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And that sweet city woman
She moves through the light


Controlling my mind and my soul


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Burn, baby, burn


Burn, baby, burn


Burn, baby, burn


'�����ֳ׿�, ��� ���ƿ�
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Burn, baby, burn


Disco inferno
Burn, baby, burn


Burn that mama down


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���! �� �� ������!


Getting down on the roof
Do you hear?


Folks were screaming
Out of control


It was so entertaining




When the boogie started to explode
I heard somebody say


Burn, baby, burn


Disco inferno
Burn, baby, burn


Burn that mama down




Came in a chain reaction


'���� ��������
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'������ ���ְ���
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The heat was on


Rising to the top






I heard somebody say


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I'm surviving every lonely day


- �ȳ�, ���
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- ���� & ���� �� ��
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And it doesn't matter how I cry


My tears of love


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Am I strong enough to see it through
Go crazy is what I will do


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If I can't have you


�ϸ� ����


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If I can't have you


If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby


If I can't have you


�Ƴ��̶� �� �ž�?




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Listen to the ground
There is movement all around


There is something going down
And I can feel it


On the waves of the air




If it's something we can share
We can steal it


�� ��ġ���
Ű���� ����̾�!


She moves through the light


Controlling my mind and my soul


When you reach out for me, yeah
And the feeling is bright


Then I get night fever
Night fever


We know how to do it


Give me that night fever
Night fever


We know how to show it


Here I am
Praying for this moment to last


Living on the music so fine
Borne on the wind


Making it mine


Night fever
Night fever


We know how to do it


Feels like forever, baby
Don't you know


Give me that night fever
Night fever


We know how to show it


Here I am
Praying for this moment to last


Living on the music so fine
Borne on the wind


Making it mine


Night fever
Night fever


We know how to do it


Feels like forever, baby
Don't you know


Give me that night fever
Night fever


We know how to show it


Feels like forever, baby
Don't you know


Give me that night fever
Night fever


We know how to do it


Feels like forever, baby
Don't you know


Give me that night fever
Night fever


We know how to show it


Feels like forever, baby
Don't you know


Give me that night fever
Night fever


We know how to show it


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'��Ƽī! ��Ƽī!'


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6, 7�� ����


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���� �㽽 ��?
��ƾ �㽽 ��?


- �� �� ��
- ����


Girl, I've known you very well
I've seen you growing every day


I never really looked before
But now you take my breath away


Suddenly you're in my life
A part of everything I do


You got me working day and night
Just trying to keep a hold on you


�� ���� �غ�


I found my paradise


My only chance for happiness


And if I lose you now
I think I would die


�װ� �������?


��, �ƴ�
TV���� �� �� ����




���� �����ص�...


��ø� ��ٷ� ��


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


More than a woman


- �̸� ��
- ��� ��?


���� �־�


"���� ����"


��, ������


���� �����ص�
������ �־�


��ƾ �����ε�


���� �̷��� ���
�ϳ�, ��, ��


��, ��, ��
��, ��, ��, ����, ��, ��


- �˾Ҿ�
- ������?


- ������
- ����


More than a woman to me


- ���� ���
- �׷�


- �ʰ� �㽽 �˾�?
- �׷�


����, �غ���


More than a woman


There are stories old and true
Of people so in love like you and me


And I can see myself
Let history repeat itself


Reflecting how I feel for you
Thinking about those people then


I know that in a thousand years


This is the only way that we should fly


This is the only way to go


And if I lose you
I know I would die


Oh, say you'll always be my baby
We can make it shine


We can take forever
Just a minute at a time


Minute at a time


More than a woman
More than a woman


More than a woman to me


Yes, you are, baby


More than a woman
More than a woman


More than a woman to me


- Ŀ�� ���Ƿ�?
- ����


���� ������ ��


�� �װ�
�̷� ���� ����


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�Կ� �ﱺ


- �׷� �� ��?
- �۽�


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���ݱ��� ���� �� ������
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- ����?
- �׷�, �� ��dz��


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�˰� �Ǹ� ������


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2001�� ����
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����� ������?




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�����غ� �� �־�?






�۽�, ��¼��


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�츰 �� �� ���


�� ����?


- �� �׷���?
- �� ��, ������


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- ��Ź�̾�
- �ƾ�


�� �����?
�׳� ������ �ָ� ����


��¥ ȭ���ϴٴϱ�


If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby


If I can't have you


If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby


If I can't have you


If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby


If I can't have you


- �� ���¾�, ���?
- ��, �츮 �� ����ũ��




Don't know why
I'm surviving every lonely day


When there's got to be


����, �Ծ�?


