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Attila? Where are you, boy?


Did you get that rabbit?
Did you?


I'll bet you did.
My mighty hunter.


You vicious killer.
That's my dog.


That's my beast!


Come on. Give me a kiss.


Wait a minute.


Wait a damn minute.


And you call yourself security?


Don't change the subject.


�� Love child ��


Hey, George.
�� Born in poverty ��


You gonna just stand there
or you gonna help me with these boxes?


Now what have you got me
carryin', huh?


Got a deal on solar panels
and batteries.


Well, I told you I wasn't doin'
any more improvements on the house.


- I'm sellin' this place someday.
- Yeah, right.


But I see you improved
the garden anyway.


Yeah. And that goddamn
rabbit still got in there.


I told you. He went
under your fence, George.


- He did not.
- He did too.


I put that fence a foot and a half
underneath the ground.


Well, it's a mystery, George.


Anyway, this solar outfit,


it's going to save you money,
and it's free.


So happy birthday.


Thanks, Nate.
Thank you.


- Who's gonna put it together? Huh?
- Not me.


It comes with a manual
in three different languages.


Forget it. Look, if it's
a car, I can fix it.


If it's in the garden,
I probably can grow it. But--


This is way
out of my neighborhood.


Hey, you, uh--
You bringin' a date tonight?


No. You?


- Well, I'm thinkin' of askin' somebody.
- When?


Today? You don't give 'em
much notice, do you?


Well, you even ask anybody? Huh?


I always ask Diana Ross,
but she never says yes to me.


- See you.
- See you later.


�� That you never ever gonna return ��


�� To ease the fire
that within me burns ��


�� It keeps me cryin'
baby, for you ��


�� Keeps me sighin'
baby, for you ��


�� So won't you hurry ��


�� Come on, boy
See about me ��


- �� Come see about me ��
- Hey, Bill!


�� See about your baby
Come see about me ��


Hey, George, George.
I forgot to tell you, man.


- Te llamo el doctor.
- Ah, ah, hold on. Hold on.


- Te llamo el doctor.
- Doctor called.


Banes, will you
let me figure it out?


Dice que a las diez.


At ten, at 10:00.
At 10:00.


? Que-- Que dijo?


? Que dijo? He want you que vayas
a su ventana at 10:00.


Que vayas a su ventana.


- Ventana. Ventana. Ventana.
- Ventana.


- He wants you to look at his window.
- Man!


How you doin', Lace?


You look great.


Yeah. How are
the chairs sellin'?


I got one left.
I need four more.


Wow. It's going a lot better
than I expected.


- Yeah? Well, you know,
people sit down a lot around here.
- Yeah.


- Here. I can get these.
- No, I got it. Thanks.


Well, I'll help you.


Hey, uh, Lace. There's a-- There's
a party tonight at the Elkhorn Bar.


Why do they call it that?
There's no elk around here.


I don't know. They just always
called it the Elkhorn.


Why? They got some poor elk's horn
hangin' over the bar?


I don't think so.


Anyway, it's my birthday today, and
there's a party tonight at the Elkhorn.


- I said that, didn't l?
- Yup.


- George!
- Oh. I gotta look up here at 10:00.


- Why?
- Well, that's Doc Brunder's
office. Have you met him yet?


- No. What does he want?
- I don't know.


So, uh, hey, uh-- Do you-- Do you
think you could come to the party?


No. I don't like to leave
my kids home alone at night.


- Well, I know a good
baby-sitter. Tito's wife.
- I live really far out.


- You know Tito. Tito? Tito!
- Really.


Hey, George.


- Hey. That's nice.
- Mmm.


Oh, God.


- So that's the doctor?
- Yeah. That's the doctor.


Would you please
come tonight?


No. Not tonight.


- Is it me?
- No. It's not you.


Well. Then I'll keep askin'.


Man, how I'd love to get
my hands on your carburetor.


I bet you would.


Que la metimos.


- He say they sock it to ya.
- Yeah. Get back to work, guys.


�� Oooh, hooo ��


�� Baby love, my baby love ��


�� I need you
Oh, how I need you ��


- Hey, Nate. Nate!
- �� But all you do is treat me bad �� ��


It's a scandal, you and Diana Ross.


- I told the press. Yup.
- Oh, man.


- She'd be so happy on my farm.
- Mmm.


- No stress. No media, no press.
- Aw, it's true.


- Nothin'.
- Just-- Just heaven.


- Hey, you're not supposed
to be buyin' drinks tonight.
- Wait.


- Jimmy!
- Yo! George doesn't buy drinks
tonight. It's his birthday.


- Doc! Hey, you made it.
- For you.


- Hey, hi!
- How's everybody?


- Hey.
- Still breathing in and out?


- Doc, you gotta try--
You gotta try that cake.
- What?


- Tito's wife made it.
It is macho bueno.
-! Macho!


- Oh, Doc. Thank you.
- Hey, Jimmy!


- You're welcome.
- Yeah.


You're learning the moves,
George, but you've never played
amidst turmoil and confusion.


I wish we could go back
to checkers. Maybe I could win.


No, no, no, no.
You have potential, George.


I always said George Malley has
something extra to offer this world.


- I said that the day l,
uh, circumcised you.


- He says that every birthday!
- It was a bad joke, I know.


You know, you ruined
my chance of romance today...


- with that obscene stunt in the window.
- It was an outrage!


- A criminal act.
- It was a disgrace!


Okay, there was a beautiful girl
who walked right away from me.


- It was so embarrassing.
- George, you talking about
the one with the chairs?


- Yeah.
- They-- They are not all that comfortable.


Well, I think they're perfect,
but you gotta learn how to sit in 'em.


Ah, here you go. On the house,
everybody. Happy birthday.


Oh, Jimmy, Jimmy.
There's no smoking section in heaven.


Aw, don't start, Doc. Don't start.
Pass those out. Pass 'em out.


Georgie. George.
Happy cumpleanos, amigo.


- Hey, amigo.
- Good luck. Happy birthday.


- You all set?
- Yeah.


This is great.
This is great.


Wait, wait, wait. Tito!


Thanks for comin' to my party, man.


- Happy birthday, kid.
- Yeah. Happy birthday.


Yup. Happy birthday.








Anybody see that?
There was th-that light?


- What kind of light?
- Y-You know, there was a noise.


- D-Did you hear it?
- No.


Could we finish
the game, George?


Man. I-l-lt was like-- like--
like an explosion.


- A-A-And-- And it was a flash--
- Like a plane?


No. It was bigger than that.
I-l-lt was farther away.


Oh, you mean
like a star, George?


Man, it knocked me
off my feet.


- You fell?
- Yeah, I fell! I was hit right--


- The man's inebriated.
- I warned you.


- I'm not drunk, Nate.
- I'm takin' your queen,
George. Now pay attention.


Isn't that checkmate?


That's checkmate, isn't it?


You mean he beat you?


- You let him win, Doc? Birthday present?
- l- I didn't let him win anything.


You're a little pissed off
about that, aren't you?


- Play another one?
- You can get your revenge
on me tomorrow, all right?


- You feeling okay?
- Yep.


- Can you drive, George?
- Yeah. I'm all right.


Hey. Thanks, everybody.


- Happy birthday, buddy.
- Happy birthday, George.


That was a good party.


Duermes. Tu duermes.


Duerme. Duerme.


I can't sleep.


That's it!


- What?
- I figured it out.


Jesus, George! What are you doing
calling me? It's late.


I thought that farmers
got up when it was still dark.


That's if you have cows.


I don't have any cows, George.


- Now, look. There's only one
explanation for that rabbit.
- What!


You see, when I built that fence higher
and deeper, he was already in there.


See? He was hiding.
I fenced him in!


- There's only one thing
I can do now, just let him out.
- Good night, George.


Good night.


Here's Roger.


George, can l
have my Bronco back?


I don't have any cash right now,
but I need my car.


Well, I need some solar panels
installed on my roof.


I don't know anything
about solar.


Well, Charlie Shipper does. And, uh--
He needs a well dug on his property.


You help him dig the well, he'll help me
with the panels, and I'll fix your car.


- Deal?
- Yeah, deal!


I'll, uh--
I'll call Charlie.


Hi. I just called about,
uh, fixin' my brakes.


Oh, yeah, yeah.
Be right with you. Uh, Tito.


