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[email protected]


I had the craziest dream last night.


I was dancing the White Swan.


It was different choreography, though.
It was more like the Bolshoi's.


It was the prologue,


when Rothbart casts his spell.


Look how pink. So pretty...




- You're in a good mood.
- He promised to feature me more this season.


Well, he certainly should.


You've been there long enough,


and you're the most dedicated
dancer in the company.




- What's that?
- What?






You're sure you don't want me
to come with you?


You're a sweet girl.


Did you see Beth today?


I can't believe she's back.


- Of course she's back.
- What, she can't take a hint?


The company is broke.
No one comes to see her anymore.


Oh, nobody actually comes
to see ballet full stop.


That's not true. I heard The Royal
had one of their best seasons yet.


He just needs to try something new.
That's all.


No, someone new.


- Like who?
- Like someone who's not approaching menopause.


It's sad.


What's sad?


Beth's such a beautiful dancer.


Yeah, so is my grandmother.


- Well Fonteyn danced into her fifties.
- Yeah, we know.




Thought I'd fucking missed my stop.


It's a hell-fit all the way from 79th.


Beautiful as always, Nina.




And one, and two,
and three, and four.


Stop, John.
One second.


Okay, take position.


And one, and two,
and three, and up.


And one, and two,
and three, and four.


Hello, dear.


We all know the story.


Virginal girl, pure and sweet,


trapped in the body of a swan.


She desires freedom


that only true love can break the spell.


Her wish is nearly granted
in the form of a Prince.


But before he can declare his love,


The lustful twin, the Black Swan,
tricks and seduces him.


the White Swan leaps off a cliff,


killing herself.


And in death...


finds freedom.


- Good morning, company.
- Good morning.


We will open our season
with Swan Lake.


Done to death, I know.


But not like this.


We strip it down,
make it visceral and real.


A new production
needs a new Swan Queen.


A fresh face to present to the world.


But... Which of you
can embody both Swans?


The White, and the Black.


All the soloists I tapped:


Go to your scheduled rehearsals
this afternoon.


And the girls I didn't tap:


Meet me in the principals' studio at 5:00.


Thank you.


All right.


- Let's go. Did we do left side?
- Yes, mistress.


Fuck! Fuck!




If I was only casting the White Swan,
she'd be yours.


But I'm not.


Maestro, Odile's coda, please.


Now show me your Black Swan, Nina.


Not so controlled.
Seduce us.


Not just the Prince, but the court,
the audience, the entire world.


Come on,
like a spider spinning a web.


Attack it, attack it!
Come on!




- Good of you to join us.
- Sorry...


Girls, this is Lily.


Straight off the plane from San Francisco.
She's filling Rebecca's old spot.


- Hey.
- Get warmed up.


No, it's okay.


I'm good.


Should I go again?


No, thanks, Nina.
I've seen enough.


Veronica, the White Swan variation.


Come on, come on, come on, please.


All right, Maestro.


Two, three...


So how'd it go?


You were late, so I called
Susie in the office.


An audition! I can't believe
he just sprang that on you.




It was fine.


Just fine?


Oh, sweetheart...


You tell me about it.


Nina, everything all right?


I'm fine.


Almost done.


You're working yourself too hard.


- We all have off days.
- That girl, um, barged in.


I'm sure she didn't mean to.


For a starter, if I hadn't taken you to each of
your classes, you'd have been completely lost.


I'm going to talk to him tomorrow.
I'm going to tell him I finished it.


You don't need to lie.


You won't convince him
one way or the other.


Oh, sweetheart.


I know it's disappointing.


When you start getting older,
there's all this


ridiculous pressure.
God knows I understand.


But it's all right.


No matter what.


You'll probably get to dance
the part of the cat again.


That's such a wonderful part.


Or maybe he'll make you a big swan.


Either way, you'll shine.


You know...


Everything will be better
in the morning.


It always is.


Sweet girl.


Yes, Nina?


Do you have a minute?


- Now's not a good time. I get it.
- Now is perfect.




I just wanted to tell you that


I practiced the coda last night and


I finished.


I thought you should know.


Okay, Nina, listen. Honestly,
I don't care about your technique.


- You should know that by now.
- Yeah, but yesterday...




I've already chosen Veronica.




Okay, thank you.


That's it?


You're not going to
try and change my mind?


You must have thought
it was possible.


Otherwise, what are you
doing here all dolled up?


I came to ask for the part.




The truth is...


When I look at you,
all I see is the White Swan.


Yes, you're beautiful,
fearful, fragile.


Ideal casting.


