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(not able to meet)


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(do it same time tomorrow)


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(don't be stupid)


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The girls will come soon.


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Oh God,


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things


I cannot change


why do you fight it so hard, Earl?


courage to change
the things I can...


come one!


you have been a good boy for a long time


you know you wanna do this


and the wisdom...


...wisdom to know the difference


Taking, as He did, This sinful world


as it is, Not as I would have it


Trusting that He will make all things
right, If I surrender to His will,


that I may be reasonably
happy in this life


And supremely happy with
Him forever and next.




I could go on and on


about what a great guy here he is


how he give us so freely
his time and his money


even how he, uh, beliving
how he cuts his toenails


let's get him here and speak for himself


ladies and gentlemen


I'll give you a business man,
philanthropist, a very dear friend


and the Portland Chambers Commerce


Man of the Year


Mr. Earl Brooks


thank you all


very much




first thing i'd like
to say is that I, uh...


i don't even know how i cut my toenails


20... years ago


when I started the brook's box factory


i never dream that i will...


I never dream that one
day i'll be standing here


subsbusters. blogspot.
com proudly presents


did you.. did you just
see Sis Wallace's dress?


you can see her nipples


at that age!


wow, she cannot keep those things hidden


the only thing that would have
made this evening more perfect...


if is Jane had been here


Emma, she called to
congratulate me, right?


she has mid terms coming up


I think she's dropping out


let's see


nothing she does is
wrong with you, is it?




she missed a good party


it's not like it's not set up


you already know I don't
like pesty and lambs


you know i don't pick the lox




you are the fucking man of the year


you deserve a treat


no, Marshall, I said no


I heard you...


but you don't mean no


what's wrong?




you are flauting


I'm thinking about what
I didn't say in the speech






you were so... moving


you made us all laugh


i don't think anybody fold left down


they have their dance class tonight


you can just drive by...


...and look at them


there's not harming,
and just having a look


no, means no, Marshall




put it, please


I though the food tonight was very good
but I was not crazy about the dessert


would you like to stop somewhere
and get something sweet?




norad is an adorable small dog


the labrador is supposed to be brave


Goltys, when he goes into
the trailer is very happy...


don't let me do this,
don't let me do this, please


I don't wanna start again


you promised to, you promised to


please... please


why did you figth it so hard, Earl?


I'm going to stay up a while


maybe going to the studio
or play with some glaciers




I'm gonna read... and If I'm not
awake, wake me when you come back




I though you were
wonderful tonight Mrs Brooks


thank you Mr. Brooks


oh, I love the road my
boy! I' have missed this...


we are going to have so much fun


this is the last time Marshall,
Understand me? It's the very last time!


don't you dare, going
on your business, shut up


I wanna see what they are doing




what the fuck!


be quiet!


set up!


uh, Earl


what the fuck is this?


these fucking pigs like to
do with the curtains open


You should have know now this
is a big mistake for you, Earl


almost like a wanted
get caught on, Marshall


I don't fucking do that


I don't think either what a joy is to spend the
rest of your life on death row or a lethal injection


Yes, Sir


please, forgive me


please, forgive me


you are fucked hard,
Earl. I don't give you that


don't even think about it


you know the rules


now upstairs, make love
with your beautiful wife


can we have the room, please?


thank you


there's just a thumbprint, right there


one his, one hers?


that was really nice


this guy has not been
acting for over 2 years


he always rearranges the bodies
but this is weird, I care of dare


usually he is much more romantic


arms around each other, kissing...


mouths open, tongues touching


bullets from straight of the victims


killer would covered this a lot


these were open or
closed when you got here?




could it be the work of a copycat?


that's never been or viewed to the
public that the killer will treat his logs


Jesus, I was hoping
this guy was out or dead


or in jail or in some other charge


we checked all neighbourhood,
but so far nobody saw a thing


maybe he don't like this... he must to
be really angry at them for some reason


where do they keep their vacuum cleaner?


So I bet you 100 bucks, Hawkins,
there is not bag in this vacuum cleaner


I have not idea of what
the hell you are look for


he vacuums the house... and took the bag


what if he kills somebody that
did never get a vacuum cleaner?


he won't do that!


Our best hope is if someone
in there saw something


detective Tracy Atwood?


- Yes
- this is for you


you've been served


You, fucking asshole


- I am in the middle of a fucking murdering investigation
- Listen lady


- i'm just a messanger, here
- Hawkins,


what's the deal? I don't know it


get his ass out of here!


what it is?


assume to be, my ex husband
scumbag lawyer's trying to show me,


just how painful she can make my life
if i don't give them what they want


other any new members?


hello my name Voine


I am alcoholic, and I haven't
had a drink in 10 months


hi, my name is Earl, and...


I am an addict


anyone else?


you are...


such a fuck hypocrite


if you run and you step up there and say Hi,
I'm Ear and I've killed two people last night


I really got off on it but
I need your help, to be cured


I'm different Marshall, i
won't argue that with you


this it is the only place that as ever
helped me be normal, and i've been straight up


untill last night...
for the past 2 years


I not going to kill again


and I am not going to quit
coming here because it upsets you


we need a clean up crew
for afterwords, so..


we need some volunteers for the...


oh, thank you Earl, I appreciate that


there's time for requirements,
this is our first to tempt


"Mr. Brooks, your daughter is
waiting for you in your office"


Well I hope this is what
you have in mind, if not...


we would love to work with
you, further on the design


always find the challenge on machines


now if you uh, gentlemen, will you excuse me
i need to see how much this is going to cost me




daughter cost money, me too


I believe you do understand


Uh, Matt Johnson, wants to schedule,
lauch for friday, contact him...