My life would end


- ���� ���̺��� ��
- �˾Ҿ�


My tears of love are a waste of time


If I turn away
Am I strong enough to see it through


Go crazy is what I will do


�𼼰� ���� ����


�ʶ� ���� ��Ÿ���ϱ�
������� ȫ��ó�� ��������


���� �߻����ݾ�


- ���� ���, �źδ�?
- �ź�? ���� �źΰ� �����?


�źζ� �θ��� ��
������ �� ȣĪ�� �ȴ���


�� Ŭ�� ������
Ȱ�Ⱑ ����


- ������
- �ٻ�����?




Burn, baby, burn
Disco inferno


Burn, baby, burn


- ���
- �ȳ�




ħ�뿡���� ȭ����?




ħ�뿡���� ȭ����?


- �� ħ�뿡�� �� ��
- �� ��


�� ��Ʈ�ʴ� �ƴѵ�
��·�� �Ƿ��� �����ٰ�


���, �� ���Ƿ�?
�ֹ��� ������


- ���� & ����
- ���� & ����


When my spark gets hot


I just can't stop


When my spark gets hot


�� ������
���� ����� �ž�?


- �ڴ�
- ��?


�� �Ƿ���
���� �Ƿ¿� ����Ѵٸ�


�� ħ�뿡����
������ ���ϰ�


�ٵ� �� ���ڵ���
������ �� ���� ������?


� ���ڵ���
���� ������ �𸣰ŵ�


- �˾�?
- �׷�?


�װ� �׾��ٰ�
�����߳� ����


�źδ�, �̰� �˾ƿ�?


�� ���� ģ����
������ ���縯 �����ε�


������ �� �Դ� ����
���� ���ִ��


���׷� ��, ��񸸿�


- �� �� ����?
- ����ũ�� �ҷ�


����ũ ��, ��, ����...




�ڸ� �� ������
��ϰ� �� ���� �����ְڴ�


- ���Ҿ�!
- �׷���!




My baby moves at midnight




Goes right on till the dawn


My woman takes me higher




- ����
- ������


What you doing on your back?


What you doing on your back?


You should be dancing




She's juicy and she's trouble


She gives it to me good


My woman gives me power


Goes right down to my blood


What you doing on your back?


What you doing on your back?


You should be dancing




What you doing on your back?


What you doing on your back?






My baby moves at midnight


���Ѵ�, ���!




My woman takes me higher


My woman keeps me warm


What you doing on your back?


What you doing on your back?


You should be dancing




Dancing, yeah


- �� �߳�
- ���� Ȳ����, �źδ�


- �ְ���
- ��¥ �������






�� ���� �־��, �źδ�


����ũ��� �ҷ�


����ũ ��, �� ���� �־��


�� ���� ģ������...
��� �輼��?


- �׷�
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����ũ ��, ��񸸿�


��Ȳ�� ���� ����


- �źδ�?
- ����ũ��ϱ�


�˾ƿ�, ����ũ


���ƿ�, ����ũ ��
�� ���� ģ����


�̸��� �����ε�...


���� ģ���� ��?




��, �¾ƿ�


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���� ����
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- �ƽ���?
- Ư��?


��, ������ �����ϴ� ��
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��Ȳ���� ���¿�
Ư���� �����ðڳİ�?


��, �����̶��
Ư���� �����ðھ��?


�װ� �� ��


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'���� �濬 ��ȸ����
1���� ���ҽ��ϴ�'


'1�� �����


- �����Ĵ� ������� �� �˾�?
- �ƴ�


- ����?
- �� �˾�


- ���� ���� �Ծ�?
- �ƴ�, ����


- Ȯ����?
- ��


'��, �½��ϴ�
�ٽ� �ѹ� �����帮��'


'���� �濬 ��ȸ����
1���� ���ҽ��ϴ�'


��¥ �� �ߴ���


- �����Ҿ�?
- �׷�


�� �׸� ������


- ���� ����?
- �׷�


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�� �̰���
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���� ���⼭
��� �� �˾Ҿ�?


�װ� �ƴ�����...


�׷��� �� �� �ִ�
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- �׷�, ������ �� ����
- �̾���, ���


�ƴϾ�, �̾��ϱ�


�� ��������, ��


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�׷�, ���߿� ��




�� ���� �� �Ծ�?