But the Black Swan?
It's a hard fucking job to dance both.


I can dance the Black Swan, too.




In four years,
every time you dance,


I see obsess getting each and every move
perfectly right, but I never see you lose yourself.


All that discipline for what?


- I just want to be perfect.
- You what?


I want to be perfect.


Perfection is not just about control.


It's also about letting go.


Surprise yourself so you can
surprise the audience. Transcendence.


And very few have it in them.


I think I do have it in me.


You bit me?


I can't believe you bit me!


I'm sorry.


Man, that fucking hurt!




Why's she always staring at me?


Hey, it's been posted.


Hey, it's up!








Why would you say that?


Your idea of some sick joke?




Fuck you.


Hey, Nina!






You're so beautiful.




- Hello?
- Hi.


What is it?
What's wrong?


I'm fine.


He picked me, Mom.


Do you hear me?


- For Swan Lake?
- I'm going to be Swan Queen!




I'll be home soon.
I just wanted to let you know.


- I love you.
- I love you, too.






Mom, are you in your room?




Are you home?


Nina, when you get out
I'm in the kitchen.


Come on, sweetie.


My daughter, the Swan Queen.


It's our favorite.
Vanilla with strawberry filling.


Oh, Mom, not too big.


Oh, that's way, way too much.


- It's a celebration. It's just this once.
- Mom...


My stomach's still in knots.






Then it's garbage!


No, Mom, don't.
I'm sorry.


I'm just...
I'm just so proud of you.


It looks so yummy.


Okay, okay.


Thank you.
Thank you.


Thank you, Nina.


That's very nice.


Very nice.


But I knew the White Swan
wouldn't be a problem.


The real work will your
metamorphosis into her evil twin.


And I know I saw
a flash of her yesterday.


So get ready to give me
more of that bite.




That evil force is pulling you that you
can't escape. That's just out of your control.


So you sense it, you get aware of it more:
"It's taking me, it's taking me."


A little bit more desperate.


Right, and you can maybe go up a little bit
and then come down, and then...


That's it.


Watch the way she moves.


but effortless.


She's not faking it.




Okay, that's beautiful.


Let's start again from the beginning.


You'll room with Beth from now on,
so be considerate.


Thanks, Susie.


Those are for you, from Mr. Leroy.


They're beautiful.


I'll be back in a second.


Let me come back to you, please.


Let's go.


Ready to be thrown to the wolves?


We need our cash,
so please don't forget to smile.


Ladies and gentlemen, please,
may I have your attention?


Good evening.


Let me make this
very important announcement.


You all had had the chance and
the privilege to be enchanted, transported,


and even sometimes devastated,
by the performances


of this true artist of our company.


She's been a crucial
inspiration to my work.


A role model to all dancers,
and even more than that,


a deeply appreciated
presence on our stage.


You all know who I am talking about.


Ladies and gentlemen, Beth Macintyre.


But as we all know,


every great career
has to come to an end.


Beth is retiring at the end of season.


She will be giving her
farewell performance as Melpomene,


the role she originated
in my first ballet.


My little princess,


we honor you.
You will be greatly missed,


and never forgotten.


But as we bid adieu to one star,
we welcome another.


We're opening our season
with my new version of Swan Lake.


Taking the role of our new Swan Queen,
the exquisite Nina Sayers.


You'll soon have the pleasure
of seeing her perform,


but right now, let's please raise a glass:
To all of us. To Beth. To Nina.


To beauty.


Just a second.


Just a second!


Come on!
I'm about to burst!


Hey, it's you!


I don't think we ever
officially met.


- I'm Lily.
- Hi, I'm Nina.


Yes, our new Swan Queen.


- Here, hold this.
- Yeah, sure.


You must be so excited.


Are you freaking out?


- Yeah...
- Yeah?


Oh, it's okay.


Oh, I'd be losing my mind.


I should get back...


No, no, no, come on, stay.


Keep me company.


Excuse me.


Oh, there you are.
Come on.


Hey. They tried to eat you alive,
but here you are.


You did well.


- Really?
- Mm-hmm.


Where are you going?


Upper west side.


Stop at my place for a drink.
It's on the way.


Thomas, you need to say hello
to Karen Holloway.


A minute more of ass-kissing.
I'll be back. Wait for me here, all right?


Hello, Karen!




I'm so sorry to hear
you're leaving the company.


What did you do to get this role?


He always said you were
such a frigid little girl.


What did you do to make
him change his mind?


Did you suck his cock?


Not all of us have to.


You fucking whore!


You're a fucking little whore!


Whoa, what's going on here?


