow.
Come on. No.


I'm your boss.
Give me your pants.


Please try not to be late.
I really hate missing the beginning.


I know. I know.


Give me your pants.
I'm coming, baby.


I'm almost there!


How far away?
I think I see you!


Where are you?
I'm here. So am I.


So many people.
What are you wearing?


I'm wearing the only clothes
outside the theater,


because I'm the only person
outside the theater!


I love that outfit.
You look so sexy in that.


You know that
I love this movie.


If a prostitute and a ruthless
businessman can fall in love,


then anyone can.


I know this means a lot to you,
which means it means a lot to me.


Well, apparently it doesn't.


I'm looking at you
right now. I can see you!


MAN: Jamie!




Hey. You made it.


Yeah. Hey. Hi.


Sorry I'm late. It's okay.
I got us sandwiches.


I got you turkey, no
cheese, gluten-free bread.


You sure this was prepared
in a nut-free facility?


Yes, I'm fully aware
of your allergies.


Hey, I'm here! I'm here.
I'm really sorry.


We missed Your Body
ls a Wonderland.


Okay. Only one song.
That's not so bad, right?


It was fucking Your
Body Is a Wonderland!


Well, the good news is,
he has so many good ones.


Here's an idea: next time, instead
of being late, just shit on my face.


'Cause that's kind of the same thing
as missing Your Body Is a Wonderland.


Okay, come on.
We really gotta go in.


Julia Roberts is about to put
on her really tall boots.


We need to talk.




I think we should take a break.


I just feel like we should
chill for a while, you know?


You're doing this?
You're breaking up with me?


You said I was your soul mate.


I did? When?


When we were at that bed
and breakfast having sex.


But, you know, that doesn't...
That doesn't what?




I was tied up at
work. I'm sorry.


Maybe you should care a
little bit less about work


and a little more about the
girl that you're dating.


'Cause last time I checked,
work doesn't reassure you


that liking a finger up your
ass doesn't make you gay.


I never said "go up." Okay?


I just said lightly around...
It's like a little button.


You know what?
Not your issue any more.


Is this why you were late?


You were worried about
how to break up with me?


Oh, no, no.
I was trying to decide what to wear.


So, you went with sneakers
and a hoodie. Yeah.


What, are you gonna
take the SATS after this?


Don't lash out, okay?


You're better than that.
I'm really not.


I just think we're heading
in different directions.


Yeah, you to the John
Mayer concert and me not.


Thank you for doing this before
the concert, by the way.


Best breakup (MOUTHING) ever.


He is the Sheryl Crow
of our generation!


Let me just ask
you a quick question.


And just know that I am not at
all crushed by this breakup.


So, be honest. Why?


Wait, is this a trick? No.


Just pure anthropological


Okay. You want someone to
sweep you off your feet,


but you're more interested in
getting swept off your feet


than the someone who's
doing the sweeping.


You seem like you've
got it totally together,


but you're actually
really emotionally damaged.


Also, you have, like, really big eyes,
and that freaks me out sometimes...


Thank you. That's enough.


It is not you at all.


Of course it's me! You can't say that.
You're breaking up with me!


It's not. It's me.
I don't like you any more.


This is my fault.
You deserve better than me.


You're a great guy.


A little too emotionally
unavailable, if you ask me.


I didn't.


I really want to stay friends.


Let's stay friends. Sure.




(MOUTHING) John Mayer.


John fucking Mayer!


Come here, you.


You're gonna get through this.


Why do relationships always start off so
fun and then turn into suck-a-bag-o-dicks?


I really have to stop buying into this
bullshit Hollywood cliché of true love.


Shut up, Katherine
Heigl! You stupid liar!


I'm just gonna work and fuck.
Like George Clooney.


I'm just gonna shut
myself down emotionally.


Like George Clooney.




Seat up, please, sir.


Is that the Hudson River?


No. It's the East River.


So we won't be landing on
it, then, like that flight,


you know, with that captain
they keep giving medals to?


That pilot was a hero.




Plane actually did
a lot of the work.


JAMIE: I think I found the perfect
guy to fill that job at GQ.


No, he's landing early.
I'm scrambling.


No, he's not sold on the job yet, but
I'll get him there. I always do.


I'm even picking him
up in a hybrid.


He's from LA. I figured
he's into all that bullshit.


Hey, sir, what's that
tall building over there?


Empire State Building.


No, no, no, no.
No. The other one.


The really, really tall one with the
antenna on top of it, the windows.


That is Empire State Building.


Oh, yeah. You're
right. King Kong.






Oh, hey! Are you done with this?
All met up?


Great. Welcome to New York, Ms.




Oh, no. Excuse me. Sorry.




Can you hand me my bag?
Sure. Which one?


The one with the straps. Okay.


MAN: There.




Welcome to New York, sir.
Thank you.


Excuse me. Yeah.


That's me.
Which one, the blue or the yellow?


No. The makeshift sign made
out of lipstick, that's me.


You're Dylan Harper. I am.


I'm Jamie Rellis.


You're picking me up from the airport.
Hi. Yes, I am.


You always pick
people up like this?


Yeah, you know, I like to
Keep things interesting.


Welcome to New York. Thank you.


You're not exactly what comes to
mind when you think headhunter.


Yeah, I prefer "executive recruiter.
" Headhunter sounds a little creepy.


You did stalk me for six months.
Kind of creepy.


Here, here, here, I'll take it.


You're really gonna carry my bag?
You're that girl?


No. I'm gonna change your life.
I'm that girl.


My life is already
pretty great.


Oh, really? 'Cause you wouldn't be here
if your life were already pretty great.


A free trip to New York.
I'd be an idiot to turn that down.


Well, then I guess you must have been
an idiot for the past six months.


Ooh, yeah, a lot of people
would say longer than that.


It's a huge opportunity, Dylan.


Art director of GQ magazine.
This is the big leagues.


I mean, no offense to your
little blog on the Internet.


Which got six million
hits last month.


I could put up a video of me
mixing cake batter with my boobs


and it will get
eight million hits.


It's been done.




Well, look, there's no question that
you are talented at what you do,


but this is GQ.


New York's so crowded.


Look around. I'm from LA, okay?


I like my open spaces.
What are you, a gazelle?


Come on, what's really
worrying you about this?


I don't know. I don't want to be the
guy who took something legendary


and shit the bed with it.
Excuse the expression.


Well, then don't be the guy who shit the bed.
Excuse the expression.


Be the guy who made
the bed legendary again.


Listen, we'll get some coffee in you
before the interview. You'll be fine.


I'm sorry, not coffee.
Some green tea, soy, organic hemp bullshit.


DYLAN: Really hot in New York.


Doesn't it get hot in LA?


Yeah, it gets hot in LA,
but it's the humidity.


In LA, if it's 90 degrees, it
feels like 90 degrees. But...


Right. If it's hot in New York,


it's 90 degrees, it's
like 100,000 degrees.


This conversation about weather
is really fascinating,


but lucky for me, we are here.


So, good luck.


Whatever happens, happens.
I told you, I don't really want it.


Just do me a favor?
Act like you do so that I look good.


I can do that.
Okay. Go get 'em.


This is great, by the way.






Watch it! Ugh!


Hey! You're still here?


Yeah. Well, it's my job.




So, tell me, how'd it go?


They bought it.
You're safe for a little while longer.


Well, thank you. I owe you one.




This is from you.


It's your offer.


Wait, I got it?
They called about five minutes ago.


Congratulations. Offer
expires at midnight.


Why didn't you just tell
me instead of texting me?


'Cause it's more dramatic.


Dylan, you are not
gonna shit the bed.


I've seen your work.
It's amazing.


It's a huge move.


Would you uproot your entire
life for a job? Be honest.


Well, no. For a job,
probably not.


But for New York?
Yeah, I would.


Which is why I'm not gonna
try to sell you on the job,


I'm gonna sell you on New York.


It's New York!


I've seen Seinfeld.


Not the bullshit
tourist version.


Puppy dog eyes. Nice touch.


Yes! Come on.


Let me buy you a drink.


What's wrong?


What are you waiting for?


The light to change.


You LA folk are so cute.


Come on.


Come on, it's fine.


See? Yep.


I'm gonna die.


Here we have Brooklyn
Bridge, downtown Manhattan,


and right in front of us,
an outdoor bar.




Alcohol. Now we're talking.


You know, I like you.


I'll give you your
choice of closes.


How I close you on this job.


So we got the flattery close.


Dylan, you are so
good at what you do.


The take-it-or- leave-it close.


Man, I don't care if you take it.
I get paid regardless.


The sympathy close.


You see, my
kidneys are failing...


Why do women think the only way
to get a man to do what they want


is to manipulate him?


History. Personal experience.
Romantic comedies.


Come on, you're here for a reason,
whether you want to admit it or not.


Yeah, to explore an option.
Who wouldn't want to know their options?


Someone who's in
the perfect situation.


Are you in the
perfect situation?


Job? Absolutely.


Everything else?
None of your business.






Jamie! Hey!


Hey, what's up, baby?
What are you doing here?


You look great.
(MOUTHING) Shaun White?


You been working out? Nope.
Just been eating a lot.


Okay. Yeah.


You want a drink? Yeah!


Let me get you a drink.
Yeah? Okay.


Careful! Careful. Sorry.


Hey, bro, that was like
a double McTwist 1260.


Yeah, like the trick.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dylan.


Jamie, you want to get
this guy out of my face


before I break his
fucking skull?


Sorry, bro. No disrespect.
I'm a huge fan.


You don't fucking know me, man!
Don't talk to me like you know me!


What, you think I'm all chill
'cause I snowboard and shit?


One more word, I'll fuck
you up like dynamite!




I'm just playing, bro.


Any friend of Jamie's
is cool with me.


It's all good, man. All good.


I'm whispering in
the ear of a dead man.


I'll see you later.


Good to see you. Bye, honey.


Shaun White seems really great.
Nice dude.


How do you know him again?
I took his virginity.


So you guys have known
each other for a while?


No, it was like
eight months ago.




So does the carpet
match the drapes?


It's hardwood floors, if
you know what I mean.


My God! Terrible visual.


Totally kidding, by the way.
Just an old friend of mine.




You guys use the same
leave-in conditioner.


His hair had nice body.


Can I get two gyro number
sixes, extra sauce?


What are you looking for?
The cops.


The cops? Come on.




Come on!


Where are you taking me?
You'll see.


Well, here's your open space.


Run, gazelle. Run!


Wow. This is unbelievable.
I know.


Okay, this was not on Seinfeld.


Come on, what's your
dad think about all this?


About what?


Well, he must have an opinion.


He used to write for the
LA Times for 23 years.


Somebody did their homework.


I have this thing at work.
It's called Google.


Come on, what's he
think about the job?


Actually, I didn't ask him.


Well, then you must
know what he'd say.


He'd tell me to go with my gut and that
he'd be proud of me no matter what I did.


Sounds like a really great man.


Yeah, he is.


Hey, do you want to
see something really cool?


I always want to see something
really cool. What...


Come on.




Only place in the city you
can actually see the stars.


Wow. Yeah.


I know. It's pretty awesome.


I like to come
up here to think.


Just when it gets a little too much
for me down there, it's like...


It's like my New York
version of a mountaintop.


Best part, no cell reception.




You take all your
recruits up here?


Actually, never really
taken anyone up here.


Really? Yeah.




If you tell anyone about this,
I will rip your ears off


and staple them to your neck.


Everyone in this city
seems really violent.


Come on, let's go.
One last stop.


We're just getting comfortable.
I know you are. Come on.


It's New York.
Now hustle. Come on.


Come on, come on.
You're showing me Times Square.


This is not touristy at all!
Would you shush? Come on.


Do we have to power-walk
everywhere we go?




So everybody just kind of walks
wherever they want, then.


How 'bout right here?


What do you mean? We're here.




Oh, my God, it's 1988.


All right, smartass,
give it five seconds.






What is this? It's a flash mob.


Like on Oprah! Exactly.


Should we get out of the way?


No, no. Enjoy it.
Take it all in.


It's pretty damn cool. Right?




It's kind of rad.


Do these people
get paid for this?


No. No. They kind of
just do it for fun.


It's nice to feel like
you're a part of something.


New York can be a little
bit lonely at times.


And you're trying
to sell me on it.


Every place can be a
bit lonely sometimes.


Be careful! Oh, my God.


Come down. Okay.


Shit. Get back down. Okay.


I'm in. What?


You sold me. Really?


I'll take the job. Oh, my God!


What, are you surprised? No! No.
Oh, you are gonna crush it!




You can all go home now!
Thank you! Very funny.


Come on.


ALL: Congratulations, sell-out!


Thank you, thank you.


All I'm saying is, it wasn't
so much the pilot's skill


that landed that plane on the river as
much as the mechanics of the aircraft.


Are you saying that Captain
Sully wasn't a hero?


No, no.


There were just other factors.


Are you not an American?




Hey, fuckface, you want to get
your shit out of my car or what?


I... Yeah.


Welcome to New York.
Go and fuck a dick.




So, all I ask is that you give me a
little bit of time to gain your trust.


I know that I'm new at this, but what I lack
in experience I make up for in clichés.


So, my door is always open.




But seriously, my
door is always open.


My first order of
business, lighter doors.


Okay. Thanks, guys.
Welcome, Dylan.


Hey, man.
Tommy Bollinger, sports editor.


Tommy, I've read your articles.
Love your writing.


Just trying to
keep it realsies.


Listen, I'd love to take you out
one night and troll for cock.


What? You got some pretty
boys out there in LA,


but the quality in this
town is ridiculous.


We can tear this shit up.


I'm not gay, Tommy.


Really? I just assumed, art
director and, you know...


Hey. No skin, more pipe for me.


By the way, doing a piece
on racism in hockey.


Love to get your
concepts on the font.


I'm thinking Helvetica but I could
be persuaded to Courier New.


But what the fuck do I know?
I'm just the sports editor.


You sure you're not gay? Yep.


I'm sure. Okay.


All right.


Hey. Hey.


I'd knock, but you
don't have a door.


I don't. No.


Hey, check this out.


♪ Dunkin-My- Tits-Hynes- com ♪


Yeah, it really does exist.
I told you, but not that. This.




But it'd be even more
awesome if this happened.


Wait for it.




I got in touch with a guy who
puts flash mobs together.


We're thinking about using them
for guerrilla advertising.


Taking something so pure
and commercializing it?


Knew I found the right guy.


Here I am. Okay.
Here's your contract.


Sign it and I will
be out of here.




A whole year? Oof!


Why do I get the feeling this is the
first real commitment you've ever made?


It's not. T-Mobile, two years.


And, fuck, do I
regret that one.


Do me a favor. Don't quit or get
fired before the year's up,


because otherwise
I don't get my bonus.


Wait, I can leave
whenever I want?


What's the point of this contract?
Just sign the damn thing.




Nice doing business
with you, Dylan Harper.


Hey, I was thinking of getting some lunch.
Do you know a place?


Are you asking me out?


Whoa, I'm not asking you out.


I'm asking you to
show me a restaurant.


I mean, I'm the only friend you have in New York.
You don't wanna complicate that.


I know. I'm not asking you out.


I mean, sure, we'd
have fun, roll around,


get into some erotic
humiliation fantasy. Erotic?


But it'd all blow up in our faces, end badly,
and we'd never speak to each other...


I'm not fucking asking you out!
I swear to God!


Okay. You don't
like me like that.


You don't have to
be so mean about it.


I'm sorry. I didn't...


God, you're such a girl.
Come on, it's my treat.


So was it an easy move?


It was tough leaving my dad.


My sister gave me some shit.


But timing was right.




Timing was really right.


Is that your sister? No. My ex.


She's great. Loves John Mayer.


Wants us to stay friends.




She's also convinced she can cure
me of my emotional unavailability.


You're emotionally unavailable?
Oh, yeah.


Oh, my God. I'm emotionally damaged.
I haven't seen you at the meetings.


I'm done with the
relationship thing.


Girl, you are preaching
to the congregation.


Choir. What?


"Preaching to the choir.
" You're supposed to preach to the congregation.


That's the expression.
Did you understand what I was saying?


Then don't be a dick about it.




Oh, my God. Do you mind?


Please. Great.


Hello. You've reached
Dylan Harper's cell phone.


He's emotionally unavailable,
but if you'd like...


John fucking Mayer! Hello?


Wow. Hello? You really do
have shitty cell service.


Right? Yeah.


I'm gonna have some
friends over tomorrow.


Why don't you come, and you
can meet some new people?


I'm gonna have to check my schedule.
I'm really busy.


I work at GQ now.
It's not some little blog on the Internet.






Hey. Hey.


You made it. Sorry I'm late.


No, no. Please, come in,
come in. Thank you.


Hey, everybody! Hey!


This here is Dylan.
He's from LA.




He's the reason I can
afford all this beer.




Okay, all right.


Am I an animal?




Fuck, I'm pretty good at this.


Lieutenant Kali's a West Coast street
artist I got into about five years ago.


His postmodern interpretation...
This shit is amazing.


I know, right? Ooh!


You will be able to find the perfect candidate
to fill the position at your company.


Okay, here we go.


First up is Joey Morena,
who's fluent in Vietnamese


and has had 10 years of
experience in the culinary field.


I can't do this any more.


No, I think we both
need to go get happy.


It's not adding up to
a hundred any more.




Looks like New York's
all out of blueberries.


Goodbye, Flapjack.




Taxi! Taxicab!




DYLAN: Why do all these
movies have such bad music?


It's so that you know how to
feel every single second.


"I'm heartbroken."




"I'm getting married
to the man of my dreams."




"I'm sneaking
through an office."




Madison, wait!




Madison, wait!




How did you know I was at
Grand Central Station?


You're not. You're in Los Angeles,
where this movie was shot.


I know you better than
you know yourself.


And your crazy friend Susie
across the hall told me.




Why are you here?


To tel/ you that


I love that sunsets
make you cry,


and I don't care that you
failed your real estate exam,


and I'm glad that you
have a five-date ru/e.


And that I love you.


Not as much as I love you.


Now boarding, track 5, love.


God, I wish my life was
a movie sometimes.


You know, I'd never have
to worry about my hair,


or having to go
to the bathroom.


And then, when I'm
at my lowest point,


some guy would chase me down the
street, pour his heart out,


and we'd kiss.


Happily ever after.


I mean, a horse and carriage?


Come on, that is awesome.


