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Kevin Flynn: The Grid.


A digital frontier.


I tried to picture clusters of information,
as they moved through the computer.


What did they look like?


Ships, motorcycles?


Were the circuits like freeways?


I kept dreaming of a world,

I thought I'd never see.


And then, one day.


Sam: You got in.


Ha, ha, ha, that's right, man.


I got in.


And the world was more beautiful
than I ever dreamed.


And also, more dangerous
than I've ever dreamed.

Get in bed now, come on.


Now, I met a brave warrior.


-Ba, ba, bom, bom, bommm.


He fights for the users.

He sure does.

Oh man, he showed me things that no
one had ever imagined.

Here at least. This battle was fought
in spectacular arenas.

Cycles that raced on ribbons of light.


-So radical, and together,
-You built the grid.

We built a new grid.


And programs and users.


Now, I couldn't be in there all the time.


So, I created a program in my own image.


That could think, like you or me.


And I called him,


Codified Likeness Utility.


That's right.


And CLU Tron and I, we built the
system where all information was free,


And hope, beautiful.


And then, one day.


Something happened.




A miracle.


What was it?


That'll have to wait until next time.


How 'bout I get to work.


I'm gonna go with you, Dad.


Yeah, well.


On day, you will.


I promise.




Good night, Sam.


All right, what do you say tomorrow,
you and I hit the arcade?


You can have a crack at the old man's
high score.


First games on me.


You want to play doubles?


Are we on the same team?


We're always on the same team.


Good evening, our lead story.


ENCOM CEO and video game Icon,
Kevin Flynn.


has disappeared.


He was best known for designing Tron,
and Space Paranoids.


The two best selling video games in history.


Flynn took ownership of ENCOM in 1982.


And the company skyrocketed to the
top of the tech industry.


But things changed in 1985.


With the untimely death of Flynn's wife,
the mother of his young son, Sam.


Recently ENCOM board members have been
concerned by the reports of Flynn's erratic


even obsessive behavior.


With Flynn missing, the company
is now in Chaos.


This afternoon ENCOM's board moved to
seize control from Flynn's partner, Alan Bradley.


Vowing to return the company to


Loyal to the end, Bradley maintains
his belief that Flynn is not missing.


And is instead pursuing his dream of quote:


"A digital frontier to reshape
the human condition".


In there is a new world.


In there is our future.


In there,


is our destiny.


Even Flynn's most ardent supporters are
now acknowledging a difficult truth.


Kevin Flynn may have simply, run away.


And often lows
for his imminent return.


There is perhaps no one....


He's coming.


He promised.


Sam, you have to eat.


Let go of me.




What will become of Flynn's legacy,
and the future of ENCOM.


Will most likely depend on what becomes
of this now orphaned little boy.


SAM, come back.


Well that is a big door.


Welcome everybody, please settle.


I know it's late so I'll skip the pleasantries
and hand things over to our chairman.


Richard Mackey


Thank you, thank you.
Thank you, Claire.


Tonight I am pleased to announce that
ENCOM's last fiscal year,


was our most profitable, ever.




And at midnight tonight, the 12th version of our pledge
of operating systems will hit the shelves.


Around the world.


I'm sure it comes as no surprise,


who we have to acclaim. The head of
our software design team.


A man who's father own uh, notable
history with ENCOM,


helped make this company, what it is today.


Edward Dillinger.


Well done.


We will be making our Debut on
Tokyo's Nikkei index.


ENCOM's stock will now trade around the world.




Huh? We did it.


Excuse me,


Yes, Allan.


Given the prices we charge to students, schools.


What sort of improvements have been made
in Flynn


I mean, uh, ENCOM O.S. twelve?


This year we put a twelve on the box.


O.S. 12 is the most secure
operating system ever released.


The idea of sharing our software or
giving it away for free.


Disappeared with, Kevin Flynn.


We know you're here.


Let's make this easy.


Come on, come on.




Okay, I hope I have no more questions.


I would like you to meet,
our next blockbuster.


ENCOM O.S. Twelve.




Oh, a few bugs.


Bare with us, one second.