Hey, I need to talk to you.


- You're drunk. You should go home.
- I need to talk to you.


No! Don't you do that!
Don't you dismiss me like that!


My little princess, please.
Pull it together.


- Come.
- I'm coming by later.


I have something for you.
It's a token of my appreciation.


- Right.
- You make the most of it, Nina.


Don't worry. It's typical.


Please. I thought it'd be good
to talk about the role.


Drown this a little.


I don't want there to be
any boundaries between us.


- No, me neither.
- Good.


You got a boyfriend?




Have you had many in the past?


A few.


But no one serious.


You're not a virgin are you?




So there's nothing
to be embarrassed about.


And you enjoy making love?


Excuse me?


Come on, sex.


Do you enjoy it?


We need to be able
to talk about this.


I've got a little homework
assignment for you.


Go home and touch yourself.


Live a little.


Well it's late.
Lots of work tomorrow.


The doorman will
find a cab for you.


Sounds like quite an evening.
I wish I could have been there.


You know I asked.


I know you did.
Susie told me.


Guess he wanted you
all to himself.


But why?


I don't blame him.


Where'd you get these?


They're fake.


Fooled me.


I can do it.


He must have been
by your side all night.


Showing you off.


- Oh, Nina...
- It's just a rash.


What are you talking about?


It was worse a few days ago.
It's fine already.


- You've been scratching yourself again.
- No I haven't.




This disgusting habit...


Jesus Christ, I thought
you were done with this, Nina.


You'll keep wearing the shrugs.


Sit down.
You have the white one,


and the pink one.
And that'll hide it.


And then I'll dig out that expensive
coverup. We still have some.


No one will see it.


Mom, please,


It's the role, isn't it?
It's all this pressure.


I knew it'd be too much.
I knew it.


You're all right.


You'll be all right.


Beth's in the hospital.


She had an accident.


Oh no!




What happened?


She walked into the street
and got hit by a car.


You know what?


I'm almost sure
she did it on purpose.


How do you know?


Because everything Beth does comes
from within, from some dark impulse.


I guess that's what makes her
so thrilling to watch.


So dangerous.


Even perfect at times.


But also so damned destructive.


Was it right after we saw her?


Wait, wait, wait.
This has nothing to do with you.


It's not your problem,
so don't let yourself be distracted.


This is your moment, Nina.


Don't let it go.


What are you doing?




Sweetie, are you ready for me?


Come on!


Forget about control, Nina.
I want to see passion.


Come on.


Stiff like a dead corpse.
Let it go.


Let it go.
Let it go.


And again.


Feels like you have your diaphragm


is in a bit of a contraction?




Breathe in to this hand.
Breathe in. Breathe in


Breathe in, all the way.


And exhale.


Does it feel jammed in the front
every time you plie?


Sometimes, not always.


- One more pull, okay?
- Okay.


- Is that okay?
- Yeah.


can I ask you a question?


would you fuck that girl?




No one would.




Your dancing is just as frigid...




We're still working here, please.


The lights!


Thank you!


Okay, guys, you can go.
Thanks for your patience.


No, no, you stay.
You stay.


Have fun, you two.




Come here.


Come, come, come, come.


I'll be the Prince.


Let it go. Let it go.


Feel my touch.


Respond to it.


Come on.


Open your mouth.
Open it. Open up.


That was me seducing you,


when it needs to be
the other way around.




Who is that?




You okay?


You can't smoke in here.


Well, I won't tell if you won't.




The big day's getting closer
and closer, huh?


Well, I can't wait.
I think you're going to be amazing.






Do you want to talk about it?


It's that hard to.


Leroy playing
a little too rough for you?


Come on, Nina.
He's a prick.


He's brilliant.


Sure, but it's not like
he's all warm and fuzzy.


What you don't know is...


Someone's hot for teacher!


Oh, come on, it's okay.
I don't blame you.


I should go home.


Nina, come on.
I'm just playing around.




What are you doing in there?






Do you have any corrections?


Lily told me that
she saw you crying.


That you were very upset


and that I should
take it easy on you.


I didn't tell her that.


Maybe you need a little break.


Like a day or two.
- Thomas

Or maybe a month.
What do you think?


She shouldn't have said anything.


No, you shouldn't be
whining in the first place.


I didn't.


You could be brilliant.


But you're a coward.




No, stop saying that!
That's exactly what I'm talking about.


Stop being so fucking weak.






Oh, look who's decided
to grace us with her presence.


I need to talk to you.






Shut up.


Come on.


What's up?


You told Thomas about last night?