Not as awesome as this
ambiguously upbeat pop song


that has nothing
to do with the plot


they put in at the end
to try to convince you


that you had a great time
at this shitty movie.


You know, why don't they ever make a movie
about what happens after the big kiss?


They do. It's called porn.


God, I miss sex.


Right? I mean, sometimes you just need it.
It's like...


I don't know, it's like
cracking your neck.


Why does it always gotta
come with complications?


And emotions. And guilt.




It's women's fault. What?


You heard me. "Hold me.
Let's spend the rest of our lives together."


Oh, please, you are no better.


"Oh, yeah, baby, come on, now.
Say my name. Yeah...


(GRUNTS) "I'm done. How was I?"


Who have you been with?


Why can't it not be like that?


It's a physical act.
Like playing tennis.


Two people should be able to have
sex like they're playing tennis.


Yeah, I mean, no one wants
to go away for the weekend


after they play tennis.


It's just a game.
You shake hands, get on with your shit.


Yeah. Yeah.




Do you want more beer? Mmm-hmm.




Jamie! Yeah?


Let's play tennis. What?


Let's have sex like
we're playing tennis.


Get the hell out of here.


Don't laugh. This
could be great.


This could take all the
weirdness out of it.


Well, we talked about this.
I don't like you like that.


I don't like you like that either.
That's why it's perfect.


I don't even know if I
find you attractive.


That's cute.


Well, I do have
a thing for jerks.


Okay, well, do you
even find me attractive?


That's cute. No, no, no.


Before you got to know
my awesome personality.


Strictly physical.


First time you saw me.


This is just two people talking?


Two girls over drinks
at Bennigan's. Go.


I liked your eyes. I didn't think I'd
ever seen such big, beautiful eyes.


Your lips. Yeah.
I thought you might be a good kisser.


I am.


Your breasts. What about them?


They intrigued me. Really?


Yeah. I think they're so tiny.


They're still breasts. Thanks.


I liked your hands. Mouth.


Butt. Voice.


Chest. Eyes.


You said that. I meant it.


You swear you don't want anything
more from me other than sex?


You swear you don't want
anything more from me?


I know how you girls get.
Tick-took, tick-took.


Stop it.


What are you doing?
I'm pulling up my Bible app.


You have a Bible app?
Yes. I am a good girl.


Hand on the iPad. Okay.


Wait, no.


Why can't they figure this out?


No... This thing thinks
I'm you and you're me.


Keep your hand still.
I'll move the iPad.


It's actually making me dizzy.
Hold on.


There we go.


No relationship.


No emotions.


Just sex.


Whatever happens,
we stay friends.


Swear. Swear.


BOTH: Swear.




So I guess we
should just start.




I'll serve.


That's really...
That's enough of the tennis.


Let's go to the bedroom.


What's wrong with the couch?
It's less emotional.


The bedroom has better light.


And since we're just friends, I don't
have to be insecure about my body.


Come on, okay?
You're beautiful.


You have nothing to
be insecure about.


No, you see, that is way
too emotionally supportive


and you need to
just lock that down.


Your ass is a little bony.
Much better.


My nipples are sensitive,
I don't like dirty talk,


and had I known this was gonna happen, I
would have shaved my legs this morning.


My chin is ticklish, I sneeze
sometimes after I come,


and if I'd have known
this was gonna happen,


I wouldn't have shaved
my legs this morning.






I keep my socks on.
Intimacy issues.


Great, 'cause feet gross me out.
Daddy issues.




I can work with that.


Should be fine.


I can't believe I'm doing this.


Should we stop?
We could just go for a run.


I don't know, are we
getting too old for this?


Sex? No, casual sex.


It just, I don't know,
feels a little collegey.


I could sing some Third Eye Blind.


♪ Closing time,
One last call for alcohol...


That's not Third Eye Blind.
I'm pretty sure that's Third Eye Blind.




I Finish your whiskey
or beer; I know... ♪


What's wrong?
We're just doing this once.


I totally agree. Okay.


Great. Great.


Little faster.


More circular. Watch my chin.


Touch my ears. Okay.


Kiss my neck.


Say my name.
Dylan Francis Harper Jr.


Not my full name.


Sorry, I had to fill out
a lot of your paperwork.


Stop talking. Okay.


Oh, my God, you're really...


Al B1CID1EI F, G, H, I,
J, K, L, M, N, O, P...


Dylan, I... Relax.


Just a friend going
down on another friend.


Oh, yeah, baby. Tornado.


What, what?


What are you trying to do?
Dig your way to China?


I'm good at this. Says who?


Every girl I've been with.


Well, they're either lying or their
vaginas are made out of burlap.


So, relax. You're not a lizard.


Okay, fine. Okay, fine.


♪ So gather up
your jackets... - ♪


A little to the right. Okay.


A little bit more to the left.
Roger that.


Now go down. Here we go.


A little more...
Whoa, too far! Sorry.






What's wrong? Nothing!


When women start to scream,
it could be misconstrued.


Just keep going!


Yeah, you know it.


Well, let me tell
you how I like it.


See, most girls think you
should start off soft,


but if you just get
in, really go for it...






Yeah, you know it.








Let's go with Obama.
No, no, no, no!


It's too easy, too predictable.
Go with Shaun.


He's stylish, transcendent of
sport, has an ass like a kumquat.


I hear he's kind of a jerk.
No, he's not.


You're just threatened by him


because he's the greatest snow
sport athlete in the universe


and he gets more squirrel
than an oak tree.


Hey, Dylan?
Jamie Rellis is in the lobby for you.


Okay, thanks.


Let's hit this after lunch.
Okay, guys?


Nobody wants to
fuck Obama, brah.


He's got ears like an elephant.


That's not the part of
an elephant you want.


Hi! Hi.


Sorry to just show
up like this.


No, no, no, it's fine.




Wanna take a walk? Love to.


Great. Okay.


Okay, so about
what happened, I...


It was crazy and we shouldn't have done it.
Exactly. No, no, exactly.


I mean, it is so not me.


I totally agree.
Let's forget it happened.


Great. I mean, look, I've
had one-night stands.


We both have had one-night stands,
none of which we're proud of, but...




Look, to think that you
and I could just have sex


and without it compromising
anything was just so...


Misguided. Exactly.


I was gonna call
you this morning.


But you didn't.


But I didn't.


And you see, it's already coming
between us and I really...


I just don't want it to.


It's not going to.


Look, I know that I act all tough
and I talk all tough, but really...


it's just a front to protect yourself
from your own vulnerability.


What are you, my
fucking therapist now?


No, I'm a friend. Who knows that
every time you curse, you blink.


Like your body's rejecting the word.
It does not.


Fuck you. Blinked.


No, I didn't fucking blink.
Blinked again.


Shit. Ah, didn't blink.


"Shit" you're okay with.


It was stupid. Yes.


We're friends,
let's stay friends.


Yes. Yes, this,
I don't wanna lose this.


Me neither.


Great. Fantastic.


Portrait for the lovely couple?


What the hell are we doing?
I don't know.


Rub my hair. Kiss my neck.




Watch my nipple.
All right, all right.


I didn't know you had a tattoo.


Why didn't I
notice that before?


Because we were drunk.


Was it your dog?
No. Never had one.


But everyone else did.


And I thought having a dog
meant you had a normal family,


which at 17 I
desperately wanted.


So as a sign of rebellion
you got a tattoo


of the most conventional
thing you could think of.


It was super awesome back then.


Check it. Okay.


A lightning bolt? Eighteen.


Wanted superpowers. Yeah.


I was a little into
Harry Potter back then.


Were you also gay back then?
Harry Potter doesn't make you gay!


Okay. Are you sure about this?


Are you? No.


Me neither.




How was your day? It was okay.


I had a turkey sandwich for lunch.
How was that?


It wasn't that good.
How was your day?


Still trying to figure out that
subway system. It is tricky.




And it's out of here!


My butt. What?


Oh, my butt. Really?


No, I mean my butt, it's cramping.
Can you grab a pillow?


Okay, yeah, yeah.


So, no butt? No.




Really? Already? Just kidding.


Do you like this position?
Yeah, it's all right.


I gotta be honest, I feel
a little emasculated.


A naked girl is lying on top of
you and you feel emasculated?


Little bit. You do know what
that word means, right?


Yes, I know what it
means, and I feel it.


Okay, all right, you big baby.


Chinese fire drill. Okay. Go!






I do. Do you feel manly now?


Okay. Put it in.


That's not funny.


It's kind of funny.
It's kind of funny.


Hold on. What's wrong?


I have to go to the bathroom.


What? Now? Yes, now.
I had a lot of watermelon.


What's going on in there?


Do you know how hard it
is to pee with a hard-on?


No, actually.


It's like two lanes of traffic
merging into one. It takes time.




Are you pooping? No.


Why are you sitting down?
It's easier to control.


You want a mess in here?
No. No, no. Sorry.












What? Did I leak?


Did you wash your hands?


Oh, come on, dude.


I know we're just friends,
but I'm still a lady.


Now get back in there, wash your hands
and then bring that fine ass back here.


If you keep talking to me like
that, I'm not gonna come back.




My hammies are killing me.
Have a banana, they're in the fridge.


Why would you keep
bananas in the fridge?


It dries them out. It doesn't.
They have a peel.


It's not armor.
Air still gets in.


Do you want a banana or not?


Not if they're dry.
I'm not an animal.


At least I have
food in the house.


All you have at home
is drinkable yogurt.


I like to drink my yogurt.
It's a timesaver.


Well, then you think you could use
that time to shave your stubble.


Your whiskers are like knives.


Now, see, if you were my girlfriend, I
couldn't tell you to shut up right now.


And because you're just
my buddy, I can tell you


that if you don't start shaving up here,
I'm gonna stop shaving down there.


Hey, hey. Hey...


Mom! "Mom"?


My eyes are covered.
I don't know what you're doing.


I can't see you putting
on your black underpants.


Jamie, baby, I missed you.


Oh, baby.


Did your boobs get bigger?
Mom, I'm over here.


Hey, baby. Oh, no, they didn't.


What are you doing here?
Victor turned out to be a total Lombard.


"Lots Of Money But A Real Dullard."


Victor, her fiancé.




What happened? Nothing.
He was just blah.


I mean, nice, but it was
like talking to dirt.


I woke up one day and I said, "Lorna...
" I'm Lorna.


Dylan. I said, "Lorna,
this is not your bliss."


"Just because you're 39...
" Forty-eight.


"...It doesn't mean you have to settle.
He's not an insurance claim."


So I caught the first
plane off the island.


Cleveland's not an island.
Oh, baby, it is.


Anyway, here I am.
It's so good to see you.


You never told me you
had a hot boyfriend.


He's not my boyfriend, Mom.


That's right, we're just friends.
I love it.


It's like the '70s in here.


That was a better
time. Just sex.


A little grass, a little glue...
Not during pregnancy.


(WHISPERING) Well, not
during the final trimester.


But no complications.
It's great!


Okay, well, that's technically,
I guess, what this is.


That's exactly what this is.


So my daughter is
just your slampiece?


No, no. "Slampiece"?


I'm just kidding. Slam away.


Have fun. I think this is great.


The only thing is, it
takes you off the market.


But what the hell.
The whole reason you go to the market


is to buy the produce,
which you already got.


It's so good to see you, baby.
I'm only gonna be here a few weeks.


I'm starving. You got any gin?


It's in the kitchen.


You gotta go.


Is she wearing Axe body spray?
I don't know. Come on.


LORNA: Bananas in the refrigerator?
What are you, Puerto Rican?


That is terrible, Mother. Just joking.
Your dad was Puerto Rican.


What? You said
that he was Greek.


Potato, potato...
Get your shoes.


Okay. All right. Well, not...
Just go, just go.


I'll just put these
on on the bike?


Yeah. Okay.


It was nice to have met you...


And your pants are coming off.


Oh, my... Mom! Mom, please!


Back, back!


That's what I'm talking about!


We're kicking every
gay ass out here!


I don't say that pejoratively,
I say it hopefully.


Hold it. Any of you gay?


Not even you? Come on, man.


Come talk to me after.
Give me five minutes of your time.


I might be able to let
you see some reason.








Look at you in the house!


Come on, baby!


I'm supposed to
meet up with Jamie.


Who's that, that headhunter?


What, you guys going out now?


No, no, no, We're just friends.
We're messing around a little bit.


What do you mean?
Sleeping together.


But it's just sex.


That never works, bro.


She's a girl. Sex always means more
to them even if they don't admit it.


Jamie's different.


Does she have a penis where
most girls have a vagina?


No penis.
Then she's no different.


What do you know
about women, anyway?


Dude, I've turned down more
tail than you'll ever have.


Yeah, bro. You're gay.


But the offers still keep rolling
in, naturally. Look at me.


And, hey, I love women.
They're beautiful, majestic,


mysterious, mesmerizing


Smart, empathetic.
Far superior to men in every way.


And if I had a choice, I would
be with women to my dying day.


But me likes cock so I'm
strict-aly dick-aly.


So it's always just
about sex, then?


No. I've been in love.
I went down that rabbit hole.


You know what I discovered?


It's not who you want to
spend Friday night with,


it's who you want to spend
all day Saturday with.


Feel me, Felix?


Yeah, but then it's every Saturday
for the rest of your life.


It's okay, you don't get it.


It's no big deal. But you will.


One day, you'll meet someone and it'll
literally take your breath away.


Like you can't breathe.
Like no oxygen to the lungs.


Like a fish...
Yeah, I get it, Tommy.


Yeah, you don't.


Nice work on that new
online site, by the way.


What was the font
on that headline?


It was Times Roman.


Times Roman. Inspired. I'm out.


You have a boat?


I live in Jersey.
And I ain't taking no ferry.


Unless it's out to
dinner and a show. Bam!


Hey. Yeah.


You and that Dylan? Way to go.
I mean the whole friendship-sex thing.


Kudos, baby, kudos.




It's not that big of a deal.


It's just surprising.


I always thought you were
a true-love kind of girl.


Whatever, Mom. It's not like
it's stopping me from anything.


That's what I thought
back in '78,


And every year since.


I'm just...
I'm flattered, actually.


The apple doesn't
fall far from the tree.


It's just surprising.


There, done. It's...
There we go. Okay.


You look great! You look great.
You look like a princess.


Yeah! Really?


Yeah. Okay.


Hey, my friend gave me his
house in Montauk for July 4th.


Let's you and me go away together.
No men, no bullshit.


Just mother-daughter.
Like a Nora Ephron movie. (SCOFFS)


When was the last time we spent
a full weekend together?


When I was eight, that time in Vermont.
We got snowed in with the ski instructor.


Demitri. Bill.


He reminded me a lot
of your father.


Dark curls, olive skin,
Cold War accent.


My father was Russian?
I don't remember.


But what I do remember is we drank a
lot of vodka and shot a lot of guns.


Mom, this "who's your daddy"
game is getting really old.


I know I haven't been the
best mother in the world...


I'm sorry, were you waiting
for me to jump in?


Come on! Go away with me.
Come on!


Come on. Come on. (LAUGHING)


Okay, we'll do it.
It'll be fun, yeah?






Mom... I was trying to bond!


It was either this or sniff glue.


Sorry about my mom.
I thought she was funny.


Yeah, she's really funny
when she's asking for money,


and she's hilarious when
she needs a place to stay.


Dylan, I think I wanna
start dating again.


Listen, I think
we should stop this.


Hmm. Yeah?


I kind of think you're right.




♪ Every new beginning comes from
some other beginning's end ♪


That actually makes sense
right here.


Who would've thought Third Eye
Blind could be so prophetic?


Not Third Eye Blind.


I'm pretty sure
that's Third Eye Blind.


Do you wanna go
grab some lunch?


Yes. Okay.


You're buying. What?






Pants. Shirt.


So this is the end of this?


I guess so. But it's good. Yeah.


And We did it.
With no bullshit.


Shirt. Sweater.


We managed to actually
stay friends.


Yup. Yeah.


Okay. So, what is
your type, anyway?


No, I don't have a type.


It's more about what's inside.
Oh, please!


Okay, what about her?


DYLAN: Yeah. I could get
to know her inside.


And she's reading a book.


It's probably Nicholas Sparks.


I'm gonna go talk to her. What?


What do you mean, "What?
" We said we wanted to date again.


I'm gonna go talk to her. Now?


Here, in front of
all of these people?


I didn't say I was gonna rape her.
I said I was gonna go talk to her.


Excuse me. I'm Dylan.
Nice to meet you.


Oh, The Notebook.




DYLAN: Nice meeting you.


Well? We talked. We laughed.




She's Belgian.
Explains the reading.


I showed her
where the balcony was,


because that's where she is
meeting up with her husband.




DYLAN: Anniversary trip
to New York.


Three kids.
Christof, Karlina and Pepijn.


Shut up.


Why are you still laughing?
At least I gave it a shot.


Fine. I'll go next.


See if I still have game. Okay.


Okay. Oh, okay.


Yes. Right here. Eleven o'clock.


Iced coffee.
Handsome, but doesn't know it.


Staring at a tree, which means he's
actually in the park for nature


and not to watch
women sunbathe.


Or he's retarded. Don't care.


I'm going in.




Excuse me. Yes?


Hi. Hello.


I'm Jamie.


Yeah. Yeah, that works.


Oh, hi.




Nice to meet you. Oh, my God!




Okay. His name is Parker.
He's a children's oncologist.




And I have a date
this Saturday.




Nice. Thank you.


Why'd you wave to me?


I told him you were
my gay best friend,


so he wants to set you up
with his brother.




PARKER: College, med school,
and I haven't slept since.


JAMIE: I can't believe
you actually cure cancer.


Well, me and God.


What? I'm kidding.


Can you imagine someone who would
actually say that? (EXHALING DEEPLY)


Yeah, I could.
I've been out with a lot of them.


Cancer doctors? No, assholes.




Well, hopefully you're
all done with that.


Although, I gotta warn you, lot
of cancer doctors, big assholes.


Really? Yeah.


And brain surgeons,
huge perverts.


While they're doing this,
a little bit of that.






Thank you.


When can I see you again?


Right now.




I'm just kidding. Okay.


Can you imagine someone
who would actually say that?


JAMIE: I played the tuba
in high school.


World's stupidest instrument.


Especially when you move
eight times.


Why'd you move? My mom really
likes to break up with guys,


and she was really good at it.


Was your dad one of them?
No, no, he was long before that.


I actually never knew my dad.