Atiende el senor.
Estoy ocupado con algo...


con este despues.


- Come on.
- Tito. He speaks Spanish
better than I do now.


Yeah. Better than me too.


Right. Where is the owner
and operator of this vehicle?


- You a cop?
- Our mom's in the store.


Mm-hmm. You got
the brake on, sport?


- His name's Al.
- What's your name?




Well, I'm George.
Pop the hood, Al.




- You know how to start this thing?
- Duh.




Emergency road service, ma'am.


- Truck can't breathe,
and your idle's too fast.
- Mm, sorry. Gotta go.


Where? You're not, uh,
leavin' town, are you?


No. Just San Francisco
for the day.


Oh, I used to live there. Ask--
Ask me directions on where you're going.


As a matter of fact, ask me anything at all.
You could even ask me to come along.


I'd show you the sights, the hazards.
What do you think?


I think your idle's too fast.
San Francisco, huh?


- But you were born here, right?
- How'd you know I was born here?


Just now, in the store. Someone said,
"I've known George Malley all my life.


And if he said he saw a U.F.O.,
he saw one."


I didn't say that.


- You saw one?
- But I didn't say what I saw.


- What'd it look like?
- Well, it could've been!


That's mate, Doc.


Wait. Wait, wait, wait.


What in the hell
is goin' on here? What?


Look, you know, I don't know, Doc.
I-l-I really don't know.


It's just lately I've been--
been seeing things so clearly, you know.


I, uh-- You know,
I understand right away.


I concentrate. And, uh--


And books. I can't
stop feeding myself.


I-I read two-- two,
three books a day. Imagine that.


And-- And-- You know, I can't stop,
and l-l-I can't sleep.


You know, ever since the, uh--


I-l-I gotta go.
Get back to work.


Ever since... the sighting.


Roger, it was a damn light!


- And a boom.
- Now, did you hear it?


Well, no.


About nine days ago,
right outside here?


Was that 12:00, George?


George, come in
for a physical. Okay?




- Two or three books a day?
- At least.


- About what?
- About everything.


You know, all the things
I've wanted to know about and learn.


Like what?


Well, you tell me, Rog.


I mean, what have you always
wanted to know about and learn?




Think about it.


�� I'm waiting for ignition ��


�� I'm looking for a spark ��


�� Any chance collision
and I light up in the dark ��


�� Such a nice emotion ��


�� Do not know where it goes ��


�� I'm equipped for movement ��


�� And I have the touch ��


�� Any social occasion
it's "Hello, how do you do" ��


�� All those introductions ��


�� I never miss my cue ��


�� So before a question
So before a doubt ��


�� My hand moves out and ��


�� I have the touch ��


�� Only, only ��


�� Wanting contact ��


�� With you ��


�� Shake those hands
Shake those hands ��


�� Shake hands ��


�� Shake hands ��


�� I have the touch �� ��


C.Q., this is WB6QLF,
standing by.


Searcher out of Harmon, California.
Is anybody in the void tonight?


I'm lookin' for Diana Ross,


but I'll accept any voice
in the English tongue.


Is that you, Diana?


- Hey, George.
- Now, look, Nate.


You haven't sat 'til you've put your ass on
one of these homemade willow chairs. Okay?


Now, I brought you a pair
so you can put your feet up,


or if you, uh, want a friend
to sit in there, if you decide
one day and invite someone over.


What do you think?


I don't think they go, George.


Oh, what would you know?
Looks like a swap meet blew in here.


Talk about needin' a woman's touch.
This is an emergency.


Hey, Nate. I've been workin'
on that solar kit you gave me.


I am telling you, the whole
field of photovoltaics is--


is just in baby land!


I mean-- You know--
The-- The idea that plants
have been storing and--


and using the sun's energy
since the birth of the world!


I mean, photosynthesis is--
is a model for us, and we're
just scratching the surface...


of what we could do
with these silicon cells.


I'm telling you.




You just talk so fast, George.
And-- And you know so much stuff.


I'm sorry. But--
I can't help it, Nate.


- That's okay.
- Mmm.


What is that?


Uh, it's just computers
talking to computers.


- Shh. Leave it, leave it, leave it.
- Aw, come on.


- The Morse code's goin' too fast
for you to pick that out.
- No, no, no. It's--


- I can hear it.
- Bull.


No. I'll tell you what it is. A repeated pattern.
They're looping a message.


"Watering the golds... Friday."


Yeah. Yeah. Now, who'd be sending a coded
message like that in simple Morse?


Oh, man, look. I pick up, like
two different air force bases.


I think we better
leave this one alone, George.


Mm. No, no, this is a different
one. Listen, listen!


This one's much denser,
but i-it's still a loop.


It still repeats.


- Seriously, I think--
- Oh, I gotta record this.


- We ought to leave this alone.
- Where's your-- No, no, no, no.


What are you doin'?


Well, I'm gonna take it home so I can
break it down. Then we can answer it.


- Why?
- Because it gives me
something to do, Nate.


I don't know if it's gettin'
worse or it's gettin' better.


But, you know, I have 12 hours
in the night to kill. And l--


When I get tired of reading,
I do crossword puzzles,
but they're all too simple.


Too simple.


And then everybody I know is asleep,
and I'm-- I'm awake at night.


Is there something--
something I could do?


Hey! Why don't we just
go outside and box?


I could split your lip again. You'll--
Yeah, you'll feel a lot better.




Hey, if you sent a message,
would they get it?


- Yeah, sure. Uh--
- Send this.


Send them, "Don't, uh--
Don't overwater the golds." Say that.


- Okay, fine. The golds?
- Marigolds.


- Oh, yeah.
- No, no, no, no. Say, "Don't
overwater the marigolds Friday."


Don't overwater...


the marigolds on Friday.


- Right.
- "We'll be watching."


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Watching.


Oh, God. This is cool.


It's okay, Attila.
It's nothing.


Static electricity, that's all.
That's all it is.


See? Here-- Here you go.


All right. Okay.


Oh, God!


Oh, God!
Oh, man!


Is somebody trying
to tell me something?






- Did you pee in the cup?
- Yup.


- You still having trouble sleeping?
- Yup. Any ideas?


How long have you been
feeling this way?


Well, you know how long I've been
feeling this way. Everybody does.


I mean, it's been over a month
since my birthday.


Notice anything else? Or--






Well, watch your fountain pen there.


What do you mean?


Ohh! Uh--


- That's telekinesis.
- Yeah.


Is that okay?


Do it again.
Do it again.


You know, uh, I consider myself
a rational man.


A man of science. You know,
open to... whatever. But, uh--


I feel like a child,
George. I feel scared.


Me too.


Well, whatever the reason is,
I promise you we'll find it. Okay?


Now, let me see you
do that one more time.


It's a monster, George.


Yup, yup. This old
Frankenstein here...


gets 90 miles to the gallon
on methane.


And it's made from my garbage...


and Nate's pig manure--
special blend.


Sure smells like it.


See, Georgie?


- Hello, Lace.
- Hey.


These are a little bit different.
I used a little bit of a wider branch on these.


Yeah, they look great.


- George, are these yours?
- Yeah. Yeah. I've been, uh,
workin' on some, uh,


special organic fertilizers.


- Go ahead, taste it.
- Mmm.


No, no, no.
Bite into it like a-- like an apple.


- Oh!
- You got some on your chin. Sorry.


Maybe, uh-- Maybe the kids
would like some.


- That's great. Thanks.
- No, no, no. Lace, wait.


Let me pick some out for you, okay?
If the kids like 'em, you know,


y-y-you could make anything.


You could make some sauce
or a soup.


George, I thought
you were smart.


Hey, what's she got, anyway?


Yeah. Yeah, besides
uncomfortable chairs.


My heart, amigos.


My heart.


�� Jump in
Let's go ��


�� Lay back
Enjoy the show ��


�� Jump in
Let's go ��


�� These are the days
when anything goes ��


�� Every day is a winding road ��


- Got another one!
- �� I get a little bit closer ��


�� Every day is a better sign ��


- Hey, George! Where
do you think you're goin'?
- �� I get a little bit closer ��


- �� To feelin' fine ��
- You guys going home?


- You want a ride?
- Okay.


- Glory!
- What?


Glory, come on.