Oh, yeah. I ran into him in the morning and
he said you guys were having some trouble.


Why would he talk to you?


Oh, excuse me, your highness.


I just told him you're working your ass off
and I think you'll be great.


Well you shouldn't have.




Has he tried anything with you?


He has a reputation.


I have a right to be concerned, Nina.
You've been staying late so many nights.


Rehearsing. I just hope
he isn't taking advantage, that's all.


He's not.




I just don't want you to make
the same mistake I did.




Not like that.


I just mean as far as
my career was concerned.


What career?


The one I gave up to have you.


You're twenty-eight.




Only that...


Only what?




- What?
- Nothing.


How is your skin?




- Are you leaving it alone?
- Mm-hmm.


Let me see.


- Take off your shirt.
- No.


Can I help you?


Who was that?


It was no one.


It was no one.




What are you doing here?


I just came by to apologize.


You're right. I should have never
spoken to him about you.


- Sweetheart.
- Give me a second.


- Your dinner...
- Mom, please.


Oh, she's a trip.


How do you know where I live?


I have my ways.


Jesus, relax.
I got it from Susie in the office.


Look, I feel really shitty about what I did,
and I really want to make it up to you.


So how about I take you out to dinner?


- I don't think...
- Okay, that's fine.


What about drinks?


Sweetie, you need to rest.


- Jesus.
- Wait.


What are you doing?


I'm going out.




You're on the stage tomorrow.


I can't believe he calls her that.


- It's so gross.
- I think it's sweet.


Little Princess?


- He probably calls every girl that.
- No way.


That's just for Beth.


Well, I bet he'll be calling you
Little Princess any day now.


I don't know about that.


Oh, sure he will.
Just got to let him lick your pussy.


Cheeseburger, extra bloody.


Mmm, dankesch?.


Let me know
if that's juicy enough for you.


Oh, I will.


You have enough cheese?


No, but you do.




All right.


Wanna spruce up?


What, I carry a spare


in case I wake up
somewhere unexpected.


So how is he?




I wouldn't know.


- Oh, come on.
- I really don't want to talk about that.




You really need to relax.


One for you,


one for me.


Oh, and don't worry. It's pure, I promise.
I brought it with me straight from San Francisco.


What is it?


Are you kidding?


You've never rolled?


Oh, relax. Here.
It'll loosen you up.


Wait till you see the night sky.


How long does it last?


A couple hours, tops.


It's okay.




Nina, hi!


I thought we could use some company.

So this is Tom and this is Jerry.


- Actually it's Andrew.
- Tom.


- I have to go...
- Oh, no you can't go. I just got us some drinks.


I shouldn't...


We're on the stage tomorrow.


So what are you going to do?
Go home to Mommy?


Come on, live a little.


It's just a couple hours, right?






You haven't told me who you are.


I'm a dancer.


No, I mean your name.


- Oh. Nina.
- So are you two sisters?


- Yes.
- No.


- Blood sisters.
- We dance in the same company.


Ah, ballerinas.
No wonder you two look alike.


I see now.
Tom and Jerry here are gay lovers.


- Very funny.
- I like to amuse myself.


I've never been to the ballet.


Then you are definitely not gay.


I mean, it's kind of boring,
isn't it?


- Be honest.
- No it's not.


You know what?
It's just not for everyone.


You should come sometime.
I can comp you tickets whenever you want.


Yeah. Yeah.


- Yeah, that would be neat. Thanks.
- Okay well...


I think it's time for another round.


Bottoms up.


So what are you guys
working on now?




Swan Lake.




You know it?


No, not really.


Heard of it.


What's it about?


It's about a girl who gets
turned into a swan,


and she needs love
to break the spell.


But her prince falls for the wrong girl,


and so she kills herself.


It's not a happy ending then.


It's beautiful, actually.


Like you.




I said you're beautiful.


That's funny?


My hands are sweaty.


Looks like someone might be rolling.


All right, come on.
Come on, it's time to go dance.





Hey, what the fuck?
Where you going?






Where are you going?


Do you have any idea
what time it is?




Where have you been?


To the moon and back.


- You've been drinking.
- Ding ding ding ding ding!


- What else?
- Hmm?


What else have you been doing?


Oh, you want to know their names?


- You need to sleep this off.
- There were two. Tom and Jerry.


- Be quiet, Nina.
- And I fucked them both.


Shut your mouth!


- Don't come in here.
- What's this?


It's called privacy.
I'm not twelve anymore.


- You're not my Nina right now...
- Leave me alone!


Sweet girl.


Why didn't you wake me up?


I'm moving out.


My music!