I'm sorry. That sucks.


All right, look, I think I should
probably tell you something.


Please don't tell me
you're a dude.


Because that'll be like the
third time since I moved here,


and I don't think
I can handle that.


I have a five-date rule.


You know, like, five dates before we...


I saw it in a movie.
I thought I'd give it a try.


You're worth waiting for.


I'm sure that was the line
in the movie you saw.




PARKER: That's awesome.


This four-year-old that I've been
working on for the last couple months,


he's gonna be fine.


That's great. Yeah.


How is a guy like you single?


I've just been waiting for someone
to come up to me in the park


and compliment me for looking at
the trees and not the sunbathers.


I meant it. It was impressive.


Actually, if I'm gonna be
completely honest with you,


I was sleeping standing up.


I worked 36 hours straight.
I don't even know how I got to the park.


How is a girl like you single?


(CHUCKLES) oh...


I have issues.


One might even call me damaged.


Actually, one did
call me damaged.


Get out of here. Damaged how?


I kind of believe in true love.


That there might be a Prince
Charming out there for me.




Listen, I know this is probably a no because
all you do is work like a dull boy,


but would you like
to come get a beer?


I'm good.


No, it's not a gay bar.


And there'll be just as
many hot girls as hot guys.




You know what? I will come out.


All right. Let's find you a lady.


You're still not gay, right?


Nope. Okay.


Do you know what today is?


Date number five.
I wasn't even counting.


Wanna go in the bedroom?
No. Here's fine.




I am so glad I met you tonight.


Me, TOO.




What are you thinking?


Just how great you are.










Annie, hey.


Who the fuck is Annie?


My sister.


Better be. I'll cut her.


Of course I'm coming.


Yeah, I'm taking the 4th off, so
I'll be there for three days.






Yeah. How's Dad?


Any worse?


All right, tell him I said hi.


Bye, Banannie.


I want you to meet my parents.


No, you... Really?








♪ I know who I want
to take me home.


♪ I know who I want
to take me home.


♪ I know who I want
to take me home ♪


Hey. Hold on, hold on.


No, just hold on.
Just give me a second.


I gotta go find
a place to talk. Okay.




Shit. Shit. Just hold on.


Oh, sorry. Hold on.


I was out pretty late
last night.


When I got in, you and your
girlfriend were on the couch


so I just crashed in your bed.


He's not a girl.
He smells like a girl.


You smelled him?
I wanna buy marshmallows.


What did you say?
For Montauk this weekend.


I wanna do a campfire,
like when you were little.




And then we're gonna look for sticks.
I hear you. Sticks.


And then We're gonna sing.
We're gonna... (SNORING SOFTLY)


Just hold on a second.






What's up?


Do you think guys care more
about global warming


or how to wear white pants
to a cookout?


JAMIE: Well, that depends.


Do you have a hot model in a
bikini standing on an icecap?


No. Ski slope.


I'd still go with pants
to a cookout.


Yeah, me, too.


How's your boy Parker?
Still staring at trees?


Two coffees.
Yeah, he's still looking up at trees,


but this time it's actually
in my apartment.


It's the fifth date already?
Maybe. Thank you.


Did you guys "fifth-data?"


How dare you!
A lady never tells.


I know.
That's why I'm asking you.




Hey. I gotta go. You have a great
trip in LA and call me when you land.




JAMIE: Parker.






I got us coffees.
Nonfat, one sugar, one Splenda.


I gotta get going. Oh, what?


I thought you weren't
on call today.


I'm not, but I got that thing...
I got stuff.


This... They just called me.


Really? Yeah.


The sneak-out.
How incredibly cliché of you.


I just...


I don't think I can be
your Prince Charming.


God, you totally didn't get anything
that I was saying, did you?


No, no, no. I think you're great.
Yeah, you, too.


Hey, you know what?
You and I should stay friends.


Really? No, go fuck yourself.




DYLAN: Who sleeps standing up?


You know,
you'd be really proud of me.


I didn't even blink when I
told him to go fuck himself.


You did just then, though.
This does not count. I'm not in the moment.


I don't know,
maybe I suck in bed.


Trust me,
you don't suck in bed.


Thank you. So needy.


Hey, maybe the guy's
married or something.


No, did a background check
at work.


Single, no criminal history,
credit report 720.


Background check.
Did you do one on me?


How could you possibly
max out an Old Navy card?


After college I was
really into cargo pants.


Dylan, I gotta stop thinking
it's not me.


I mean, it's gotta be me.
It's not you.


Nothing is wrong with you.


He's a guy.
You gave him a five-date challenge,


he got you and cutout.
Forget the douche.


He's a dick.
He's a dick-douche.


Go have fun with your mom.


Okay. Oh. Almost forgot.
I got you something.


It's Lieutenant Kali, the
street artist we talked about.


I got him to do something
for you. "F-tale." Fairytale.


I know you're into that girly shit, so...
This is so cool.


that's actually really sweet.


It's cool, right?
Yeah. Thank you.


Hey, I'm gonna need
to borrow cab fare.


I'm not taking that thing on the subway.
I don't wanna get rolled.


No problem.


As long as you get your feet off my bed.
They're disgusting.


What are you doing?


Why are you doing that?
Why are you doing that?


You're an animal. Stop doing that.
An animal. Stop.


Hey, Ma.


Ma. Come on,
we gotta get on the road.


Come on.






Why did I think that this
time would be any different?


Come with me to LA. What?


What else are you gonna do?
It's 4th of July, everybody's left the city.


You're very sweet for asking,
but it's fine.


You know what, I'll just stay here.
I'll be fine alone.


I know you'll be fine alone.
You're not a baby in a hot car.


I'm actually asking you to
come because it would help me.


You'd be a great distraction
for my family.


They'd forget all about
drilling me for being single.


Won't they think
that we're together?


Not if I tell them we're not.
And they'll believe you?


Yeah, we're one of these crazy families
that doesn't lie to each other.


PBS is doing
a documentary on us.


Come on, they'll love you.


All fast-talking and brusque,
like I'm bringing home a carny.


You're really nice to ask,
but I'm just gonna stay here.


Go to the gym.


I just got you a ticket with my
miles, it's done. Meet me at JFK.


But... No buts.


Like you were gonna go to the gym.
I wasn't.




LA's so nice.


Hmm. And everyone's so
genuine and level-headed.




Thanks for this.
You're good peeps.


You're the good peeps, dude.


You haven't met my family.
You don't know what you're in for.




(SIGHING) You know these planes
pretty much land themselves?


Nobody cares.
You sound like an asshole.


She's from New York.


I'm sorry.


Wow. This looks normal.


It is.


Thank you.


Wow, you grew up here?


It was my grandfather's.


He bought it when there
was nothing else here.


My dad and my sister
and her son live here now.


Why would you move to New York?


I was conned by some headhunter.


You're here. Sammy!


Hey, Uncle Dylan.


What's up, buddy? (GRUNTS)


How are you?


Jamie, this is my nephew,
Sam the Magnificent.


Hello. May I offer you a
light for your cigarette?


I'm sorry, I don't smoke.


Just pretend. He's a magician.


Of course I'll have a cigarette.
Smoking is great for you.




Wow. Thank you, good sir.
My pleasure, my lady.


Oh, my God. I got it, I got it.


Sammy. I got it, I got it.
Just stay still. I got it, I got it.


Sammy! Are you okay?


All part of the illusion.


Jet Skis later? Definitely.


DYLAN: Still into magic, huh?


Yep. But I'll take that over him
sexting his friends any day.


Dilbert! Banannie.




this is my sister, Annie.


Hi. Thank you for having me.


Oh, please. It's nice to have
Dylan bring a girl home.


We're just friends.
Oh, no, I know.


If you were his girlfriend, he
never would've brought you here.


This one has intimacy issues.
I know.


Dylan. Dad.


Dylan. Oh, man. Hey.


How you doing, buddy? I'm good.


I miss you guys, but I'm good.




Dede Spencer?


Jamie. Dylan's friend.


I'm sorry. I... That's okay.


No, for a minute you reminded
me of a girl I used to know.


No, that's okay. It happens.
Nice to meet you.


Pleasure meeting you.
You have a beautiful house.


Thank you.


Pool's a little cold, but it's
very expensive to heat, so...


I think I'm gonna go in
and check the tide tables


'cause I'm gonna take the boat
out early in the morning.


You should come.
I would love to.


We sold the boat.


The doctor doesn't want you
driving the boat any more.




Turning to mush. No.


It's good to see you, buddy.


Nice to meet you.
It was nice meeting you, too.


Jamie. See? Yes.


What's with the pants?
He doesn't like them any more.


He's getting worse.


It's so good to have you here.


Go show her the beach.


Let me show you the beach.
Come on. Okay.


Go, get sandy.
Get all messed up. Okay.


JAMIE: Dylan never told
me about your dad.


Yeah, it's been tough on him.
They were real close.


Dylan doesn't quite know how
to deal with the Alzheimer's.


I'm sorry.


He'll be his regular old self
and everything seems fine,


and then just in a flash,
he's gone.


That's Dylan when he was nine.
Are those braids?


He was going through a Kris Kross phase.
Remember them?


♪ Kris Kross will make you
Jump! Jump! ♪




Is that your mom?
No, that's Dylan's speech therapist.


He had a stutter.
It got real bad when he was nervous.


He had a rough childhood.


His math tutor called it
"character-building." Math tutor?


No, we're talking, like,
8 times 6 equals 1,200.


But he's very visual,
thank God.


Can you please explain
to me this photo?


That is my 12th-birthday
surprise party.


Hey. Amazing moment.


I'm exhausted.
I'm gonna go to bed.


Jamie, you all good with your room?
Yeah. No, it's perfect.


Thank you.
Thank you for everything.




Sammy and I built
a saw-a-girl-in-half box,


so just be careful
on your way to bed.


He's not using a real saw,
is he?


Of course he is.
He's magnificent.


I'll make sure he brushes his teeth, and
you, don't believe anything she says.


She's a liar. (LAUGHING)


He's a pretty special guy.
Yeah, I think so.




(WHISPERING) Jamie. Hey.


You up? Yeah. Come in.


I thought you were going to bed.
I was.


But then I realized we were
both single again, so...


Oopsy. (GASPS)




Dude, no. Why not?


I washed my hands.
With soap this time.


Are you serious?
Why would you just assume?


You cracked your neck on the porch.
This thing. That's your tell, remember?


I cracked my neck because we
were on a flight for six hours,


and you were yapping my ear off about
how planes all fly themselves,


and it actually kinked
my neck a bit.


So, no?
No. Not having sex with you.


Is it your special time?
They have an app for that. No, wait.


Nope, you're good to go.
We talked about this.


Plus, I just got dumped, so...
Okay, I'm sorry.


I thought this would be a good
way to take your mind off him.


No, I don't function that way.
Sex is not gonna help.


But you know what will?
Emotional support.


Before we were sex without emotion,
and now we're emotion without sex.




I just need you
to be my friend right now.


Okay. So I'll listen to you
while you give me a hand job.


No. I'm kidding.
I got it. Good night.


Wait, hold on! Friends can still hang
out and, I don't know, listen to music.


Listen to music?


♪ Jump! Jump!
The Mac Dad will make you... -♪


I'm gonna kill Annie.


I can't believe you used to like them.
I didn't like these guys.


I don't even remember...


♪ Don't try to compare us
to another bad little fad.


♪ I'm the mac and I'm bad give
you something that you never had.


♪ I'll make ya jump, jump
Wiggle and shake your rump.


♪ 'Cause I'll be kicking up
something that make you wanna jump.


♪ How high? Real high
'Cause I'm just so fly.


And then there's something, I don't
know what he says right there...


♪ Inside-out is wiggity
wiggity, wiggity wack ♪


Are you kidding me?
These dudes were da bomb.


Everybody had Girbauds,
we all wore them backwards.


The baseball jerseys.




I went as Kris Kross three
years in a row for Halloween.


Oh, you poor kid.
I'm not proud of it.


Hey, I borrowed one of your books.
I hope that's okay.




Like this.




Surprise! (SCREAMS)






Have you really never brought
a girl home before?


I brought you here. Mmm-mmm.


I mean like a real girl.
Not a friend.


A real girl? Yeah.


I guess not.


Separation of church and state.
Ah, yes.


Build up as many walls as possible.
That's really healthy.


What, are you talking to
me about walls? Yeah.


What about you and your mom?


You couldn't get me out of there fast
enough when she walked in on us.


That was for your own
protection. Okay?


I'm just surprised she didn't try to
slip you her number or something.


She did.
She put it in my phone.


Under "MILF." Oh, my God.


It's cool, we only
hooked up, like, twice.


I'm starting to get
a mental image.


Well, I have a video image.


No. Just stop it. Just stop it.




Just wrong.




Nothing. Just glad I met you.


Yeah, well, knowing you
doesn't suck either.


But I thought you said...
I know what I said.










Lasorda was a good pitcher, but
he was an even better manager.


Wrecking Crew? I wasn't saying
he's not a great manager.


He's underappreciated as a
pitcher, that's all I'm saying.


We get it. Guys.


Hi. Morning.


Good morning.
Is it always this beautiful out here?


Well, in between the fires and the
floods, we get about 10 good days.


Oh. No, no. Here.
You two sit together.


Are you sure? Oh, yeah, no, no.


You don't have to do that, Dad.


I know.
I wanna look at the boat.


I love that boat.


Here. Sorry. Great. Thanks.




Thank you. This... Okay.


Coffee, my lady?
Oh. Yes, please.


Thank you.




All right, man! Look at you!


That's pretty impressive.
ANNIE: Yay, Sammy!


DYLAN: All right!


Oh, buddy. Your shirt's leaking.
Oh, no, that's...






You okay? Yeah.


You? Yeah.




See them, Sammy? Yeah. Woah!


Pretty cool, huh? Yeah.


God, it's nice.


I do miss the mornings out here.
Right before it burns off, it really is beautiful.


I like Jamie.


And she's pretty, too.


Hey, easy, dude.
Don't you go casting a spell on her.


I'm a magician, not a wizard.
You and your gay Harry Potter.


You can't deny that going to
Hogwarts wouldn't be life-changing.


I miss you.
I miss you, too, bud.


Mom misses you.
And so does Grandpa.


Does he say anything?


No. But sometimes
he calls me Dylan.


He said that he didn't
want the job.


That he was just coming to New
York to explore his options.


What a crock of gas.


You fly across the country
to explore your options?


Please. I don't think so.


Exactly! Please, I knew I had him
the second he got off that plane.


Oh, did you, now? Yeah.


Was that the same second you leapt
onto the baggage carousel barefoot


and acted out a scene from Will and Grace?


She did? Oh, yeah, you
should have seen her.


"Look at me,
I'm goofy but cute."


You know what?
It was all part of my plan.


Quite a plan.


Did you major in Planning
at Headhunting College?


So clever. It's not a real
college, by the way, buddy.


You guys bicker like
you're an old married couple.


Here, pick a card, my lady.




Oh, no, not that one.
The one on top.


This is a good one. So...


Yeah? Shuffle.


Did you get her
an engagement gift?


We're not engaged, Dad.
We're not together. We're just friends.


All right, you don't wanna label it.
I understand. But get her some jewelry.


The only thing your mom
loves is jewelry.


I don't care how upset she is, I get
her jewelry, she lights right up.


Where is she, anyway?


She's not here, Dad.
I know, that's why I asked. Where is she?


She's not coming. Why not?


She doesn't live with you any more, Pop.
You're not married.


She left about 10 years ago.


I don't understand.


She divorced you, Dad.


I have to call her.
Dad, you can't.


Stop telling me what to do.






ANNIE: Dylan, get...


DYLAN: You okay, Dad?
I'm fine, I'm fine.


Here, let me help you up.
No, don't. Don't!






Here we are.


This is beautiful.


Yeah, this is where I used
to come to think. My rooftop.


Okay, how high do you
think that fence is?


I'm a little over 6 foot.


Looks like it's about three of me.
So six times three...


Ninety-two feet.


Ninety-two feet.
That's really tall, right? Yeah.


But they don't want you to get up
there, so I guess that makes sense.


Wait. Six times three...
Oh, God, you poor kid.


What's up? Come on.


What? What?
Where are you going?


Jamie, no, no, no, no, no, wait.
They take this shit seriously, okay?


Look at all the cameras.


This is the only landmark this city has
other than the Scientology Center.


And if any of these cameras are hooked
up to the actual Scientology Center,


that was an inappropriate joke
and I apologize.


I believe in the freedom
of science fiction.


(COUGHING) Pussy! Oh, sorry.




Come on!


JAMIE: You really never been
up here before? DYLAN: No.


I've also never transferred
heroin in my rectum,


'cause it's against the law.


You know, sometimes a simple
yes or no answer is adequate.


Hey, why didn't you tell me
about your mom?


She's not worth talking about.


That's rough.


So is leaving
your husband and kids.


Yeah, you never told me
about him either.


You know, there's a lot of
stuff you didn't tell me.


I don't want your pity.


I can handle anything except
that look in people's eyes.


That one.
Who cares what anybody thinks?


He's the smartest man
I've ever known.


He's the only person
I'd ever go to for advice.


He's my dad.


Dylan, he's still the same man.


When I see the way
people look at him now...


It doesn't matter
how people look at him.


All that matters
is how you look at him.


Yeah, but he's walking around without his pants.
Everyone's staring.


So what? It's embarrassing.


He needs to know
that nothing has changed.


That he's still that
same man to you.


Can we stop talking about this?


Yeah, that's really smart.
Let's just not talk about our feelings.


I'm trying not to.


Come on. Is something going on here?
You've been acting really weird.


No, I haven't. Yeah, you have.


Is this about what happened
the other night?


What, sex? That doesn't mean anything.
You know that.




And I haven't been acting weird.


Oh, my God! Oh, shit!


I told you! Well, I'm sorry!




OFFICER: This is the LAPD.
You are trespassing. Get down from the sign.


We gotta jump.


JAMIE: Dylan, jump!
(STUTTERING) I'm frozen.


Come on, get down!


Sir, this is your last warning.


Use the ladder!
I have a fear of heights!


(STUTTERING) And also helicopters!
They don't make sense to me!


What do you mean
you have a fear of heights?


Why would you come up here?


You called me a pussy!


NEWS ANCHOR: A bizarre situation
this afternoon in the Southland.


The LAPD rescued a local man
from the Hollywood sign,


the city's only real landmark.