Stop! Stop, stop.
Stop, stop, will you just stop.


For one second.


Nikkei will be open in thirty seconds.


Does anyone know where the master
file is?


I do.


It's on the web.


This is mad, gotta stop this.


We got to bring that opener, now.


How is this happening, we've got to stop this now.


No, let's just, shut it down.


-Shut it down, NOW!


Relax, it's under control.




Our most valuable and most secure
operating system is out there for free.


How am I suppose to explain that?


I don�t' know. Say it was all part of the plan.


A little uh, a little gift
from ENCOM.


Apparently ENCOM technologies is
having technical difficulties.




Hey, Dad.


What are you doing?


Where are you going to run to now?


Now you don't want to do that.


Didn't anyone tell you, stealing is wrong.


Can't steal something that was
designed to be free.


Now I got you.


Don't sweat it, your boss is
okay with it.


-The hell he is.
-Your boss works for the CEO.


The CEO works for the shareholders.


Now do you know who the
biggest shareholder is?


I don't know, some kid.


You're Mr. Flynn.




This is your father's company.


Not anymore.


Wha..., hey, hey kid.




Woo, hoo, hoo, hooo.




Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.




Hey, there he is, get him.




Hold it right there, freeze!


Okay boys, you got me.




Enjoy it Marv, you earned it.


Why are you in my apartment, Allen?


You won't answer your phone.


How you been, Sam?


Well you know, when I was twelve,
I really appreciated the surrogate father thing.


But come on, Allen.


We're all under control now.


Oh, clearly.


What is it? You want to
help me with my home work?


Like old times, care to catch.


Well you got a, pretty nice view here.


Why'd you do the triple axel off
of a few hours ago?


Rough landing, huh?


Hmm, could have been worse.


I also thought your message to the
board was very clever.


Oh, you like that?


Well, that was Marv's idea.


Allan, we really gonna do this again?


Do I really look like I'm ready to run a
fortune 500 company?




But truthfully, your father's pretty
happy with where you are.


Clearly they can just keep doing
whatever they want.


Well I guess what I find curious is
the crazy charities,


the annual prank on the company.


Sure have an interesting way of being
disinterested, Sam.


Why are you here, Alan?


I was paged last night.


Oh man, still rocking the pager, hey?


Good for you.


Yeah, your Dad once told me I
had to sleep with it, I still do.


Page came from your Dad's office, in the arcade.




So, that numbers been disconnected
for twenty years.


Sam, two nights before he disappeared,
he came to my house.


I've cracked he kept saying.


He was talking about genetic algorithms,


Quantum teleportation. He said he was
about to change everything.


Or science, medicine, religion.


He wouldn't have left that, Sam.


He wouldn't have left you.


Al, you're the only one who
still believes that.


He's either dead, or chillin' in Costa Rica.


Probably both.


I'm sorry.


I'm tired.


I smell like jail.


Let's just reconvene in another couple
of years, huh? What do you say?




These are the keys to the arcade.


I haven't gone over there, yet.


I thought you should be the one.


Alan, your acting like my father's
sitting at work.


Hey kiddo, lost track of time.


Wouldn't that be something.






You got a backdoor.


This isn't happening.


Oh man, this IS happening.


This program has no disk.


Another spread.


Wait, I'm not a program.


He actually did it.


I'm on the grid.


Does the name Kevin Flynn mean
anything to you?


Be quiet if you want to live.


Game, games, the games.
Not the games.


What's his problem?










Look, I know you probably get this a lot,


But there's been a big mistake.




Please, no, no, no.

Whoa, hey!


Erase me!






How soon will come .....


Hey, hey!


That's got a zipper.


He is different.


This can't be good.


Attention, program. You will receive
an identity disc.


Everything you do or learn, will
be imprinted on this disc.


If you lose your disc,


or fail to follow commands.


You will be subject to immediate,


Nearly complete. Disc activated and synchronized.


Proceed to games.




Where you going?


What am I suppose to do?




Platform eight.


I have a strange version of you on my shelf.


Combatants 3 and 11.


Please duel.


When did ..., do that?


Damn it.


So that's how it is.