- Sunday, did...
- Can you hold this for a second?


did Jane call to say she was coming?


Uh, nobody gave me
that message Mr. Brooks


- she is...
- yeah, she is, and...


she has some boxes and suitcases downstairs
and she didn't have any money for the cab


and you paid for that


thank you




ah, hold my calls




I told you


when it's appropriate


you let me know


Ehy, can I've some water?


hello gorgeous


what are you doing here?


I'm sorry daddy


please, don't be angry with me


I can guess what you've done


but why don't you tell
me then I'll decide


I've dropped out the school


oh Jane




uh... have you told your mother?


no, I wanted to talk to you first


Well, you gonna have to
tell her, Jane All right?


I'm not gonna do that for you


why can't you...




and then,


together, the three of us, we decide


where it goes from here


Well, I tought a lot all about this?
college is a waste of time for me


All this...


All this... how somebody know that,
half way through their freshmen year?


you did even go to college
daddy and you are successful


I wanna come work for you


she is not telling you
everything, she is hiding something


hell no!


I am not hiring right now, sweetheart


ok, but just listen to me for one second


all right?


look! what happen to the business if, God
forbid, something wouldn't happen to you?




mom would probably have
to sell the strangers


look, I willing to start from the bottom


you can treat me like a regular employee


I just wanna learn everything there is
to know about welling the box business


then, when the time comes...


i can stay in the family


all that's sweet, honey, but


you are not talking about business, you
are talking about emotions, now get up...


infact, Your mother and I, came...
this close to selling out last year




that's right, and hadn't will
been offered a little more money


and still, may come back to us...


we would sell


what would you do without business?




I'm sorry. The man outside insisted
that I'll give this to you, he claims


that you'll find what's
inside, very interesting


what is he, Sunday? is he a salesman?


No, I've never seen him before


I'll just give him back
and I'll tell him to call


No, Sunday, Sunday, here...


Thank you




to give yourself a chance to...


uh, find out...


who you are


and what you wanna do


I'll talk to mom


but I not going back to school


and where would you live?


saved money, i'll look back home


but new rules, I wanna
be treated as adult


would you pay for rent?


would you pay for food?


no dad, you are a very welfy man
I think you can effort to keep me


Sunday, would you escort the
gentleman who gave you the envelop...


into the conference room and
tell him i would meet him there?


no problem, Mr Brooks


and, uh...


what happen to the BMW, Jane?


a friend is gonna drive it up
but he will be here week-end


and get Jane a cab


call your mother


are you gonna gimme a job?


if you were up to me and I think your
mother will agree with this, I, uh...


I think you should go back to school


you see that Marshall?


that's why I didn't wanna
do that damned couple


stop with fucking widing your own


you enjoyed doing that couple just as
as much I did and look at the right side


he cames to us, he didn't go to the cops


if he's trying to shake us
down, we kill him, period.


we make it fun but we'll kill him


end of the story


what can I do for you, Mister...


Let's say... Smith


Ok Mr. Smith


before you get the wrong impression, Mr
Brooks, I'm not here to shake you down


I hope this is the only copies of
these photos and you have no others




I have other copies and other photos


and if anything happens to me...


how did you find me Mr. Smith?


you are the man of the year, Mr. Brooks


your picture is in the paper


and if it had not been... I don't know,
I don't know what I would have done


lucky me


what is it that I can help you with?


I've been watching
that couple for months


yeah, they liked to make
love with the blinds opened


sometimes I would... take pictures


visual aids, for later


is a great way to get
off, I tell you that


was fun, I though


until I saw you killed them


and I have never


ever felt out that... rush!


like that, ever


I know you are the thumbprint killer


you have done this before


what I want?


it's for you, to take me with
you next time you kills someone


and I'd like that to be soon


and you were worried this
was going to be unpleasant?


the answer is simple


Just tell Mr. Smith that you
have decided never to kill again


and you're going away


you enjoy watching me suffer, don't you?


in a word, yes


where do you think he
has the other pictures?


he put it in a safety deposit box


but I bet the box is in the banks
where he keeps his checking account


and the key...


it's on his key chain


he really wants us to do this


he is not going to the cops


we have a deal?


for the angle of these pictures...


you live at the 3rd floor at apartment building
across the alley, front of the couple house




yes or no, Mr. Smith?




what time did you get home from work?




7, depending of the traffic


you can't never come here again


you can't never call me
do you understand that?




tomorrow night


not tonight, tomorrow night at 8 o'clock


leave your apartment
building and walk east


I will pick you up there


if you are thinking
about doing anything...


for both to aware the rules, Mr. Smith


but I feel I must warn you


if it turns out that you enjoy killing


you can become very addicted


it can ruins your life


I wanna do this


have I covered everything?