They actually wrapped you
in a foil blanket!


Did you run a marathon
before this?


Okay. Give me... No!


No, no. I wanna save it.
I gotta save it. No. That's enough!


Give me the remote! Shut up!
No, I wanna watch it over and over.


Ow, ow, ow! Foil wrapper...


Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.


It's okay,
it'll be up on YouTube.




Hey, you're still good
to take Dad that week


I have to go to DC
for Sam's class trip, right?


Yeah, he's gonna stay with
me in New York. Oh, good.


So, when are we gonna
see Jamie again?


I don't know.


What's your problem?
Did you have a fight with your girlfriend?


She's not my girlfriend.
Why don't you believe me?


I would believe you
if you didn't lie to me.


I saw you creeping out
of her room the other night.


Like you had just had sex,
if you know what I mean.


Yes, I know what you mean,
you just said it.


And how do you know what I
look like after I have...


I'm not talking to you about this, okay?
We're not together.


Dylan. Enough!
I'm not talking about it.




Forgot my saw.
I'll be right back.




I'll wait here.
Don't worry about me.


Friends who have sex?
What are you, in college?


It doesn't matter, it's over.


Because we don't like
each other like that.


Okay, you know what?
Can we just talk about this? Sit down.


What more are you looking for?


Who says I'm looking for anything?


I don't know,
but it's not Jamie.


Why, because you're
great together?


Because you're actually
friends with each other?


Because this is the happiest
I have ever seen you?


I don't know what to tell you.


She's not for me.
I don't like her like that.


You liked her enough
to have sex with her.


It's just physical.


Like playing tennis.


I don't even know
what that means, Dylan.


I haven't seen you this dumb since
you got that candy corn tattoo.


It's a lightning bolt!
With extra powers!


Dylan, you can't name one
thing that's wrong with her.


I can never go out with her.


She's too fucked up.


Okay, she doesn't want a boyfriend.
She's too damaged.


Magnum P.l. couldn't solve the
shit going on in her head.


Wow. You'll say anything
right now


not to admit that
you're perfect for each other.


Why am I still having this conversation?
Because I'm right.


Good talk, Annie. Dylan.




I don't think the three-point
line would have done anything.


He was taller than anyone alive.
No, but it helped Kobe.


Kobe Bryant is incredible.
It helped him.


You're men. You like sports.
You're men.


Scored 81 points. Please.


Hey! We were waiting for you.


I actually got
a call from work.


I have to be on a red eye
tonight back to New York.


Tonight? Yeah.


Tomorrow's the 4th,
I know, it sucks.


Well, at least let me
drive you to the airport.


No, no. It's fine. Stay.
I already called a cab. It's out front.


But thank you
guys for everything.


And thank you for letting me stay here.
It's been pretty great.




Hey. Hey.


Everything okay, buddy?
Yeah, buddy. Everything's great.


I just really gotta go.


So, thank you again.
I'm sorry I gotta go.


Let Dylan drive you. Yeah.


ANNIE: Do you wanna take
some food to go?


SAM: Do you want me to
saw you in half?


You can send your
bottom part to New York


and your top
half can stay here.




Or the whole of you could stay.


Okay, I'm sorry. I gotta go.




DYLAN: Jamie!






She's gone.
She hopped in the cab.


We should eat.
You hungry, buddy?




Okay. Hand me your plate.




Hey, bro. You hungry?
'Cause I'm going to get something to eat.


Thanks, man. I think I'm just
gonna work through lunch.


A work ethic. I love it.
That is why this country is still number one.


Well, behind Germany and France


and Belgium and
Japan and China and...


Thank God for Bangladesh.




By the way, why did you take
your door off its lovely hinges?


It was dumb, man.
Something I saw in a management book.


Oh, right, right.
Like, that's how Warren Buffett got rich.


He took doors off of things.


Hey, everybody wants
a shortcut in life.


My guidebook is very simple.
You wanna lose weight?


Stop eating, fatty.


You wanna make money?


Work your ass off, lazy.


You wanna be happy?


Find someone you like
and never let him go.


Or her, if you're into
that kind of creepy shit.










Hi, you've reached
Jamie Rellis.


I can't pick up
the phone right now,


but please leave a message
and I'll call you back.




Mom, Mom, you gotta
point it at the screen.


You gotta tell
it where you are.


Fine. I'm over here
pouring myself a drink.




Oh. Booty call.
I can take a walk around the block.


No, no. Nope, that's okay.


This is your apartment.
I don't wanna twat-block you.


That's Dylan, right?


He seemed pretty great.
You met him once.


Well, that's more than
anybody else you've dated.


I don't know, you think
maybe I keep my worlds apart


for some crazy reason?


I am an asshole.


We're looking for someone to lead
the redesign of our entire website.


Someone to turn it
completely upside down.


But you can't tell me
what company you work for?


For confidentiality reasons,


uh, no.


Can you give me a hint?


We may or may not be
the largest seller


of purchased
goods on the Internet.


And by "purchased goods,"
I mean books.


You just placed the new art
director over at GQ, right?


Uh, yeah.


That's the type of guy we want.


Shoot, that's the guy we want.


Can you get him
to come out to us?


No longer have
a relationship with him.


Can you get to him?


He's still in the first
year of his contract,


so that would be inappropriate.


So is paying full price
for a book at Barnes & Noble,


but people do dumb shit.




Hi, you've reached
Jamie Rellis.


I can't pick up
the phone right now,


but please leave a message
and I'll call you back.


Wow, right to voice mail.
Didn't even ring.




How'd you know I was up here?


Only place in the city
you don't get reception.




Why are you avoiding me?


I'm not.


Really? Come on, Jamie.


Well, Dylan, I don't know if you've
heard, but I am seriously fucked up.


I mean, Magnum P.I.
Couldn't solve the shit going on up here.


Oh, my God, I'm sorry.


But I'm just gonna go


and try to fix the shit
going on up in my head,


if that's even possible.


I shouldn't have said that.
I was just trying to get my sister off my back.


She thought we
liked each other.


Yeah, me, too, Dylan.


I thought we were friends.


But friends don't go
talking shit about each other,


which must mean that you and I
were actually never friends.


That all you wanted
was to get in my pants.


What? You jumped at the
chance at your dad's house.


You cracked your neck.


I thought you were giving me a sign.
We talked about this.


Oh, my God, really?


You pulled my robe off.
"Oopsy." Remember?


Yeah. And then you
snuck out of the room.


"Oopsy." Remember that?


Are you pissed off at me
because I didn't cuddle?




isn't that why we started this whole
arrangement in the first place?


You wanted this.


I wanted this?


Just me?


God, you are just
like every other guy.


The sad thing is, Dylan, I actually
thought you were different.


Different from what?
I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your friend.


Well, with friends like you,
who needs friends?


And thank you for
ruining my mountaintop.




Hey, man, you can't be up here.




You okay?


I'm fine.


Bryce, is this for me?


Yeah. And so is this.


Madison, will you marry me?


You bet your ass, Flapjack!


I love New York.


I love you.


Oh, my God. Look,
the Empire State Building.




Oh, look,
the Statue of Liberty.






Hello, this is Jamie.


What do you mean they
went to him directly?


Well, is he gonna take it?


No, no, no, no, no. I'll handle it.
I'll call him right now.






Hey, this is Dylan.
Leave a message.




Excuse me. May I help you?


Oh, hi. Where's Dylan Harper?


He's at a photo shoot
for the sports issue.


That's right. The photo shoot.
Where was that again?


I'm sorry. Who are you?


One of the models.


I have the perfect
body for Photoshop.


Yeah, this gets more
angular, these get longer,


and this gets
way more Christian.




So where did you
say he was again?


Sports is the last
chance we have


of bringing our
world together, bro.


So I just wanted to shoot some
photos that speak to that,


to the unification of all
people through sports.


Let's go.


TOMMY: That's it. Beautiful.


Okay, now put your
arms around each other,


like you like each other,
like you love each other.


Too gay? A little bit.


Throw some girls in there.


Come on, ladies. Hop to.


Girls, girls. Okay, look.
Just blend in.


Okay, let's go
boy, girl, boy...


Dylan...Boy, boy, boy, boys.


What are you doing here?
You met for another job!


What, are you gonna leave now?


I don't know. Yeah,
I took one meeting.


I can't believe you.


Come here. (SIGHS)


Is this your way of
getting back at me? What?


You know that if you leave before
a year is up, I get screwed.


Oh, right.


If I did leave,


which I don't know yet because
all I did was take one meeting,


I'd write you a check
for your bonus.


Whatever it is, I'll pay for it.
Happy now? We good?


Why didn't you tell
me you were looking?


That's personal.


And we're not friends any more.


You made that pretty clear.


See, all I wanted to do was
have sex with you. Remember?


Pretend you were the best
friend I'd ever had.


Open up to you like I've
never done with anyone ever.


And then when the sex stopped,


invite you to LA
for the weekend to,




introduce you to my family.


I'll send you a check
if I take the job.


Don't bother.


TOMMY: Why don't you
pick him up?


Yeah. Just pick him on up.


Oh, you little
Christ figure, you!






Hey, Dyl.


Dad's coming into
Newark Airport, right?


Yeah, he leaves
at 9:00 our time.


9:00. So it's a five-hour flight,
three-hour time difference,


so he gets in at




5:00. Be there at 5:00, Dylan.


Right. How is Dad?




He's lost more
often than not now.


But then he has these moments of real clarity.
It's hit or miss.


Okay. How's Jamie?


That's over. Oh, Dylan!


Okay, we're done.


Don't be an idiot, please.


Thank you, Annie.
I'll pick up Dad tomorrow at the airport.


32:00 sharp. I love you.


JAMIE: I don't know what it is.


I just can't get myself to start
looking for a replacement for him,


assuming that he leaves.


Do you want some
motherly love advice?


Not really.


Oh, good, 'cause
I don't know how to do that.


What I do know is that
it's no great goddamn secret


you live in fear of
repeating my mistakes.


And you're not wrong,
so learn from me.


Do you know how many men in my life
I thought were really perfect?


Eighty. One.


Eighty-one? One.


Oh. It was your dad.
Greatest man I ever met.


Obviously. Look at you.


How smart you are, how great,
how funny, how driven.


Your vaguely
Middle Eastern beauty.


Sure as hell
didn't all come from me.


Okay, but, seriously, Mom,


do you really not remember
where my dad's from?


Or is it like
a coping mechanism?


A little of both.




But I'm pretty
sure he's Eurasian.




I mean, we all have
our Prince Charming,


you just gotta know
him when you see him.


Mom, it's Prince Charming.
You should just know.


Well, your Prince
Charming isn't coming


to rescue you in
a horse and carriage.


That's not who you want.


I mean, you're looking
for a man to be your partner.


To take on the world with.


You gotta update
your fairytale, baby.


My Prince Charming?








A wheelchair.
Like I'm an invalid.


How was the flight? I'm hungry.


You know they don't serve
food in coach any more?


You'd think with
these new planes,


they practically
fly themselves,


they could get rid of a pilot and
use his salary for a hot lunch.


I know, right?
Let's get you some food.




DYLAN: The engineering on
these planes is so advanced.


Completely computerized.


It's like playing a video game.


God. How long have we been waiting here?
It's ridiculous.


I'll be right back, okay?


Excuse me.
We've been waiting a while.


Harper. Yeah, I got you.
I got you.


I have to seat people
in the order they came.


I totally understand that,
but I'm with my dad


and he's not in the best shape.
Oh, I'm sorry.


Is there no way we could,
like, squeeze a table?


No, I gotta go
by the list. Sorry.






Shit. Dad?


You gonna join me?




Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry,
you cannot do this.


Could I get a steak,
medium, please?


Sir, this is the Daily Grill.
Make that two.


Dede? Dede!








Who is Dede?


Jesus. She's just a girl
that I met in the Navy.






She was the love of my life.




Why didn't you tell
me about her before?


This is not something you
discuss with your children.


And besides, I have you and Annie.
I have no regrets.


So tell me now.


She was the love of my life.


And I was too
stupid to realize it,


and I lost her because of something
so dumb I don't even remember.


And I never
really got over her.


And I think that may be one
of the reasons your mom left.


You know, my friends
used to say


that when Dede and I
looked at each other,


it was electric.


And I let her go.


I just let her go.


Because I was too damn proud to tell
her how I really felt about her.


I'll tell you something that I
wish I Knew when I was your age.


And I know you've heard a
million times, "life is short."


But let me tell you something,
what this is teaching me


is that life is goddamn short and
you can't waste a minute of it.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


The girl I brought
home to LA, Jamie?


Yeah, what's going on with her?


I think I messed it up.


Fix it. She won't talk to me.


Maybe she'll listen.
There's always a way.


If you think
there's even a chance


that she could
be it, you fix it.


Did Annie put you up to this?


Who's Annie?


I'm kidding.


What, I can't joke about this?




Jesus Christ, Dad.


I don't know what else to do.


Let's go.


You don't want to
finish your steak?


We're eating in
the goddamn airport.


I can leave the steak. Come on.


Yeah, hey, this is
Dylan Harper from GQ.


We met a few
weeks ago at the...


Right. Hey, can I ask you
a huge favor?


Oh. I am so sorry, sir.


It's my fault.


You just scared me. No, no.
My fault. You all right?


Yeah, I'm good.
Here, let me help you with that.


Thanks, man.
You're really nice.


All right. Hey, safe travels.


All right, thanks, man.
Okay, thank you.




You gotta be
fucking kidding me.


All right, let's
dance, Clowny Brown.


What's your problem with me?


I saw you at
that bar with Jamie.


How could such an awesome
girl be with this


over this?


I've been trying to take that little
monkey to pound-town for years.


I'll tell her you say hello.


You missed a little.
There you go.


Dylan! I got a cab. Come on.


I ever run into you again,


I'll crush your earlobes and
make soup stock out of them.


You have a vivid imagination.
I do!


I'm gonna get in the cab now.


I'm gonna go make soup!


What's the matter with her?
I don't know.


God! I thought LA was bad.
This traffic is terrible.


Is there another
way into the city?


DYLAN: I owe you
big time, Tommy.


You'll make it up to me.
Actually, I was heading into town anyway.


Tonight's the Butterfly Ball.
Great place to pick up dudes.


You okay, Dad?


Are you kidding?


1937 Chris-Craft?
Couldn't get any better, buddy.




Yeah. Hi, this is Dylan.
We met at...


Can I ask you a huge favor?


My number. Here's the remote.


My friend Dave
from across the hall,


his oven broke, so
he'll be using the kitchen.


Your friend Dave is here using
the Kitchen or watching me?




Holy... What?


"How to wear white
pants to a cookout."


Did you scoop the Times on this?
I smell Pulitzer.


All right, all right.


Just say hello to
her for me, will you?


See you, Dad.


Thanks, man.


Hi, Dave from across the hall.


Harper. How are you?


And now we know
why you're here.


Mom, I'm over by the Lexington exit.
Where are you?


LORNA: I'm standing right
by the guy in the tie.


There are a million
guys in ties.


So look for the guy
I'm standing next to.


You never do what you say you're gonna do.
When am I gonna learn?


Just hang on, baby.






I don? Think I'm gonna be
able to make it after all.


Something came up.
Let's meet tomorrow.


I'll be on the stairs.
Right across from you.


Oh, my God.


Have a great night, baby.






What is this?


It's Closing Time,
by the band Semisonic!


It's not Third Eye Blind.
Can you believe that?


No, no, no. Not the song. This.


You said you wanted your life
to be like a movie.


Sorry I had to use the real Grand
Central instead of the fake one.


Listen, Jamie, I'm...


I'm having trouble hearing you!


Yeah, I didn't
really think this through.


I guess in the movies
the guy pours his heart out


and they put
the music in later.




I messed up.


I was scared.


Look at what happened
with my mom and my dad.


Of course I was scared.


So I ruined it.


Everything that
happens in the day,


all I can think to myself is, "I can't
wait to tell Jamie about this."


When I see someone cursing, all
I picture is you blinking.


And when I hear a kid's
been cured of cancer,


I pray it's not
by that douchebag,


tree-hugging fucking doctor
who ran out on you.


I mean, cancer
being cured is awesome,


but, you know,
I wish someone else did it.


Come on.


Hey, I miss you.


Yeah, I miss you, too.


But you're not wrong,
I am damaged.


So am I. Who isn't?


That's what
makes us so awesome.


And our tattoos. Yeah.


No, no, no.


Oh, shut up.
It's not what you think.


Jamie, will you be
my best friend again?


That is so lame.


I know.


That's some Prince Charming
shit, though, right?


Get up. Okay.


Look, I can live without ever
having sex with you again.


It'd be really hard.




Hey, I want my
best friend back,


because I'm in love with her.


Under one condition.




Kiss me.


In public?
In front of all these people?


I did not ask you to...


You can all go home now.


Okay. So...


What do we do now?


Have our first date.






Oh, my God!
Did you get a horse and carriage?


Yeah, that's not for you.


Oh, thank God. Horses actually
scare the shit out of me.


Really? Yeah.


DYLAN: So, where are you from?


Outside of Philly, actually.




I'm from LA,
just moved to New York.


Didn't really ask, but go on.


What? I'm excited,
I'm on a first date. So...


This isn't weird at all.


We're okay.


Yeah. Thank you.




Yeah, fuck it.








Roll credits, roll credits, roll credits.
And here come the outtakes.


Because if the actors had a good
time making it, it must be good.


You bet your ass, Jason.


Oh, my God,
I just called him Jason.




Look, the crew's laughing.




They made me do it!
They made me do it.




It's my favorite part.
by PertamaX


어디까지 했는지 볼까?


빼고, 빼고, 갖다 버리고




이 여자 필요없고, 빼고


이걸로 시작하지


글 편집이 어려운 건 알지만


인터넷이잖아. 트래픽, 트래픽이 필요해
뭐 없어?


-이건 어떨까요?


이 여자가 이민법 개정에 대해
알만큼 똑똑해 보여?


똑똑해 보이지
지금 농담하잖아!


이건 포르노 싸이트가 아니야
뭐 우리가 가슴 찾아보는 덕후야?


계속 찾아봐






자기, 어디야?
아직 일하는 중이야?