Combatant 11, 3 resolution.


I won!


Now let me out.


No unusual activity on the grid.


Security sweeps patrolling and


Right to par, on schedule.


Your initiate should be fully operational
within twelve cycles.


Perhaps if you were to include me.


In this mission, l could be be even greater.


Commence 3, and 7.
Disc closed.






I'm out of this.


Combatant 3, entry.


Combatant 3, violation.


What is that program?


Combatant three.




Initiate by-land brow.


Combatant 3, versus Rinzler.


(Crowd chants, Rinzler)


You gotta be kidding me.


Aw, come on, is that even legal?




Why did it feel like I just got
tongue tied.


Come on, huh?


Come on.




Identify yourself, program.


I'm not a program.




My name is Sam Flynn.


Bring him here.


Let me go.




Where am I?


Am I on the grid?


Who are you?






Look at you, man.


Look at the size of you.


How did you get in here?


I got your message.




So it's just you?




Look at you.


Wow, isn't this something.


You look the same.


Oh, a lot has happened, Sam.
More than you can imagine.




Let's have a look.


Got it.


Don't expect anymore.


So, you were trapped in here.


That's right.


You're in charge.


Right again.


So, can we just go home now.


Not in the cards.


Not for you.


That's a hell of a way to treat your son.


Oh, that.


I'm not your father, Sam.


But I'm very, very happy to see you.




Where is he?


What'd you do to him?


Same thing I'm going to do to you.




Greetings programs.


Oh what a location we have here
before us.


Because, your rumors are true.

We do indeed have in our midst,


a user.


Aaa uuuser.


So, what to do.


What can this User reserve.


Might I suggest perhaps,


the challenge of the grid.


And who best to battle this
senior opponent.


Perhaps someone who has some experience
in these matters.


Oh yes, indeed programs.


Your liberator, your luminary.


Your leader.


The one who vanquished the
tyranny of the user.


Those many cycles before.


I've been waiting a long time for this.




You wanna play?


I'll play.


Excellent work, sir.


Were you pleased with my execution?


The crowd seemed quite energized.


It wasn't meant for them.


What's this?


What do I do with this?


I'll give you a hint.


Na, nat.


Grid is live.


Initiate light-cycle battle.


You got no chance, User.


Their bots are faster than ours.
Use the littlest.


Now this I can do.


Here we go.




Hoh, oh!






We gotta work together.


It's the only way.


That's it, you got me.




Whoo, hoo hoo, keep out.


Now that's what I'm talking about.


Another customer.


Let's go.


Hang on buddy, I'm coming.


Come on.




This is it.


Come on.




Illegal combatant on grid.


Get in.


Illegal combatant on grid.




System failure, release Rinzler.


Game on old friend.


Who are you?


Hang on.


Oh man, you can't make that.


Made it.


I'm, Quorra.


They're turning around.


Not by choice.


Their vehicles aren't designed to go off grid.


They'll mal-function on this terrian.


What about us?


Hah, obviously not.


Where are you taking me?


Patience, Sam Flynn.


All your questions will be answered soon.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Wait here.




I dreamed of Tron.


First time in years.


A sign.


A sign my dear friend, is
of a weary soul.


I'm afraid something's happened.


Something has happened.


We have a guest.


There are no guests here.




Long time.


You have no idea.


You're, you're here.


You're here.


I'm here.


You're big.




How did you get here?


Alan came over.




He got your page.


From your office at the arcade.




Page, of course.


CLU had him on the Light-Cycle grid.


I intervened.




We may soon,


go find him.


He never thought he'd see you again.






Flynn built it many cycles ago for the games.


It doesn't get out as much
as it used to, but.


Still the fastest thing on the grid.


Do you know it?


His patience usually beats out my more,


aggressive strategy.


Flynn shared them with me.


I've read them all.


Wow, you like reading.


Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Lee Chang,
Caring without goal.


Must have a killer ending.


Flynn is teaching me about the art of the selfless.


It's about, removing oneself from the equation.


But, between you and me.


Jules Verne is my favorite.


You know Jules Verne?




What's he like?


Your move Flynn, come on.


Come on.