��� ��
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And I can't wait till I see you again


- ���, ���� ������?
- ������


���� �� �� ����


I want to put on
My, my, my, my, my boogie shoes


Just to boogie with you


I want to put on




My, my, my, my, my boogie shoes


Just to boogie with you


- ���� �����ص� ��
- ��?


������ ���谡 ����������


�����ص� �ȴٰ�


�Ƴ�, �����ϰ� �� �ϰ���
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�׷� �� ���ڶ�




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- ���⼭?
- �׷�


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�ٳ�ͼ� ����
�ٸ��� ����, �˾���?






- ����߳İ�
- ��?


- ���Ӿ� �Ծ���?
- �ƴ�


�� �Ծ���?


�׷� �� �ӿ�
����ִ� �� �߾�?


- �׷�?
- �ƴ�


�伭�� �� �߾�?


- �ƹ��͵�?
- �������


- ��� ���� �� �ߴٰ�?
- ������, �� �����


���� �峭��?


�Ͼ, ����


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- ��ٷ�
- ���!


���̳� �Ծ�


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�׷� �� �ž�


�Ƴ�, ��� �ǿ﷡?


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"��Ʈ ��ũ���� ����"


��û�� ���


�Ƴ�, �ٻ�����?
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�� Ÿ���̴�!


������, ��������!


���� ��!
���� �����ٰ�!


���� �ڽĵ�!


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- ���� ��?


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I don't want nobody, baby


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If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby


If I can't have you


If I can't have you


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Oh, girl, I've known you very well


I've seen you growing every day
I never really looked before


But now you take my breath away


Suddenly you're in my life
Part of everything I do


You got me working day and night
Just trying to keep a hold on you


Here in your arms
I found my paradise


My only chance for happiness


And if I lose you now
I think I would die


Oh, say you'll always be my baby
We can make it shine


We can take forever
just a minute at a time


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


There are stories old and true
Of people so in love like you and me


And I can see myself
Let history repeat itself


Reflecting how I feel for you


Thinking about those people then


I know that in a thousand years
I'd fall in love with you again


This is the only way
That we should fly


This is the only way to go


And if I lose your love
I know I would die


Oh, say you'll always be my baby
We can make it shine


We can take forever
Just a minute at a time


More than a woman


You are
More than a woman to me


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


More than a woman


More than a woman to me


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Well, you can tell
By the way I use my walk


I'm a woman's man
No time to talk


'��� ��������'


'�� ���� �����
��� ��������!'


And we can try
To understand


The New York Times'
effect on man


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I know your eyes in the morning sun


I feel you touch me in the pouring rain


And the moment
That you wander far from me


I wanna feel you in my arms again


And you come to me
On a summer breeze


Keep me warm in your love
Then you softly leave


And it's me you need to show


How deep is your love


How deep is your love
How deep is your love


I really need to learn


'Cause we're living in a world of fools


Breaking us down


When they all should let us be


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I know your eyes in the morning sun


I feel you touch me in the pouring rain


And the moment
That you wander far from me


I wanna feel you in my arms again


And you come to me
On a summer breeze


Keep me warm in your love
Then you softly leave


And it's me you need to show


How deep is your love


How deep is your love
How deep is your love


I really need to learn


'Cause we're living in a world of fools


Breaking us down


When they all should let us be


We belong to you and me


I believe in you


You know the door to my very soul


You're the light
In my deepest, darkest hour


You're my savior when I fall


And you may not think
I care for you


When you know down inside
That I really do


And it's me you need to show


How deep is your love


How deep is your love
How deep is your love


Well, you can tell
By the way I use my walk


I'm a woman's man
No time to talk


Music loud
And women warm


I've been kicked around
Since I was born


And now it's all right
It's okay


You may look the other way


And we can try
To understand


The New York Times' effect on man


Whether you're a brother
Or whether you're a mother


You're stayin' alive
Stayin' alive


Feel the city breaking
And everybody shaking


And we're stayin' alive
Stayin' alive


Stayin' alive
Stayin' alive


Stayin' alive


Well, now, I get low
And I get high


And if I can't get either
I really try


Got the wings of heaven
On my shoes


I'm a dancing man
And I just can't lose


You know it's all right
It's okay


I'll live to see another day


We can try
To understand


The New York Times'
effect on man