아니! 절대 아니지


알지? 영화 10분후에 시작하는거


-알지. 바지 줘


-내일 점심 사줄게
-안 돼요


내가 상사잖아. 바지 줘


늦지 않게와
진짜 첫 장면 놓치기 싫어


알았어 알았어


바지 좀 줘


가고있어. 다 와가


-얼마나 남았어?
-저기 자기 보여


-어딨어? 나 여깄는데


사람 너무 많다.
옷 뭐입었어?


극장 밖에 옷은 이것밖에 없어


나만 지금 극장밖에 있거든


그 옷 예쁘더라
자기 그거 입으면 섹시해


내가 이 영화 정말 좋아하는 거 알잖아


매춘부랑 차가운 도시 비지니스 맨이랑


사랑에 빠지는데 누군들 못하겠어


너한테 중요한 지 알아
그게 나한테도 중요한 거고


-근데 아닌 것 같아
-지금 니가 보여. 저기 있네






-늦어서 미안
-괜찮아. 샌드위치 사왔어


칠면조 고기에 치즈 뺐어


이거 진짜 무균 상태에서 만든거야?


어. 네 알레르기 잘 알고 있거든


나 왔어


-진짜 미안
-"Your body is a wonderland"놓쳤잖아


딱 한 곡이잖아
나쁘진 않네, 그치?


젠장맞을, Your body is a wonderland였다고


좋은 소식은 아직 좋은 노래들이 많이 남았잖아


좋은 생각이 있어
늦게 오려면 차라리


내 얼굴에 똥칠을 해라. 그게


Your body is a wonderland 놓친거랑 마찬가지니까


어서 들어가자 줄리아 로버츠가


긴 부츠 입고 나올 때야


얘기좀 해


시간이 좀 필요한 것 같아


우리 좀 거리를 둬야 할 것 같아


-나랑 헤어진다고?


-내가 니 천생연분이라며
-내가? 언제?


B&B에서 섹스했을 때


-그건 뭐?




일땜에 바빴어 미안


일에 신경 좀 덜 쓰고


니가 데이트 하는 여자친구한테
신경을 썼어야지


네가 그랬잖아. 네가 엉덩이에 손가락


쳐 박힌거 좋아한다고해서 게이라는걸
일이 밝혀주진 않는다고


쳐 박힌다고는 안했다


나는 그냥 가볍게...
콩알 만한게...


아니다. 더 이상 네 알 바 아냐


그래서 늦은거야?
뭐라고 헤어질 지 고민한다고?


아니, 뭐 입을지 고민하다가


-그래서 운동화랑 후드티 입고왔니?


왜 좀 있다 시험이라도 치러가게?


그렇게 말 하지마
너 그것보다 낫잖아




우리 다른 방향으로 가고 있는 것 같아


그래, 너는 존 메이어 콘서트로 가고 난 아니지


어쨌든 고맙네
콘서트 전에 말해줘서


최고의 이별이다


존 메이어는 우리 시대의 셰릴 크로거든!


잠깐 뭐 하나만 물어보자


말해두는데 나 절대 이별로
맘 아프고 그러지 않아


솔직히 말해봐, 왜?


-그냥 순전히 인류학적인 질문이지


넌 아무나 다 납득시키고 싶어하지만


누가 납득시키려 할때


납득되는걸 더 좋아하잖아


뭐 다 좋아하는 것 같아


그치만 넌 정말 감정적으로 망가졌어


그리고 네 왕방울만한 눈이
가끔 깜짝 놀라게 해


됐어. 고마워
Thank you. That's enough.


-너 때문이 아니야
-당연히 나 때문이지


그렇게 말하지 마
네가 지금 헤어지자고 했잖아


아니야, 나 때문이야
난 더이상 널 좋아하지 않아


내 잘못이야
더 좋은 사람 만나


너 좋은 애야
굳이 물어본다면 감정적으로 멀었던 것 뿐이지


-안 물어봤는데
-친구로 지냈으면 좋겠어


-친구로 남자




존 메이어!


괜찮아 질 거야


왜 항상 연애는 좋게 시작했다가


재수없게 끝나는 걸까?


이제 정말 진부한 헐리우드 사랑 영화에 주인공


안 할거야


꺼져! 캐서린 헤이글
이 거짓말 쟁이!


이제 조지 클루니처럼
일하고 섹스할거야


이제 마음의 문을 닫을래


조지 클루니처럼.


똑바로 앉아주세요


저게 허드슨 강인가요?


아뇨, 이스트 강이예요


우린 그 비행기처럼 저기
착륙 안하겠죠?


있잖아요, 그 기장이 상받고...


그 분은 영웅이셨거든


재수 없는 놈


비행기가 참 많은 일 하네


GQ에 딱 맞는 사람을 찾았어요


그 사람은 착륙중이고 난 지금 기어가고 있어요


아직 하겠다고는 안 했는데 하게 만들거에요
항상 그랬잖아요


혼혈이라도 데리고 올거예요


LA출신이라서 이딴거에
관심 많을 것 같아요


아저씨, 저기 고층 건물이 뭐죠?


엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩이요


아뇨, 딴 건물이요, 완전 높은 건물요
꼭대기에 안테나 있고...


- 창문도 있고...
- 그게 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩이라니까요


아, 그러네요. 킹콩에 나온


이 분 만나셨어요?


뉴욕에 오신걸 환영해요, 랜더게스트씨


안 돼!




-제 가방 좀 주실래요?
-네, 어떤거죠?


- 저기 줄무늬 있는거요.
- 네


뉴욕에 잘 오셨어요




-파란거요? 노란거요?


립스틱으로 이름 적어놓은 거요


-딜런 하퍼씨군요.


-전 제이미예요.
-당신이 절 픽업하시는군요


네 그렇죠


항상 이렇게 픽업하세요?


재밌게 하는 걸 좋아해서요.
뉴욕에 오신걸 환영해요




제가 생각했던 헤드헌터랑 좀 다르네요


전 리크루터란 말이 더 좋아요


헤드헌터란 말은 좀 오싹하잖아요


절 6개월동안 오싹하게 스토킹했잖아요


제가 받을게요


제 가방을 들어 주신다고요?
그런 사람인가요?


제 삶을 바꾸지 않을거예요.
난 이런 사람이죠.


제 생활은 이미 좋아요.


그래요? 생활이 좋다면서
뉴욕엔 왜 왔을까요


공짜 뉴욕 여행인데 거절하면 바보죠


그럼 당신은 6개월동안 바보였네요


다른 사람들은 저보다 더 할걸요


정말 좋은 기회예요, 딜런.


GQ 매거진의 아트 디렉터면


당신 블로그에 대한 나쁜뜻은 아니예요


지난달엔 방문자가 600만이 넘었어요


내가 섹시한 차림으로 케잌 만들면


800만은 들어올텐데


이미 했어요


-내 가슴을 적셔요 닷 컴에서


당신이 일에 재능이 있다는 건
의심할 나위가 없지만




사람이 너무 많아요, 보세요
전 LA에서 왔다고요


확 트인 곳이 좋아요


당신 뭐, 가젤(아프리카의 영양) 이예요?


진짜 걱정하는게 뭐예요?


그냥 뭐 전설적인 잡지사에 일하다 늙어서


침대에 똥싸는 사람이 되기 싫어요
표현이 심했죠


그럼 침대에 똥싸는 사람 안하면 되죠
표현이 심했네요


침대를 전설로 만드는 사람이 되세요


인터뷰전에 커피 한잔 마시면
괜찮을 거예요


오, 커피말고
유기농 녹차 두유 그런거 마시던지요


뉴욕은 참 덥네요


LA도 더워지잖아요


LA도 덥지만
여긴 습도가 높네요


LA에서 30도면
30도 처럼 느껴지는데


뉴욕에서는 30도가
5만도는 되는 것 같아요


날씨얘기도 참 재밌었지만


여기 왔으니 다행이네요


잘 해보세요


부탁인데 절 위해서
이 일 하고싶어 하는 것처럼 해줄래요?




-이거 맛있네요




-안 갔어요?


제 일인걸요


어떻게 됐어요?


믿던데요, 당분간은 안전할거예요


고마워요. 하나 빚졌네요


-당신한테서 온건데요.


-잠깐... 저 된거예요?
-5분 전에 연락왔어요 .


축하해요. 제안은 오늘 자정까지예요


직접 말하면 되지
왜 문자했어요?


더 극적이잖아요


딜런, 당신 침대에 똥 안 쌀거예요


당신이 한거 봤는데 대단했어요


큰 전환이예요. 솔직히 직업때문에 이제까지
생활을 뿌리 뽑을 수 있어요?


직업때문이라면 아니겠지만


그럴 거예요


당신을 직업에 넘기는게 아니라...


뉴욕에 넘기는 거예요


뉴욕! 사인펠드 봤어요.


바보같은 여행자 모드 하지마요


불쌍한 눈빛
연기 잘하네요


그래요! 가요, 제가 한잔 살게요


왜 그래요?


-왜 기다리고 있어요?
-보행신호 아니잖아요


LA사람들 참 귀여워. 가요


봤죠? 죽을 뻔 했잖아요


브룩클린 다리, 맨하탄 다운타운이예요


우리 앞엔 실외 바(bar)가 있죠


술! 이제 말이 통하네


당신이 맘에 들어요


가까워질 수 있는 선택 기회를 줄게요




이 일에 가까워질 수 있게요


첫번째는 칭찬모드예요
"딜런, 정말 일 잘하네요".


2번 하던지 말던지 모드:
"당신이 일을 받아들이던지 말던지
난 월급은 받으니까 상관없어요".


동정 모드:
"저기, 제 아이가..."


왜 항상 여자들은 남자로부터
자기가 원하는걸 얻는 방법은


조종하는 것 밖에 없다고 생각하죠?


과거, 개인적 경험, 로맨틱 코미디 때문이죠


일을 하던 안하던
여기 온 이유가 있잖아요


선택사항을 보러왔죠


누군들 선택사항이 안 궁금하겠어요?


-완벽한 상황에 있는 사람들.
-완벽한 상황에 있어요??


일? 당연하죠
다른건? 당신이 알 바 아니죠


(벤쿠버 올림픽 스노보드 금메달리스트)




보기좋다 요즘 운동해?


아니 그냥 많이 먹었어


뭐 좀 마실래?


-내가 가져올게




와 완전 공중돌기점프 한 것 같은데요
(double McTwist 1260: 스노보드 점프 기술이름)


- 기술처럼요
- 네


-제이미 내가 이 자식 머리통


부셔놓기 전에 내 앞에서 좀 치워줄래?


무례하게 군거 아니예요. 완전 팬이예요


날 쥐똥만큼도 모르면서
아는척 하지마


내가 스노보더라서 쿨할줄 알았냐?


한마디만 더 하면 폭탄처럼
다 부셔버릴거야


-장난 좀 쳤어


제이미 친구면 다 괜찮아


다 좋아


귓속말로 하는데 "넌 죽었어"


-담에 보자


숀 화이트 괜찮은 사람 같네요


좋은 사람이예요


-어떻게 만났다고요?
-숀의 첫경험이 저였죠


그럼 예전부터 알고 지낸 사이였어요?


아뇨 8개월 됐어요


카펫이랑 커튼이 맞춤이던가요?


딱딱한 바닥이었어요
무슨 말인지 알죠?




-상상만 해도 끔찍하네


그냥 오랜 친구예요


그럼 샴푸도 같이 썼겠네요


네 머리는 좋은 몸을 가졌네


-누구 찾아요?


-이리 와요


-어디로 가는 거예요?


여기가 탁 트인 곳이예요


뛰어봐, 가젤, 뛰어




이런건 사인펠드에 안나오던데


아버지는 이런걸 어떻게 생각하세요?


뭐에 대해서요?


의견이 있을거잖아요
LA타임즈에서 23년간 글도 쓰셨고


조사를 좀 했군요


우리 회사엔 이런게 있거든요


말해봐요, 아버지는 이 일에 대해서
어떻게 생각하세요?


사실은, 안 물어봤어요


뭐라고 하셨을지는 알거 아녜요


'네 직감대로 해라
네가 뭘 하든 네가 자랑스럽다' 하셨겠죠


좋으신 분 같네요


네, 그래요


진짜 멋진거 볼래요?


항상 멋진걸 보고 싶었죠


와 봐요


유일하게 뉴욕에서 진정한 별을
볼 수 있는 곳이죠




밑에서 사는게 너무 빡빡하다 싶으면
여기 올라와서


뉴욕의 산 정상같은거죠


제일 좋은점은


전화가 안 터진다는 거죠


모든 신입은 다 여기 오나요?


사실 아무도 여기 데리고 온 적 없어요






이걸 누구한테 말하기만 하면


귀를 찢어서 목에다
스테이플로 찝어놓을 거예요


여기 사람들은 참 폭력적이네요


가요, 한 군데 남았어요


-이제 좀 쉬려고 하니까
-알아요, 어서 가요


지금 타임스퀘어 데리고 온거예요?
완전 관광모드잖아요


좀 조용히 하고 따라와요


-꼭 가는데마다 파워워킹을 해야겠어요?


모두들 가고싶은데 걸어서 가고...




-무슨 소리예요?


오, 88년도네요


잘난척쟁이씨, 5초만 기다려보세요


-이게 뭐죠?
-플래시 몹이요


-아 오프라 쇼에서 봤어요


-우리 저기로 비켜줘야 되는거 아니예요?
-아뇨, 즐기고 받아들이세요


-완전 멋지네요


이거 하고 돈 받나요?


아뇨! 그냥 재미로 하는거죠


뉴욕에서 생활하면 가끔씩 외롭지만


뭔가에 속한다는 느낌이 좋잖아요


근데 절 뉴욕에 눌러 앉히겠다고요?


모든 곳이 때로는 외롭잖아요










나 팔렸어요


-그 일 할게요




아뇨, 아뇨!


-모두들 집으로 가셔도 됩니다. 감사합니다


새 직장 축하해요!


고맙습니다. 고마워요!


제가 말하고 싶은건 그 기장이 기술자만큼


강 위에 착륙시킬만한 기술이 없다는거죠


그럼 Sully기장이 영웅이 아니라고요?


아뇨, 그냥 다른 요인들도 있었다고요


미국사람이 아닙니까?


내 차에서 저거 꺼낼거예요 말거예요?


뉴욕에 잘 왔네요
집에가서 자위나 해라


제가 바라는 건 여러분들이 절
신뢰하도록 시간을 좀 주세요


아직 낯설지만 경험으로 부족한건...


뻔한 말 좀 할게요


항상 제 문은 열려 있습니다


정말 제 문은 열려있네요


이 직장에 첫 요구는 가벼운 문이예요




스포츠 편집에 타미입니다


타미! 기사 읽었어요
잘 썼더라고요


그냥 사실적으로 쓰려고 했죠
있잖아요 오늘 밤에 수컷들


탐색하러 가지 않을래요?




LA에도 예쁘장한 남자들은 많았겠지만
여기는 차원이 완.전. 달라요


오늘 한번 거칠게 다뤄보자고요


-나 게이 아니예요


난 그냥 아트 디렉터에다


당신이 안가면 기회는 나한테 오죠


어쨌든, 인종차별이랑 하키에 대해서
쓰고있는데 글씨체를 어떻게 했으면 좋겠는지


말해주세요. 헬베티카 체를 생각하고 있는데
꾸리에 뉴 체도..


내가 뭘 알겠어요?
난 스포츠 기사 편집잔데


-근데 게이 아닌거 확실해요?
-네 확실해요


노크 하려니까 문이 없네요



이것 좀 봐요


-진짜 있네요
-그쵸? 근데 그거 말고 이거요


-더 멋진건 이거죠




플래시 몹 올린 사람이랑 연락을 취했죠


저걸 게릴라 마케팅에 쓸 생각이예요


순수한 걸 상업적 목적에 쓰겠다?


-내가 맞는 사람을 찾았네요
-여기 있잖아요


이거 계약선데 서명하면 이제 제 일은 끝이예요


1 년?


이게 처음해보는 진짜 책무예요?


아뇨, T모바일에서 2년 했는데
엄청 후회했거든요


부탁인데 1년동안 그만두지도
잘리지도 마세요


안그러면 저 보너스 못 받거든요


그럼 난 언제든 그만 둘 수 있단 말이예요?


-그럼 계약을 왜 하는 거예요?
-그냥 서명이나 해요


딜런 하퍼씨, 일하는 동안 즐거웠어요


점심을 먹을까 하는데
어디 아는데 있어요?


지금 데이트 신청하는 거예요?


데이트 신청하는게 아니라 그냥
아는데로 데려가 달라고요


내가 뉴욕에서 당신이 아는 유일한 사람인데
복잡한 관계는 곤란할텐데요


알죠, 데이트 아니라니까요


당연하죠, 재미보고, 뒹굴다가
야한 낯뜨거운 상상을 하게되고..


야한...! 너무 앞서나가는거 아니예요?


데이트 신청 아니라고요!
신께 맹세할게요


그렇게 내가 싫은가봐요


그렇게 세게 나올 필요까진 없잖아요




계집애 같기는
가요, 내가 살게요


이사 오기 쉬웠어요?


아버지 두고 오려니까 힘들었죠
누나는 막 뭐라고 하고


그래도 때가 잘 맞은 것 같아요


타이밍 좋네


- 누나예요?
- 전 여친이요


괜찮은 애죠. 존 메이어 완전 좋아하고


친구로 남자고 하더군요


내가 감정적으로 멀리하는 걸
고칠수 있다고 생각했나봐요


-감정적으로 멀다고요?


세상에! 난 감정적으로 망가졌는데!
모임에서 못 만난게 이상하네요


이제 연애같은건 안할거예요


지금 신도한테 설교중이네요




성가대한테 설교한다고 해야죠
원래 신도들한테 하는거니까


그게 맞는 말이죠


내가 말하는 의도 알잖아요
그니깐 재수없게 그러지 마요


-세상에, 받을까요?


여보세요, 딜런 하퍼씨한테 전화 하셨네요


-감정적으로는 좀 멀지만..
-존 메이어




전화 예절 더럽게 배웠네요




내일 친구들 놀러올건데


당신도 와서 친구들 좀 사귀고 하는게 어때요?


스케줄 좀 확인해볼게요


그냥 조그만 블로그가 아니고


GQ에서 일해서 무지 바쁘거든요




-늦어서 미안해요
-아니예요, 들어와요


고마워요. 얘들아


여기는 LA에서 온 딜런


이사람이 내가 여기 맥주들 다 살수 있는 이유지


난 동물인가요?



나 이거 소질있는데?