How old are you now, Sam?


Uh, you should be 27.


27, yeah.


Did you attend a college?






My Alma-Mater.




That's why I dropped out.




A job? ENCOM or you, uh...


I check in once a year.


-A dog.


I have one.




Well, dogs are cool.


I'm sure you must have a few questions
of your own, Sam.


Actually, just one.


Why I never came home?


Those nights when I went to the office


I'm sure you figured it out by now,


was to come here.


Moving forward into digital space.


Maybe, still.


But, I also had you.


I had income, I couldn't be
there all of the time.


I needed partners.


Finding CLU.


That's right.


Tron was created by Alan for the old system.


I brought him here to protect this one.


CLU was my creation.


Program designed to create a perfect world.


We were jammin' man, building utopia.


Hours here were just minutes back home.


Just when I thought it couldn't get more profound.


Something unexpected happened.


The Miracle.


The Miracle.


You remember.




Isomorphic Algrarithm's.


A whole new life form.


And you created them?


No, no.


They manifested.


Like a flame.


They weren't really from anywhere.


The conditions were right, and
they came into being.


For centuries we dreamed of gods, spirits, aliens.

Intelligence beyond our own.


You seeing this?


I found them, in here.


Like flowers in the waste land.


Profoundly naive.


Unimaginably wild.


They were spectacular.


Everything I'd hope to find in the system.


Control, order, perfection. None of it
meant a thing.


But living in a hall of mirrors.


The Iso's.




The possibilities of their root code,
their digital DNA.






Science, philosophy, every idea,


man has ever had about the universe
up for grabs.

Bio digital jazz, man.


The Iso's, they were going to
be my gift to the world.


So, what happened?




CLU happened.




Am I still to create perfect system?




It was a coup.




You've been corrupted.


Flynn, go!




Tron, he fought for me.


I never saw him again.


So why don't you fight?


He did.


It fed from my resistance.


The more I fought, the more powerful
it became.


It was impressive run.


Then my miracle. CLU saw the
ISO's as an imperfection.


So he destroyed them.


The purge.


He killed them all?


It was genocide.


I tried to get back. But I couldn't
get to the portal.


It uses massive power. And it can't
stay open forever.


And like a safe. It can only be opened
from the outside.


It closed on me, Sam.


That's why I never came home.


So the portal. It activated when I came in.


So it's open, now.


Not for long.


Only one millicycle, about eight hours.


So, we go now.


Go home. Make a run for it.


Get you out of here. Don't rush.


What do you mean, don't rush. The
portal's going to close.


What? What is it?


The moment Flynn is on the grid,
CLU will stop at nothing to obtain his disc.


My disc is everything, Sam.
It's the master key.


The golden ticket for the way out.


Not just for me.


You mean all the other... will make
a landing on those.


CLU figures if I can be in.




With my disc, it's possible.


Then what?


Game over.


The guy doesn't dig imperfection.


What more important is
our world.


I can't let that happen.


I won't.


So what will we do?




It's amazing how productive doing
nothing can be.


CLU's planning something.


We've known that for a while.


Programs have been disappearing,
there's unrest out there.


Even revolution. We sit tight, we might
be brought down from the inside.


The portal's closing. We can't just sit
around. We have to move now.


Tell me.


What brought you here?


Through the grid.


Alan got your page.


I didn't send any page.


It was CLU. CLU sent that page.


That's why you're here.


This is all his design.


He wanted a new piece on the board
to change the game.


With you he got more than he ever dreamed.


This is precisely what he wants.


Us together, heading for the portal.


It's his game now.


The only way to win is not to play.


Now that's a help, great way.


But it is a way.


We need you home.


Don't you want that?


Sometimes life has a way of moving
you past things like wants and hope.


That's right, Dad.


Keep telling yourself that.


Goodnight, Sam.


How can he be so afraid
of his own creation?


I mean, he built CLU.
Why doesn't he just end him.


He could but it would require reintegration.


Yeah, all right.


He would never survive the effect.


It would mean the end of them both.


If he refuses to save himself, then I will.




I'm going to the portal.


CLU wants Dad's death, not mine.