I can't think of anything else


then I'll see you
tomorrow night Mr. Smith


we've talked to our client and in common we put here
what we figure out, we feel this is more than fair


we can have a check for that
amount in your office by 6pm o'clock


oh, we told you at the
beginning what we wanted


and it hasn't changed


we feel our offer is more than generous


I paid for everything,
when we were together


and now I'm been asked
to give this guy a bonus?


for spending time with me, time that
I've already paid for in the first place?


you know as well as I do, counselor,
you're not gonna get a million five


oh, I - don't -
know that, no, I...


well, infact, this is the
front page of yesterday's paper


"Hangman escapes"


after torturing his victims


Thorton Meeks


well, hide him in public places,


church steeple, balconies,
freeways over passes...


where this is going?


Well, your client captures Mr. Meeks


Come on Tracy, this is
not a lot of money for you


and we both know how afraid that I was after Meeks
says that he was gonna escape and come back to kill you


let me ask again


what is your point?


Our point is that Meeks,
or someone like Meeks


make hurt after my client
in order to hurt your client


that is very imaginative, counsellor


but it's not based in reality at all




let's just handle this, please


- Tracy
- Jesse


you know what will make me
feel really safe right now?


if you got hit by a truck...


and die


well, that's it?


Mr. Vialo and I, are leaving


you are threatening the safety of my client,
we are going after to get a straight order


we see in court


you hit by a truck and die?


fuck it, I felt good


what was here it's not
here, that's interesting


I hate the number, I'll say that
this people been killed by a ghost


the autopsy said there was a little tiny
piece of plastic in the female victim's brain


it's a dead end, the bag with the gun, he puts one
gallon plastic foresinc bag over his hand to his wrist


little bit of plastic comes out, when the
first one is gonna shots, it goes in the bag


are you looking for me?


I've received the subpena from
your husband for your works records


where you worked, date and
time, for the past two years


he just tries to blackmail me, do you remember?
my lawyers assure me that I'll never go to court


I can't take that chance


almost three courts of
your cases is a current


so, until you'll set your divorce
i'm gonna have to put you on the desk


that's also blackmail


do you have any idea what
this guy has done to me?


while we're married, while
i was paying for everything


he was just out and fuck every
woman he can gets his hands on


he fucked my friends,
he fucked my cousin


he made me look as an idiot


- and?
- and what?


get over it!


you can't roll there's a woman wanna
have this one blousy man in your life


well, I made him an offer and I
won't goin to give him a dime more


did you hear that Meeks escaped?




you get gonna looking for him,
you want me yo put a detail on you?


I think I can take care of myself


it's one of your biggest problem,
Tracy you don't know how to ask for help


what the fuck, what the fuck, what...


don't worry, if I were here to
kill you, you were already be dead


after you left today, I realize that our
friendship was a little one side of it


so, tomorrow night when we meet,
would you be so kind us to bring


all the pictures and the
memory card from your camera


that way we can like each
other simply for who we are


if you don't show up


I will presume that you have gone
to the police and I will kill you


even if I'll go to jail because of you Mr
Smith, someone will find you, wherever you are...


and they will kill you


Mr. Brooks


Mr. Brooks


Mr. Brooks




it's nice to have you home


hello, hello. You have to explain this
to me 'cause i'm your mother, that's why!


what's wrong, girls?


I asked your daughter what's the
real reason she dropped out the school


I told you, it's not the real reason




you wanted to go to college


you have good grades, your father put
in favours to get you in that school


if this is not the reason...


please, Dear God, tell me the reason


what is your mother thinking
even dropped you out the school?


I'm pregnant


but that's not the reason I dropped out


being pregnant wouldn't keep me
for going to school if I wanted to


who is the father?


some guy a was seeing


some, some guy, does he knows?


what he knows Dad?


he is married, he got two kids,
I want nothing to do with me


oh, honey


oh, honey


I'm not gonna go throw with it


there is nothing to be upset about


I mean, I was even
not gonna tell you guys


then would be


no abortion, jane


no Dad, you're not gonna
tell me what to do, ok?


it's my body and I'll
do what I want with it


I'm sorry, you're right. i said it wrong


I wasn't trying to tell
you what to do when I was...


what I was trying to say is that...


a grandchild would be a wonderful gift


for your mother and me


would you really wanna have a
grandchild? even if I'm not married?




a child is what's important


we would... we would love him and
cheer him completely and we would...


we would help you raise him


if it means that much to
you, I will think about it


I'm gonna have to start getting
up little earlier, uh, honey?


well, we were right


she was hiding something


pregnancy is not of all of it,
she's hiding something bigger


something much bigger


you think so?


I know so


and so do you


it's darker tonight
than it was on your night


but still...


how did you managed to not
bumping into the furniture?


was the light on?


or did you turn it on?


because I know you and you
won't risk a shot in the dark


where have you been?


did you miss the thrill of killing?


what if these are stayed closed


because you yanked them closed


which would mean...


they were open...


...when you came into the room


thank you, I appreciate your time


ops, sorry, i'm sorry


no, I'm sorry


I was just about to knock


I'm detective Atwood, portland police


hey, do you wanna see me?




you are a photographer
Mr... Bafford?