칼리 중위는 west coast 거리의 예술가지
5년 전에 알게 됐어


그의 포스트 모던적 해석은..


-이거 멋지다


나 못하겠어


그래, 우리 둘다 행복해져야겠지


100이 되야 하는것도 아니잖아


블루베리 없는 뉴욕같다


잘가, 브라이스


왜 이런 영화들은 음악이 다 별로야?


매 순간마다 감정을 느끼라는 거지


"나 상처받았어"


"백마탄 왕자님이랑 결혼할거야"


"사무실에 몰래 들어간다"


매디슨, 잠깐만!


브라이스! 내가 Grand Central역에
있는 건 어떻게 알았어?


거기 아니잖아. LA잖아
LA에서 찍어놓고선


난 너 보다 너를 더 잘 알잖아


그리고 저기 네 친구 수지가 말해줬어




-여긴 왜 왔어?
-네가 일몰 보면서


울고 네가 공인중개사 시험에


떨어져도 상관없어 그리고 네가


데이트 5대 규칙이 있어서 좋다고 말하려고


-내가 더 사랑해


가끔은 내 삶이 영화 같았으면 좋겠어


절대 내 머리 신경 안 써도 되고


화장실 가는거 신경 안 써도 되고


싸우고 나면, 남자가 길거리에서 쫓아나와


그 동안의 감정을 쏟아내며 키스하고
해피엔딩으로 끝나는거지


마차라니 정말




내용이랑 전혀 상관없는 이 애매한
노래만큼 멋지겠어


쓰레기 영화를 잘 본것처럼
느끼게 이런 노랠 끝에 넣은거라고


왜 키스하고 나서의 영화는 안 나올까?




섹스가 그립다


가끔 하고싶을 때 있잖아


목 스트레칭 하는 것처럼


왜 항상 섹스는 복잡한거야?




윽, 죄책감


여자 잘못이야




"이제 남은 여생을 같이 하자"


야, 남자들은 어떻고


"오, 자기, 내 이름 말해봐
예..억..끝났다. 어땠어?"


누구랑 사겼냐?


왜 그러면 안 돼?
그냥 육체적 행위잖아


그냥..테니스 치는것처럼


사람들은 테니스 치는 것처럼
섹스를 할 수 있어야 돼


맞아, 아무도 테니스 치고나서
주말에 놀러 나가진 않잖아


그냥 게임이잖아.
악수하고 시작하는 거지




맥주 더 마실래?




테니스 치자


-테니스 치는 것처럼 섹스 하자고


말도 안 되는 소리 하지마




괜찮을 것 같은데, 이상한 건
다 집어치우고


널 친구로써 좋아한다고


나도 그래
그래서 좋다고 생각해


난 네가 매력적인지도 모르겠어




이상한 애들한테 끌리긴 하더라


-내가 매력적으로 느껴져?


그니깐 이 완전 쿨한 성격을
알기전에 말이야




네가 날 처음 봤을 때


-우리 둘 사이만 아는거지?


두 여자애들이 베니건스에서 술한잔 걸쳤어


눈이 예뻐
이렇게 크고 예쁜 눈은 처음 봤어


입술. 키스 잘 할것 같아






끌린다고나 할까




난 너무 작다고 생각하는데


-그래도 가슴이잖아


손이 맘에 들어










진짜 나한테 섹스 이상으로 바라는 거 없어?


넌 나한테 더 바라는 거 없어?


나중에 여자들이 어떻게...




성경 앱 찾으려고


-성경 앱이 있어?
-응, 난 착한 아이거든


어떻게 해야되는거야?


넌 움직이지마, 내가 움직일게


이제 됐다


사귀지 않고




섹스만 하자


무슨일이 일어나든


친구로 지내자




그럼, 이제 시작할까?


-내가 서브 넣을게
-테니스 얘긴 그만하고


침실로 가자


소파가 뭐 어때서?
덜 감정적이잖아


침실에 불빛이 더 좋거든


우린 그냥 친구니까
내 몸에 대해서 걱정 안해도 되고


야, 너 예뻐


네 몸 걱정 안 해도 돼


봐, 지금 너무 감정적이야
감정 좀 자제해야겠어


-네 엉덩이가 좀 빈약해
-훨씬 낫네


난 젖꼭지가 예민해
음담패설 싫어


이런 일이 있을 줄 알고
미리 아침에 다리 면도 했지


볼에 간지럼 많이 타
가끔 사정할 때 재채기를 해


이런 일 있을 줄 알았으면
아침에 다리 면도 안 하는건데


오키 도키


친밀감 때문에 양말은 신고 해


잘됐네, 난 아빠때문에
발에 거부감 있거든


그 정도면 볼 만하네


괜찮을 것 같네


이러고 있는게 안 믿긴다


그만할까? 그냥 나가서 뛰면 되잖아


그러긴 우리 너무 늙었어


-일상적 섹스 말이야


좀 대학생 같잖아


그럼 내가 'Third Eye Blind' 부를게


"Closing time, one last
call for alcohol..."


-그 노래 아니잖아
-'Third Eye Blind' 맞는데


-딱 이번 한번만이다




-좀 더 빠르게
-원을 그리면서


내 볼 조심해


귀 만져줘


목에 키스해줘


-내 이름 말해줘
-딜런 프란시스 하퍼 주니어


-내 이름 아닌데
-미안, 일이 너무 많아서


세상에, 너...


-딜런, 나..


그냥 친구가 친구에게 해주는 거야


오, 예, 베이비!




너 지금 중국 가는 길 만드니?


-나 이거 잘 하는데
-누가 그래?


나랑 잤던 애들 다


걔네들 거짓말 아니면
질이 엄청 거친가보다


진정해. 넌 도마뱀이 아니야




"So gather up your jackets..."


-쫌 오른쪽으로


-쪼끔만 더 왼쪽으로


-이제, 밑으로
-자 간다


-너무 밑이잖아




여자가 소리 지르면
오해 할 수가 있다고


그냥 계속 해


이제 알았지?


이제 내가 널 가르쳐 줄게


대부분 여자들은 연한데부터
하는 줄 아는데 ...


잘 아네


-오바마로 하죠
-안 돼요, 안 돼


너무 쉽고 뻔하잖아요
숀으로 해요


스타일 좋고, 스포츠계의 스타에다가
금귤같은 엉덩이까지


성격이 별로라고 들었어요




이 사람이 지구상 최고의 동계 스포츠 맨이고


나무보다 다람쥐를 더 많이 봐서
당신을 위협한 거예요


딜런씨, 제이미씨가
로비에서 기다리고 계세요


네, 알았어요


점심 먹고 다시 결정합니다


아무도 오바마랑 자고 싶어하지 않아요


귀가 코끼리만 하잖아요
코끼리에서 귀가 제일 못생겼는데


자막번역 : 마빡스님


-갑자기 찾아와서 미안
-아니야, 괜찮아


-좀 걸을래?


-어제 있었던 일 말이야...
-말도 안 되지. 하지 말았어야 했어


맞아. 하지 말았어야 해
나 그런사람 아닌데


그러니까. 그냥 없던 일로 하자


좋아! 난 원 나잇 스탠드 한거야
우리 둘 다 원 나잇 스탠드 한거야


-하나도 자랑 스럽진 않지만...




어쨌든, 우리 둘이서 상의를 하고 했다고 해도
이건 너무...






오늘 아침에 전화하려고 했어


-근데 안했잖아
-안 했지


벌써 우리가 좀 멀어진 것 같은데
안 그랬으면 좋겠어


안 그럴거야


내가 강하게 행동하고
강하게 말하지만...


스스로부터의 나약함을 보호해야지


뭐, 니가 심리치료사니?


아냐, 친구지


니가 욕 할때마다 눈 깜빡거리는 걸
아는 친구


네 몸이 욕을 거부하고 있어


-아냐, 꺼저 이 ㅅㄲ야


-안 그랬거든, ㅅㄲ야
-또 그랬어


-이번엔 안 깜빡이네


'젠장'은 괜찮나봐


-우리 멍청했어


-우린 친구잖아, 친구로 지내자
-그래, 그래


-친구를 잃긴 싫어
-나도 그래


예쁜 커플의 초상화예요


-지금 우리 뭐하는거야?
-나도 몰라


머리 만져줘


목에 키스해줘


-내 젖꼭지


-문신 있는지 몰랐네


-왜 전엔 몰랐지?




-네 개야?
-아니, 그런거 없어


근데 누구나 다 그렇듯이 개 키우면
보통 가족처럼 보일줄 알았어


17살엔 간절히 그렇길 바랬는데


반항심리로 문신한거네


니가 한 일중에 제일 평범한거네


-그땐 진짜 멋졌는데
-이거 봐


-번개 모양?
-18살때 초능력을 갖고싶어서 했어


그땐 해리포터에 빠졌었거든


-그때도 게이 같았네
-해리포터 좋아한다고 게이는 아니지!






오늘 어땠어?


괜찮았어. 점심때 칠면조 샌드위치 먹었어


-별로였어, 넌 오늘 어땠어?


아직 지하철 노선 배우는 중이야
너무 복잡해


-내 엉덩이


-아, 내 엉덩이!


아니, 내 엉덩이가 베겨서 그런데
베게좀 줄래?


-이제 괜찮아?


정말? 벌써?




-넌 이 자세가 좋아?
-응, 좋아


솔직히 말하면, 난 좀 무력하게 느껴져


여자가 발가벗고 니 위에 누워있는데
넌 무력함을 느낀다고?




그 단어가 무슨 뜻인지는 알지?


알아, 알지 그리고 그렇게 느끼고 있어


알았어, 우리 애기


-그럼 바꾸자


-이제 남자다움을 느끼니?


이제 넣어봐


하나도 재미 없거든


-왜 재밌잖아


-왜 그래?


화장실 좀 갔다올게


-어, 아까 수박을 너무 많이 먹었어


뭐 하는 거야?


그게 선 채로 소변보는게 얼마나 힘든지 알아?


-아니 모르지
-양갈래 길이 하나로 되는 것 같다고


좀 기다려


-큰거 보니?


-왜 앉아서 봐?
-이게 조절이 쉽거든


-여기가 더러워졌으면 좋겠어?
-아니, 계속해


-왜? 내가 흘렸어?


손 씻었어?


우리가 친구사이긴 해도
나 여자거든


가서 손 씻고
어서 일로 돌아와


나한테 그렇게 말할거야?


그럼 나 안 돌아온다


뒷다리가 엄청 당겨


바나나 냉장고에 있어


왜 바나나를 냉장고에 넣어놔?
그럼 마르잖아


아냐, 껍질 있잖아


갑옷 아니거든, 공기가 들어오잖아


바나나 먹을래 말래?


안 말랐으면 먹을게
나 짐승은 아니거든


그래도 난 집에 먹을거라도 있지
너네 집에는 고작 마시는 요구르트가 뭐냐?


난 마시는게 좋아
시간이 절약되잖아


그 절약된 시간에
면도좀 하지 그래?


수염이 완전 칼 같잖아


네가 여자친구였으면
입 닫으라고 말도 못했을텐데


네가 친구니까 '너 얼굴 면도 안하면 난 거기


면도 안 할거야' 라고 말 할수 있지




눈 가렸어
너희가 뭐 하는지 못봤다


검은 팬티 입는 것도 안 보여


제이미, 보고싶었어


가슴이 커진 것 같다?


엄마, 나 여깄어


얘야, 안 커졌네


여긴 왜 왔어?


빅터 알고보니까 대금업자더라고


돈은 많아도 멍청한


빅터는 엄마 약혼자야


-전 약혼자지
-무슨 일 있었어?


아무것도 아냐. 그냥 너무 재미없어
좋은 사람이지만 벽에다 말하는 것 같아


며칠전에 혼자 생각했지 "로나..."
나는 로나야


-"로나, 이건 행복이 아니야"


-"꼭, 39살 이라고"


"정착해야하는 건 아니잖아
그 사람은 보험이 아니야 "


그래서 비행기 타고 그 섬을 떴지


클리브랜드는 섬이 아니잖아




어쨌든 여기 왔잖아. 이렇게 보니까 좋다
이렇게 섹시한 남자친구 있다고 말 안했잖아


남자친구 아니야


맞아요. 그냥 친구예요


맘에 드는데. 70년대 방식처럼


그때가 좋았지.
섹스, 대마초, 본드...


임신 중에는 안했어
뒤에 3개월 동안은 안했어


합병증도 없잖아


이게 그런거야, 섹스만 하는 거


네 바로 그거예요


그럼 내딸이 네 떡치기 상대야?


아뇨! 떡치기 라고요?


농담이야. 떡 먹고싶다


이런거 좋은 것 같아.
근데 네가 이 시장에서 경쟁을...


알게 뭐야, 시장에 가는 이유는
물건 사러 가는데


이미 있잖아


다시 봐서 너무 좋다


여기 몇주만 있을거야


배고픈데 술 있어?




너 가야겠다


-남자 바디 스프레이 뿌리신거야?


바나나를 냉장고에 넣어놨니
네가 푸에르토리코 사람이야?


진짜 못됐다


농담이야. 네 아빠가 푸에르토리코 사람이잖아


뭐? 전에는 그리스 사람이라며


그게 그거지


얼른 가


이건 자전거 타면서 신을까?


만나서 반가웠습니다
바지를 벗고 계시...


엄마, 좀!


이게 내가 말한거지


여기 게이들은 다 혼쭐날 줄 알아


재미로 하는 말이 아니고


게이 없어요?


-게이 아니예요?


나중에 5분만 얘기해요.
내가 그 이유를 알려줄게요


좀 있다 제이미 만나야 돼요


누구, 그 에드헌터?


둘이 사귀냐?


아뇨, 그냥 친군데
좀 즐기는 사이죠


-무슨 소리야?
-잠자리 하는데 그냥 섹스만 하는 사이예요


그렇겐 안 될걸. 여자잖아
여자한테 섹스는 그 이상이야


-그렇게 인정을 안해도 말이야
-제이미는 달라요


제이미는 질 있어야 할 곳에 그거 달렸냐?


-그럼 안 다르네


근데 여자에 대해서 알아요?


자식아, 난 네가 앞으로 할 거보다
거절을 더 많이 해본 사람이야


그래요, 게이씨


근데 자연적으로 계속 제안이
들어오더라고. 날 봐


나 여자 좋아해. 예쁘고


장엄하고, 신비하고, 넋을 빼놓는 존재지


거기다 똑똑하고, 공감 잘하고, 모든 방면에서
남자보다 훨씬 뛰어나지


선택의 여지가 있었다면, 죽는 날까지
여자와 함께겠지만


난 남자가 좋아. 완전 게이지


그럼 항상 섹스만 해요?


아니, 난 좀더...
깊은 관계를 갖지


내가 뭘 알아냈는지 알아?


금요일밤을 누구랑 보내고 싶은지가 아니라
토요일 하루종일 누구랑 보내고 싶은가지


근데 내 평생동안 토요일이잖아요


그래, 넌 모르는구만


나중엔 깨달을거야


훗날 누굴 만나면
정말 말 그대로 숨이 멎을 걸


숨 못 쉬는 것처럼
폐에 산소가 없는 것처럼, 물고기처럼 말이야




근데 새 싸이트에 잘 해놨어라


헤드라인 글씨체가 뭐야?


뉴 타임즈 로먼 체요


뉴 타임즈 로먼 체, 탁월해


당신 보트예요?!


뉴저지에 사는데 저녁 식사 후에


쇼가 없으면 페리는 타기 싫거든


너랑 딜런말이야


친구사이 섹스는 영광이지


그렇게 대단한 것도 아니야


좀 놀랐어. 난 니가 진실한 사랑 찾고
그럴 줄 알았거든


어찌됐든, 그런다고 내 일에
방해되진 않아


그게 내가 78년도에 했던 생각이지


그때부터 계속 생각하지


기분 되게 좋다
모전여전이라는 말도 있잖아




자, 됐어


예쁘다, 공주같아




내 친구가 7월 4일에 몬태규에 있는 집을
빌려줬는데 같이 가자


남자 없이, 고민 없이
너랑 나랑


노라 에프론 영화처럼


우리가 언제 마지막으로 주말을 같이 보냈지?


8살때 버몬트에서 스키 강사랑 눈 속에 갇혔잖아




그사람을 보면 네 아빠생각 많이 났는데


검은 곱슬머리, 구릿빛 피부에
냉전때 억양까지


아빠가 러시아 사람이야?


기억 안나. 기억 나는 건 보드카 엄청 마시고
총도 무지 쐈다는 거


엄마 "네 아빠는 누구게?"게임
진짜 옛날꺼거든


내가 세상 최고의 엄마가 아닌거 알아


미안, 내가 말하길 기다린거야?


좀! 나랑 같이 가자




알았어, 가자
재밌을 거 같아


잘 지내보려고 한거야. 그거 아니면
본드 마실래


엄마땜에 미안




돈 달라고 할때 재밌지


머물 곳 필요할때는 진짜 웃기다


딜런, 나 다시 데이트 하고 싶어


우리 이제 이거 그만하자


-네 말이 맞는거 같아


"모든 시작은 다른 시작의 끝에서 시작된다"


여기에 딱 들어맞잖아


'Third Eye Blind'가 예언적일 줄 누가 알았겠어


-Third Eye Blind 아니잖아
-Third Eye Blind가 확실해


나가서 점심 먹을래?




-네가 사




이제 끝이네


그렇네, 잘 하는거지?


-어, 우리 해봤잖아
-헛소리 안하고




용케 친구로 남았네


네 이상형은 뭐야?


이상형 없어, 그냥 내면이 중요한거지


좀! 저 여자 어때?


그래. 저 여자 내면은 알고 싶네






-말 걸어봐야지


'뭐'라니, 네가 데이트 하고 싶다고 했잖아


말 걸어볼거야


지금? 여기서? 이 사람들 앞에서?


성폭행도 아니고 그냥 얘기만 하는 거잖아




벨기에 사람이야


뭐 읽고 있었을까


발코니가 어딨는지 가르쳐줬어
거기서 누굴 만나기로 했대




결혼기념 여행 왔더라고


애는 세명, 크리스토프, 카를리나, 페킨




아직도 우스워?


적어도 난 시도는 해봤다


알았어. 내가 해볼게


승부를 해보자고


저기, 11시방향으로 아이스커피들고


잘생겼네, 괜찮은 것 같네


나무를 바라본다는건 자연 감상하러
공원에 왔지


선탠하는 여자들 보러온게 아니니까


-아니면 멍청이던지
-상관없어. 해볼래




이름은 파커


아동 암 전문의고


이번 토요일에 만나기로 했어




왜 아까 나한테 손 흔들었어?