- Would you come on?
- All right.


- Al!
- Okay. I'm coming.


Hurry up.


- �� Jump in
Let's go ��
- Move over.




�� These are the days
when anything goes ��


�� Every day
is a winding road ��


- �� I'm feelin' fine ��
- Are those for our mom?




I thought flowers
were for dates.


Don't get spooky, Al.


Did she invite you?


Hey, wait a minute!
Blue. I don't have blue.


�� Every day
is a winding road ��


- �� Every day is a winding road ��
- Oh, great.


�� Every day
is a winding road ��


- You guys know the name
of this, uh-- this flower?
- No.


- No.
- A Delphinium belladonna.


That's the Ranunculaceae


I didn't always know
the names of flowers,


but it seems, recently, that I can
pretty much name any flower I see.


Yeah. Like this one
is Lamonium sabbatom.


And, uh, this is the, uh--


Doesn't make 'em
any prettier, though.


- Is that a garbage bag tie?
- Yeah.


I was improvising.


Hey, now that's
a good idea.


- Ah, that's much better.
- Yup.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


�� Every day
is a winding road ��


�� Every day
is a winding road ��


My mom's around back!


�� Every day
is a winding road ��






- Hi.
- Now, you didn't nearly
take enough tomatoes.


And I'm very proud of them.


Uh, well, there you go.


And, uh...
I got you these.


Uh, well, that's every wildflower
from my house to your house.


Your kids helped.


- Thanks.
- Yeah.


- Hey, what are you working on?
- Nah, nothing. Nothing.


Look at this. Wow. That's--
That's really great work.


- Look at this. Beautiful.
- Uh, you want to, uh, walk?


- Sure.
- Shh.


I-- I gotta tell you,
you-- you got great kids.


Yeah, they are great kids.


But you don't really know that yet,
George, because you don't know them...


and you don't know me.


- Well, I'm tryin' to get to know you.
- I know.


I-I really want to keep
my life very simple.


Even predictable.
That's why I moved here.


I don't like surprises,
and I don't like complications.


What happened to you, Lace?


- Oh, I'm sorry.
Th-That's none of my business.
- No, no. It's okay.


Oh, I'm so sorry.


So, let me ask you
something, George.


When a man comes over
with a basket full of tomatoes,
what is he expecting?


- Dinner?
- No, no, no.


Just hoping.


Charlock folium.
Look at--


Uh, you don't have any purple
in those flowers I got you, do you?


Whoa. Did you--
Did you feel that?


- Feel what?
- Uh... oh!




Uh, uh, come here.
Come here. Let's see.


- Okay.
- Feel that, right there.


Feel what?


Oh, God. I think
I know what this is.


- What?
- C-C-Can I use your phone?




Okay. Yeah.


Just east of Harmon. Do you
know which one I'm talking about?


No. I-l-I was told to call you, and-- and I'm
telling you right now...


that I picked up on
some activity.


No, we didn't use
any instrumentation.


No, I don't have a degree,
and I haven't studied anywhere,
but I'm just trying to--


Are you shutting me down here?
Is that what's going on?
Are you trying to shut me down?


Look, I'm just trying to tell you that
I felt the compression waves, okay?


ultralow frequency waves.


N-N-Now, they have the ability
to make you nauseous and--
and dizzy. Am I right?


Okay. Well, that's what I felt.
And-- And I'm trying to tell you...


th-that I think that there--


There's an earthquake coming.


Um, listen, Al. Why don't you put
some masking tape on the cupboards?


- And, Glory, bring the vases
down, and the china.
- Okay.


This is good, Lace.


- I think you're a good cook.
- No, I'm not.


I only make two things
pretty well--


pork chops
and, um, turkey.


Which is this?


I'm-- I'm just--






- Oh, you!
- I was just joking.


Oh, please!


Oh, you scared me!


Not funny.


- Outside?
- Thanks.


- All right. Can I say it now?
- What's that?


- You've got great kids.
- Oh, thanks.


- And I thank you for dinner.
- You're welcome.


- And good night.
- Good night.


- Good night.
- Yeah.


Shh. She's coming.


- Tell her.
- You tell her.




- He's neat.
- Yeah, he's nice, isn't he?


Yeah, but he thinks he saw a U.F.O.,
and he thinks he can predict earthquakes.


There may be a warning here.


But he never said for sure
it was a U.F.O.


Oh, Jesus!
Doorway, doorway!


Let's get in the truck.
Get in the truck!


- It's over, Mom.
- I know it's over. Let's go! Now!


Did you feel it? Huh?


Did you get scared? Huh?


Do you realize
the possibilities of this? Huh?


Do you know what this means?


You felt it, didn't you?


- You did!
- What is going on, George?


- Wasn't that amazing?
- Tell me what's happening.


I don't know!
I don't-- I don't know!


I need the simple truth, George.


This is the truth. Wh-Wh-What's
happening to me i-is the truth.


Oh, no.




I love those chairs, Lace.
I love them.


I did--
Y-You made them.


Okay? All right?


I-I wanted to see you.


Bring them back to your shop tomorrow.


- I'll give you your money back.
- I don't want my money back, Lace.


I just asked you for one
thing, George. The truth.


And you couldn't handle it.


George, haven't you
called her yet?


Never mind about that now, will you?
Now, this is the second one.


- Gladiolus. Remember that.
- How do you know
she's still mad at you?


- I know. Now. All right.
- Write her a note.


No, no. I found this.
Classic five-bed garden pattern.


Flowers. You should
send her flowers or candy.


Yeah. Marigolds, gladiolas,
roses, et cetera.


And I went to the library, and l
looked up the missile silo pattern...


at the Masterson Air Force Base.


I made my-- my own overlay.
And here we go.


- There.
- Yeah.


See, that's their--
that's their garden. You see?


Well, that's old stuff, and it's--
it's, uh, declassified. But now, this--


This stuff is trickier. This is, uh, trigraphs
and tetragraphs and ABBA class.


- George.
- Yep?


- Well, you just tell me
what you want me to send.
- Right.


Okay, send this.
Why don't you send this?


"Mind your garden. Frost
coming. Luck on the Mozop."


- Wanna know what "Mozop" is?
- That's okay. It's your game, George.


- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey,
you sat in this chair yet?
- It's nice.


- Yeah, yeah.
- You should give her a call right now.


Nah. Let her cool off.


I figure I'll give her about a year.


Pick up the phone
and call her, George.


Look who's talkin'.
Diana Ross fan club.


Have you said ten words
to a woman this year?


Ah, I'm sorry, Nate.


Your transmission's finished, sir.


I've just been goin' through
some things lately.


Everybody's goin' through something.


I know, but, uh--


This thing's been hard
for me to handle.


Let me show you something.


You suppose
they magnetized you?


I don't know, buddy.


I wish I did.


- What've we got here?
- Hurry up! Get in there.


- Dor na barriga.
- One of you go to the garbage...


and bring me any food
containers you find.


Somebody else go in the cabinets...


and look for damaged
or swollen cans.


- Food poisoning.
- I think.


Now, what the hell is he
saying? Who speaks Spanish?


That's Portuguese.
They just came in last week.


- Portuguese?
- Berto, onde esta?


He's trying to tell us
something about Berto.


That's the little one.
It's a little boy.


All right, some of you search
around here for the kid.


I'm gonna tell you right now
he could be pretty darn sick.


Now, Bonnie, wait.


Get on the phone and get
George Malley over here.


Tell him what's going on and tell him to stop
at the library for a English-Portuguese book.


Tell him to find out how to ask
where a lost boy is. Got that?


- George Malley?
- You bet.


George. Go on, do it.
Just go on. Go on!


- Don't you answer that?
- Not when I'm working.


I been farmin' all my life,


but this growth is amazing, George.


This is embarrassing.


You know, I want to try
this fertilizer in your south 40.


You just sprayed my boots.
It's the worst soil in the county.


I can't even get weeds
to grow in that field.


But I bet we can get corn
to grow in that field.


You bet? You don't have
any money to bet.


You spent all your money
on chairs, remember?


- George Malley?
- Yeah, I'm George Malley.


I-I'm John Ringold.
We talked on the phone the other day.


- John Ringold? From Berkeley?
- Yes. Yes.


- Right! Hi.
- Yeah.