- No
- No?


thank you




uh, actually it's...
a hobby i just started


well, do you know, there was a murder?


yes, in the house, close the way


You didn't happen to see something
unusual or suspicious that night, did you?


no, I wondered that
when it happened, but




I'm sorry, i'm supposed
to be meeting somebody


and I don't want to be late


uh, well, here is my card


if you did hear something
or remember anything


uh, i wish I could be
more helped, but,uh,sorry!


he looks clean


looks like he's alone


no,i tell you, he
really wants to do that


maybe I should plow
with him... pick him up


no, just honk


maybe he get killed crossing the street
and save us the mess he's doing up




it's coming down hard


they said would be sunny tomorrow


I never trust those guys


they say it's gonna be clear, then rains


and they say it's gonna
rains and it's... sunny


I believe this is what you asked for


the pictures in the memory card...


all here




you and I both know that not
all the pictures are in here


and you made a copy of the
memory card, as an asshole


but, you understand my position?


yes, I do


but it's my hope you want to get to know me
better you feel confortable in giving me everything


that I've asked you for


sounds fair


maybe you'll be interested in this


this is the police woman,
who is looking for you


wow, we never know anyone
was looking for us before


you have to find everything
there is to know about this...




this is close, Marshall


this is to damn close




what's the plan?


where do we, uh, what
are we doing here tonight?


we'll drive around until we
see someone we think we might


enjoy killing




you don't have have somebody... in mind?


I don't enjoy this Mr. Smith, I do it


because I am addicted to it


before you're in in my life I
had that I would never kill again


so, this is... your part


you can choose anyone you
want and we will do it together


can i pick somebody that I know?




you'll never kill someone you know


it's the easiest way to get caught


- ok?
- yeah


locked up?


you look a little bit like that...


E.T. guy


remember that movie? when
he flies on that bike?


- yeah, yeah
- yeah


I like that movie


Jesus Christ


fuck him


this is fault, he is an asshole


fuck you


maybe Mr Smith would like to kill


the driver of the pick up


what about the driver of the pick up?


what if we kill him?




yes, I always wanted to fucking kill
somebody fucking to be in traffic


well, if you want to
kill the driver of pick up


I'll give you the honor


ehy, maybe not be the same






well, driver I am, to will give
a good looking at him or her


any problem to kill a woman?


no, no. an asshole is an asshole


I wasn't in town that night


my roommate was, maybe he saw something


Uh, may I speak to him?


he is in on his way to Tokyo right
now, he is also a flight attendant


did the victims ever leave
their bedroom curtains open?


all the time


I don't know if we can see them doing it and
that's why you are asking but they didn't care


well, here is my card


if you can have your roommate call me


and people of this number know how to
reach me at everytime, day and night


I won't be here, but
I will leave him a note


ok great, thank you




would recognize him if you saw
his driving licence picture?




I'll memorize the licence
number, you write it down


I got it




well, when you get
home, go on the Internet


find everything you
can... about this guy


we are gonna kill him tonight?




we could, but then we
won't be under control


we can leave lose ends but we
both know the danger of that


ok, I will do


what are... we... doing?


what are you doing?


look at me!


- look at me!
- why?


- close your eyes
- why?




what's the licence plate number?








2, uh


I know I tore, then


because of the tree?


don't feel bad


I've been doing this a
long time. pen and paper


look out the window and write it down


how is your first time like?


you really don't wanna know
that much about me, Mr. Smith


no, I don't think it was right, go back


ok, we are in


for all the taxes we pay you think
they'll make it more difficult


to hack into the police personnel file


the father is John Atwood, why...


why does that ring a bell?


somebody you got business with?


someone we...




no, no somebody we killed


let me see here, MBA


and married, she has
been a cop for 12 years


married Dr. Carlson


divorced Dr. Carlson
married at Jesse Vialo


and so two are separated,
from Jesse Vialo sue


...for support by Jesse Vialo seems


uhm, seem a shrimp


because of Jesse Vialo


who, who, who


she has caught a lot of people


and look here, this is not her first
time she has been looking for us


ok, here we are


Jesse Vialo, good looking,
a little younger than she is


younger, rest of all to her


she married him in a
rebound from the doctor


and the boy has married her
for money and connections


just because the old men
that doesn't mean she is rich


maybe is one of the kind of guys
ready to give her to the oprah


and than to his kids


what does she have to declare?
any outside and coming holdings?


oh, you are a...


you are a genius


the oprah didn't get much


why would a woman, worth
60 plus million dollars...


and probably more to come...


wanna be a cop?


I like that about her


you are a such a fucking snob, Earl
you like her because she is rich


no, i like her because she
founds something that's hers,


is not the family business,
and she is good at it


I'd like Jane to find
something it's... hers


and than she can be good at it


That's exactly why I would
scare the shit out of me


she's a cop who doesn't
need the money...


and she is looking for us.


that's one fucking dangerous human being


the fact you are not wrong
just not making me me admire her


any less


hey Nancy!


hi Tracy,


thank you for meeting me here


I got your latte


you wanna be walk and talk
while I hear your big idea?


oh, sure


you really wanna settle this?


If I can


I'd like to use your father




my father does nothing for nothing


Tracy, I understand but your
father has a lot of political massed


his poll won't make everything go away


but it would be a tremendous help


absolutely not


you're right


we could have done this one on the phone


if you will wanna play the game
right on the desk for a year


- i'm sure we can settle it
at 1,25- 1,5... - uff, I...


I'm not sit on a desk


an the only other option is your father


or money


1,5 and that's it




I'll call them today


I just need to get this
done as soon as possible


that's what Jesse is counting on


I'll call you when I have something


oh, Tracy


your husband said there's a picture of him
holding some trophy, that you still have?


what picture? he has everything


he claims it's his favourite picture


and you put it up when
you store your suitcases


I'll look


I Know?


petty, you are going to divorce


thanks for the latte


I told you I was coming back to get you


how do you find the place
where i'm gonna hang you?