니가 제일 친한 게이 친구라고 했어
그랬더니 자기 동생 소개시켜준대


대학교 다닌 이후로는
잠자리를 해 본적이 없네요


정말 암을 치료 하시나요?


저랑 신께서 하죠




농담이예요. 누가 진짜 이렇게 말하겠어요


그런 사람들 많이 만나봤어요


-암 전문의?
-아뇨, 재수덩어리들요


이제 그런 사람들 안 만나기를 바랄게요


해줄 말이 있는데, 암 전문의들 중에
이상한 사람들 많아요




뇌외과 의사들은 완전 변태예요


이거 하다가 요것도 하죠


언제 다시 만날 수 있을까요?






누가 진짜 이러겠어요


고등학교 때 튜바라는 악기를 불었었는데
지구상에서 제일 바보같은 악기예요


특히 이사를 8번이나 하면요


왜 이사했어요?


엄마가 남자랑 헤어지는 걸 좋아하고
또 그러는데는 도사에요


-아버지도 그 중 한 분이셨나요?
-아빠는 옛날로 거슬러가죠


솔직히 아빠가 누군지 몰라요


그것 참 안 됐군요


있잖아요, 얘기할 게 있어요


원래 남자였다고 하지마요


그러면 이번이 세번째니까요


그리고 더이상 감당 못하겠어요


난 데이트 5 규칙이 있어요


그거 하기전에 5번 데이트하고...


영화에서 봤는데
해봐야 겠다는 생각이 들었어요


당신은 기다릴 가치가 있어요


이런 말도 대사에 있었을 거 같은데


내가 담당하는 4살짜리 애가
좋아지고 있어. 굉장하지?




어떻게 네가 싱글일까?


누가 내게 공원에서 일광욕하는 사람들 안 보고


나무 바라본다고 칭찬하면서
말 걸어주기를 기다렸지




사실, 너한테 솔직히 말하는데 그때


서서 자고 있었어


36시간 쭉 일했었거든


공원에 어떻게 갔는지도 모르겠어


어떻게 너 같은 애가 싱글이야?


문제가 있지


누가 나보고 망가졌다고 했을걸


누가 나보고 망가졌다고 했어


말도 안 돼! 어떻게 망가졌단 말이야


내가 진실한 사랑을 믿거든


백마탄 왕자님이 어딘가에 있을거라는 믿음


아마 싫다고 할거 같지만
니가 요즘 축 쳐져 있어서 말인데


맥주 한잔 마시러 갈래?


-아뇨, 괜찮아요
-게이 바 아니야


예쁜 남자들도 있고 여자들도 있어


저도 갈게요


좋았어. 네 여자를 찾아보자고


-진짜 게이 아냐?


-오늘이 무슨 날인지 알아?


5번째 데이트야


안 세고 있었는데


-침실로 갈래?
-아니, 여기도 괜찮아


만나서 참 좋네요




무슨 생각해요?


당신이 얼마나 멋진지




누가 애니예요?




그래야 될걸요
안 그럼 가만 안 둘거니까


당연히 가야지


4일날 출발하면 거기서 3일정도 머무를거야




아직도 안 좋으셔?


안부 전해드려


안녕, 우리 바나나


당신이 우리 부모님 만났으면 좋겠어요


아뇨.. 진심이예요?






있어봐, 좀 기다려


통화할 곳을 찾는 중이야






어젯밤에 너무 늦게까지 놀다가


왔는데, 너랑 네 여자친구랑 소파에 있길래


네 침대에서 잤지


-여자 아니야
-냄새가 여자같았어


-냄새도 맡았어?
-마시멜로 사야돼


-요번주말에 몬태규 가서


너 어렸을때 처럼
캠프파이어 할거야


-그리고 꼬챙이도 찾아야 돼


알았어, 꼬챙이


그리고 나서 노래도 할거야


무슨 일이야?


남자가 지구 온난화에 더 관심있을까?
파티에 어떻게 흰 바지를 입고갈까에 관심있을까?


그때그때 다르지. 여자가 비키니 입고
아이스 모자 쓰고있는 사진이야?


아니, 스키 슬로프


그럼 파티에 흰 바지


나도 그래


파커라는 사람 어때?
아직도 나무만 쳐다봐?


아직 나무를 보긴 하지만
지금은 내 아파트에 와 있지


-벌써 5번째 데이트야?


그럼 너희...


그거 했어?


-네가 어딜, 여자들은 말 안하거든
-알아, 그래서 물어보잖아


끊어야겠어. LA 잘 갔다오고
도착하면 전화해




커피 샀어, 무지방에 설탕 하나


나 가봐야 돼


왜? 오늘 일 안 하는 줄 알았는데


어, 근데 일이 좀 있어서...


전화가 왔어




몰래 빠져나가다니..
너 완전 뻔하다


난 그냥...


내가 네 백마탄 왕자님이 아닌 것 같아


내 말 한마디도 이해 못했구나?


-아냐, 너 진짜 괜찮은 애야


있지, 우리 그냥 친구로 지내자


-아니, 꺼져 이 XX야


서서자는 사람이 어딨어?


넌 날 자랑스럽게 생각해야돼


아까 파커한테 'XX야' 라고 했는데
눈 하나 깜빡 안했거든


-근데 방금 깜빡였어
-이건 포함시키면 안 되지, 지금 그 상황이 아니잖아


내 잠자리 실력이 별론가봐


내 말들어, 너 별로 아니야




그 사람 결혼하거나 뭐 그런거 아냐?


아냐, 내가 뒷조사를 좀 했는데


싱글, 전과없고, 신용도 좋았어


뒷조사? 내 것도 했어?


너 올드 네이비에서 뭘 그렇게 샀어?


학교 졸업하고나서
카고바지에 완전 빠졌었거든


내 잘못이 아닌게 아닌가봐
나 때문인가봐


너 때문 아니야
넌 아무 문제 없어


남자잖아. 5번 데이트하고
섹스하고 끝낸거지


그런 XX는 잊어
완전 쓰레기야


쓰레기 XX네


어머니랑 재밌게 놀다 와


까먹을 뻔 했다
줄 거 있어


내가 얘기했던 칼리 중위
거리 예술가


널 위해서 그려달라고 부탁했어
FTail, 동화야


너 완전 소녀취향이잖아


진짜 멋있다


기분 좋다


-그치, 멋지지?


택시비 좀 빌려줘


그거 갖고 지하철 안 탈거야
거기서 치이기 싫어


알았어. 근데 침대에 발 좀 치워주라
엄청 더럽거든


뭐 하는거야?
왜 그러는 거야?


엄마, 얼른 준비하고 나가자




내가 왜 이번은 다를 거라고 생각했을까?


-나랑 LA 가자


뭐 할거 있어? 독립기념일 이잖아


다들 휴가 갔잖아


물어봐준 것만도 고맙지만 괜찮아


그냥 여기 있을래
혼자서도 괜찮아


혼자서도 괜찮겠지
뜨거운 차안에 아기도 아니잖아


나한테 도움 될 거 같아서 같이 가자는거야


네가 우리 가족 정신을
흐트려 놓을 수 있을 거 같아


싱글이라고 설교하고 그러거든


우리가 사귀는 사이라고 생각하지 않을까?


내가 아니라고 하면 돼


-그럼 그 말을 믿으셔?
-어. 우린 서로에게


거짓말 안 하는 그런 가족이거든
우리 tv 다큐멘터리에도 나올 걸


다들 너 좋아할거야. 말 빠르고 뻔뻔하고,
carnie 데려온 줄 알 걸


말은 정말 고마운데 그냥 여기 있을래


운동이나 해야지


방금 내 마일리지로 네 티켓 샀어
공항에서 보자


-운동 하러


간다는 그런 변명은 그만해




LA 좋다


다들 자연미인이고 똑똑하지




넌 좋은 애야


네가 좋은 애지, 임마


우리 가족을 안 만나봐서 그런데
넌 지금 무슨 상황인지 모를 걸


이 비행기가 스스로 착륙하는거 알아?


누가 관심이나 있대?
너 지금 재수없거든


뉴욕에서 왔어요




아무렇지도 않게 하네




여기서 자랐어?


여긴 할아버지 댁이야


아무 것도 없을때 여길 사셨지


지금은 아빠, 누나랑
누나 아들이 살고있지


왜 뉴욕으로 왔어?


어떤 헤드헌터한테 사기 당했잖아




-딜런 삼촌!
-잘 지냈어?


제이미 얘는 내 조카
훌륭한 아이지


-제가 담뱃불 붙여드릴까요?


아니, 난 담배 안펴


피는 척 해, 마술사거든


당연히 피지
흡연은 좋은거란다


-별 말씀을요


환영을 봤나봐요


-나중에 제트스키 탈까?


-아직도 마술에 빠져있네


그치만 언젠간 친구들이랑
음란한 문자를 주고받게 될거야


제이미, 우리 누나 애니


머물게 해주셔서 감사해요


딜런이 집에 여자를 다 데리고 오다니


-그냥 친구예요


얘 여자친구였으면
절대로 집에 안 데려왔겠죠


-친밀감 문제가 있거든요




-어떠니, 얘야


보고싶었지만 괜찮아요


디디 스펜서?


딜런 친구 제이미예요




예전에 내가 알던 사람을 닮아서요


그럴수도 있죠


-만나서 반가워요
-반가워요. 집이 참 예쁘네요


고마워요, 수영장 물이 좀 차가워요
데우는데 돈이 많이 들거든요


안에 가서 간,만조 시간을 알아봐야 겠어요


아침에 보트를 띄워놨거든요
있다 와요


그거 좋겠네요


보트 팔았잖아요. 의사 선생님이
더 이상 보트 타지 마라고 하셨잖아요


산산조각이 났네


다시보니 좋구나


-만나서 반가워요




바지는 어디갔어?


바지가 싫으시대


점점 안 좋아지셔


네가 오니까 좋다


해변 구경시켜주고 해


해변 구경시켜줄게


가요, 모래도 밟고 해요


딜런이 아버지 얘기는 한번도 안했어요


아빠때문에 좀 힘들어 했어요
둘이 정말 가까웠거든요


딜런은 알츠하이머 환자들을
어떻게 대해야 할지 몰라요




보통 어르신들 처럼 괜찮아 보였는데
한 순간 저렇게 되셨죠


-딜런 9살 때예요
-이거 머리 땋은거예요?


크리스 크로스에 빠졌었죠


기억나요? "Kriss Kross will make you jump jump".


-이 분이 어머니신가요?
-아뇨, 딜런의 언어 치료사요


말을 더듬었어요
긴장할 땐 더 심했죠


힘든 어린시절이네요


-수학 과외 선생님은 '인격 만들이'라고 했어요
-과외 선생님이요?


8x6 이 1200 이라고 했으니까요


다행히도 시각적으로는 뛰어났죠


이 사진 얘기 좀 해주세요


저 12살 깜짝 생일파티였죠


나 완전 녹초야, 가서 잘게


-제이미, 방 괜찮아?
-응, 엄청 좋아


고마워. 이런 것 다 고마워


새미랑 나랑 톱으로 여자아이 만들었으니까
자러갈때 조심해


-진짜 톱으로 한 건 아니지?
-진짜지, 걔는 대단하거든


양치질도 했어 말해두는데 너 누나가 말하는거
믿지마. 거짓말쟁이거든


-딜런 특별하죠
-네, 그래요


-안 자?
-어, 들어와


아까 잔다고 했잖아


그랬지, 근데 다시 우리 둘다 싱글이잖아




-야, 안 돼
-왜? 나 손도 씻었어


그것도 비누로 씻었어


진심이야? 왜 그렇게 생각했어?


아까 거기서 목 스트레칭 했잖아


이거, 싸인이잖아, 기억하지?


6시간이나 비행기 타고왔으니까 그랬지


그리고 비행기가
저절로 나니 어쩌니 하면서 지껄였잖아


그것 땜에 목이 뻐근하기도 했어


-그래서 싫다고?
-싫어, 너랑 섹스 안 할거야


마법중이야? 그런 앱도 있는데
기다려 봐


안 하네, 해도 되겠다


우리 얘기했었잖아


나 차였다.


미안, 난 그냥 니가 그 사람을
쉽게 잊을 수 있을 것 같아서


섹스가 잊는데 도움주진 않아
뭐가 도움 되는지 알아? 감정적 의지


전에는 감정 없는 섹스
이제는 섹스 없는 감정




지금은 그냥 친구만 해줘


알았어, 그럼 손으로만 해줘
네 말 듣고 있을게


-장난이야, 잘자


잠깐만, 친구끼리 놀 수는 있잖아
노래를 듣는다던지...


노래 감상?


누나 가만 안 둘거야


니가 크리스 크로스를
좋아했다니 말도 안 돼


걔네 안 좋아했어. 기억도 안 나




장난해? 얘네 정말 죽여줬다고


다들 야구 점퍼 뒤집어 입고
소리치고 그랬는데


3년 연속으로 할로윈 때 크리스 크로스 했어




네 책 하나 가져왔는데 괜찮지?


근데 진짜 이제껏 여자는
집에 한 번도 안 데려왔어?


너 데려왔잖아


진짜 여자 말이야, 친구말고


-진짜 여자


없는 거 같아


교회와 국가간의 벽 쌓기


가능한 많은 벽 쌓기
훌륭한 태도지


니가 나한테 벽 얘기 하는거야?


너랑 엄마는 어떻고


어머니 오셨을 때
날 막 쫓아내더만


널 보호하려고 그랬지


엄마가 너한테 번호 안 흘린게 놀라웠지


줬어. 내 폰에 저장하시던데


-섹시한 아줌마라고


괜찮아, 두 번밖에 안 잤는데 뭐


상상하게 되잖아


-비디오 촬영했는데 보여줄까?




그냥, 널 만난게 행운이야


널 만난 것도 별로는 아니야


-하기 싫다고 했잖아




좋은 아침


여긴 항상 이렇게 예뻐요?


폭염이랑 홍수 빼고 열흘정도만요때


거기 말고 여기 같이 앉아요




아버지, 안그러셔도 돼요


난 저기 보트나 볼래
난 보트가 좋아


커피 대령할까요?


네, 고맙습니다






완전 멋진데


셔츠에 샌다






-어, 너는?




-새미, 보여?
-네. 와우




진짜 좋다


이 곳의 아침이 그리웠어


해지기 전에 진짜 아름답지


제이미 누나 좋아




제이미 누나한테 마법 걸지마


난 마술사지 마법사는 아니야


삼촌의 게이 해리포터처럼


호그와트가 네 인생을 못 바꾼다고는 못할 걸




나도, 새미


엄마도 할아버지도
삼촌 보고싶어했어


아무 말씀 없으셨어?


응, 근데 가끔 날 딜런이라고 부르셔


그 일 하기 싫다고 해놓고선


뉴욕에 와서 옵션을 보는거예요


지독한 놈


단지 옵션을 보러 나라 반대편으로 가?
말도 안 되는 일이지


그러니까요! 처음 비행기에서 내렸을 때부터
일 할 줄 알았어요




맨발로 수하물 찾아 다니고
윌앤 그레이스 처럼


행동할 때 그때?


-어, 그때 봤어야 하는데


"나 봐, 좀 멍청해도 귀엽지?"


-다 계획된 거였어요


헤드헌터 대학에 '계획' 전공했어?


-진짜 있는 대학 아니잖아


너희 노부부처럼 다투네


카드 골라보세요


그거 말고 제일 위에 있는거요


그게 좋은 거예요


약혼 선물은 줬어?


우리 약혼 안했어요
사귀는 사이 아니고 그냥 친구예요


기다리는 거니? 알겠다


보석도 좀 사다주고 해


네 엄마가 원한건 보석 뿐이었지


얼마나 화났는지 상관없이
보석만 사다주면 바로 풀렸지


지금은 어딨지?


-여기 없어요
-알아, 그래서 물었잖아, 어딨어?


-안 올거예요


이제 아빠랑 같이 안 살아요


-이혼 했어요


10년 전에 떠났어요


이해가 안 돼


아버지랑 이혼했어요


전화 해볼게


-이래라 저래라 하지마


-그래, 괜찮다


-일으켜 드릴게요






내 옥상
여기 와서 생각하고 그랬지


저 철창이 얼마나 높을까?


내가 180 좀 넘으니까
내 키 3배 정도 되겠네, 그럼


180 곱하기 3하면




2700미터면 진짜 높다 그치?


저기 안 올라가고 싶지?
당연히 그래야지


-잠깐만, 180 곱하기 3?


-따라와 봐


어디 가는데?


제이미, 안 돼, 기다려
이거 진짜 심각한거야, 알지?


카메라 좀 봐
여기는 사이언톨로지(종교) 센터를 제외한


LA의 유일한 명소란 말이야


여기 카메라들이 사이언톨로지 센터에
연결 돼있으면 어떡할래?


부적적한 농담이었어요


과학공상의 자유를 믿어요




와 봐


여기 한번도 와 본적 없어?


어. 한번도 여전사로 변신해 본적도 없지
왜냐면 불법이니까


때론 그냥 짧게 "예/아니오"로만 대답해도 되거든


왜 나한테 어머니 얘기 안했어?


얘기할 가치도 없어




당신의 남편과 아이들을 남겨두다니


아버지 얘기도 안 했어


나한테 얘기 안 한거 많잖아


네 동정 필요없어


그 사람들의 표정 빼고는


다 감당할 수 있어


그 표정


남들 생각이 뭐가 중요해?


아버지는 내가 아는 제일 똑똑한 분이시고
항상 내가 조언을 구하는 분이야


내 아버지라고


여전히 같은 분이잖아


사람들이 아버지를 보는 시선을 보면...


다른 사람들 시선은 중요하지 않아


아버지를 보는 네 시선이 중요한거지


바지도 없이 돌아다니면
다 쳐다보잖아




아버지는 아무것도 변한게 없단 걸
여전히 너한테는 같은 분이시란 걸 아셔야 돼


이 얘기 안 하면 안 될까?


알았어. 우리 감정 얘긴 하지말자


난 안 하려고 하거든


야, 무슨일 있는 거야?
지금 너 완전 이상하거든


-안 이상한데


지난 밤에 있었던 일 때문이야?