- Hey, I'm glad you came by.
- Will your dog let me step out?


Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, he just
has a thing for seismologists.


Now, come on out.


- Thank you.
- Yeah, this is my friend, Nate Pope.


- How do you do?
- How do you do?


- L-Let me get you a cold drink. Come on in.
- From the university, huh?


- Yes.
- Uh-huh.


And, uh, we are very interested
in how you were able to predict
that earthquake, Mr. Malley.


Oh, that.


You see, l-I just picked up
the subsonic frequency waves, right?


And, of course, I was standing
on the fault, so that made it easier.


- What instrumentation did you use?
- Just me.


If you think that's something,
you should see him move stuff with his brain.


Nate! Never mind that. You see,
I felt the ultralow frequency waves.


And they kind of made me dizzy
and nauseous, right? And
that's how I perceived all this.


We've been studying quake
prediction for ten years.


There's no record of any person
ever feeling the prequake activity.


Now there is.


We have some U.L.F. equipment
in our labs.


Could you come in
for an experiment?


- Come to Berkeley?
- Yes.




Well, my department would like
to interview you and clear this up.


I-I would be-- I would be
so glad to come to Berkeley.


D-Do you think that I could meet with--
with some other departments as well?


I-I have some experiments that
I'd like to show you. Come with me.


They're nice.


All right.
Well, uh, let's see.


Um. Oh, oh, yes, here.
Okay, now, look, um--


I've taken solar panels, and I've
actually germinated the seeds...


th-that made these--
th-th-these plants grow.


I'm trying to change the
electromagnetic field, right?


- Uh, Mr. Malley?
- I took, uh, incandescent light...


- Mr. Malley.
- and turned it into sunlight,


which actually made these--
these plants grow.


- Mr. Malley.
- Oh. Now look,
l-l-I took pig manure...


and I turned it into a fuel, which l-l
believe will actually run an automobile.


All I'm interested in
is the earthquake.


We need to know
if that was a fluke.


A coincidence.


A fluke?


George, why don't you move
something with your mind?


Maybe move his, uh--
or something like that?


- Look, Mr. Ringold.
- Doctor.


D-Dr. Ringold, uh, look--


Look. I-- I've got-- I've
got my garden out there, and
that acts like a lab, right?


And I've got-- And I've got
everything that you see here.


- But l-- I really need to talk
to people like you, okay?
- Hey, George!


George! Are you home?


- Please don't go, okay? Just please don't go.
- George, get out here!


Hey, George!


George! Doc says
you better come right now!


- What's the matter?
- Come on, man! It's an emergency!


You gotta learn how to talk Portuguese
on the way over there.


I gotta go.




- Learn Portuguese?
- Why don't you go along, Professor?


George! Doc's inside.
He thinks it's food poisoning.


Hey, George.


Hey, Doc. George is here.


He's gonna be fine, George,
but his grandson is missing.


Now, if they ate the same thing,
the boy could be a lot worse off.


- You brought the book?
- Yeah, I have it.


Okay. Ask him
where the boy is.


Onde esta o menino?


- Va ao pomar.
- He's in orchard.
He said, "He's in the orchard."


- Right. Okay.
- Diga.


Meu neto, Alberto.


- Uma coisa que eu comi.
- Mmm.


Eu tenho medo. Vao depressa achar
o Alberto. Depressa!


He said that they ate something bad,
and he thinks the boy-- the boy is sick.


Calma. Eles irao
encontrar o menino.


O doutor vai dar uma coisa
para ficar melhor.


Calma, calma.


Obrigado. Obrigado.


Tito drove the truck
while l-I read the book.


George Malley! You learned
the Portuguese language in 20 minutes?


Not all of it.


-What are we lookin' for here? A kid?
-What's the kid's name?


- Alberto.
- Berto. Alberto. Yeah.




Now, let's spread out
and comb these-- comb these trees.


- Everybody, let's go. Look real careful.
- Okay.


- Call out his name.
- Alberto!


Boy! Alberto! Alberto!


- Alberto!
- Alberto!




Where are you, kid?


Alberto? Wherever
you are, we're coming.


George, what you got?


Huh? What?


- He's not in the orchard.
- Oh.


- He's sick, Doc.
- Oh.




- He's there.
- Where is he, George? Where?


- Over here.
- Okay. That's good.


We're with you.
We're with you.


What's goin' on?


- Oh. Ohh.
- You okay, George?


It's not me, it's him.


Tell me where he is.


I don't know! I don't know.


! Dios mio!


Look! There's a ladder under there!


Come on.


He was right!! Vayamos!
He's up here!


Doc? You better
get up here fast.


Good work, George.


So is, uh, Wednesday
good for you? Say 2:00?


- Sure, Wednesday is good.
- Should I send a car?


No, no, John.
I'll get there on my own.


And I'll have somebody
from solar energy there.


- And, uh, anything else?
- Yeah, automotive.


- D-D-Do you have an agricultural
school at Berkeley?
- Yeah.


Well, how about
for my fertilizer?


I'll take care of it.


Hey, George.


Esa mujer con Doc.


That's the little boy's mom.


She's the only woman
talks English, I think.


Oh. It's too bad she wasn't
here earlier, huh?


Yeah. But--


I guess she had to look
for work, man.


I want you to meet
a very special guy.


This is the man who--
who found your son. Okay?


Very special.
This is George Malley.


- This is Ella.
- Hello.


- Thank you.
- It's okay.


Thank you.


I'll take you to the hospital, okay?
Thank you, George.


- Way to go, patron.
- Do you know what kind
of work she was lookin' for?


Mmm. Cook, I think
they say. Housekeeper.


? Por que? You know somebody
who's looking?


- All right, Nate.
- Thanks, George.


I found a housekeeper for you.
A Portuguese woman. She cooks too.


I think she's perfect for you.


I don't know if I could eat
Portuguese food, George.


Well, she'll cook you
anything you want, Nate.


She'll try to make sense of that
so-called house that you live in.


- She speak English?
- Oh, a bit. But, uh--


That's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna work on your Portuguese.


- Me?
- Yeah. You got a problem with that?


No, no. It's, uh-- I don't know
if that's gonna work, George.


All right. Well, let's try it.
What do you wanna say?


How about, uh, something like, um, um,
"Can you come twice a week?"


Okay. Can you come
twice a week?


Okay. Can you come
twice a week?


You are more beautiful than music.


That sounds complicated, George.


Oh, no! You got your
tape recorder and-- and, uh,
you'll learn it phonetically.


No problem.
What else?


- Uh, "How much per day?"
- How much-- Okay. Good.
How much per day?


Your face is like a poem.


- I like that one. That one's nice.
- Yeah. Yeah.


- What else?
- Okay, okay. Uh--


- Uh, "Can you start next week?"
- Perfect. Logical, right? Okay.


- Yeah, yeah.
- Can you start next week?


And in your eyes... heaven.


- Beautiful language, huh?
- That's it?


Yep. Work on those.


You know, George,
I might be pretty good at Portuguese.


No. Oh, never mind.


We'll get used to 'em.


If you leave them alone,
they'll leave you alone.


It's a good arrangement.


- What are we reading?
- This.


What is this?
Where did you get this?


- From me.
- Oh, this is not a good choice for bedtime.


- Are you still mad at him?
- What's the difference?


He's neat, and they say he saved
that boy's life at the orchard.


- He's funny.
- We are funny enough. We laugh all the time.


Look, we're reading Black Beauty,
and we are not talking about men.


I've got enough to worry about.
Too much.


- What?
- Well, you guys, for one.


We're not little anymore.


I know you're not little anymore, sweetie.
But you think that George Malley is safe,


and you're afraid of coyotes.


You've got it all backwards.
Here. Find our place.


Go brush your teeth. I'll be right back.
Don't you have a report to do?


Did it.


"They're everywhere."


Oh, Al! Do you
really believe this?


Yeah. There's been a lot
of U.F.O. people coming into town...


since George saw...
what he saw.


The word's spreading, Ma.


You just believe what you want
to believe. Most people do.


You get over it.


Hey, I thought we were
getting ready for bed.




- Stop talking about him, all right?
- Why do you hate him?


- Because I like him.
- Told you.


Told you.


But if he was sitting here with us right now,
wouldn't you be watching him?


Wondering what's he thinking?


When's he gonna leave?