I'm gonna watch her


have some fun with you


then she is gonna watch
me, have some fun with you


you know...


don't fucking move!


shoot me!


come on, shoot me, motherfucker


5 down


"sleeper's dimmer"...
... "sleeper's dimmer"




maybe he go home with someone else


can you still see his pick up?


uh, uh


this is not the kind of guy


who use his pick up in an
unguarded lot over night


how do you know that?


somebody didn't do
their homework last night


"time saw years willing"


let me get it, the engine gear




where do we know that guy from?


you really sure I pay more
attention that what you really, Earl?


that's what I have you for, Marshall


His picture was on the frontpage
of the papers a couple of days ago


because he escapes from jail he is
the killer they call "the hangman"


you remember that cop?


who you like?




who is chasing us? she
is the one put him away


wow, wow


what would life be...


without surprises!


there it is!


there it is!


ah, ah


i'm in hot wild


this guy has been get also his
plans for tonight and tomorrow night


he has not idea, he'll already be dead


he will not be able to do anything


I don't think I wanna kill this guy




oh, ahi...


what - you -
are - thinking?


you have no idea of what I'm thinking


yes I do


and it's wondefully twisted


wait a minute, are
you... uh... you promised?


I know I said we would


but I don't think would be that much fun


so, that is? just no




- uh, oh
- so...


you got the licence plate?




they found the Van in an underground parking
lot about two miles from where they left you


they stolen it last night


we are checking security camera tapes


if Meeks and the woman are left in a car


we'll have her licence plate number


these other women we have
pictures over on Meeks


no one of the attendents
remember seeing them


what about that crackhead of Alvin
Griffit. the one have sold Meeks steroids?


we have tap on his phone
even since Meeks escaped


no contacts there so far


and sure he is not gonna talk to us


what about a warrant
to search the house?


you'll get me in the
door and he'll talk to me


how is your divorce going?


I took your advice, I
told my lawyer to settle


none of this is the woman in the van


Whoa, I'm trying to suture up here


and your ego can handle that?


not but he dosn't
likes the other choices


because the FBI is wiring hard on
me to take over the tumbprint killer


until Meeks is caught,
Hawkins is with you


nothing personal Hawkins but i don't
think you'll take a bullet for me


If I won't take the bullet,
I might push you out the way


I'll give two days and I want a
progress report of your divorce


ok, I have all the pieces
for the tumbprint killer


I'm just not looking at the right way


I'll keep the FBI out
of it for three days


shh, that is ugly


Mr. Smith wants you to
notice that he's pounding


yes, i know


I know you are upset
Mr. Smith and I am sorry.


Yeah. I'm upset


maybe I was a little brute
back, but let me explain


finding someone you think will
be fine to kill it's a bit like...


...it's a bit like fallen in love,


if you mean love you can addict, you
like some of them and they're nice


But they are not right


and the special one comes alone


and your heart... it beats faster


And you know... that's the one.


The man in the pick up not
make my heart beat faster




the man did't make your
heart beat faster. then Who?


I don't know but i think...


...I think I have someone in mind.


Do you want me to do some work on it?


No, let's just...


let's just see how it plays out


that's what I'm talking
about, that's my problem.


That... that makes me feel
like i'm been joked around


was supposed to be last nigth,
it's not gonna be tonight


and now it's, let's
see how it plays out?


I feel like you're...


I feel like you are begging out our deal


- I don't like how that feels
- i promise you


I promise you it will happen.




When it is going to happen?


Mr. Brooks, When?


Tomorrow night... same time.


When you come out from your
building, I want you to turn right...


go to the first street
that you can go western.


I will pick you up... on that street.




I wanna do make this, but it can't
end to drags out, I can change my mind.


Don't you think I
wanna do this Mr. Smith?


maybe wrong tempted
you have to... Anymore!


even if that guy was charming
and funny i'll still not like him






What can I do for you?


Detective Smolny,
Portland Police Department


This is Detective Carfagno,
she is in Palo Alto, California.






Did Jane ever told you that there
were a murderer at her school?






Not that her friend died
or... somebody she knew died?


or some... Somebody in her dorm died?


No, why?


but there are two Detectives
downstairs, one of them is from Palo Alto


They wanna ask her some questions about a murder
that occurred there shortly before she came home


oh... My Gosh,


Well, I'm sure if she was
called to something was murdered


she would have said something.




I called Roger, he suggest
to the criminal attorney.


he will be here within a hour.


Yeah, I'll get dress.


- This is to close.
- I know.


Jane, how well did you know Brandon?


he and I, we were in a couple of
classes together... that's about it


- Did you ever drive him to class?
- No.


did you ever been in his
apartment in or where he lives?


uh, which complex within...


Have you a BMW, Jane?


uh, he was actually stolen...


Well that was interesting.


You know, I don't feel so well


I think you should lie down, ok?


I think she should lie down


Dad, I'm sorry I didn't
say anything before


It was really horrible but I
don't know the guy that well and...


it happens during the same time I found
out I was pregnant, so... just can I...


I understand.


now tell me, what do I do?


She did it.


didn't she?




it'll take the cops a week to ten
days to put the case together and...