섹스? 아무 의미도 없는 거 알잖아




-나 안 이상하거든


-내가 말했잖아






-딜런, 뛰어!
-못 하겠어


-마지막 경고입니다
-나 고소공포증 있어


헬리콥터 공포증도 있어
나한텐 있을 수 없는 일이야


고소공포증이라니 무슨 말이야?


그럼 왜 올라왔어?


나보고 계집애라며


{\i1}오늘 오후 사우스랜드에서 일어난
이상한 사건입니다 {\i}


{\i1}LA경찰이 헐리우드 사인위에 있던
시민을 구출했습니다{\i}


완전 호일 담요를 썼네


이 전에 마라톤이라도 뛰었어?


싫어, 저장할거야


리모콘 줘


유튜브에 올라오니까


내가 샘이랑 워싱턴에 가고나면
아버지랑 보낼거지?


나랑 뉴욕에서 지내실 거야


언제 또 제이미 볼거야?




무슨 일이야?
여자친구랑 싸웠어?


여자친구 아니라니까
왜 말을 못 믿어?


니가 나한테 거짓말 안하면
네 말 믿을게


지난 밤에 니가 제이미 방에서
몰래 나오는 거 봤거든


방금 섹스하고 나온것 처럼
무슨 말인지 알지?


무슨 말인지 알아
방금 그렇게 말했잖아


그리고 내가 그거 하고 났는지 어떻게...


됐어, 이 얘기 안 할래


사귀는 사이 아니야


-그만해, 얘기하기 싫어


톱을 잃어버렸어요


기다리고 있을게
내 걱정 하지마


섹스하는 친구?
뭐야, 너 대학생이야?


-상관없어, 이제 끝났으니까


이제 그런 식으로 안 좋아하니까


알았어, 있잖아
우리 얘기 좀 할까?


더 뭘 바라는거야?


누가 내가 뭘 바란대?




모르겠어, 근데 제이미는 아니야


둘이 너무 친해서?
사실 너희 둘은 친구라서?


내가 본 중에 니가 제일
행복해 보이는 때라서?


어떻게 말해줘야 될지 모르겠는데


걔는 아니야
여자로 좋아하지 않아


섹스할 정도로만 좋아해?


그냥 육체적 관계야


테니스 치는 것 처럼


무슨 소리 하는지 모르겠다, 딜런


꼬깔모양 문신 한 이후로
너 이렇게 멍청한 건 처음 본다


엄청난 힘을 가진


제이미 단점 하나도 말 못하잖아


걔랑 데이트 못해


너무 망가졌어


게다가 너무 상처를 받아서
남자친구도 싫대


사설 탐정도 걔 머릿속에 있는건
해결 못했다고


지금 말한 거 둘이 완벽한 한 쌍이란걸
인정하기 싫어서 그런거지


-내가 이 얘길 왜 하고 있는거야?
-내가 옳으니까


-고마워. 누나


넌 남자지, 운동 좋아하고


기다리고 있었어요


회사에서 전화가 왔는데
충혈된 눈으로 뉴욕으로 돌아가 봐야겠어요




-내일 공휴일이잖아


내가 공항까지 데려다 줄게


아니야, 괜찮아, 있어
아까 택시 불러서 지금 밖에 있어


정말 감사해요


여기서 지내게 해 주셔서 감사해요
정말 좋았어요


-괜찮아, 친구?
-어, 친구, 괜찮아


가 봐야겠어


다시 한 번 감사해요
이렇게 가서 죄송해요


딜런이 바래다주게 해줘


음식 좀 싸갈래요?


누나 반으로 자르면 안 돼요?


밑에 거는 뉴욕으로 보내고
위에 거는 여기 있으면 되잖아요


아님 통째로 여기 머물거나


죄송하지만 가볼게요




택시로 뛰어들어 갔어요






친구, 배 안 고파?
나 먹을 것 사러가는데


일하면서 점심 떼우려 했거든요


일 중독
맘에 들어


그래서 이 나라가
1등 인거지


그 뒤에는 독일, 프랑스, 벨기에
일본, 중국이 있지


방글라데시한테 감사해야지


근데, 왜 이 경첩에서 문을 뗐어?


경영책에서 본 건데
바보같은 거예요


맞다 그래서 워렌 버핏이 부자됐지
모든 것의 문을 다 뗐잖아


모두들 지름길로 가려하지만
내 가이드 북은 간단해


살 빼고 싶으면
그만 먹어, 뚱땡아


돈 벌고 싶으면
당장 가서 일해, 게으름뱅이야


행복해지고 싶으면
사랑하는 그를 찾아서 절대 놓치지 마


아니면 그녀거나, 니가 그딴거에
관심 있으면


제이미 전화입니다
지금은 전화를 받을 수 없으니


메시지를 남겨주시면
전화 드릴게요


엄마, 화면에 대고 있어야
엄마가 보이지


알았어, 난 여기서
술잔에 자작하고 있다


섹스 전화네
밖에 마실 갔다올게


아냐, 아냐


네 집이니까
방해 안 할게




-괜찮은 애 같던데
-딱 한 번 봤잖아


걔는 이제껏 니가 만났던 사람들 이상이잖아


내가 말도 안 되는 이유로
세상과 단절하고 있다고 생각해?


난 재수없다


저희 웹사이트를 새로 디자인
해 줄 사람을 찾아요


완전히 바꿔줄 사람이요


근데 그 회사가 어딘지
말 안해 주시나요?


회사 기밀이라서 안 돼요


힌트라도 주세요


인터넷 쇼핑에서 매출이
많을수도 적을수도 있어요


구매된 상품들요


GQ에 새로운 아트 디렉터 찾았죠?


-그런 사람을 찾고 있어요


그 사람을 원해요
저희한테 보내주실수 없나요?


더 이상 그 사람과 관계가 없어서요


연락 가능한가요?


그가 계약중이라
안 될 것 같네요


Barnes&Noble에 엄청난 값을 지불하면서
바보같은 짓을 하네요


제이미 전화입니다
지금은 전화를 받을 수 없으니


메시지를 남겨주시면
전화 드릴게요


신호도 안 가고
바로 음성메일로 넘어가네




여깄는지 어떻게 알았어?


전화 안 되는 곳이 여기밖에 없잖아


왜 날 피해?


-안 그랬어
-진짜? 말해봐, 제이미


니가 들었는지 모르겠는데
난 완전 망가져서


내 머릿속에 있는 걸
사립탐정도 못 풀어


-세상에, 미안해
-난 갈게


내 머릿속에 있는 걸 고치러 갈거야


그런 말 하는게 아닌데
그냥 난 누나를 떨구려고 그랬어


누나는 우리가 서로 좋아하는 줄 알잖아


나도 그랬어
난 우리가 친구라고 생각했는데


친구끼리는 뒷담화하고 그러진 않잖아


그 말은 너랑 나는
친구였던 적이 없는거지


니가 원한 건
섹스 뿐이었잖아


-아버지 댁에서도 기회를 놓치지 않더만


목 스트레칭 했잖아
난 그게 사인인 줄 알았다고


얘기 했었잖아


세상에, 정말이니?


니가 내 옷 벗기면서
"어머"한 거 기억 안나?


나지, 그러고는 몰래 빠져나갔잖아
어머, 기억나?


내가 안 안아줘서 화난거야?


그래서 우리 애초에
다 약속했잖아


니가 이걸 원했잖아


내가 이걸 원해?




세상에, 너도 다른 남자들이랑 똑같네


슬픈 건 넌 진짜 다를 줄 알았거든


누구랑 다른데? 난 네 친구지
네 남자친구가 아니야


너 같은 친구를 누가 원하겠어?


내 산 정상을 망쳐서 고마워


재수 없는 놈


저기요, 여기 올라 오시면 안 돼요




-브라이스, 이거 내 거야?


그리고 이것도


매디슨, 나와 결혼 할래?




-난 뉴욕이 좋아
-난 네가 좋아


세상에, 저기 봐
엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩이야


저기, 자유의 여신상


제이미 입니다


그 사람한테 바로 갔다는게 무슨 말이예요?


그 일 하겠데요?


아뇨, 제가 해결할게요
지금 바로 전화할게요


메시지를 남겨주세요


저기, 뭐 도와드릴까요?


딜런 하퍼씨 어디있나요?


스포츠 기사 사진 촬영 하러 갔어요


사진 촬영




죄송하지만 누구시죠?




포토샵에 좋은 몸매거든요


턱 깍고, 다리는 늘이고
코는 크리스찬 처럼


딜런씨가 어디있다고요?


스포츠는 세계를 하나로 만들어 줄
마지막 기회지


그래서 그 메시지를 담은
사진을 찍을거야


스포츠를 통한 모든 인류의 화합


좋아요 시작합시다


그거예요 멋져요


서로 좋아하는 것처럼, 사랑하는 것처럼
어깨동무를 해보세요


-너무 게이같나?


여자들을 투입해




좋아요, 숙녀분들




여긴 왜 왔어?


다른데 알아봤지?
이제 떠날거야?


그래, 미팅 한 번 했어


말도 안 돼


이리 와


-이게 나한테 복수하는 거야?


1년 전에 니가 그만두면
난 큰일 난다고


아직 미팅 한번 한 걸로
그만 둘지는 모르겠지만 그만두면


내가 네 보너스 줄게


얼마가 되든지 줄게
만족해? 이제 됐지?


왜 딴 일 찾는다고 말 안했어?


사적인 일이라서
우리 친구도 아니잖아 네가 확실히 해줬지


내가 원한건 그냥 섹스였어, 알지?


니가 내 절친 인 척 했줬고
너한테 처음으로 마음 연 척 했어


섹스 끝나고 가족들한테
너 소개시켜 주려고


LA로 초대했지


-그 일 하게되면 수표 써줄게
-그럴 필요 없어


-아버지 뉴욕 공항으로 오시지?


여기 시간으로 9시에 가실거야


9시. 5시간 비행이고
시차 3시간이니까 아버지는


-32시에 오겠네
-5시지, 딜런


맞다. 아버지는 어떠셔


전 보다 더 심하셔


그러다 또렷하실 때도 있지
좋았다 나빴다 해






-우리 끝났다고
-바보같이 굴지마


고마워 누나
내일 공항에 아버지 모시러 갈게


32시 정각에




이게 뭔지 모르겠어


걔가 떠난다고 생각하고
걔 후임자를 찾을 수 없어


엄마의 사랑이 담긴 조언을 원하니?


-잘 됐네, 난 그런거 할 줄 모르거든


내가 아는 건 실수를 반복할까봐
두려워서 사는 건 좋지 않아


넌 틀린게 아냐, 나한테 배웠지


내가 완벽하다고 만난 남자가
몇 명인지 알아?






네 아빠. 만나본 사람 중에
가장 멋진 남자였지, 널 봐


똑똑하지, 멋지지
재밌지, 저돌적이지


중동의 미
확실히 날 닮은 건 아니잖아


심각하게 엄마
진짜 아빠가 어디 사람인지 몰라?


아니면 아직 알아내는 중이야?


둘 다


근데 유라시안인 건 확실해


우리 모두 자기만의 왕자님이 있지만
서로 알아가야 왕자님인지 알지


자기만의 왕자님인데
바로 알아봐야지


네 왕자님은 마차타고 널 구하러 안 와
그건 너 답지 않거든


너와 함께 세상을 받아들일 준비가 된


파트너를 찾는거야


네 동화 업데이트 좀 해야겠다


내 백마탄 왕자님은




내가 무슨 환자야?


-비행 어떠셨어요?


2등석은 식사 제공 안 하는거 아니?


요즘 비행기들은 스스로 날잖아
파일럿도 없애고


월급도 없애면서 밥은 왜 안 줘


저기 가서 점심 먹어요


요즘은 비행기 기술이 발달해서
완전 컴퓨터화됐어요


-비디오 게임처럼


우리 얼마나 기다렸니?
이건 말도 안 된다


금방 올게요




아까부터 기다렸어요


-알아요, 알아요


오는 순서대로 앉아야 돼요


이해하지만 아버지랑 왔거든요


-지금 상태도 별로 안 좋으시고..


자리 좀 만들어 주시면 안 될까요?


안 돼요, 리스트가 있어요








여기 앉을래?




실례합니다. 죄송하지만
이러시면 안 돼요


스테이크 미디엄으로 주세요


-여기는 식당입니다
-같은 걸로 주세요


디디? 디디!




디디가 누구예요?


해군시절에 만난 여자야


내 인생의 사랑이지


왜 그 얘길 안 해주셨어요?


자식들이랑 할 얘기는 아니잖아


난 너랑 네 누나가 있어서
후회는 없다


그럼 이제 얘기해 보세요


내 인생의 사랑인데 그녀를 잃고나서야
그걸 깨달았지. 바보처럼


멍청한 짓을 했는데
뭐였는지도 기억안나


지금은 절대로 잊지 못하지


그것 때문에 네 엄마가 떠났는지도 몰라


내 친구가 그러는데 디디랑 내가
서로를 바라보면 불꽃이 튀었대


근데 그녀를 보냈지
그냥 보냈지


내 진짜 감정을 얘기하기엔
자존심이 너무 강했거든


내가 네 나이에 알고 싶었던 걸 말해줄게


인생이 짧다는 건
수만번 들었지?


근데 이 말에 교훈이 뭔지 말해줄까?


인생은 허벌나게 짧아서
단 1분도 낭비할 수 없다는 거


미안하다 미안해


제가 LA에 데려 간 여자


-그래, 어떻게 된 거냐?


제가 망친 것 같아요


-바로 잡아
-저한테 말을 안 해요


듣기는 하겠지
항상 방법은 있다


걔가 이 사람이다 싶으면
항상 기회는 있으니까 바로 잡아


애니가 시켰어요?


그게 누구냐?


농담도 못하니?


놀랐잖아요, 아버지


뭘 해야할지 모르겠다




스테이크 마저 안 드시고요?


공항에서 스테이크 먹는데
남겨도 돼, 어서 가자


GQ에 딜런 하퍼인데요
몇주전에 뵀었죠




부탁 좀 드리려고요


-제 잘못인걸요


제가 잘못 했죠


-제가 도와드릴게요
-고마워요, 착한 젊은이네요




지금 장난하는 거야?


그래, 한판 붙어보자
이 양반아


나한테 불만 있어요?


바에서 제이미랑 같이 있었잖아


어떻게 그런 멋진애가 이거랑 같이 있냐고


이걸 놔두고


몇년 동안 딴 놈들
얼씬도 못하게 했는데


안부 전할게요


-몇 가닥 빠졌네요




딜런, 택시 잡았다, 어서 와


너 한번만 더 마주치면
네 귓볼로 육수 고아먹을 줄 알아


-상상력이 풍부하시네요


-택시 탈 거예요
-나는 육수 만들거야


-저 여자 왜 저래?


LA 복잡하다 생각했는데
여기는 끔찍하구만


다른 길은 없니?


타미, 큰 신세 졌네요


다음에 갚으면 돼


어차피 이 쪽으로 가는 길이였어


오늘은 '너클볼'에 갈거야
남자 꼬시기 좋은데지




1937도 물건이네
이보다 더 좋을 순 없지


전 딜런인데
우리 전에 만났죠? 맞아요


부탁 하나만 드려도 될까요?


제 번는요?


여기 리모컨요


요 앞에 사는 데이브가 집에 오븐이 망가져서
여기 주방 좀 쓴대요


데이브가 주방 쓰러 온거니
날 보러 온거니?






야외 파티에 흰 바지 입는 방법이라니


타임즈 지에도 이 특종을 보도했니?


퓰리처 상 감이네


알아요, 알았어요


제이미한테 인사 전해주렴


갈게요 아버지


요 건너 사는 데이브


안녕하세요 하퍼씨




왜 여기 온 줄 알겠다


엄마, 나 출구쪽에 있는데


넥타이 맨 남자 바로 옆에 있어


넥타이 맨 남자
수천명은 되겠다


내 옆에 있는 남자를 찾아봐


엄만 절대로 뭘 할지 말 안해주지
내가 언제나 깨달을까?


조금만 기다려봐




일이 생겨서
못 갈 것 같아


내일 만나자
네 맞은편에 있는 계단에 있을게




좋은 시간 보내렴


이게 뭐야?


Semisonic의 'Closing Time'이야
'Third Eye Blind'가 아니래, 믿겨져?


노래 말고


네 삶이 영화같았으면
좋겠다고 했잖아


가짜 말고 진짜 그랜드 샌트럴 역이라서 미안


-네 말이 잘 안 들려


어, 이것까진 생각 못했네


영화에서는 다 고백하고 난 다음에
노래를 입혔나봐




내가 망쳤어


겁이 났어


어머니 아버지한테 있었던 일 때문에
겁이 났어


다 망쳐버렸어


해프닝이 있으면, 생각나는 거라고는
'얼른 제이미 한테 얘기해줘야겠다'


누가 욕하면,
떠오르는 건 니가 눈 깜빡이는 거


어떤 아이의 암이 나았다고 하면,
나무 사랑하고 널 찼던


재수없는 의사가 아니길 바라


암이 나았다는 건 좋은거지


근데, 다른 사람이 했으면 좋겠단 말이지


이리 와


-니가 그리웠어
-나도 니가 그리웠어


근데 틀린 말은 아니었어
난 망가졌어




누군 안 그래?
그게 우릴 굉장하게 만드는 거지


우리 문신도


안 돼, 안 돼


조용히 해
니가 생각하는 그런 거 아니야


제이미, 다시 내
절친이 되어줄래?


-진짜 시시하다


그래도 백마탄 왕자님이 이렇게 하잖아




이젠 너랑 섹스 안 해도 살 수 있어


정말 힘들겠지만


난 그냥 친구가 돌아왔으면 해


그 친구랑 사랑에 빠졌거든


-조건이 하나 있어


키스해 줘


이 많은 사람들 앞에서?


자 이제 집으로 돌아가세요


이제 뭐 하지?


첫 데이트 하자


마차 준비한거야?


내가 한 거 아닌데


난 말이 무섭단 말이야




-어디 출신이예요?




전 고향은 LA인데
얼마전에 뉴욕으로 왔어요


흥미롭군요, 묻지도 않았는데
그래도 계속 하세요


첫 데이트라 설래요






이런거 집어치우자

  �단 말이지


이리 와


-니가 그리웠어
-나도 니가 그리웠어


근데 틀린 말은 아니었어
난 망가졌어