Is he gonna leave? Hmm?


We don't need that.


It's okay. Shh.


- He found the kid and left--
- I heard he took 20 minutes.


Twenty minutes, he read the whole
damn book, knew Portuguese.


- You were there!
- He went
running around in the orchard.


Shh. Here he comes.
Here he comes.


- Hey, George.
- Hello.


- Hi.
- Hi.


So, George.


How'd you feel
that earthquake comin'?


- Voices tell you?
- Voices? Hell, no.


What else do you know, George?


Well, I know you're
on the outs with Lisa again.


- How did you know that?
- Well, 'cause when she's livin' with you,


she makes sure
your clothes match.


- Poor Banes.
- Do you get messages, George?


Yeah. Well, yeah. When, uh,
Paulette delivers the mail, I do.


But today she was
two hours late.


I think we ought to do
something about that.


Complain or something.


- Earthquake. Earthquake. Can we--
- Well, you know, Jimmy.


It was just-- I was out by Ash Creek,
and I felt some vibrations, that's all.


- How'd you know where to find
the boy in that orchard?
- Oh, I don't know, Bonnie.


- Come on.
- Do you know what's going to happen?


Roger! Come on.
I'm sorry, l--


They say at the library
you read four books a day now.


Yeah, well, that was
last week, and--


l-- I better go.


How many languages
do you speak now?


- Excusez-moi, Jimmy.
- Huh?


If anything bad was
gonna happen, you'd tell us.


Won't you? Hey!


- All right.
- Excuse me?


- Hi, Lace.
- Hello.


I'm sorry I lied to you
about the chairs.


I-I just wanted you
to come to my shop...


so-- so you
would talk to me.


Instead of, um-- lnstead of always
walking away from me.


What do you want, George?


I want you to come to Berkeley
with me. I-I've been invited to
talk to, uh, some scientists...


about the earthquake thing
and about some of my-- my experiments.


You know, the-- the fertilizer
and the solar panels and--


- That's really nice.
- I'm excited, but l--


I guess I'm scared too.


I sure would like you
there with me.


- What for?
- Support.


Confidence. A friend.


You've got friends. You know everyone
in the whole area code.


I don't know. You know,
since that orchard thing, it--


People are different now.
They're-- I don't like it.


You know, the--
the funny thing is-- is that...


you're probably the only one
that-- that-- that's mad at me
for a good reason.


You're just tryin'
to make up.


Yes. I'm tryin' to make up with you.
I am tryin' to get a date with you.


And I would love it if you stood by me
while all those scientists...


and teachers ask me questions.


You know, l-I spent
half of school in detention.


- When?
- Wednesday.


- What time?
- Leave about noon.


I'll be outside your shop
at noon if I'm coming.


And if I'm not there--


Okay. Thanks, Lace.


�� Touch ��


�� Me in the morning ��


�� Then just walk away ��


�� We don't have tomorrow ��


Uh... one second.


One second.
Here I come.


You are Mr. Pope?


You are Mr. Pope?


I am Michaela.


"Mick-Ella." Mm?


- You're Ella?
- Uh, yes.




- Oh. I-I'm sorry. Please.
- Oh. Um. Maybe you need to--


Yes, this is the place.


- I cook too. You need cooking?
- Cooking.


- Yeah.
- Good. Fine. Good.


- Um, how much you pay?
- Uh, l--


Oh, wait.


Uh, l-l-I speak
a little Portuguese.


Oh, muito bem!
Assim vamos entender-nos.


Uh, aonde aprendeu portugues?


I don't know what you
just said, but it sounded great.


- Um--
- Sorry.


Okay, uh, tomorrow
I come back.


9:00. Okay?


I work, and we talk about money.


No, wait.


Es mais bonita
do que uma sinfonia.


That's all I really know.


That and, um--


Teu rosto e um poema.


E teus olhos, o ceu.


Is that right?


You're cute.


- Tomorrow.
- Mm.


Tomorrow, then.


C.Q. C.Q.


This is WB6QLF.


Diana, if you can hear me,


I know you'll
understand this.


I just met...


an angel...
from Portugal.




In my house.


You George Malley?


Jack Hatch, F.B.I.


Nate Pope sent a coded message
to Masterson Air Force Base.


No, no, no. Nate-- Nate Pope did not send
a coded message to the air force base.


- l-I did.
- Well, who taught you
the cipher, Mr. Malley?


Nobody. I just broke--
broke the code.


- Who trained you?
- As I said, nobody. I--


Oh, man.






Can't do it.


You can do it, Mr. Malley.


Too complex.


We're releasing Nathan Pope.


It's about time.
Can I talk to him?




Try this one.


You know, i-it was just a game,
okay? I mean, a game.


You caused the cancellation
of a top secret training exercise, Mr. Malley.


The scrapping
of an entire cipher system.


You cost the government
a lot of money.


So bill me.


I think he's
what he says he is-- a fluke.


- He's an independent, playing
some kind of genius games.
- I want him tested.


- Can't keep holdin' him.
- Y es, we can.


- He resisted arrest.
- No, he didn't.


Y es. He did.


Test him.


All right. I'll
start the questions,


and I'll be timing
your responses.


And we'll be recording.
Any questions?


- What's your first name?
- Uh, my first name is Bob.


- Hi.
- Shoot, Bob.




Name as many mammals
as you can in 60 seconds.


Ready? Go.


Hmm. Sixty seconds.


Well, how would you like that?
How about alphabetical?


Aardvark, baboon, caribou,
dolphin, eohippus,


fox, gorilla, hyena,
ibex, jackal, kangaroo,


Iion, marmoset, Newfoundland, ocelot,
panda, rat, sloth, tiger, unicorn,


varmint, whale, yak, zebra.


Now, varmint is a stretch.
So is Newfoundland.


That's a dog breed.


Unicorn is mythical;
eohippus is prehistoric.


But you weren't being very specific,
now, were you, Bob?


Well. Uh, I'll--


I'll try to be
more specific.


- Ready for the next one?
- Shoot.


Answer as quickly as you can.


How old is a person born in 1928?


Man or woman?




- Specifics, Bob.
- Okay. One more time.


How old is a man born in 1928?


Still alive?


If a man is born in 1928...


and he's still alive, how old is he?


What month?


If a man was born...


October 3, 1928,


and he's still alive, how old is he?


What time?


10:00... p.m.


- Where?
- Anywhere!


Well, let's get specific, Bob. I mean,
if the guy's still alive, born in California,


October 3, 1928,
10:00 p.m.,


he's 67 years, 9 months,
22 days, 14 hours and--


and 12 minutes.


If he's born in New York,
he's three hours older, now, isn't he?




How do you do that?


How do you-- How do you
make that pencil move?


Is that a trick pencil?


No. I ask it to move.


I mean, I could say
that I will it,


but that would be
more like a command.


This is more like
a collaboration, a partnership.


- Partnership?
- Mm-hmm.


- With a pencil.
- Well, why not?


We're all made up
of the same stuff, aren't we?


- Wood?
- Energy, Bob.


- You know, the little pieces.
- Right, yeah.


I wanna go home. How the hell
can I get home, Bob?


I don't know. Sorry.




- They say you haven't slept.
- Mm.


Who's that?
My keepers?


I'm all right.


You know, you're a pretty gifted man,
Mr. Malley.


No, no, really. We were hopin'--


Well, I was kind of hopin' that you might find
something that you enjoy doing.


Something useful in our world.


- Your world?
- lntelligence.


Ah, no, no, no.


It's home for me, Jack.
I'm jumpin' out of my skin here.


I mean, I want my life.


I-I want my life.


What do you want?


- It's not what I want.
- What do they want?


They want to feel safe.


They don't feel safe
with you out there.


Whoa. Why would they? They've been
havin' me break codes all night.


Secret codes.
I mean-- There--


I shouldn't be listening to a code
from Britain to Saudi Arabia.


These are our allies! I-lf you guys
are gonna accuse me of a crime...


or keep me here,
uh, I'll tell the press.


Or I'll call London
or Riyadh.


I know all the, uh,
capitals now, by the way.


You can test me.


My interest in Mr. Malley has to do
with seismology and geology.


It has nothing to do
with security issues.


Oh, I know. But that's
not the point. Mr. Malley has
been released without charges.


But he is considered
a security risk.