I'm going to fly out I'm going to figure
this thing out from the other side.


If CLU finds a way to my world it will be
gone with one keystroke.


I can't do anything unless I
get to the portal.


He might get stuck, and you don't want to be
stuck in this place for very long.


I really think you should consider
your father's wisdom.


I have.


(Knock on door)


There's someone I once knew.


A program named Zuse, who
fought along side the ISO's.


How do I find him?


This is his sector.


Make it there alive.


And he'll find you.






Hey man, it's your lucky day.


Stop it.


Sam Flynn.


-You remember me.

You gave me some advice.


And you followed it.


Its unfortunate we met the way we did.


You have a good night.


You're looking for someone.


What makes you say that.




Sir, sentries down town,


recovered Flynn's light cycle.


They've traced it to it's component of origin.


Prepare the light-runner Quorra.


We're going downtown.


Thank you for bringing my son to me.


Flynn, you don't need to go. I sent
him to someone we can trust.


Quorra, there is no choice.


I won't lose him again.


Chaos, good news.


Relax, they're off the grid.


His name is Castor.


You want to speak to Zuse you're
going to have to go to him.


Where is your sense of humor, my friend?


Programs are disappearing, Castor. Soon
none of us will be left.


Zuse can make the factions, ferment the revolution.


Well of course Zuse can do these things.


Grant me an audience.


Your enthusiasm is intoxicating
my dear bot,


But Zuse's time is precious.


We shall see.


If you'll excuse me a moment, I have to, uh...


Attend to something, but have a drink.


Courtesy of the "End of line" club.


It is happening.


Come, away from these primitive functions.


The son of Flynn.


Of all the innumerable possibilities.


He has to walk into mine.


Libations, for everybody!


I'm Castor.


Your host.


Provider of any and all entertainment
and diversions.


At your service.


I'm looking for Zuse.




Many are.


Where can I find him?


This pretty miss, is a conversation
best had behind closed doors.


Perhaps we should retire to
my private lounge.


Uh, designed it myself, you know.


It's true.


I'm stepping away for a moment, boys.


Change the scheme, alter the mood.


Electrify the boys and girls,
if you'd be so kind.


Thank you.




My name is, Gem.


Ah, perfect.


-You are CLU.
-I am CLU.


You will create the perfect system.


I will create the perfect system.


Together we're going to change the world, man.


(Angrily screams)


Let's move.


Zuse has been around since the earliest
days of the gaming grid.


By necessity.
Castor mined all the percentages.


All the angles.


So when do I meet him?




After the purge, I needed
to reinvent myself.


Self preservation, you understand.




What can I do, for you?


I need to get to the portal.


Well, it's closing quickly.


As I'm sure, you're aware.


Tick-tock, tick-tock.


And it's quite a journey.


Beyond the far reaches of the outland.


Your father didn't want any programs,
slipping out accidentally, did he.


Can you help me?


Of course.


But first, as a man who prides himself
on staying well informed.


I must ask, who sent you my way?


Her name's, Quorra.


Said she met you a long time ago.


I believe she did.


Many cycles ago.


Was a different time.


But we're not here to relive the past.


Let's see about your future, shall we?


Now, well have to, uh...


change your attire, and you'll need
a forged disc.


Not easy these days.


But my. And of course you'll need transport.


To cross the sea of simulation.


This is going to be quite a ride.


I believed in users once before.


Playing all the angles.




The game has changed.


Son of Flynn!


Ha, ha, haaa.


Met your friend.


He's fantastic.


Behold, the son of our maker.


Yeah, yeah.


Goes through ....


Whoa, whoa, whoa.


A little help here, maybe.


You did it.


Dad, it's gone.


It is.


I'm sorry, I know I messed up.


We can go back, I can go back.


No, we stay together.


Dad, I can do this.


You've done enough all ready.


Sam, you really.


You're messin' with my Zen thing, man.


She's stable.


So what do we do now?


I don't know.


We do nothing.


We still,




Ever jump a freight train?




We do it your way.


It's a long sprint to the portal.


If we beat CLU there we have a chance.


Let's get her out of here.