Thomas, I am so sorry.


Keep on going.


Go get warmed up.


That was good.


Actually, really good.


Okay, let's take ten.


Look, he just wanted to mark it
and asked me to step up, okay?


I overslept.


Oops. But hey, at least
you had a good time, right?


You put something in my drink.




And then you just
took off in the morning.


In the morning?


Yeah, you slept over.


Um, no.


Unless your name's Tom
and you had a dick.




We what, Nina?


Did you have some sort of
lesbian wet dream about me?


- Stop.
- Oh my God!


Oh my God, you did!
You fantasized about me!


- Shut up!
- Was I good?


The final act.


Your final dance


You've tasted your dream!

Touched it!


Only to have it crushed!


Your heart is broken,



Your life force fading.


The blood drips.


The Black Swan stole your love.

There is only one way to end the pain.


You are not fearful,
but filled with acceptance.


And you look down at Rothbart,


and then at the Prince,


and then, yes,
at the audience.


And then you jump.


Go ahead. Jump.


Okay, everybody get a drink of water,
then it's notes.


You lost weight.


Take off your shrug, please.


Very good.


Face front.
We're almost done.


And that's it.


We're done.
Thank you very much.


Georgina, I'm Lily.
Thomas sent me...


Yes, we have to get you measured
for the Swan Queen costumes.


What's she doing here?


He made me your alternate.


Look, it's just in case.




- Thomas.
- Yes?


It can't be her.


It can't be her.


Okay, why don't you just go.
I'll catch up later.


What's going on?


You made her my alternate?


There's always an alternate.
Lily is the best choice.


No, she wants my role.


Every dancer in the world
wants your role.


No, this is different.
She is after me.


- She is trying to replace me.
- Nobody is after you.


- No, please believe me...


I know it's been a struggle.


But you just had a breakthrough this morning.


Tomorrow is yours.


Just give a great performance and
you won't have to worry about Lily or anybody else.


Now go home and rest.


From the vision again.


What happened?


I've got a life.

Don't work too hard.
It's a big day tomorrow.


I'm still working in here.


Could you please
turn the lights back on?




What are you doing here?


I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry.


I know how it feels now.
She's trying to replace me.


What do I do?


You stole my things?


I was just trying to be perfect, like you.




I'm not perfect.


I'm nothing.




Nothing, nothing!


Sweet girl.




Sweet girl.
Sweet girl.




What are you doing?








Go away!


Open the door!


Go away!


Open the door, Nina!




Get out!


- What's wrong with you?
- Get out!


- Get out!
- What do you see?


Get out!


It's okay.


I'm here.


You were scratching all night.


Where's my clock?


- Don't worry about that.
- What time is it?


- The show is tonight, I have to...
- No, no, no, no.


Don't worry.


I called the theater and I told them
you aren't feeling well.


I have to go!


- No. No, you don't.
- Let go of me.


You're staying in here
until you feel better.


Where is it?


This role is destroying you.


- Move. Move!
- Nina...!


- What happened to my sweet girl?
- She's gone!


Oh, Nina!


No, please!


- You're not well!
- Let go of me!


You can't handle this.


I can't?


I'm the Swan Queen.
You're the one who never left the corps.




What are you doing here?




She was supposed to be sick.


Give us a minute.


Are you okay?


I'm fine.








I've already asked Lily.


Have you announced it?


After Beth, do you really need
another controversy?


I'm here, Thomas.


I'm doing it.


The only person
standing in your way is you.


It's time to let it go.
Lose yourself.


White Swan, up in ten.


What are you doing?
You need to be upstage.


You suck.


Okay, Nina.


What the fuck?


- Are you okay?
- Nina, are you okay?


Can you tell me
what the fuck happened?


- It wasn't my fault. He dropped me.
- This is a fucking disaster.


Rough start, huh?
Must have been pretty humiliating.


Get out of my room.


I'm worried about the next act.


I'm just not sure you're feeling up to it.


Please stop.


How about I dance the Black Swan for you?


Leave me alone!


My turn!


My turn!


My turn!


It's my turn!


Black Swan, places in five.


Come on.


Good job.
Fifteen to the last act.


You were amazing.


Seriously, I know that things got
a little messed up between us,


but I mean, holy shit,
you completely blew me away!


Okay, well I guess that's it.


So I'll let you finish.


Can you hear them?


They love you!


My little princess,

I always knew you had it in you.


Come on.
Let's take you out.


Go get some help.


Go get some help!


What did you do?


What did you do?


I felt it.



I felt perfect.


I was perfect.


Nina! Nina! Nina!