I'll be frank with you.
He's an unknown quantity.


We'd feel better,
for the time being,


if he wasn't granted any access
to the institutions...


where sensitive government projects
are in the works.


- Access?
- Access even to personnel.


- Lace!
- Oh.


l-It's me.


- Hi.
- Hi.


Sorry l-- I didn't come
through the front door,


- but I was so afraid I'd wake the kids.
- Oh, that's okay. That's okay.


- Are you all right?
- Yeah. I wanted to see you.


Nate told me about the F.B.I.


- I'm so glad they let you go.
- Yeah, well, they had no choice.


But they-- they are
watching me so closely.


I think I scare them.


You scare me too.


I do?




Listen, George.


It's getting really
complicated. I just--


I just don't know
what's gonna happen next.


I should probably
leave you alone, shouldn't l?


I-- I guess so.


I'll see you.






- You want a beer, George?
- Yup.


Look, Nate.


I am really sorry
for what happened. Okay?


I told them everything, George.


I told them everything
about you. Everything.


Well, you know, that's
supposed to happen. Okay?


- I mean, you know, it's, uh--
- You just think you're
not gonna be so scared.


And you're just sittin' there.
You don't know what's gonna happen.


And then all of a sudden,
something happens inside you, right?


You don't know
what it is, but--


It's all right.
I-lt was my game. You know?


What'd they do to you, George?


They tested me.


Wh-What'd they find out?


I'm pregnant.


That's how it feels.


- How what feels?
- You know, to be full of ideas
and you can't deliver. Okay?


I mean, you know, you're ready
to break out, and you can't deliver!


Y-You know, uh, this professor,
he won't even talk to me.
He won't even talk to me.


- You're not going to Berkeley, George?
- Come on. Me at Berkeley?


- That's a thought, huh?
- I'm sorry, buddy.


You mean inventions?
You got inventions?


No, no, ideas. Okay?
I got a thousand ideas a day.


E-Every d-damn minute! Okay?
B-Big "holy cow" kind of ideas.


And little "what if" ideas, all right?


I-I got you-- ideas for you,
Jimmy. Look at this.


Look at this. Your parking lot.
It's laid out all wrong, okay?


Now, if you just
follow this, right?


You can put six more cars in,
and nobody gets fender benders.


All right? Where's Paulette?
Where is she?


Bonnie. Here. Take this.
It's a new route for her mail, okay?


Now, if she does this, she can
save an hour a day and everybody
gets their mail by 3:00.


Imagine! 3:00. Oh, and I got
a "holy shit" idea too. Look at this.


Now, this may be the most efficient
way to store solar energy. Okay? Take it!


- Well, what am I gonna do with it?
- What the hell...


am I supposed to do
with it, huh?


You know what that light was?
You know what that sound was?


- Tell us. Well, tell us!
- I'm gonna tell you what it was.


- It was a damn alien!
- Don't say that. You don't know what it was.


- I know what it is, Nate.
- You don't know what it was!
Don't say that!


- Well, tell us!
- It's a goddamn mistake is what it is!


Okay? It was supposed
to happen to someone smart.
Someone-- Someone scientific.


Someone who's a leader.
But it didn't. It happened
to me, George freakin' Malley!


Look at him!
Now, look at him! Look!




- Are you okay?
- Yeah.


- I'm sorry.
- Well, i-it's all right.


- l-l-I'll pay for it.
- All right.


Bonnie. Bonnie, please.
I-It's okay.


Oh, man.




- Okay.
- Who was that? A customer?


It's Banes. He says
he can't work here no more.




Well, why didn't he
talk to me?


Little bit scared, I guess.


- Jesus Christ.
- Look, George. It'll wear off.


They'll forget. Their cars
are gonna break down--


- Hi.
- Hey, Doc.




Energy vibrations?
What is it?


- I don't know.
- Telekinesis? What?


- Yeah, maybe. Uh, maybe, yeah.
- Think it's gettin out of hand?


Look, look. I-- I was mad, all right?
I was pissed off, and I'm not mad now, okay?


Good. I'll sound the all clear,
call off the paratroopers.


Jesus, George.
Now, listen.


- You owe me a CAT scan.
I want more blood.
- Mm-hmm.


- Also, you look like hell.
- Aah. That's good. Doc, what's
the matter with everybody?


They won't give me a chance
to explain anything.


I look-- I look at them,
and they-- they look at me like
I'm a green bug or something!


- Give them some time, George.
- Now, look! I have an idea.


Now, you look at this.
Now, look at this.


Now, look at that. Now, l-I'm
a big deal at the Harmon library.


I-I can take up to 30 books
a night. Okay?


And I told them I'd be part of this.
I said that l-I'd put out a table.


- Pressure is way up there.
- Then I would sit there, and
they could ask me questions.


You know, "Meet George Malley."
What do you think?


- Uh, like a circus attraction.
- Oh, God, Doc. Please?


You know, l-- See, l-I can explain
to them once and for all.


I-I could share my ideas with
them. Y-You know. And then l-l
could get my life back together.


Come see me for that scan.
Take it easy on sugar and salt. Okay?


And do like I told you all your life:
Breathe in and out. Okay, George?




- Come on, give it.
- No.


- Give it! Come on!
- No! You're not careful.
You'll break it.


- Al! What've you got there?
- Please,
I just wanna look at it.


Hey. That's dangerous, sweetie.


- He bought it.
- What?


It's a piece of the mirror George broke.
Richard Smick is selling them at school.


- Oh, you're kidding.
- It's hot! Feel it.


- That's not hot!
- Richard said the aliens probably
took George Malley away...


- and put this man in his place.
- This man?


Like he's not human.


That's really dumb.
And it's really mean.


Can't they just look in his eyes
and see who he is? Can't you?


Do you remember when Daddy left,
how people treated us differently?


Even our so-called friends?


Remember how much it hurt?
You don't do that to people.


How much you pay for that?


- A... quarter.
- A dollar.


- What's the truth, Al?
- I paid a dollar. I was gonna
check it with my magnets.


Wait a minute, wait a minute,
wait a minute.


- Do you see something
really strange in there?
- What?


- What?
- A sucker.


- No.
- You paid a dollar for nothing.


- You're a goner!
- Nice job, Al!










I just--
I just called you.


- You did?
- Mmm. Come in. Come in.


I'm so-- so glad you came.


Well, I was just--


Why-- Why were you calling?


I found some things out, Lace.


Things, uh,
are coming clearer to me.


Or at least they're--
they're starting to.


- Things?
- Mmm.


I want to talk
to the people, Lace.


I-I don't want them to be
scared of me or-- or frightened.


I-I mean, I wanna--
I wanna tell them what I know.


So I've-- I've decided
to speak at the library fair.


Do you-- Do you think that
they'll listen to me?


What would they do?
Throw stones?


Oh, my God. Please, sit down.
I can't believe this.


- Would you like something
to drink? A beer?
- No.


What? What can I get you?




�� I can hear her heartbeat ��


�� From a thousand miles ��


�� And the heavens open up ��


�� Every time she smiles ��


�� And when I come to her ��


�� That is where I belong ��


�� And I'm runnin' through her ��


�� Like a river song ��


�� She gives me love
love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


�� She gives me love
love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


�� She's got a fine
sense of humor ��


�� When I'm feelin' low down ��


�� And I'm comin' to her ��


�� When the sun goes down ��


�� Take away my troubles ��


�� Oh, take away my grief ��


�� Take away my heartaches ��


�� In the night like a thief ��


�� She gives me love
love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


�� She gives me love
love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


�� And I need her
in the daytime ��


�� I need her ��


�� And I need her in the night ��


�� I need her ��


�� And I wanna throw my arms ��


- �� Around her ��
- Have you done this before?


- Nope.
- �� Kiss and hug her ��


�� Kiss and hug her tight ��


�� Ah ��


Up or down?


- Down.
- �� When I'm returning ��


�� From so far away ��


�� Gives me some sweeter lovin' ��


�� Brightens up my day ��


�� And it makes me righteous ��


�� And it makes me whole ��


�� And it makes me mellow ��


�� Right down to my soul ��


�� She gives me love
love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


�� She gives me love
love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


- �� Love, love ��
- Is it close enough?


- �� Love, love
Crazy love ��
- You tell me.