...and then they will
come back and arrest her.


What are you going to do?


Oh God!


Oh God!


why don't you free this
before she was born.


She has...


she has what I have


yes, she does.


but you're always smarter
than her, she was stupid


She did it because she got
offered, ok, I understand


She did it for fun, ok, I understand


but why didn't she think it through
that hatchet and she left it there?


You are pretty graphical today


that's the shock of a making a mistake


What does she think I think


if she remembers what she told me that the BMW
was been driven across the country by her friend


and now rigth... she tells
the cops that it was stolen


you"ll always clean that bathrom,
whatever she did, all her life.


It's the BMW. as anything
incriminating I hope it was stolen


and she dropped the
body on the very d-blake


you think she knows on
this trouble she's in


I think... i think she thought she got
noway within, untill the cops showed up


I should've listen to her, she was
trying to tell me, You was there


I didn't quit school
because I was pregnant


I should dog deeper.


and where would you be, been in
exactly the same place that you are now.


It's not your fault, Earl.


part of your problem with her
is that you always think it is


She has what I have, Marshall, so
in a very basic level it is my fault


What are you going to do?


maybe the best thing for her
will be to let her go to jail


- what about her child?
- Emma and I will help her to erase it.


you might be right Earl, you know?


just might be


Because if she's not stop she is going
to kill again and If she really wants...


...to take over that box business


the next good victim could be...






I don't think she goes that far.




We've receive the counter offer


are you sitting down?


yeah, go ahead


5 million dollars.


My God, you gotta be kidding me


He can't get that, kenny?


no, no, no, my sense of it say that by asking for
5 they hope you settle anywhere between 2,5 and 3




Can you stall them?


boh, they know you want this done quickly
so they're gonna expect a quick counter offer


Ok, I need two days, just
wait 2 days, tell them...


that it's a big number and
I have to think about it.




oh, and, uh, that picture that he wanted


Tell him I couldn't find it.


Yes, Mr. Brooks


Mr. Brooks


before you open your mouth...


be very sure this is the right...


thing to do


I will never be sure.


You get pissed of me


because I'm always the one
argue to go ahead and do murder.


but not this time, Earl.
this is your decision.


I know what's wrong, I
know in my heart it's wrong.


Then don't do it.


go with Mr. Smith and will finish that


and when the police will put Jane
in jail, hope that will save her.


And we can happily go on
with our tortured lifes


That's exactly what I wanna do


That's exactly what I should do
the thing is she is my daughter.


And I love her.


Mr. Brooks


I'm going home.


cancel everything for
the rest of the day.


I'll take care of it.


If you need me, need me,
Sunday, I'll be in my studio.


call me there.


I probably won't pick up,
so... just leave a message.


I'll try to not bother you


the thing that bothers me about this,
beside the facts we are not prepared and...


a multitude of other things, is...


what this Mr Smith do when
he's walking west tonight and...


...you don't show up, that
little freak and flipped out


I will take care of it


On the way to the airport.


What are we doing?


What are we doing? What are we
doing? You sound like a wining ass kid


- We are playing a hunch.
- We have followed this guy all day.


It is boring, ok?


and everything we are
running incomes so clean


well, If it didn't it
wouldn't be called a hunch


Meeks, he's the guy we
should be looking for, Meeks.


Look where. Please, tell me.


Ok, everyone knows who Meeks
is and is looking for him.


We gonna find him now, there's something is gonna
turn him in we gonna troop over him at the bus stop


On the other hand, nobody knows


who the thumbprint
killer is or where he is


however I have a fucking hunch.


if this guy, Badford, does


I've got 2 days to play that hunch


So if you are thinking you are wasting your
time with me, thea I'Id be happy to do it alone


I had a fight with my wife this morning.


what's your problem?


My husband wants 5 million dollars


here you are Sir




Thank you.


God grant me the serenity to accept
the things that I cannot change


courage to change the things that I can
and the wisdom to know the difference...


it's for you asshole


remember me?


Can you step out of the car,
please? I wanna talk to you.


so, Mr Bafford what is
it you have to tell me?


what do you mean? li don't
have anything to tell you


really? because I was driving around and


I suddenly got this feeling that
you have something to tell me


about the murders






oh, that is disappointing.


because... when I've left
after we... we talked last time


I felt like I've missed the clue
that was right on front of me


That can solve this whole case.


I don't know why you feel that


can you tell me that,uh,you are an amateur
powder that you like to make balls and vases?




I told you that my hobby was
photography and not... powdery.


oh, maybe, maybe that was it


Flight attender upstairs says that the
victims like to keep their bedroom curtains...


open when they had sex.


Can I see some of the
photos you took that couple?


You harassing me, detective Atwood.


You know very well that I'm not a
powder and I don't have any pictures.


So my feeling is that your feeling is wrong and
you should just move your car and let me go home


What's your job here?
what... what would you do?


I am a mechanical engineer.


Uh, you gotta be really
smart for that. Don't ya?




Then be smart Mr. Bafford


because you lie to me,
right there in the end


I'll be watching you


When you wanna tell me the truth
you gotta get in touch with me.


see you later al gator.


Gotta Lister to get us a
search warrant for Meeks Doctor


That's good.


God, Damned, this guy knows something.


Almost told me that something happened.


you think he did it?