This will take us there.


Is she going to make it?


I don't know, I gotta identify
the damaged code.


The sequence on it is just
enormously complex.


But didn't you write it?


Some I wrote, the rest of it is just,


beyond me.


She's an Iso.


Yeah, the last Iso.


All this time you were just, protecting her.


She's the miracle, man.


Everything I ever worked for.


A digital frontier to reshape
the human condition.


I always thought that was just a plot line.


In our world, she could change everything.


Check that out.


She risked herself for me.


Some things are worth the risk.


Look at this.


Now that is impressive, if I do say
so myself, huh?


Come on, it's going to take a while for
her system to reboot.


Now it's time for you to tell me a story.


The boy and Flynn are gone.


I presume your Excellency, they
perished in the elevator.


You presume.


Find them.


Ice caps were melting,


farmed in the middle east.


Lakers, Celtics, Batman.


Now the rich are getting richer.
The poor are getting poorer.


Cell phones, online dating, Wi-Fi.


What's Wi-Fi?


-Wireless sim-linking
-A Digital devices.




I thought of that when you were five.


Mom and Dad,


-I assume let go




Back when I was twelve.


Gram five years later.


You remember that night.


You didn't come home.


Wow, I said I'd show you the grid.


You should have seen this place
back then.


Couldn't wait to show it to you.


But not way.


Must been something before CLU screwed it up.


No, no, he,


he's me.


I screwed it up.


Crazy after perfection.


Using after what was right in front of me.


Right in front of me.


Look what you've accomplished.


It's incredible.




I'd give it all up for one
more day with you.




Remember your old Ducati?


You kidding me. There's not a day goes
by I don't think about that bike.


Yeah, well. Fixing her up.


What are you busting my bike?


Well twenty years in the shed, no
tork, I mean.


She knew you were her love.


How's she running?


Well, when I'm done.


Better than ever.


Aw man, I'd like to see that.


You will.


Yeah, if your brooding, give her this.


Your old man is going to knock down the sky.


When Flynn entered the space,
ahh, everything changed.


I've never seen anything quite like it.


Aura was palpable.


Was it.


I presume our understanding,


is still valid.


Control of the city.


A sizable request.


-I know.
-But, uh...


Seemingly fitting compensation.


You think?


How long have you been searching for this?




A thousand cycles...huh?


Just imagine the secrets it holds.


The master key to any and all,


riddles of the grid.


There's something else, too.


Isn't there?


I heard the chatter.


About this private initiative.


I realize that uh, alliance is at times,




But always necessary.


You know you need me.


Right where I am.




Of course, you're right.


You have a drink.


End of line, man.


- (Gasps for breath)
-Hey, hey.


It's okay, we're safe for now.


We're heading east, towards the portal.


CLU has the disc.


Once I get out, I can shut him down.


I should never have sent you to Zuse.


It was a mistake.


It's okay, I made a few myself.


Where is he?


I think he's knocking on the sky.


And listening to the sound.




How did you find him?


It's okay.


I know.


It was during the purge.


CLU was relentless.


The Black guard were executing
Iso's in the streets.


Everyone I knew,




Then they came for me.


So I ran.


As sympathetic programs smuggled me
out of the city.


but soon they had me surrounded.


I prepared for the end.


And just as everything was going dark.


I felt a hand.


On my shoulder.


And when I opened my eyes.


Standing above me,


was the creator.


Your father.


He saved me.


I guess you could say I'm,
a rescue.


Hell of a view.


It used to let us know that Flynn was here.


It became a symbol of something bigger.


Something better.


In this world.


I've never been this close before.


It's how I imagined the sunrise to be.


Ah, trust me. There's no comparison.


What's it like?


-The sun?


Oh yeah.


I never had to describe it before.








Get below.




This isn't suppose to be here.


What happened?


What is this?


CLU can't create programs.


He can only destroy and repurpose them.


Repurpose them for what?


He's building an army.


Let's go.






What's she doing?


Removing herself from the equation.




He's alive.


We can't just let her go.



There's another way.


Well done sir.


Have you ever seen anything like it?


Humbly, sir.