- �� You give me love ��
- �� Love, love ��


- �� Give me love ��
- �� Love, love ��


- �� Crazy love ��
- Ah, that's pretty close.


- �� Love ��
- �� Love, love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


- �� You give me love ��
- �� Love, love, love, love ��


�� Crazy love ��


You're running away?


Are you coming back?




Hope so.


- Let me see the popcorn.
- No.


Good luck, George.


Oh, hi, Doc.


- Welcome.
- Do you improve your mind
with all this reading?


Yes, Doc.


Lady Chatterley's Lover?




Yeah. Uh-- All right, well,
you know, that's kind of a--


That's kind of a code book
for anyone who, uh,


wants to understand
a woman's heart and mind;
l-I read it twice.


Can you, uh-- Can you
name the presidents forwards
and backwards for these people?


No. But I can name some,
uh, forward presidents
and some backward ones.


You know, l-I can really only tell you
what I've read in these books.


- He looks better.
- Yeah. Yeah. He does.


I seem to have an increased
capacity for-- for learning.


- Right now.
- How do we know you've read
all these books?


Well, um, ask me
something. Uh--


I'd be-- I'd be glad to answer
any question that you have, or--


How did you break that mirror, George,
without even touching it?


Now, I want to talk to you
about that, Banes,


because I know-- I know you've
been worried about it, and, um--


Okay. Come here. Come here.
Everybody gather closely.


I'm gonna--
May I use your glasses?


What you're about to see is not
a trick. Okay? I-It's just, um--


Well, l-let's just call it
an experiment in energy.




- Well, everything there is...
- You getting this?


is made up of some
living energy, okay?


See, now, all this is--
is, uh-- is kind of a dance...


or partnership between
the energy coming from me...


and the, uh, energy
of the plastic.


- Now-- Now, th-th-that's it.
- Well, why can't we do it?


Well, focus. Um, uh,
clarity of thought.


I-I don't know.
M-Maybe you can, Banes.


What about the U.F.O.s?
What are they?


- I don't know that either.
- Yes, you do. Yes, you do!


Um, this power began the night
that you saw the object in the sky.


Th-That-- That was a light.
Now-- Now, let me just finish this one thing.


N-Now, we're talking
about a partnership.


Do you-- Do you know what the largest
living organism in the world is?


Okay. It's a grove of aspen trees
in Colorado, acres of aspens.


Okay. Now, they thought
they were disconnected, separate.


But, indeed, they found out
that they weren't.


That-- That there was one giant organism
with the same root system.


Uh, what sort of light was it?


- Now-- Now, that's not unlike us.
- Answer the question!


- We think that-- that--
- Why won't you tell us what you
know about the U.F.O.s?


- Can you move the table?
- How did you feel when you saw that light?


- I think you know more than you're telling us!
- Now, imagine--


Have you seen the light
since the 28th?


- Are you hiding something?
- Hey! Come on!


- Just put your hands on my boy.
- It was aliens.
- Move the glasses some more!


- Can you bend spoons?
- We know what you can do.


- Leave George alone!
- Touch the boy!
- Please, he's dying.


George! George!


George. George, can you see me?


George. George.
You okay?


Mr. Malley?
Are you all right?


Good to see you.


You look sorrowful.




What's the matter? Can't think
of any more tests to give me?


How did you, uh, manage
to get your pressure to come down?


Oh, I found my pace.


Simple thing, really.
Hard to explain.


Why, you figure
I'm too thick?


What I figure about you...


is that you're stalling.


I'm not stalling, though.
I'm-- I'm waiting.


- For what?
- Reinforcements.


Ah. Yeah.


You pick good people.


You bet.


See, uh--


George. George.


There's a tumor
in your brain...


that's spread out like a hand.


Threads of it,
you know, everywhere.


But instead of dysfunction--
Now, here's the mystery, George.


Instead of destroying
brain function,


so far, it's been stimulating it.


And we can't understand that.


You have more area of active brain use
than anybody ever tested.


Ever. B-Because
of those tentacles.


I mean, we've seen tumors like this before.
It's called astrocytoma.


And it explains the--
the dizziness and...


the illusion of light.


But the way it's in there,
waking up areas of the brain,


it's a...


big mystery, so--


And it's killing me.


- Well, uh--
- For sure?


We got a call from the best brain man
in the country.


I mean, actually he's one
of the best in the world.


He's gonna study your tests
and then talk to you.


But, uh, the blood flow
is in danger now.


And, uh, you're gonna
start to weaken, maybe...


black out.


We-- We really don't know.


But it's a damn
lousy scenario, you see.


Let me sit down here a minute.


Goddamn it.


S-Something happened
about 25 years ago...


when you broke your leg
and I set it, George.


I don't know what
to call it. But, uh--


Somehow you got into
my heart more than most.


And for--


And for a man who's never been a father,
I sure feel like I'm losing a son.




Georgie. Yeah.


Can I do something
for you, George?


- Anything?
- Yes.


Next spring,
when you plant the south 40,


I want you to use the new fertilizer.
I want you to put corn in that field.


And I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking...


that it's just too tough
a-a crop, but it's not.


I'm telling you.
You'll get four to five years...


without rotation.


Now, trust me on this.




I'm gonna wait outside.


- Okay.
- Doc, you wanna... come with me?


Yeah. Okay.


Bye, Doc.


Now, uh, he didn't say how long.


Days or weeks.


They don't--
They don't know.


I'm so sorry, Lace.


I know how you hate surprises.


I tried so hard
not to love you.


- How'd you make out?
- Terrible.


Hey. Would you, uh,
love me the rest of my life?


Nah. I'm gonna love you
for the rest of mine.


George Malley?
I'm Dr. Wellin.


George, I'm recording this
because I'm going to be asking you...


- some very important questions.
- Mm.


- You ready?
- Not another test.


No. No, no.


No more tests.


A dialogue.


I'm going to ask for your permission for
my team to perform open-brain surgery.


But I don't want you to answer...


- 'til we've had our dialogue.
- B-B-But y-you said
that this tumor was inoperable.


I think the odds
are very small,


say, one
in five hundred,


that we'd be able to remove enough
of the tumor to even prolong your life.


- Well, why-- why--
- But what I want to explain...


is that this would not be
a lifesaving operation.


This would be--


Call it an expedition.


This would be a voyage
of discovery.


You're in a position to contribute
as much to our knowledge...


as any man or woman
who's come before you.


And if you were to wait,
and, uh, do this operation...


after I'm done with my brain,
what would, uh--


If that's what you want, yes,
an autopsy. That's all we'll do.


But that wouldn't be
as useful.


The study of a living,
active brain would tell us volumes.


All right, so, if you were to do this operation,
wouldn't it most likely kill me...


or at least shorten my life?


George, l-- I'm asking you to try
and see the larger picture.


- Mm-hmm.
- To realize what you have...


to offer to us, the ones
you're leaving behind.


You could be our
greatest teacher, George.




I can be your biographer,
in a sense.


I can present you to the world.


But that's not me.
That's just my brain.


Do you understand?
Look, Doctor.


You know, I just might have something
to say in my last few hours.


I just might have
something to say.


What you're saying is that
I have something to teach.


And yet you're willing to end me
to study my brain under a microscope.


- N-Now, is that all I'm here for?
- What else?


- You're not a scholar or a--
- I'll tell you what I am, okay?


I-I'll tell you what I think I am.
I think I'm what everybody can be.


- Everyone with a malignant, tentacled--
- Oh, no, no, no, no.


I-It's-- It's-- Th-Th-That just
helped me get here, okay?


I mean, anybody can get here. It's--
I'm-- I'm the possibility, all right?


I mean, I think you've got this
desperate grasp on, uh, technology...


and this grasp on science,
and, uh, you don't have a--


a hand left to--
to grasp what's important.


- George, now, George--
- If I had to choose between
a tumor that got me here...


and some flash of light
from an alien craft,


I'd choose the tumor; I would,
because it's here within us.


What I'm talking about
is the human spirit.


That's the challenge. That's the voyage.
That's the expedition.


You need to go now.


I need my rest,
and, uh, I wanna go home.


Hey, hey, hey.


- I tried to release my patient.
Now, what's going on?
- It's done.


- What's done?
- We didn't feel George Malley was
competent to make the decision.


He's a surgical patient now.