I don't think is quiet that simple


Do you wanna call for backup?


yeah, I wish to be ready for anything


infact I'll get a cane
and I'll chop, rigth now...


I don't have the energy to chase
this guy if he'll decide to run


"put your hands on top of your head"




Meeks was a steroids freak


this is what is ususally
fall... tempting now


You think Meeks is having with him?


I think he have turned the man... on me!


Hawkins, we have here... Griffin


How do you feel?




It's understandable.


You never killed for this reason
before, the feeling will pass


I don't think so.


it's the whole thing, Marshall


If i can fly away... suggest in the hole


...disappear, where there's
absolutely no trace of me.


because eventually I will get caught doing
this It would be very embarrassing for me.


And Emma and Jane.


So I have been thinking.


Is there a way that Mr. Smith
could kill me and make me disappear?


Rule nr. 1, Mr. Smith is
not smart enough to do that


I know that


nr. 2 there is not reason, if you are
careful. to believe you will ever get caught.


I know that I will have to plan
it for Mr Smith but I think...


I think, that is what I wanna do


Well, I'm not particulary
fine at that plan, Earl


Remember? If you die, I'll go with
you and I'd like being alive. I like...


eating, I like fucking, I like killing.


I have to end it, Marshal...
one way or another...


...and I think this is the best way


Fuck you then!


- Hi
- Hi


You worked late?


Yes, I had, I guess, 4
parts. It's to 2,honey


blacked money


will be fine


Mercies... I'd love Jane is in
grace and I'm trying to get right


Ehy Daddy, i thought
you've been gone already


Roger called... there was another
murder last night at your school.




gone in the same way
they talked to you about


right down to the hatched
been left at the scene.


they think they have a serial killer


obviously you were here last
night so, you are in the clear.


well, it's...


it's a good new isn't it? i mean...


...even if you are innocent it's
good to know you are not a suspect


yeah, uh


how's the... how's the morning sickness?


uh... Better than yesterday.


Do you wanna have lunch with me today?


I'd love to but i don't
know how i will feel later


Thank you


Do you love me, Jane?


Of course I love you, daddy.


You are my father.


have you decided whether
or not to have the baby?


Not yet.


It's time to go


Dear Emma and Jane, my loves


I have a terminal illness and instead
of subjecting you to my deterioration


I have decided to disappear.


Not try to find me, i
don't wanna be found.


please, believe that the
time I've spent with you


brought me the greatest joy of my life.


love, dad.


so you are going to go through with it?


It's all planned to work out


- ready to rock and roll Mr. Smith?
- Yeah


I smell gun oil,


different gun oil than yours


He brought his gun,


if i forget what he
wants, he plans to kill me


Oh, now I get it.
You're counting on this


yes, it's a sort of lottery


but if you plan last to having kill you,
how do you have to kill somebody else first?


I'd live to see that he
got the courage to kill me


not even you believe that, Earl.


this make it more exciting,


this's not?


I think he's gonna kill you
after you killed somebody else


you get it in you rocks on, big time


that's why you are doing this?


Not true and if it would?


So what?




yeah, put him through


I just got your message


the weird thing is that
they close that courtains


at first they were open as they always were
and they were make love like they always do


when i had a look again,
the curtains were closed


and there were what look like camera
flashes coming from behind the curtains


Camera Flashes?


That what's that look like


That's why he poses them


I'm sorry?


no, no, no, nothing


look, the guy you should talk with
it's the guy at the floor below us


would that be, Mr Bafford?


yeah, he told me once that he did take some
great pictures of that couple making love


He is the one you should talk to


Ok, great, thank you.




Hawkins, meet me at Bafford
apartment with a search warrant.


Put this on.


nice half hand.


try I couple of deep
breathes through your nose.


- I have to take a crap so bad.
- what?


I have to take a crap.


We won't be long


I've talked with your wife lawyer


they are thinking about the 5 million


realisticly. how much
you think we can get?


oh, If we go court,
that case scenario, 2


I think we should all fair to 3


it's not get biggish? 2.5,
2.7, still be a great deal


There's more if you want


We have to do this quickly.


remember? Morice's meeting us here




That's good he join us


it's not funny


are we alone?






do it... do it


don't do that


Mr. Baffor


Mr. Baffor


Yes, uuuhhh, yes


yes, you are the fucking man


oh, man, do You see
the look on their face


the look on their
fucking face, was great


It was great, it's fantastic.


that was...


everything that I, I, hoped, it would be


- Thank you.
- you're welcome


Mr. Bafford, I've knocked


anybody home?


Mr. Bafford.




Obviously Bafford is gone. Ehi...


Obviously Bafford is gone.


God damn Hawkins, don't you ever knock?


I wasn't able to get a search warrant


but maybe we just got lucky, this
is the moving company work order


and this upset is the address where
they are taking the Baffor's stuff


Where you were when you called me?


I was at home, in bed.


Can you prove that?


I was at home, in bed. why
do i need to prove that?


your husband Jesse and his
lawyer were killed tonight.


Get the fuck out


looks like the thumbprint killer


I have an order to bring
you in for questioning




I did't want Jesse dead. ok, I hate what he
was doing to me but I didn't want him dead


their own record just said
that you wanted him dead.


who better can fake the
thumbprint killer than you?


you don't actually believe I did that


our job had told us anything, Tracy,
is there people do strange things.


they just wanna ask you some questions.