I know you have greater designs,
then any of us understand.


What does it do?


She's going to wind up like one of them.


Keep moving, Sam.


You are a very rare bird, aren't you.


Where's your disc?
Where is he?


Must have been so lonely out there.


Tragic to be the only one.


I've seen what users are
capable of, CLU.


You don't belong with them.


I have something very special
in mind for you.


Take her upstairs.


And find them.


You'll have to excuse me. You know I
was just unprepared to ....


Greetings programs.


Together we have achieved a
great many things.


We have created a vast complex system.


We've maintained it,


we've improved it.


We have rid it of its imperfections.


Not to mention, ridding of the false deity
that sought to enslave us.


Kevin Flynn!


Where are you now?


My fellow programs, let there
be no doubt.


That our world is a cage no more.


For at this moment.


The key to the next frontier is finally
in our possession.


The disc.


And unlike our selfish creator who preserves
the privilege of our world only to himself.


I will make their world open,


and available to all of us.




To all of us.


He's taking all of us with him.


He's figured out how to do it.


And whatever we find there.


There our system will grow,
there our system will blossom.


You have proved yourselves,
proved yourself to me.


Been loyal to me.


And I will never betray you.


Dad, we have to get your disc.


No we gotta get to the portal.


You shut them down from the outside.


Even if I make it out you won't last
in here.


-Quorra won't last..
-I said it will be all right, come on.


Will you let it go, I'm not
going home without you.




Same team.




I was afraid you were going to say that.


Meet me on the flight deck in five.
And get me some wheels.


Wheels? What's your plan?


I'm a user.


I'll improvise.


Rid the new system of its imperfections.


My vision is clear.


Out there, is a new world!


Out there is our victory.


Out there,


is our destiny.


Identify yourself program.


I'm not a program.


My name is Sam Flynn.


Identify yourself.


I'm taking this vehicle.


You are not authorized.


Right away, sir.


Watch your step please,
as you board the aircraft.


One of the users.


Master key, disengaged.


Master key, disengaged.


I came with a girl.


A program, where is she?


Sam. GO!


What are you doing here?


We gotta get to the flight deck.


But CLU will be here any minute.
We'll never make it.


Come on.


Come on, kiddo.


Radical, man.




Made it.


Try to hold on to this.
You're gonna need it.


You got this, Quorra.


It's all in the wrist.


Death to the user.


Head towards the light, Quorra.


Where'd you learn that move back there?


ENCOM tower.


Couple nights ago.


ENCOM tower.


Light jets.


Here they come.


Sam, take the turret.


Oh man, I'm all over this.




Yeah, ha, ha, ha.


One down, five to go.




We gotta split them up.


Come on.


Have a nice swim.


You gotta get behind them.


I don't think this is a good idea.


You're probably right.


He's gaining on us.






It's jammed.




What have you become?


Aw, come on.


Flynn, go home.


My word, take a shot.


Finish today.




I, fight for the users!




That was him.


It's over.


It's over!




Quorra, there's something
I need you to do.


Let's get you home, Dad.


There it is.


Take her down.


Hang on.


This could be rough.


This is mine.


Had a feeling you'd be here.


The cycle's haven't been kind, have they.


Well, you don't look so bad.


I did everything.


Everything you ever asked.


I know you did.


I executed the plan.


As you saw it.


You, you promised that we would
change the world, together.


You broke your promise.


I know, I understand that now.


I took this system to its maximum potential.


I created the perfect system.


The thing about perfection, is
that it's unknowable.


It's impossible, but it's also right
in front of us all the time.


You wouldn't know that because
I didn't when I created you.


I'm sorry for.


I'm sorry.






Remember what you can't do.




You knew I'd beat you.


And still you did all this.


For him.






He's my son.






Sam, it's time.






It's what he wants.


I'm not leaving you.


You take her.




Goodbye, kiddo.




You paged me?




You jet ENCOM at 8AM.


What about the board?


We trim them out.


I'm taking the company back, Alan.


Oh, and you were right.


About what?


About everything.


What's next, Sam?


Guess we're suppose to change the world.


Tomorrow, I'll show you something.