Oh, what did you tell the judge?
That you could save him?


- I might prolong his life, yes.
- Bullshit.


If he were rational, he'd say yes.
You know he would.


Now I know
why you guys wear masks.


Yeah, if it was light enough, he could have
beenblowing on it with his breath.


You know, he could've
had a string.


So thin, you know,
like, uh, catgut.


He could've had it on his finger
and on the glasses, and he
could've made it move that way.


Don't you think he--
he could've, uh,


thrown s-something at that mirror somehow?
We just-- We just didn't see it.


- No way.
- That quake could've been a coincidence.


He just thought he knew stuff.
I mean, he just studied harder
on the Spanish, that's all.


It's not like he really knew stuff.
Just studied hard at chess...


and made us think
he was changing.


But-- You know, I mean, he never really
changed at all. Isn't that right, Doc?


I mean, he never really got
any smarter.


- Doc?
- Banes.


How's your lady love?


We, uh-- We broke up.


Oh. Really?
That's too bad.


Yeah. Now, George, he's got a love at
his side, and she's stickin' with him.


You know why? Because
he bought her chairs.


That's pretty smart to me.


You ever buy Lisa's chairs?


God, Doc's really
drunk tonight. God!


Every woman has her chairs. Something
she needs to put herself into, Banes.


You ever figure out what
Lisa's chairs were and buy 'em?




But you're right about one thing.
George never changed.


Never. No, never.


- Doc's makin' no sense tonight.
- Yeah. Maybe he caught it from George.


- Now, goddamn it, Doc!
- Why do you have to tear him down?


What are you so afraid of?
What have you got to lose?


He wasn't selling anything!
He didn't want anything from anybody!


He wanted nothing from nobody!
Nothing! Nothing!


And you people have to tear him down
so you can sleep better tonight?


So you can prove that the world
is flat? And sleep better tonight? Am I right?


I'm right.


To hell with all of you.
To hell with every one of you.


Dr. Robinson--


Hey, George. How you doin'?
Here you go.


- Drink up.
- All right.


Good job.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't take
the pudding. That's the good part.


Hey, is Cal around?


Sure. You wanna see him?


- Yeah. Thanks.
- Okay.


- Hey, dude. How's it goin'?
- Hey, man. All right.


- Can you stay for a few minutes?
- Sure.


- Saved you some pudding again.
- Oh, what a buddy.


I love this stuff.


Night, dude.


Hey, Doc. You seen him?


- Seen who? What?
- George Malley. He's out.
He sneaked out.


- We're lookin' all over for him.
- He's out?


Yeah, he flew the coop. Nobody knows
where he is. I heard it on the radio.


Flew the coop. Those F.B.I. guys are
gonna have me drivin' around all night.


I'm gonna be home late again.


I want you to take these
and give 'em to Doc.


These I'm taking with me because
I haven't finished 'em yet.


They're for Dr. Ringold.


This I wrote for you, Nate.
It's-- It's about soils and, uh,
some of my own thoughts.


- Your thoughts?
- Yeah.


- I could drive you.
- No, no, Nate. It's too chancy.


You gonna make it, man.


- Nate.
- George.






- I'll get it.
- Okay, now you put the top on it.


- I can do it alone.
- You, Al!


Mmm. Okay.


That tight enough?


Why don't you do it once more?


- Go ahead.
- Okay.


There you go.
Good. Now you fixed it.




You came here to die,
didn't you?


But l-- I like this place,
and, um,


I love the people here.


You know, if--
if we were to, uh,


to put this apple down...


and leave it,


it would be spoiled and gone
within a few days.


But if we were to take a bite
of it, like this,


it would become part of us.


And we could take it
with us forever.




Everything is on its way...


to somewhere.




That's a good bite.


Keep an eye out.


- Have you seen George Malley,
Ms. Pennamin?
- What's the point?


Look, it's not my call.


I haven't seen him.


You mind if l
get in your truck?




What's your first name?




How would you
want to die, Jack?


Come on. Let's go.


There you are.


I knew I'd find you here.


What are you working on?


Dr. Ringold's coming tomorrow,
and I just wanted to finish this up.


- Finish what?
- Ah, just some possibilities.


Hey, come sit by me.




You scared?




I wish I knew
what you feel.


Oh, you do.
You've always known it, Lace.


I'll show you.


When your children were babies,
how did you hold them?


And if they had a hard time sleeping
and you had to rock them to sleep,


well, how did you do it?




Hey. Look what I made
back there.


Ah, that looks like
a bed.


Are you expecting
to get lucky?


No. Just hoping.


�� When the road gets dark ��


�� You can no longer see ��


�� Just let my love ��


�� Throw a spark, baby ��


�� And have a little faith in me ��


�� And when the tears you cry ��


�� Are all you can believe ��


�� Just give these lovin' arms
a try, baby ��


�� And have a little faith in me ��


�� Have a little faith in me ��


�� Have a little faith in me ��


�� Have a little faith in me ��


�� Have a little faith in me ��


- Hey, I never kissed you there.
- Mm. No.


- Keeping track?
- Mm-hmm.


You going to sleep?


Are you?


No. And I don't want to sleep
unless you're sleeping.


I don't want to--


- Lace.
- What?


- Sweetheart.
- What?


Now, you have to listen to me now.




It's happening.


- No.
- Mm-hmm.


No. Wait, George. Wait.


- No.
- And it's gonna be okay.


- George.
- It's okay.


It's gonna be okay.




- Good-bye, honey.
- No.






Hello. I'm John Ringold.
I'm here to see George Malley.


Oh! I'm sorry, John.


George Malley
passed away last night.


l-I'm sorry.


He left these for you.


He said they're not finished.


You'll have to do it.


I'll do my best.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


- Good-bye.
- Bye.


Thank you, sweetie.


- Nate, they'll be waiting for you.
- We're comin'. We're comin'.


�� If I could reach the stars ��


�� Pull one down for you ��


�� Shine it on my heart ��


�� So you could see the truth ��


�� That this love
I have inside ��


- �� Is everything it seems ��
- Beautiful.


�� But for now I find ��


Whoo. Whoo.


- �� It's only in my dreams ��
- It's okay. It's okay.


- �� But I can't change the world ��
- Hey, Nate!


- Hi, Ella!
- You look beautiful.
What am I gonna do with this?


- What am I gonna do?
- �� You would think my love
was really something good ��


�� Baby, if you knew that I ��


- �� Could change ��
- Not here.


- �� The world ��
- It's not here.
Tell you where it is.


- It's right there!
- How did you do that?


- How did I do that? It's magic.
- Good job.


Can you hear her?
She just kicked.


- Baby, huh?
- Yeah.


- �� Change the world ��
- Have a cold one.


- You gettin' any rest?
- Not much.


Well, get it now, because there's
no sleepin' once the baby gets here.


- �� You would think my love
was really something good ��
- Check.


�� Baby, if I could ��


- �� Change ��
- Go on now. Think it through.
Think it through.


�� The world ��


�� Ah, ah ��


�� I was thinkin' out loud ��


�� One life's such a short time
for love ��


�� When a match made in heaven
arrives ��


�� Eternity is never enough ��


�� I need to dance ��


�� With life ��


�� Sweep you away
into the night ��


�� When there is no one else around ��


�� I will make every day count ��


�� We need to dance ��


�� With life ��


�� Swim in the soul
of your eyes ��


�� 'Til we melt
into the ground ��


�� Oh, we need to dance
with life ��


�� And leave a brilliant light ��


�� Behind ��


�� It's no secret
how I feel ��


�� This special moment
I love you ��


�� You seem to cover me up ��


�� And hide me deep ��


�� Deep in me ��


�� To dance with life ��


�� Breathe the sweet, fresh air ��


�� And make every second
your last ��


�� And I'll touch you
A full moon shall wake you ��


�� Make the most of the present
and the past ��


�� I need to dance ��


�� With life ��


�� Sweep you away
into the night ��


�� When there is no one else
around ��


�� I will make every day count ��


�� We need to dance ��


�� With life ��


�� Swim in the soul
of your eyes ��


�� 'Til we melt
into the ground ��


�� Oh, we need to dance
with life ��


�� And leave a brilliant light ��


�� Leave a brilliant light ��


�� Leave a brilliant light ��


�� Behind ��