And I will gonna answer those questions
after we got check out this addresses.


- I have to take the wind
- Look


this address is the answer for the
thumbprint killer and this is where I'm going


don't make me cuff you
because I will if I have to


ehy, ehy


it'd be really nice
if you can go with me


...but if you do and this goes
bad they gonna burn your ass


So this never happened


you're nuts


yeah, that's what they say


here comes the gun




what are you doing?


You are smart enough to
figure that out, Mr. Brooks


Well, we are going 65
miles/hour, Mr. Smith


if you shoot me now, there's
good chance that we both died.


not now. take this next out, friend


You mean this one?


That wouldn't be very
smart, I mean i wouldn't


think about this now, nuts


You piss yourself back, you left your
DNA at the scene of a double homicide


and there's nothing to
indicate that i was ever there


then the cops do the analysys
of that urine and then will...


...you are the thumbprint killer


no, no. i have pictures of
you from the first murder


yes, but what you was
doing at the second murder




let me help you with the fly


you say that I've
forced you to come along


and if I'm not here,


more specifically my body is not here


to say otherwise you might
have a chance to spit in a rehab


let me ask for yourself.
why would I'll help you


Well, I'm tired... Mr. Smith.


I am tired of killing.


but I'm an addict. i can't quit. I've
tried but I cannot do it on my own


So I need you to kill me.


But I need it if you do it smart.
I want in a way I will disappear


and my family never knows what I was.




how do i fucking do that?


There's a cemetery I know about


We'll find an open grave, you shoot me


I'll fall into the grave.


you'll shovel just enough
earth... to cover me


It's a good plan, don't you think?


why? why should I trust you?


you don't have to trust me Mr.
Smith you are the man holding the gun


you saw me put mine
in the trap, remember?


I know


You really want me to kill you?




ok, ok


But one sad move


I'll drop


and I'll make sure that your
family knows where you are


I understand.


you come down or what Mr. Bafford?


take your hand. Are you parked very slow


you don't wanna climb over, do you?


what you do with the key of a cemetery?


I own it.


why do you own a cemetery?


I always want invest in
things people can do without


water and cemeteries? pretty save pets




you'll need this to get out


yes, I would


I wanna show you something.




Here we are




how if, uh, I stand
here and you stand there


at... at, too far away


And you shoot me... I should


I should fall straight
back into this hole.


You don't think I have
the guts to this to you?


no, i'm hoping you do Mr. Smith,


i'm hoping you do


ok, let's...


...let's get this over with


I'll close my eyes.


I'm sorry Mr. Smith.


I really did want you to kill me.


But in case, the last
minute I've changed my mind.


I've returned to your apartment.


And I've been to firing pin on your gun


Infact I even brought another one for
you to use if you couldn't finish me


If I had decided to go through with it.


Unfortunately for You.
My daughter is pregnant.


And just before you pulled that trigger I
realize how much I wanna see the end of that story


you don't even hear me, the cops
will gonna find those pictures.


They will know that
you kill that couple.


the contents of your safety
deposit box Mr. Smith?


I'm vanished


that's hurt, isn't it?


No, please


before I was the
thumbprint killer, Mr. Smith


I have killed a lot of people.


In a lot of different ways.


it's says that the
thumbprint killer is a monster


annoying you a little bit, you
can't take credit, doesn't it?




Anyone who's got what
they do, wants credit


since I'm not going to do it anymore


I'd like Mr. Smith have the credit


don't kid yourself, Earl.
you are going to kill again


No, I am not


I'm going back to tha AA
meetings and I will control it.


But there is an answer
I would like to have.




why you are a cop?


Who is this?


You are rich, you have good education, you could
have gone into your father's business, instead you


went outside, all of them became
successful on your own, why?


If you want something from me then you
gonna have to tell me who you are...


...or I'm gonna hang up


did you think that your
husband's killing was random?


and I suddenly didn't
have to give you Meeks


Mr. Bafford?


Which is the answer?


you not sound like you?


well, I have a little cold are
you going to gimme the answer?


Where are you?


I'll tell you if you can give
me the true answer to my question


My... My father was very
disappointed that I was born a girl


And he let me know it


I spent my all life
trying to prove him wrong


Thank you.




you... you promised to
tell me where you are?




I am on top of a building.


That wasn't Bafford.






wake up, wake up!


i woke you up?


it's ok


it's ok


I'm here... go back to sleep


why did you fight it so hard, Earl?



don't kid yourself, Earl.
you are going to kill again


No, I am not


I'm going back to tha AA
meetings and I will control it.


But there is an answer
I would like to have.




why you are a cop?


Who is this?


You are rich, you have good education, you could
have gone into your father's business, instead you


went outside, all of them became
successful on your own, why?


If you want something from me then you
gonna have to tell me who you are...


...or I'm gonna hang up


did you think that your
husband's killing was random?


and I suddenly didn't
have to give you Meeks


Mr. Bafford?


Which is the answer?


you not sound like you?


well, I have a little cold are
you going to gimme the answer?


Where are you?


I'll tell you if you can give
me the true answer to my question


My... My father was very
disappointed that I was born a girl


And he let me know it


I spent my all life
trying to prove him wrong


Thank you.




you... you promised to
tell me where you are?




I am on top of a building.


That wasn't Bafford.






wake up, wake up!